M. Kudo
Kudo M., Kimura K., Haindl Michal, Tenmoto H.
Simultaneous Visualization of Samples, Features and Multi-Labels
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), p. 3592-3597,
23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2016,
(Cancún, MX, 20161204) [2016]
Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav, Kudo M.
Unsupervised Surface Reflectance Field Multi-segmenter
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns - CAIP 2015, p. 261-273
, Eds: Azzopardi George, Petkov Nicolai,
16th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns,
(Valletta, MT, 02.09.2015-04.09.2015) [2015]
Haindl Michal, Grim Jiří, Pudil Pavel, Kudo M.
A hybrid BTF model based on Gaussian mixtures
Texture 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis, p. 95-100
, Eds: Chantler M., Drbohlav O.,
(Los Alamitos 2005)
International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis /4./,
(Beijing, CN, 21.10.2005) [2005]
Haindl Michal, Grim Jiří, Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel, Kudo M.
A Gaussian mixture-based colour texture model
Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 177-180,
International Conference on Pattern Recognition /17./,
(Cambridge, GB, 23.08.2004-26.08.2004) [2004]
Kudo M., Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel, Shimbo M., Sklansky J.
Comparison of classifier-specific feature selection algorithms
Advances in Pattern Recognition, p. 677-686
, Eds: Ferri J., Inesta M. J., Amin A., Pudil P.,
(Berlin 2000)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.1876 ,
Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2000 and SPR 2000,
(Alicante, ES, 30.08.2000-01.09.2000) [2000]