M. Bodlák

  1. Beneš Viktor, Bodlák M., Moller J., Waagepetersen R.A case study on point process modelling in disease mapping , Image Analysis and Stereology vol.24, 3 (2005), p. 159-168 [2005]
  2. Beneš Viktor, Bodlák M., Hlubinka D.Stereology of extremes; bivariate models and computation , Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability vol.5, 3 (2003), p. 289-308 [2003]

  1. Beneš Viktor, Bodlák M., Moller J.Bayesian Analysis of Log Gaussian Cox Processes for Disease Mapping, Aalborg University, (Aalborg 2002) Research Report R-02-2001 [2002]