R. C. W. Strijbos

  1. Šebek Michael, Pejchová Soňa, Strijbos R. C. W., Henrion D.Polynomial Matrix Operations in MATLAB , Computer Aided System Theory and Technology, p. 139-141 , Eds: Moreno-Díaz R., Pichler F. R., Universidad de Las Palmas, (Las Palmas 1997) , EUROCAST '97, (Las Palmas, ES, 24.02.1997-28.02.1997) [1997]
  2. Šebek Michael, Strijbos R. C. W., Kwakernaak H.Polynomial control toolbox: A new aid for teaching linear systems in Matlab , Preprints of the 4th Symposium on Advances in Control Education, p. 91-95, Bogazici University, (Istanbul 1997) , ACE '97 /4./, (Istanbul, TR, 14.07.1997-16.07.1997) [1997]
  3. Šebek Michael, Strijbos R. C. W.Polynomial control toolbox , Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, p. 488-491, IEEE, (Chania 1996) , IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation /4./, (Chania, GR, 10.06.1996-13.06.1996) [1996]