Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)

Prof. Irina Perfilieva, CSc.

výzkumný pracovník


Část monografie Novák V., Perfilieva I., Jaruškina N. G. : A General Methodology for Managerial Decision Making using Intelligent Techniques In: (). Springer, Berlin 2009, pp. 103-120.
Perfilieva I. : Fixed points and Solvability of Systems of Fuzzy Relations In: Advances in Soft Computing (Castillo, O.; Melin, P.). Springer, Berlin 2007, pp. 841-849.
Perfilieva I. : Fuzzy Transforms and Their Applications to Image Compression In: Fuzzy Logic and Applications. LNAI (Petrosino, A.; Tettamanzi, A.; Bloch, I.). Springer, Heidelberg 2006, pp. 19-31.
Perfilieva I. : Fuzzy Transforms: A Challenge to Conventional Transforms In: Advances in Images and Electron Physics (Perfilieva, Irina; Hawkes, Peter). Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam 2007, pp. 137-196.
Perfilieva I.; Daňková M.; Hoďáková P.; Vajgl M. : F-Transform Based Image Fusion In: (). InTech, Rijeka, Croatia 2011, pp. 3-22.
Článek v odborném periodiku Di Martino F., Loia V., Perfilieva I., Sessa S. : An image coding/decoding method based on direct and inverse fuzzy transforms International Journal of Appr. reasoning 1, (2008), 48, pp. 110-131.
Novák V., Perfilieva I., Dvořák A., Chen Q., Wei Q., Yan P. : Mining pure linguistic associations from numerical data International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (2007), pp. .
Perfilieva I. : F-TRANSFORMS --- WHERE FUZZY AND CLASSICAL MATHEMATICS MEET Applied and Computational Mathematics 10, 2011 (2011), 1, pp. 122-132.
Perfilieva I. : Fuzzy Transforms in Image Compression and Fusion Acta Matematica Universitatis Ostraviensis, (2007), 15, pp. 27-37.
Perfilieva I., De Baets B. : Fuzzy Transform of Monotonous Functions with Applications to Image Processing Information Sciences 180, (2010), 17, pp. 3304-3315.
Perfilieva I., Novák V., Dvořák A. : Fuzzy transform in the analysis of data Intern. Journal of Appr. reasoning, (2007), pp. .
Perfilieva I., Prade H., Dubois D., et al. : Interpolation of Fuzzy Data. Analytical Approach and Overview Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (2010), pp. .
Konferenční příspěvek Nosková L., Perfilieva I. : System of fuzzy relation equations with \sups\composition in semi-linear spaces: minimal solutions In: Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE 2007, London 2007, pp. 1520-1525.
Novák V., Perfilieva I., Afanas'jeva T. J. V. : Integral'nyj metod analiza nechetkih vremennyh rjadov i funkcional'nogo modelirovanija v zadachah prinjatija reshenij In: Proc. of 11th All-Russian Artificial Intelligence Conference Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research, Dubna, Russia 2008, pp. 90-99.
Novák V., Perfilieva I., Dvořák A. : Mining Pure Linguistic Associations on the Basis of Perceptions in Numerical Data. In: NAFIPS'06 . 3.6.2006-6.6.2006 Montreal. IEEE, Montreal 2006, pp. 237-240.
Novák V., Štěpnička M., Perfilieva I., Pavliska V. : Analysis of periodical time series using soft computing methods In: Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control World Scientific, Singapore 2008, pp. 55-60.
Perfilieva I. : A Profound Theory of Fuzzy Interpolation In: Proc. Intern. Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing Serials Publications, New Delhi, India 2011, pp. 195-205.
Perfilieva I. : Fixed points and Solvability of Systems of Fuzzy Relation In: Advances in Soft Computing 12th International fuzzy systems associations world congress, Cancun 2007, pp. 841-849.
Perfilieva I. : F-transform versus Takagi-Sugeno Models In: IEEE 2009 NAFIPS Conference Proceedings University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 2009, pp. .
Perfilieva I. : Fuzzy Transform as a New Paradigm in Fuzzy Modeling In: Computational Intelligence. Foundations and Applications World Scientific, New Jersey 2010, pp. 29-39.
Perfilieva I. : Fuzzy Transforms and Their Applications to Data Compression In: FUZZ-IEEE 2005 FUZZ-IEEE 2005, Reno, Nevada 2005, pp. 294-299.
Perfilieva I. : Fuzzy Transforms and Their Applications to Image Compression. In: Proceedings of WILF 2005 (I. Bloch, A. Petrosino, A Tettamanzi eds.)., Heidelberg 2006, pp. .
Perfilieva I. : Systems of Fuzzy Relation Equations in a Space with Fuzzy Preorder In: Proceedings of IFSA World Congress/EUSFLAT Conference Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisabon 2009, pp. 1601-1605.
Perfilieva I., Daňková M. : Image Fusion on the Basis of Fuzzy Transforms In: Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control World Scientific, New Jersey 2008, pp. 471-476.
Perfilieva I., De Meyer H., De Baets B., Plšková D. : Cauchy Problem with Fuzzy Initial Condition and Its Approximate Solution with the Help of Fuzzy Transform In: WCCI 2008 Proceedings IEEE COmputational Intelligence Society, Hong Kong 2008, pp. 2285-2290.
Perfilieva I., Novák V., Pavliska V., Dvořák A. Štěpnička M. : Analysis and Prediction of Time Series Using Fuzzy Transform In: WCCI 2008 Proceedings IEEE COmputational Intelligence Society, Hong kong 2008, pp. 3875-3879.
Perfilieva I., Novák V., Pavliska V., Dvořák A. Štěpnička M. : Prediction of Time Series by Soft Computing Methods In: 10th Czech-Japan Seminář on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, Praha 2007, pp. 119-129.
Perfilieva I., Pavliska V., Vajgl M., Debaets B. : Advanced Image Compression on the Basis of Fuzzy Transforms In: IPMU 08 Proceedings University of Malaga, Malaga 2008, pp. 1167-1174.
Perfilieva I., Plšková D. : Solving ODE with Fuzzy Initial Condition Using Fuzzy Transform In: Proc. of 10th Czech-Japan Seminar on data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty VŠE v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica, Praha 2007, pp. .
Perfilieva I., Stecko, Junusov, Jaruškina N. G. : Prinjatie proektnych reshenij na osnove analiza nechetkih tendencij vremennych rjadov In: Proc. of 11th All-Russian Artificial Intelligence Conference Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research, Dubna, Russia 2008, pp. 107-115.
Perfilieva I., Valášek R. : Fuzzy Approach to Data Compression In: Proc. of 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on data analysis and decision making under uncertainty, Praha 2005, pp. 91-100.
Perfilieva I., Yarushkina N., Afanasieva T. : Relaxed Discrete F-Transform and its Application to the Time Series Analysis In: Computational Intelligence. Foundations and Applications World Scientific, New Jersey 2010, pp. 249-255.
Perfilieva I., Yarushkina N., Afanasieva T. : Time Series Analysis By Discrete F-Transform In: Proc. of FUZZ-IEEE 2010 IEEE, Barcelona 2010, pp. 3088-3091.
Perfilieva I.,Valášek R. : Data compression on the basis of fuzzy transforms In: Joint EUSFLAT-LFA Conference Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya & EUSFLAT, Barcelona, Spain 2005, pp. 663-668.
Perfilieva I.; Yarushkina N.; Afanas'jeva T. J. V.; et al : Granular Time Series and Fuzzy Tendencies Forecasting In: Proceedings of 2011 IFSA World Vongress - AFSS INternational Conference, Surabaya-Bali, Indonesia 2011, pp. 21-25.
Perfilieva I.; Yarushkina N.; Afanas'jeva T. J. V.; et al : Time Series Processing and Forecasting using Soft Computing Tools In: Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, Moscow, Russia 2011, pp. 155-163.
Výzkumná zpráva Novák V., Perfilieva I., Dvořák A., : Discovering Linguistic Associations from Numerical Data. ( Research report No 88 -) ÚVAFM OU, Ostrava 2005, 33 pp.


Perfilieva I.
Systems of Fuzzy Relation Equations in a Space with Fuzzy Preorder
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Mar. 3 2011, 9:30-10:30 místnost A322 budovy A Ostravské univerzity

Perfilieva I.
Finitary Solvability Conditions for Systems of Fuzzy Relation
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Nov. 25 2010, 9:30-10:30 místnost A322 budovy A Ostravské univerzity

Perfilieva I., Hoďáková P., Wrublová M. (OU)
Graphical Support of Similarity Based Fuzzy Interpolation
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
May. 27 2010, 9:30-10:30 místnost A322 budovy A Ostravské univerzity

Perfilieva I. (Ostravská univerzita)
F-transformace vyššího stupně
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Apr. 22 2010, 9:30-10:30 místnost A322 budovy A Ostravské univerzity

Perfilieva I., Vajgl M., Pavliska V.
Fuzzy Transform in Image Processing.
V rámci akce: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 2 2008, 11:00-11:20 Loučeň

Perfilieva I.
Semilinear Spaces
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Apr. 17 2008, 9:00-10:00 místnost č. 49 budovy A Ostravské univerzity, Ostrava

Perfilieva I., Plšková D.
Solving ODE with Fuzzy Initial Condition using Fuzzy Transform.
V rámci akce: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 11 2007, 9:10-9:35 Liblice

Perfilieva I.
Fuzzy Transform as a Method of Solving ODE with Fuzzy Initial Condition
Oct. 30 2007, 8:00-23:59 Ostrava

Irina Perfilieva
Řešení obyčejných diferenciálních rovnic s fuzzy počátečními podmínkami pomocí fuzzy transformace
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Sep. 27 2007, 9:30-10:30 Ostrava

Perfilieva I., Plšková D.
Solving ODE with Fuzzy Initial Condition Using Fuzzy Transform
Sep. 15 2007 8:00 - Sep. 18 2007 23:59 Liblice

Perfilieva I., Novák V., Pavliska V., Dvořák A., Štěpnička M
Prediction of Time Series by Soft Computing Methods
Sep. 15 2007 8:00 - Sep. 18 2007 23:59 Liblice

Perfilieva I., Novák V., Pavliska V., Dvořák A., Štěpnička M
Forecasting Time Series Using Fuzzy Transform
Aug. 12 2007 8:00 - Aug. 17 2007 23:59 Orlando

Perfilieva I.
Fixed points and Solvability of Systems of Fuzzy Relation
Jun. 18 2007 8:00 - Jun. 21 2007 23:59 Cancun

Perfilieva Irina
Polo-lineární struktury nad fuzzy algebrami
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Oct. 12 2006, 10:00-11:00 Ostrava

Irina Perfilieva
Logical Theory of Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Oct. 5 2006, 10:00-11:00 Ostrava


Prof.Irina Perfilieva, CSc. Mar. 2 2010 - Mar. 7 2010 Ulyanovsk, Rusko

Prof.Irina Perfilieva, CSc. Sep. 21 2008 - Sep. 24 2008 Madrid, Spain

Prof.Irina Perfilieva, CSc. Jun. 1 2008 - Jun. 5 2008 Hong kong

Prof.Irina Perfilieva, CSc. Sep. 15 2005 - Sep. 17 2005 Crema, Itálie

Prof.Irina Perfilieva, CSc. May. 21 2005 - May. 28 2005 Reno, Nevada, USA

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