bibtype |
C -
Conference Paper (international conference)
0084002 |
utime |
20240103184304.1 |
mtime |
20070718235959.9 |
(primary) (eng) |
Random point process models for score of sport match |
specification |
serial |
cav_un_epca*0084001 |
First International Conference on Mathematics in Sport Proceedings |
page_num |
239-244 |
publisher |
place |
Manchester |
name |
The Institute of Mathemaitcs and Its Applications |
year |
2007 |
editor |
editor |
editor |
name1 |
Robinson |
name2 |
Carol |
(cze) |
Modely bodových procesů pro skore sportovního utkání |
keyword |
sport statistics |
keyword |
model of score |
keyword |
random point process |
(primary) |
cav_un_auth*0101227 |
name1 |
Volf |
name2 |
Petr |
institution |
full_dept |
Department of Stochastic Informatics |
fullinstit |
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i. |
cas_special |
project |
project_id |
1M06047 |
agency |
GA MŠk |
country |
CZ |
cav_un_auth*0217941 |
research |
CEZ:AV0Z10750506 |
(eng) |
The sequence of goals scored during a sport match is modeled via two mutually dependent random point processes. It is assumed that the intensity of scoring has several components depending on time, on factors describing the teams and other conditions of the match. Some of these covariates can also behave as random process, developing in time, they can be observed or even latent. The survival analysis methods of model evaluation are presented and demonstrated on real data. Several variants of models are proposed and the prediction obtained from them, via the Monte Carlo simulation, is compared with real results. |
(cze) |
Vývoj skore sportovního zápasu je modelován pomocí dvou náhodných bodových procesů s intenzitami skorování závislými na týmu i na dalších parametrech vývoje zápasu. Specifikace modelu, odhad jeho parametrů i jeho použití k Monte Carlo simulaci zápasů je ukázáno na reálné situaci. |
action |
cav_un_auth*0228509 |
name |
First International Conference on Mathematics in Sport Proceedings |
place |
Manchester |
dates |
24.06.2007-26.06.2007 |
country |
GB |
reportyear |
2008 |
BB |
permalink | |
arlyear |
2007 |
mrcbU63 |
cav_un_epca*0084001 First International Conference on Mathematics in Sport Proceedings 239 244 Manchester The Institute of Mathemaitcs and Its Applications 2007 |
mrcbU67 |
Percy Dave 340 |
mrcbU67 |
Scarf Phill 340 |
mrcbU67 |
Robinson Carol 340 |