Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)


Fast Adaptive Filtering Algorithms and their Implementation using Reconfigurable Hardware and Log Arithmetic

Tichý M.
Mar. 18 2008 2:00PM
Mar. 18 2008 3:00PM
místnost č. 474, ÚTIA, AVČR
Adaptive filters are widely used in many applications of
digital signal processing. Traditionally, small embedded
systems have employed the least computationally intensive
filter adaptive algorithms, such as normalized least mean
squares (NLMS). FPGA devices are a highly suitable platform
for more computationally intensive adaptive algorithms.
We present an optimized core which implements GSFAP. GSFAP
is an algorithm with far superior adaptation properties than
NLMS, and with only slightly higher computational
complexity. To further optimize resource requirements we
use logarithmic arithmetic, rather than conventional
floating point, within the custom core.
Our design makes effective use of the pipelined logarithmic
addition units, and takes advantage of the very low cost of
logarithmic multiplication and division.
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