Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)

prof. Ing. Jiří Jan, CSc.



Článek v odborném periodiku Havlíček M., Jan J., Brázdil M., Calhoun V. : Dynamic Granger causality based on Kalman filter for evaluation of functional network connectivity in fMRI data. NeuroImage, 53 (2010), 1, pp. 65-77.
Chrastek R., Kubečka L., Jan J. : Towards automated diagnostic evaluation of retina images. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 15 (2005), 2, pp. 273-276.
Kolář R., Kubečka L., Jan J. : Registration and fusion of the autofluorescent and infrared retina images. on Applied Signal Processing (Hindawi), (2007), submitted, pp. .
Kolář R., Kuběna T., Černošek P., Jan J. : Statistická analýza vrstvy nervových vláken v barevných digitálních snímcích sítnice. Ceska a slovenska oftalmologie, (2009), 65(2), pp. 53-58.
Kolář R., Laemmer R., Jan J., Mardin Ch. : Segmentation of zones with increased autofluorescent properties in the junctional zone of parapapillary atrophy Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging, (2007), submitted, pp. .
Kubečka L., Jan J., Kolář R. : Retrospective Illumination Correction of Retinal Images Manuscript ID: TMI-2007-0725, (2007), submitted, pp. .
Kubečka L., Jan J., Kolář R. : Retrospective Illumination Correction of Retinal Images. J. Biomedical Imaging (Hindawi) vol. 2010, (2010), article ID 780262, pp. .
Niemann H., Chrástek R., Jan J., Kubečka L. et al.: : Towards automated diagnostic evaluation of retina images J. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 16, (2006), 4, pp. 671-676.
Konferenční příspěvek Filipík A., Jan J., Peterlík I., Hemzal D., Jiřík R. : Two Aspects of Calibrating a 3D Ultrasonic Computed–Tomography System. In: IFMBE congress NBC 2008, Riga 2008, 2008, pp. .
Filipík A., Jan J., Peterlík I., Hemzal D., Ruiter N., : Modifie Time-of-Flight Calibration Approach for Ultrasonic Computed Tomography. In: Proc. of annual internat. DAR conf. 2008, UTIA Praha, Loučeň 2008, 2008, pp. .
Filipík A., Jan J. : Reconstructing attenuation Images in Ultrasonic Computed Tomography In: Proceedings of Radioelektronika 2005 conf., Brno 2005, pp. 171-174.
Filipík A., Jan J. : Ultrasonic Attenuation in Computed Tomography In: Proceedings of Student EEICT 2005 conf., Brno 2005, pp. 603-607.
Filipík A., Jan J., Jiřík R., Ruiter N., Stotzka R. : Transducer calibration in transmission ultrasound computed tomography In: FMBE Proceedings, Vol. 11. Prague: IFMBE, Proceedings of the 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference - EMBEC´05., Prague, Czech Rep. 2005, pp. 4593-4597.
Filipík A., Jiřík R. , Jan J. : Ultrasonic Attenuation Imaging Using Coherent Processing in Ultrasonic Computed Tomography In: Proc. 13th Nordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and medical Physics Swedish Society for Medical Engineering and Medical Physics, Umea, Švédsko 2005, pp. 119 - 120.
Gazárek J., Jan J., Kolář R. : Improvement of Textural Analysis Method Aimed to Detection of Neural Fibre Layer Loss in Retinal Images. In: Conference Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2009, Nov. 29 – Dec.1, Pilsen 2009, 2009, pp. .
Gazárek J., Jan J., Kolář R., Odstrčilík J. : Bimodal Comparison of Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Atrophy Evaluation. In: Proc. of Biosignal 2010, Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images, 2010, pp. 409-413.
Gazárek J., Kolář R., Jan J., Odstrčilík J. : Blood Vessel Tree Reconstruction in Retinal OCT Data. In: In Proc. of Biosignal 2010: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. 2010., 2010, pp. 287-292.
Havlíček M., Jan J., Brázdil M., Calhoun V. : Nonlinear estimation of BOLD signal based on cubature particle filter. In: In Proc. of Biosignal 2010: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Brno University of Technology, Brno 2010, pp. 328-332.
Havlíček M., Jan J., Plis S., Brázdil M., Calhoun V. : Dynamic Granger causality with embedded hemodynamic model. In: Proc. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Barcelona, Barcelona 2010, pp. 88-89.
Havlíček M., Mikl M., Mareček R., Jan J., Brázdil M. : Konektivita funkčních sítí pomocí dynamického modelu Grangerovy kauzality. In: Neurológia pre prax, 2009, 56. Spolocný zjazd slovenskej a ceskej spolocnosti klinickej neurofyziológie, Martin, Slovensko, 2009, pp. .
Hemzal D., Jiřík R., Jan J. : The Ray Equation Based Checking of the Ultrasonic Reconstruction from Projections. In: Proc. of Biosignal 2010: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Brno University of Technology, Brno 2010, pp. .
Hemzal D., Jiřík R., Peterlík I., Roleček J., Jan J., Ruiter : High through-put forward simulation in ultrasound tomography for iterrative 3D image reconstruction. In: Konference Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2009, Nov. 29 – Dec.1, Pilsen 2009, 2009, pp. .
Hemzal D., Peterlik I., Jan J., Roleček J. : Experimental Simulations of Ultrasonic Field Time-Development in 3D Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography. In: 9th Int. conf. ITAB 2009 Larnaca, Cyprus (techn. sponsored by IEEE-EMBS, IFMBE, EFMI, and ESEM), 2009, pp. .
Hemzal D.,Peterlík I., Roleček J., Jan J.,Ruiter N, Jiřík R. : 3D Simulation of Diffraction in Ultrasonic Computed Tomography. In: Proc. of annual internat. DAR conf. 2008, UTIA Praha, Loučeň 2008, 2008, pp. .
Chrastek R., Kubečka L., Jan J. : Optic Nerve Head Segmentation in Multimodal Retinal Images. In: Proceedings of SPIE 2005. The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, SPIEs Annual Meeting, Wave-Optical Systems. SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2005, pp. 1604-1615.
Chrastek R., Kubečka L., Jan J. : Optic Nerve Head Segmentation in Multimodal Retinal Images. In: Proceedings of SPIE 2005. The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, SPIEs Annual Meeting, Wave-Optical Systems. SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2005, pp. 1604-1615.
Jan J. : Retina Image Analysis – Brno group. In: SAOT Retina Image Processing Workshop, 2009, pp. .
Jan J., Kolář R. et al. : Analysis of Fused Ophthalmologic Image In: 6th EURASIP conference on Speech & Image Processing, Multimedia Communications & Services, Maribor Univ. 2007, pp. 37-40.
Jan J., Kubečka L., et al. : Automated Optic Disc Segmentation in Multimodal Images of Retina In: CD Proceedings of the DOG/SOE congress DOG/SOE, Berlin 2005, pp. 100 - 100.
Jan J., Odstrčilík J., Gazárek J., Kolář R. : Retinal Image Analysis Aimed at Support of Early Neural-Layer Deterioration Diagnosis. In: 9th Int. conf. ITAB 2009 Larnaca, Cyprus (techn. sponsored by IEEE-EMBS, IFMBE, EFMI, and ESEM), 2009, pp. .
Jiřík R., Jan J., Peterlík I. et al. : Ultrasound Transmission Tomography In: Sborník z konference Trendy v biomedicínském inženýrství, Kladno, ČVUT v Praze 2007, pp. 208 -210.
Jiřík R., Peterlík I., Fousek J., Jan J., Zapf M., Ruiter N. : Regularization of Sound-Speed Image Reconstruction in Ultrasound Transission Tomography. In: Konference Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2009, Nov. 29 – Dec.1, Pilsen 2009, 2009, pp. .
Jiřík R., Peterlík I., Jan J., Ruiter N., Zapf M. : 3D Regularized Speed-Map Reconstruction in Ultrasound Transmission Tomography. In: 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, 2009, pp. .
Jiřík R., Peterlík I., Jan J., Zapf M., Ruiter N. : 3D Regularized Speed-Map Reconstruction in Ultrasound Transmission Tomography In: In Proc. of 2009 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium. IEEE. 2010., 2010, pp. 2272.
Kocijan J., Přikryl J. : Soft sensor for faulty measurements detection and reconstruction in urban traffic In: Proceedings of MELECON 2010, 15th IEEE Mediterranian Electromechanical Conference IEEE, Valetta 2010, pp. .
Kolář R., Jan J. : Vývoj nových metod pro včasnou diagnostiku glaukomu In: Sborník z konference Trendy v biomedicínském inženýrství, Kladno, ČVUT v Praze 2007, pp. 212-215.
Kolář R., Jan J., Jiřík R. : Semiautomatic Detection and Evaluation of Autofluorescent Areas. In: 29th IEEE-EMBS Ann. Conf. IEEE, Lyon 2007, pp. 3327-3330.
Kolář R., Kubečka L., Jan J., Chrástek R. : Disparity Estimation in Uncalibrated Stereo Retinal Images In: IFMBE Proceedings - EMBEC 2005 The 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conferen, Praha 2005, pp. 1-5.
Kolář R., Jan J. : Unimodal and Multimodal Registration of Retinal Images. In: Conference Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2009, Nov. 29 – Dec.1, Pilsen 2009, 2009, pp. .
Kolář R., Jan J., Chrástek R., Laemmer R., Mardin Ch. : Autofluorescence Areas Detection in HRA Images In: IFMBE Proceedings - EMBEC 2005 , The 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Confer, Praha 2005, pp. 1-5.
Kolář R., Jan J., Kubečka L., Jiřík R. : Image Improvement in Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy In: J.Jan, J.Kozumplík, I.Provazník (Eds.): Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images - Proc. of 18th Int. EURASIP Conf. BIOSIGNAL 2006, Brno (Cz.Rep.) 2006, pp. 239-241.
Kolář R., Jiřík R., Kubečka L., Jan J. : Noise Suppression In Retina Autofluorescence Images In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images - Proc. of 18th Int. EURASIP Conf. BIOSIGNAL 2006, Brno (Cz.Rep.) 2006, pp. 302-304.
Kubečka L., Jan J. : Retinal Image Fusion and Registration In: Proceedings of the 3rd EMBEC Conference EMBEC'05 EAMBS, 2005, pp. 256 - 261.
Kubečka L., Jan J., Kolář R., Jiřík R. : Improving quality of Autofluorescence Images Using Non-Rigid Image Registration In: Proc. 14th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO University of Pisa, Florence (Italy) 2006, pp. 357-361.
Kubečka L., Jan J., Kolář R.,Jiřík R. : Elastic Registration for Auto-fluorescence Image Averaging In: Proc. 28th IEEE-EMBS Annual Intern. Conf. 2006 IEEE, New York (USA) 2006, pp. 1948-1951.
Novotný A., Odstrčilík J., Kolář R., Jan J. : Texture Analysis Of Nerve Fibre Layer In Retinal Images Via Local Binary Patterns And Gaussian Markov Random Fields. In: In 20th Biennial International EURASIP Conference BIOSIGNAL, Brno 2010, pp. 308-305.
Odstrčilík J., Jan J., Kolář R. : Vessel Segmentation by Matched Filtering in Colour Retinal Images. In: Conference Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2009, Nov. 29 – Dec.1, Pilsen 2009, 2009, pp. .
Odstrčilík J., Jan J.,Gazárek J., Kolář R. : Improvement of Vessel Segmentation by Matched Filtering in Colour Retinal Images. In: Proc. of theWorld Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2009, pp. .
Odstrčilík J., Kolář R., Harabiš V., Gazárek J., Jan J. : Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Analysis via Markov Random Fields Texture Modelling. In: In Proc. of the EUSIPCO 2010 European Signal Processing Conference. EURASIP. 2010., 2010, pp. 1650-1654.
Petelin D., Šindelář J., Přikryl J., Kocijan J. : Financial modeling using Gaussian process models In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems : Technology and Application IEEE, Piscataway 2011, pp. .
Přikryl J., Kocijan J. : An Empirical Model of Occupancy-Queue Relation In: Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems IFAC, Redondo Beach 2009, pp. .
Začal J., Hemzal D., Jan J. et el. : Simulation Checks in Ultrasonic Computed Tomography In: 29th IEEE-EMBS Ann. Conf, Lyon 2007, pp. 731-734.
Začal J., Jan J., Kolář R., Kubečka L., Peterlík I. : Deploying a Campus Grid: Experience With The Condor Distributed Batch System In Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images - Proc. of 18th Int. EURASIP Conf. BIOSIGNAL 2006 VUTIUM PRESS, Brno 2006, pp. 321 - 323.


Kocijan J.
Dynamic Systems Identification with Gaussian Process Models
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář Rozhodování a řízení za neurčitosti.
Oct. 27 2009, 14:00-16:00 místnost č. 474, ÚTIA AV ČR

Jan J., Kolář R., Hornegger et al.
Seminář k vvývoji v projektu analýzy retinálních dat.
Oct. 1 2009, 8:00-23:59 Erlangen

Kolář R., Jan J., Roleček J., Jiřík R., Gazárek J.
Application of Image Texture Analysis and Pattern Recognition for Retinal Nerve Fibres Classification.
V rámci akce: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 1 2008, 11:20-11:40 Loučeň

Jiřík R., Peterlík I., Ruiter N., Zapf M., Jan J.
Reconstruction of Attenuation and Sound-Speed Images from 3D Ultrasound Transmission Tomography Data.
V rámci akce: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 1 2008, 11:00-11:20 Loučeň

Filipík A., Jan J., Peterlík I., Hemzal D., Jiřík R.
Calibration of an Ultrasonic Computed Tomography System.
V rámci akce: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 10 2007, 11:40-12:00 Liblice

Jiřík R., Peterlík I., Jan J., Hemzal D., Ruiter N., Stotzka
Attenuation Imaging Using Ultrasound Transmission Tomography.
V rámci akce: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 10 2007, 11:20-11:40 Liblice

Jiří Jan
Overview of Biomedical Image Processing Activities of Brno Group of the DAR
V rámci akce: 2nd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2006
Dec. 11 2006, 17:15-17:40 Třešť

R. Jiřík, J. Jan, J. Začal
Current State of Attenuation USCT
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář pracovníků DAR - FEKT VUT Brno
Jun. 8 2006, 13:00-14:00 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe

Jiří Jan
Iterativní metody řešení systému lineárních rovnic
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář pracovníků DAR - FEKT VUT Brno
Jan. 19 2006, 15:30-16:30 FEKT VUT Brno

Kuběna, Kolář R., Kubečka L. , Jan J.
Využití stereovize a steroanalýzy v analýze oftalmologických obrazových dat
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář pracovníků DAR - FEKT VUT Brno
Nov. 10 2005 FEKT VUT Brno

J. Jan, R. Jiřík, R. Kolář, A. Filipík, L. Kubečka
Selected Problems of Medical Image Data Processing.
V rámci akce: Výzkumné centrum Data – Algoritmy – Rozhodování, 2. společná konference
Oct. 12 2005, 13:10-13:30 ÚTIA AV ČR

Stotzka R., Ruiter N., Jan J., Jiřík R., Filipík A.
Attenuation imaging and parallel computing environment for USCT
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář pracovníků DAR - FEKT VUT Brno
Jul. 12 2005 FEKT VUT Brno

Jan Flusser a Jiří Jan
Fůze obrazů.
V rámci akce: Výzkumné centrum Data – Algoritmy – Rozhodování, 1. společná konference
Apr. 13 2005, 14:50-15:10 Přednáškový sál ÚTIA AV ČR

Organizované konference a pravidelné semináře

Pravidelný seminář pracovníků DAR - FEKT VUT Brno
Jan. 1 2005 - Dec. 31 2011 Seminární místnost DAR, ÚBMI FEKT VUT, Kolejní 4, Brno


prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Sep. 1 2011 - Sep. 4 2011 USA, Boston

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. May. 22 2011 - May. 27 2011 Praha

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Apr. 29 2011 - Apr. 30 2011 Smolenice, Slovensko.

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Oct. 20 2010 - Oct. 23 2010 Karlsruhe, Německo

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Aug. 28 2010 - Sep. 7 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Jul. 12 2010 - Jul. 15 2010 Erlangen, Německo

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Jun. 5 2010 - Jun. 9 2010 Berlin, Německo

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Apr. 26 2010 - Apr. 28 2010 Erlangen, Německo

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Nov. 5 2009 - Nov. 7 2009 Larnaca, Kypr

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Oct. 12 2009 - Oct. 18 2009 Meldola, It.

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Sep. 2 2009 - Sep. 6 2009 Minneapolis, USA

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Aug. 23 2009 - Aug. 28 2009 Seoul, Korea

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Jun. 7 2006 - Jun. 11 2006 Karlsruhe (Germany)

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Sep. 22 2005 - Oct. 1 2005 Karlsruhe, Německo

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. May. 23 2005 - May. 28 2005 Erlangen, Německo

prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc. Apr. 29 2005 - May. 2 2005 Karlsruhe, Německo


Hardt M., Jejkal T. Dec. 1 2009 - Dec. 4 2009 (Hostitel: prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc.)

Mayer M. Jul. 8 2009 - Jul. 10 2009 (Hostitel: prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc.)

Stotzka R. May. 6 2009 - May. 8 2009 (Hostitel: prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc.)

Nicole Ruiter Dec. 9 2007 - Dec. 13 2007 (Hostitel: prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc.)

Nikol Ruiter, Marcus Hardt Dec. 7 2006 - Dec. 10 2006 (Hostitel: prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc.)

Rainer Stotzka, Georg Goebel Feb. 13 2006 - Feb. 18 2006 (Hostitel: prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc.)

Chrástek Radim Nov. 2 2005 - Nov. 4 2005 (Hostitel: prof. Ing.Jiří Jan, CSc.)

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