bibtype J - Journal Article
ARLID 0432452
utime 20240103204718.5
mtime 20141013235959.9
WOS 000343345500007
DOI 10.1016/j.ins.2014.07.046
title (primary) (eng) Fast computation of Krawtchouk moments
page_count 14 s.
media_type P
ARLID cav_un_epca*0256752
ISSN 0020-0255
title Information Sciences
volume_id 288
volume 1 (2014)
page_num 73-86
name Elsevier
keyword Krawtchouk polynomial
keyword Krawtchouk moment
keyword Geometric moment
keyword Impulse response
keyword Fast computation
keyword Digital filter
author (primary)
ARLID cav_un_auth*0307652
name1 Honarvar Shakibaei Asli
name2 B.
country MY
ARLID cav_un_auth*0101087
name1 Flusser
name2 Jan
full_dept (cz) Zpracování obrazové informace
full_dept Department of Image Processing
department (cz) ZOI
department ZOI
institution UTIA-B
full_dept Department of Image Processing
fullinstit Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.
project_id GAP103/11/1552
agency GA ČR
ARLID cav_un_auth*0273618
abstract (eng) The paper describes the calculation of the Krawtchouk Moments (KMs) from an image, which is a computationally demanding task. We present two original methods that use the outputs of cascaded digital filters in deriving KMs. The first approach uses the digital filter outputs to form geometric moments (GMs) and the KMs are obtained via GMs. The second method uses a direct relationship to obtain KMs from the digital filter outputs. This is possible thanks to the formulation of Krawtchouk polynomials in terms of binomial functions, which are equivalent to the digital filter outputs. In this study, the performance of the proposed techniques is compared with other existing methods of KMs calculation. The experimental study shows that the first and the second proposed techniques perform 57% and 87% faster than the recurrence method for a real image of a size 128 x 128 pixels,which performs a significant improvement.
reportyear 2015
num_of_auth 2
mrcbC52 4 A 4a 20231122140452.7
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mrcbTft \nSoubory v repozitáři: flusser-0432452.pdf
mrcbU34 000343345500007 WOS
mrcbU63 cav_un_epca*0256752 Information Sciences 0020-0255 1872-6291 Roč. 288 č. 1 2014 73 86 Elsevier