bibtype |
C -
Conference Paper (international conference)
0382180 |
utime |
20240103201404.5 |
mtime |
20121105235959.9 |
(primary) (eng) |
An attempt to implement Compositional Models in Dempster-Shafer theory of Evidence |
specification |
page_count |
12 s. |
media_type |
E |
serial |
cav_un_epca*0382179 |
978-80-245-1885-5 |
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing |
page_num |
102-113 |
publisher |
place |
Jindřichův Hradec |
name |
Faculty of Management, University of Economics, Prague |
year |
2012 |
editor |
editor |
name1 |
Vejnarová |
name2 |
Jiřina |
keyword |
compositional model |
keyword |
belief |
keyword |
representation |
(primary) |
cav_un_auth*0216188 |
name1 |
Kratochvíl |
name2 |
Václav |
full_dept (cz) |
Matematická teorie rozhodování |
full_dept (eng) |
Department of Decision Making Theory |
department (cz) |
department (eng) |
institution |
full_dept |
Department of Decision Making Theory |
fullinstit |
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i. |
source |
cas_special |
(eng) |
It has been published recently that some of the ideas for representation of multidimensional distributions in probability theory can be transferred into Dempster-Shafer theory of Evidence. Namely, they showed that multidimensional basic assignments can be rather efficiently represented in a form of so-called compositional models. These models are based on the iterative application of the operator of composition, whose definition for basic assignments has been introduced in [5]. It appears that a software tool supporting computations within compositional model is necessary for additional theoretical research in this framework. In this paper we will familiarize the reader with our first attempts and basic problems of the implementation itself. |
action |
cav_un_auth*0284625 |
name |
9th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing |
place |
Mariánské Lázně |
dates |
12.09.2012-15.09.2012 |
country |
CZ |
reportyear |
2013 |
BA |
num_of_auth |
1 |
presentation_type |
PR |
inst_support |
RVO:67985556 |
permalink | |
arlyear |
2012 |
mrcbU63 |
cav_un_epca*0382179 Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing 978-80-245-1885-5 102 113 Jindřichův Hradec Faculty of Management, University of Economics, Prague 2012 |
mrcbU67 |
Kroupa Tomáš 340 |
mrcbU67 |
Vejnarová Jiřina 340 |