P. Regalia

  1. Heřmánek Antonín, Schier Jan, Regalia P.Architecture design for FPGA implementation of finite interval CMA , Proceedings of the 12th European Signal Processing Conference, p. 1-4 , Eds: Hlawatsch F., Matz G., Rupp M., EUSIPCO 2004 /12./, (Vienna, AT, 06.09.2004-10.09.2004) [2004]
  2. Heřmánek Antonín, Regalia P.Comparison of two recursive constant modulus algorithms , Proceedings of the 4th Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference, p. 159-162 , Eds: Butaš J., Stopjaková V., Slovak University of Technology, (Bratislava 2003) , International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems. /4./, (Bratislava, SK, 11.09.2003-12.09.2003) [2003]
  3. Heřmánek Antonín, Regalia P.Recursive Finite Interval Constant Modulus Algorithm for blind equalization , MATLAB 2002. Sborník příspěvků 10. ročníku konference, p. 133-141, VŠCHT, (Praha 2002) , MATLAB 2002, (Praha, CZ, 07.11.2002) [2002]