J. Jiskra

  1. Tesař Ludvík, Smutek D., Jiskra J.Genetic algorithms for thyroid gland ultrasound image feature reduction , Advances in Natural Computation. Proceedings of the First International Conference. ICNC 2005 vol.3612, - (2005), p. 841-844, International Conference ICNC 2005 /1./, (Changsha, CN, 27.08.2005-29.08.2005) [2005] Download

  1. Smutek D., Čermáková I., Jiskra J., Potluková E., Tesař LudvíkSelenium and its Relation to Thyroid Antibodies, Volume and Ultrasound Texture , Endocrine Abstracts, p. 292-292, European Congress of Endocrinology 2007, (Budapest, HU, 28.04.2007-02.05.2007) [2007]
  2. Tesař Ludvík, Smutek D., Jiskra J., Maruna P.Learning and diagnostics of lymphocytic thyroiditis based on sonogram images , Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Multi-Conference on Automation, Control, and Information Technology, p. 316-319 , Eds: Shokin Y. I., Potaturkin O. I., ACTA Press, (Calgary 2005) , IASTED International Multi-Conference on Cutomation, Control and Information Technology /2./, (Novosibirsk, RU, 20.06.2005-24.06.2005) [2005] Download
  3. Smutek D., Jiskra J., Sucharda P., Tesař LudvíkPossibilities of thyroid ultrasonography comparison in patients with oncological and autoimmune thyroid diseases , Winter International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies. WISICT 2004, p. 1536-1540, WISIC 2004, (Cancun, MX, 07.01.2004-08.01.2004) [2004]