L. Kurka

  1. Ferkl Lukáš, Kurka L., Sládek O.Simulation of highway tunnels , Automa vol.11, 7 (2005), p. 12-13 [2005]

  1. Pořízek J., Ferkl Lukáš, Kurka L., Sládek O.Highway tunnel model - simulation analysis , Tunel Design and System Engineering 2005 Preprints, p. 1-6, Tunnel Designe and System Engineering, (Basel, CH, 12.09.2005-13.09.2005) [2005]
  2. Ferkl Lukáš, Meinsma G., Kurka L.Finding optimal control for highway tunnels , International Symposium on Design, Construsciton and Operation of Long Tunnels, p. 1199-1209 , Eds: Laiw J.-Ch., Chen Ch.-N., International Symposium on Design, Construsciton and Operation of Long Tunnels, (Taipei, TW, 07.11.2005-10.11.2005) [2005]
  3. Sládek O., Kurka L., Ferkl L., Pořízek J., Šebek MichaelDynamicka simulace chování vzduchotechniky tunelu Blanka , Proceedings of the MATLAB 2004 Conference, p. 530-535, MATLAB 2004, (Praha, CZ, 04.11.2004) [2004]