Problem of Missing Data in Census - Who Are the Non-Response Respondents?
Konferenční příspěvek
Název sborniku:
Statistics - Investment in the future 2
Název dílu:
Mathematical methods in statistics
Prague University of Economics
Klíčová slova:
Census information, Statistical model, Missing data, Non-res
The confidentiality of census data is known to be rather restrictive for economic and social research. To improve the availability of census information we have proposed recently a new method of interactive presentation of census results by means of statistical models. The method is based on estimation of the joint probability distribution of data records in the form of a distribution mixture. The estimated mixture model can be used as a knowledge base of a probabilistic expert system and in this way we can derive the statistical information from the distribution mixture without any further access to the original database. The statistical model does not contain the original data and therefore the final interactive software product can be made freely available via internet without any confidentiality concerns.