bibtype J - Journal Article
ARLID 0561032
utime 20240402213509.1
mtime 20220913235959.9
SCOPUS 85178358598
WOS 000809393500001
DOI 10.1093/jjfinec/nbac017
title (primary) (eng) Quantile Spectral Beta: A Tale of Tail Risks, Investment Horizons, and Asset Prices
page_count 57 s.
media_type P
ARLID cav_un_epca*0344593
ISSN 1479-8409
title Journal of Financial Econometrics
volume_id 21
volume 5 (2023)
page_num 1590-1646
name Oxford University Press
keyword cross-sectional return variation
keyword downside risk
keyword frequency
keyword investment horizons
keyword spectral risk
keyword tail risk
author (primary)
ARLID cav_un_auth*0242028
name1 Baruník
name2 Jozef
institution UTIA-B
full_dept (cz) Ekonometrie
full_dept (eng) Department of Econometrics
department (cz) E
department (eng) E
full_dept Department of Econometrics
country CZ
share 50
garant K
fullinstit Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.
ARLID cav_un_auth*0436158
name1 Nevrla
name2 Matěj
institution UTIA-B
full_dept (cz) Ekonometrie
full_dept Department of Econometrics
department (cz) E
department E
country CZ
fullinstit Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.
project_id GX19-28231X
agency GA ČR
country CZ
ARLID cav_un_auth*0385135
abstract (eng) This article investigates how two important sources of risk-market tail risk (TR) and extreme market volatility risk-are priced into the cross-section of asset returns across various investment horizons. To identify such risks, we propose a quantile spectral (QS) beta representation of risk based on the decomposition of covariance between indicator functions that capture fluctuations over various frequencies. We study the asymptotic behavior of the proposed estimators of such risk. Empirically, we find that TR is a short-term phenomenon, whereas ex- treme volatility risk is priced by investors in the long term when pricing a cross- section of individual stocks. In addition, we study popular industry, size and value, profit, investment, or book-to-market portfolios, as well as portfolios constructed from various asset classes, portfolios sorted on cash flow duration, and other strategies. These results reveal that tail-dependent and horizon-specific risks are priced heterogeneously across datasets and are important sources of risk for investors.
result_subspec WOS
FORD0 50000
FORD1 50200
FORD2 50206
reportyear 2024
num_of_auth 2
inst_support RVO:67985556
ARLID cav_un_auth*0308308
name Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague
institution IES FSV UK
country CZ
confidential S
mrcbC91 C
mrcbT16-j 1.903
mrcbT16-s 2.011
mrcbT16-D Q1
mrcbT16-E Q1
arlyear 2023
mrcbU02 J
mrcbU14 85178358598 SCOPUS
mrcbU24 PUBMED
mrcbU34 000809393500001 WOS
mrcbU63 cav_un_epca*0344593 Journal of Financial Econometrics 21 5 2023 1590 1646 1479-8409 1479-8417 Oxford University Press