Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)

Ing. Jan Kracík, Ph.D.



Článek v odborném periodiku Kárný M., Andrýsek J., Bodini A., Guy T., Kracík J., Ruggeri : How to exploit external model of data for parameter estimation? International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Process 20, (2006), 1, pp. 41-50.
Kárný M., Kracík J., Nagy I., Nedoma Petr. : When has estimation reached a steady state? The Bayesian sequential test. Intern. Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 19 (2005), 1, pp. 41-57.
Konferenční příspěvek Andrýsek J.,Bodini A., Kárný M., Kracík J.,Ruggeri F. : On combining partial incompatible information: a proposal. In: Proceedings of the INFORMS conference on Group Decision Support and Negotiation., Vienna 2005, pp. .
Kracík J. : Composition of probability density functions based on minimization of Kullback-Leibler divergence. In: Proceedings of the 5th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control - Young Generation Viewpoint. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 2005, pp. 1-4.
Kracík J. : Processing of Expert Information in Bayesian Parameter Estimation. In: Proceedings of Abstracts of the 6th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control a Young Generation Viewpoint. Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana 2005, pp. 4.
Kracík J., Kárný M. : Merging of Data Knowledge in Bayesian Estimation. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics., Barcelona 2005, pp. 229-232.
Interní tisk Kárný M., Andrýsek J., Bodini A., Guy T., Kracík J., Ruggeri : How to Exploit External Model of Data for Parameter Estimation. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/19. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 11 pp.
Výzkumná zpráva Kárný M., Andrýsek J., Bodini A., Guy T., Kracík J., Nedoma : Fully probabilistic knowledge expression and incorporation (Research Report-Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologi 8-10MI) Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, Milano 2008, pp.


Ing. Jan Kracík
Information Exchange Between Bayesian Agents.
V rámci akce: International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making
Dec. 20 2005, 14:40-15:00 ÚTIA AV ČR

Jan Kracík a Václav Šmídl
Nástroje pro spolupráci Bayesovských agentů.
V rámci akce: Výzkumné centrum Data – Algoritmy – Rozhodování, 2. společná konference
Oct. 12 2005, 13:50-14:10 ÚTIA AV ČR


Ing.Jan Kracík, Ph.D. Oct. 4 2005 - Oct. 8 2005 Slovinsko

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