Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)


Relationship between properties characterizing independence equivalence in Bayesian networks and compositional models

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Název sborniku:
Proceedings of the 13th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making in Service Science
University Hall
Místo vydání:
Klíčová slova:
compositional model, bayesian network, equivalence problem
We present a simple characterizations of equivalent compositional model structures based on (A) invariant properties and (B) local transformations. It has been shown that one can transform any compositional model into Bayesian network representing the same joint probability distribution and vice versa. Moreover, every assertion of independence induced by a Bayesian network structure is also induced by the structure of the respective compositional model that is created from the Bayesian network and vice versa. That is why wa can simply compare characterization of equivalent compositional model structures together with the known characteristics of equivalent Bayesian network structures. We show which (A) invariant properties and (B)local transformations correspond each other. In opposite case we show what is its (invariant property, transformation) meaning in the other model structure.
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