bibtype C - Conference Paper (international conference)
ARLID 0422848
utime 20240103203636.2
mtime 20140207235959.9
SCOPUS 84891291217
WOS 000328616100190
DOI 10.1117/12.2025134
title (primary) (eng) Blind restoration of retinal images degraded by space-variant blur with adaptive blur estimation
page_count 8 s.
media_type E
ARLID cav_un_epca*0424929
ISBN 978-0-8194-9601-0
ISSN 0277-786X
title Proceedings ot the 8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications
place Bellingham
name SPIE
year 2013
keyword medical image
keyword retinal image
keyword deconvolution
keyword deblurring
keyword space-variant restoration
author (primary)
ARLID cav_un_auth*0275488
name1 Marrugo
name2 A.
country ES
ARLID cav_un_auth*0278222
name1 Millán
name2 M. S.
country ES
ARLID cav_un_auth*0108377
full_dept (cz) Zpracování obrazové informace
full_dept Department of Image Processing
department (cz) ZOI
department ZOI
full_dept Department of Image Processing
name1 Šorel
name2 Michal
institution UTIA-B
fullinstit Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.
ARLID cav_un_auth*0101209
full_dept (cz) Zpracování obrazové informace
full_dept Department of Image Processing
department (cz) ZOI
department ZOI
full_dept Department of Image Processing
name1 Šroubek
name2 Filip
institution UTIA-B
fullinstit Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.
ARLID cav_un_auth*0292734
project_id GA13-29225S
agency GA ČR
abstract (eng) Retinal images are often degraded with a blur that varies across the eld view. Because traditional deblurring algorithms assume the blur to be space-invariant they typically fail in the presence of space-variant blur. In this work we consider the blur to be both unknown and space-variant. To carry out the restoration, we assume that in small regions the space-variant blur can be approximated by a space-invariant point-spread function (PSF). However, instead of deblurring the image on a per-patch basis, we extend individual PSFs by linear interpolation and perform a global restoration. Because the blind estimation of local PSFs may fail we propose a strategy for the identication of valid local PSFs and perform interpolation to obtain the space-variant PSF. The method was tested on articial and real degraded retinal images. Results show signicant improvement in the visibility of subtle details like small blood vessels.
ARLID cav_un_auth*0300572
name 8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications
dates 22.07.2013-26.07.2013
place Porto
country PT
reportyear 2014
num_of_auth 4
presentation_type PR
inst_support RVO:67985556
confidential S
mrcbT16-q 90
mrcbT16-s 0.234
mrcbT16-y 13.98
mrcbT16-x 0.36
mrcbT16-E Q3
arlyear 2013
mrcbU14 84891291217 SCOPUS
mrcbU34 000328616100190 WOS
mrcbU63 cav_un_epca*0424929 Proceedings ot the 8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications 978-0-8194-9601-0 0277-786X 8785D1 - 1-8785D1 - 8 Bellingham SPIE 2013