S. Gabarda

  1. Marrugo A., Millán M. S., Cristóbal G., Gabarda S., Šorel Michal, Šroubek FilipImage analysis in modern ophthalmology: from acquisition to computer assisted diagnosis and telemedicine , Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications II, Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications II, (Brussels, BE, 17.04.2012-18.04.2012) [2012] Download DOI: 10.1117/12.921299
  2. Gabarda S., Cristóbal G., Šroubek FilipA model-based quality improvement and assessment of hazy degraded images , Proceedings of the 15th European Signal Processing Conference, p. 2234-2238, EUSIPCO 2007, (Poznan, PL, 03.09.2007-07.09.2007) [2007] Download
  3. Šroubek Filip, Gabarda S., Redondo R., Fischer S., Cristobal G.Multifocus fusion with oriented windows , Proceedings of the SPIE Europe International Symposium Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, p. 264-273 , Eds: Carmona R., Linan-Cembrano G., SPIE Europe International Symposium, (Sevilla, ES, 09.05.2005-11.05.2005) [2005] Download