Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)


Application of Computer Simulation in Information Systeme

Aug. 6 2007 8:00AM
Aug. 6 2007 11:59PM
The paper concerns a project of implementing an intelligent information sys?tem. The intelligence should cover different aspects, namely reactions to some natural language directives and anticipatory self-organizing. At the start phase, programming tools that will be able to cover the simulation models of the design variants are made and tested. They are structured into four main levels, namely (1) that of the world with communication in fuzzy terms, (2) that concerning the world of repeated existence of systems (used for managing a simulation study), (3) that oriented to simulation of information systems (used for managing individual simulation experiments), and (4) that directed to the anticipatory abilities of the simulated systems. The programming tools are implemented in SIMULA.
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