Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)


A Statistical Approach to Local Evaluation of a Single Texture Image.

Apr. 3 2007 2:00PM
Apr. 3 2007 3:00PM
místnost č.474, ÚTIA AV ČR
At the seminar, the concept of texture implicitly will be investigated. It suggests some local shift invariant statistical properties. Motivated by this idea we have shown in a series of papers that grey-scale textures can be modeled by estimating the joint probability density of grey levels in a suitably chosen observation window. The texture parts chosen by shifting the window (in a vector arrangement) can be viewed as observations of a random vector identically distributed with an unknown joint probability density. The method is based on estimation of the unknown probability density in the form of a normal mixture of product components by means of EM algorithm.

The method can be applied e.g. to identify defects or abnormalities in grey-scale texture images and also it can be used to evaluate screening mammograms. In view of the fact that most mammograms are pathology-free the malignant abnormalities should be identifiable via novelty (outlier) detection. In this way many diagnostically important details become visible and easy to identify.
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