P. Sucharda
Smutek D.
Jiskra J.
Sucharda P.
Tesař Ludvík
Possibilities of thyroid ultrasonography comparison in patients with oncological and autoimmune thyroid diseases
Winter International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies. WISICT 2004, p. 1536-1540
WISIC 2004, (Cancun, MX, 07.01.2004-08.01.2004)
Smutek D.
Šára R.
Sucharda P.
Tesař Ludvík
Different types of image texture features in ultrasound of patients with lymphocytic thyroiditis
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies. ISICT 2003, p. 530-532
ISICT 2003, (Dublin, IE, 24.09.2003-26.09.2003)