Established in 2005 under support of MŠMT ČR (project 1M0572)

Conferences and Seminars

3rd European Workshop on Probablistic Graphical Models; PGM 2006.

Sep. 12 2006 9:00AM
Sep. 15 2006 11:59PM
Theoretical and applied contributions related to the following topics are welcome:

* Principles of Bayesian (belief) networks, chain graphs, decision networks, influence diagrams and other graphical models.
* Information processing in PGMs: exact and approximate inference and knowledge propagation algorithms, junction trees.
* Learning and data mining in the context of PGMs: machine learning approaches, statistical testing and search methods, MCMC simulation.
* Exploitation of results from related disciplines for the construction of PGMs, e.g. statistics, information theory, optimization, decision making under uncertainty, multivariate statistical analysis.
* Modeling and evaluation of PGMs; probabilistic expert systems.
* Theoretical foundations for PGMs: conditional independence, advanced graphical models, hidden variables.
* Software systems based on PGMs.
* Application of PGMs to real-world problems; classification.
* Any other aspects related to PGMs.
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