bibtype |
C -
Conference Paper (international conference)
0394473 |
utime |
20240103202746.9 |
mtime |
20131001235959.9 |
(primary) (eng) |
Overview of Bounded Support Distributions and Methods for Bayesian Treatment of Industrial Data |
specification |
page_count |
8 s. |
media_type |
C |
serial |
cav_un_epca*0394472 |
978-989-8565-70-9 |
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on informatics in control, automation and robotics (ICINCO 2013) |
page_num |
380-387 |
publisher |
place |
Portugalsko |
name |
INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication |
year |
2013 |
editor |
name1 |
Ferrier, Gusikhin, Madani, Sasiadek |
keyword |
statistical analysis |
keyword |
Bayesian analysis |
keyword |
Truncated distributions |
(primary) |
cav_un_auth*0242543 |
name1 |
Dedecius |
name2 |
Kamil |
full_dept (cz) |
Adaptivní systémy |
full_dept (eng) |
Department of Adaptive Systems |
department (cz) |
AS |
department (eng) |
AS |
institution |
full_dept |
Department of Adaptive Systems |
fullinstit |
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i. |
cav_un_auth*0212695 |
name1 |
Ettler |
name2 |
P. |
country |
CZ |
source |
cas_special |
project |
project_id |
7D12004 |
agency |
GA MŠk |
cav_un_auth*0291242 |
(eng) |
Statistical analysis and modelling of various phenomena are well established in nowadays industrial practice. However, the traditional approaches neglecting the true properties of the phenomena still dominate. Among others, this includes also the cases when a variable with bounded range is analyzed using probabilistic distributions with unbounded domain. Since many of those variables nearly fulfill the basic conditions imposed by the chosen distribution, the properties of used statistical models are violated rather rarely. Still, there are numerous cases, when inference with distributions with unbounded domain may lead to absurd conclusions. The paper addresses this issue from the Bayesian viewpoint. It briefly discusses suitable distributions and inferential methods overcoming the emerging computational issues. |
action |
cav_un_auth*0292864 |
name |
10th international conference on informatics in control, automation and robotics (ICINCO 2013) |
place |
Reykjavík |
dates |
29.07.2013-31.07.2013 |
country |
IS |
reportyear |
2014 |
IN |
num_of_auth |
2 |
presentation_type |
PR |
inst_support |
RVO:67985556 |
permalink | |
arlyear |
2013 |
mrcbU63 |
cav_un_epca*0394472 Proceedings of the 10th international conference on informatics in control, automation and robotics (ICINCO 2013) 978-989-8565-70-9 380 387 Portugalsko INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication 2013 |
mrcbU67 |
Ferrier, Gusikhin, Madani, Sasiadek 340 |