R. Kolář

  1. Kolář R., Vácha PavelTexture Analysis of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in Fundus Images via Markov Random Fields , World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, p. 247-250 , Eds: Dössel O., World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, (Munich, DE, 07.11.2009-12.11.2009) [2009] Download
  2. Kolář R., Kubečka L., Flusser Jan, Jan J., Jiřík R.Noise Suppression in Retinal Autofluorescence Images , Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. BIOSIGNAL 2006, p. 302-304 , Eds: Jan J., Kozumplík J., Provazník I., Biosignal 2006, (Brno, CZ, 28.06.2006-30.06.2006) [2006]