V. Eldem

  1. Ruiz-León Javier J., Zagalak Petr, Eldem V.On the Morgan problem with stability , Kybernetika vol.32, 5 (1996), p. 425-441 [1996]

  1. Zagalak Petr, Eldem V., Özcaldiran K.On a special case of the Morgan problem , Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 181-186, IFAC, (Nantes 1998) , IFAC Conference SSC'98, (Nantes, FR, 08.07.1998-10.07.1998) [1998]
  2. Eldem V., Özcaldiran K., Zagalak PetrA note on diagonal decoupling , Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1425-1430, IEEE Control Systems Society, (Piscataway 1997) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /36./, (San Diego, US, 10.12.1997-12.12.1997) [1997]
  3. Ruiz-León Javier J., Zagalak Petr, Eldem V.On the problem of decoupling , Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 611-616, Ecole Centrale, (Nantes 1995) , IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, (Nantes, FR, 05.07.1995-07.07.1995) [1995]