Established in 2005 under support of MŠMT ČR (project 1M0572)

Past Events

7th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2011.
The program of the Workshop presented selected results of theoretical and applied research in the fields connected with the development of models of uncertain knowledge and their applications to computer aided decision making. Global aim was to contribute to development of a theoretical, algorithmic and software background for solution of real life problems in complex situations based on different sources of knowledge and data.
7th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2011.
Nov. 27 2011 - Nov. 29 2011 Mariánská, Krušné hory

6th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2010
The program of the Workshop presented selected results of theoretical and applied research in the fields connected with the development of models of uncertain knowledge and their applications to computer aided decision making. Global aim is to contribute to development of a theoretical, algorithmic and software background for solution of real life problems in complex situations based on different sources of knowledge and data.

Zemřela Doc. RNDr. Jana Novovičová, CSc.
S lítostí oznamujeme, že 29. května 2010 po těžké nemoci zemřela Doc. RNDr. Jana Novovičová, CSc., která se zasloužila o mimořádně dobré výsledky Centra v rámci výzkumné oblasti Rozpoznávání a modelování vícerozměrných dat. Odchod Jany Novovičové je pro nás velkou ztrátou.

Zemřel Ing. Igor Vajda, DrSc.
S lítostí oznamujeme, že 2. května 2010 po těžké nemoci zemřel Ing. Igor Vajda, DrSc., který byl garantem výzkumné oblasti Rozhodovací procesy a klasifikace. Odchod Igora Vajdy je pro Centrum nenahraditelnou ztrátou.
další informace

5th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2009.
The program of the Workshop presented selected results of theoretical and applied research in the fields connected with the development of models of uncertain knowledge and their applications to computer aided decision making. Global aim is to contribute to development of a theoretical, algorithmic and software background for solution of real life problems in complex situations based on different sources of knowledge and data.
5th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2009
Nov. 29 2009 - Dec. 1 2009 Hotel Angelo Plzeň

Mezinárodní konference Výzkumného centra DAR 2008 pořádaná v prostorách zámku Loučeň.

4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Nov. 30 2008 - Dec. 2 2008 Loučeň, okres Nymburk

Mezinárodní konference DAR pořádaná v zámeckém hotelu Liblice.
Sborník abstraktů je vydán jako Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/13 a je k dispozici v elektronické podobě (viz níže). Ke stažení jsou poskytnuty také prezentace a fotografie z konference.

The program of the Workshop presented selected results of theoretical and applied research in the fields connected with the development of models of uncertain knowledge and their applications to computer aided decision making. Global aim is to contribute to development of a theoretical, algorithmic and software background for solution of real life problems in complex situations based on different sources of knowledge and data.
3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 9 2007 - Dec. 11 2007 zámecký hotel Liblice

2. společná konference DAR 12-10-2005
Výzkumné centrum Data – Algoritmy – Rozhodování, 2. společná konference
Oct. 12 2005, 13:00-17:00 ÚTIA AV ČR, Přednáškový sál

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