A. L. Rukhin

  1. Rukhin A. L., Vajda IgorThe error probability, entropy, and equivocation when the number of input messages increases , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.42, 6 (1996), p. 2228-2231 [1996]
  2. Rukhin A. L., Vajda IgorAdaptive decision making for stochastic processes , Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference vol.45, p. 313-329 [1995]
  3. Luschgy H., Rukhin A. L., Vajda IgorAdaptive Tests for Stochastic Processes in the Ergodic Case , Stochastic Processes and their Applications vol.45, 1 (1993), p. 45-59 [1993]

  1. Liese F., Rukhin A. L., Vajda IgorConsistent Estimation in the Case of Regression Data Fields, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1715 [1991]