Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)


Vehicle position estimation using GPS/CAN data based on nonlinear programming

Konferenční příspěvek
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Název sborniku:
Proceedings of the 13th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control
Místo vydání:
Klíčová slova:
nonlinear state-space model, state filtering, incomplete dat
The paper solves a problem of the estimation of the moving vehicle position. The position is measured by global position system (GPS) but outages sometimes occur in the measurements. During these outages, the actual position is estimated using data from vehicle sensors. A moving vehicle is described by a discrete-time state-space model with bounded noise. This model is constructed using kinematics laws and it can be used for arbitrary type of ground vehicle. Bayesian approach is applied to obtain position estimates. The maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation converts to the nonlinear programming. The paper also discusses a setting of initial conditions for successful running of estimation process.
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