P. Sucharda

  1. Smutek D., Jiskra J., Sucharda P., Tesař LudvíkPossibilities of thyroid ultrasonography comparison in patients with oncological and autoimmune thyroid diseases , Winter International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies. WISICT 2004, p. 1536-1540, WISIC 2004, (Cancun, MX, 07.01.2004-08.01.2004) [2004]
  2. Smutek D., Šára R., Sucharda P., Tesař LudvíkDifferent types of image texture features in ultrasound of patients with lymphocytic thyroiditis , Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies. ISICT 2003, p. 530-532, ISICT 2003, (Dublin, IE, 24.09.2003-26.09.2003) [2003]