bibtype J - Journal Article
ARLID 0467365
utime 20240103213153.5
mtime 20161215235959.9
SCOPUS 84997171421
WOS 000413759000001
DOI 10.1007/s00182-016-0557-3
title (primary) (eng) The Intermediate Set and Limiting Superdi erential for Coalition Games: Between the Core and the Weber Set
page_count 28 s.
media_type P
ARLID cav_un_epca*0251007
ISSN 0020-7276
title International Journal of Game Theory
volume_id 46
volume 4 (2017)
page_num 891-918
name Springer
keyword coalition game
keyword limiting superdi erential
keyword intermediate set
keyword core
keyword Weber set
author (primary)
ARLID cav_un_auth*0309054
name1 Adam
name2 Lukáš
full_dept (cz) Matematická teorie rozhodování
full_dept (eng) Department of Decision Making Theory
department (cz) MTR
department (eng) MTR
institution UTIA-B
full_dept Department of Decision Making Theory
country CZ
fullinstit Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.
ARLID cav_un_auth*0015063
name1 Kroupa
name2 T.
country CZ
ARLID cav_un_auth*0321507
project_id GA15-00735S
agency GA ČR
abstract (eng) We introduce the intermediate set as an interpolating solution concept between the core and the Weber set of a coalitional game. The new solution is de ned as the limiting superdi erential of the Lov asz extension and thus it completes the hierarchy of variational objects used to represent the core (Fr echet superdi erential) and the Weber set (Clarke superdi erential). It is shown that the intermediate set is a non-convex solution containing the Pareto optimal payo vectors that depend on some chain of coalitions and marginal coalitional contributions with respect to the chain. A detailed comparison between the intermediate set and other set-valued solutions is provided. We compute the exact form of intermediate set for all games and provide its simpli ed characterization for the simple games and the glove game.
FORD0 10000
FORD1 10100
FORD2 10103
reportyear 2018
num_of_auth 2
inst_support RVO:67985556
confidential S
mrcbC86 2 Article Economics|Mathematics Interdisciplinary Applications|Social Sciences Mathematical Methods|Statistics Probability
mrcbC86 3+4 Article Economics|Mathematics Interdisciplinary Applications|Social Sciences Mathematical Methods|Statistics Probability
mrcbC86 3+4 Article Economics|Mathematics Interdisciplinary Applications|Social Sciences Mathematical Methods|Statistics Probability
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mrcbU63 cav_un_epca*0251007 International Journal of Game Theory 0020-7276 1432-1270 Roč. 46 č. 4 2017 891 918 Springer