bibtype J - Journal Article
ARLID 0434888
utime 20240103205021.8
mtime 20141120235959.9
SCOPUS 84918787787
WOS 000349589900019
DOI 10.1016/j.econmod.2014.11.024
title (primary) (eng) An Empirical Model Of Fractionally Cointegrated Daily High And Low Stock Market Prices
page_count 14 s.
ARLID cav_un_epca*0250391
ISSN 0264-9993
title Economic Modelling
volume_id 45
volume 1 (2015)
page_num 193-206
name Elsevier
keyword fractional cointegration
keyword long memory
keyword range
keyword volatility
keyword daily high and low prices
author (primary)
ARLID cav_un_auth*0242028
full_dept (cz) Ekonometrie
full_dept (eng) Department of Econometrics
department (cz) E
department (eng) E
full_dept Department of Econometrics
share 80%
name1 Baruník
name2 Jozef
institution UTIA-B
garant A
fullinstit Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.
ARLID cav_un_auth*0309799
share 20
name1 Dvořáková
name2 S.
country CZ
ARLID cav_un_auth*0281000
project_id GBP402/12/G097
agency GA ČR
country CZ
abstract (eng) This work provides empirical support for the fractional cointegration relationship between daily high and low stock prices, allowing for the non-stationary volatility of stock market returns. The recently formalized fractionally cointegrated vector autoregressive (VAR) model is employed to explain both the cointegration dynamics between daily high and low stock prices and the long memory of their linear combination, i.e., the range. Daily high and low stock prices are of particular interest because they provide valuable information about range-based volatility, which is considered a highly efficient and robust estimator of volatility. We provide a comparison of the Czech PX index with other world market indices: the German Deutscher Aktienindex (DAX), U.K. Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) 100, U.S. Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500 and Japanese Nihon Keizai Shimbun (NIKKEI) 225 during the 2003-2012 period, that is, before and during the financial crisis.
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mrcbU63 cav_un_epca*0250391 Economic Modelling 0264-9993 1873-6122 Roč. 45 č. 1 2015 193 206 Elsevier