K. H. Hoffmann

  1. Roubíček Tomáš, Hoffmann K. H.Theory of convex local compactifications with applications to Lebesgue spaces , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.25, 6 (1995), p. 607-628 [1995]
  2. Roubíček Tomáš, Hoffmann K. H.About the concept of measure-valued solutions to distributed parameter systems , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.18, p. 671-685 [1995]
  3. Hoffmann K. H., Roubíček TomášThermomechanical evolution of a microstructure , Quarterly of Applied Mathematics vol.52, 4 (1994), p. 721-737 [1994]
  4. Hoffmann K. H., Roubíček TomášOptimal control of a fine structure , Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol.30, p. 113-126 [1994]