T. Flaminio
Ertola R., Esteva F., Flaminio T., Godo L., Noguera Carles
Exploring paraconsistency in degree-preserving fuzzy logics
Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology EUSFLAT 2013, p. 117-124
, Eds: Pasi G., Montero J., Ciucci D,
(Milan, IT, 11.09.2013-13.09.2013) [2013]
Flaminio T., Kroupa Tomáš
Characterization of Generalized Necessity Functions in Lukasiewicz Logic
Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications, p. 619-626
, Eds: Li Shoumei, Wang Xia, Okazaki Yoshiaki, Kawabe Jun, Murofushi Toshiaki, Guann Li,
Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications,
(Beijing, CN, 07.09.2011-09.09.2011) [2011]