Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)


Probabilistic Interaction Networks

Kulhavý R.
May. 19 2009 2:00PM
May. 19 2009 3:30PM
místnost č. 474, ÚTIA AV ČR
Understanding the dynamics of networked systems in business – in particular the interplay between the performance of an individual node and of the entire network – becomes a critical skill. Replacing mental models with a formal, quantitative model can improve such understanding and ultimately allow for systematic network optimization. To this end, the combination of stochastic system dynamics modeling of individual nodes with probabilistic graphical modeling of a network configuration will be proposed.
The seminar will discuss the economic substance and mathematical representation of node-to-node bonds. A general Bayesian solution of estimating unknown state and parameter values in the resulting model will be formulated. And finally, Markov chain Monte Carlo implementation of the proposed solution will be discussed.
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