I. Knížková

  1. Kunc P., Knížková I., Koubková M., Flusser Jan, Doležal O.Porovnání strukových návleček na základě teplotních stavů struků , Research in Agricultural Engineering vol.46, 3 (2000), p. 104-108 [2000]

  1. Kunc P., Knížková I., Koubková M., Flusser Jan, Doležal O.Effect of postmilking teat disinfecting on teat skin temperature status , Physiological and Technical Aspects of Machine Milking, p. 219-223 , Eds: Rosati A., Mihina S., Mosconi C., ICAR, (Rome 2001) ICAR Technical Series. vol.7 , Physiological and Technical Aspects of Machine Milking, (Nitra, SK, 26.06.2001-27.06.2001) [2001]
  2. Knížková I., Kunc P., Koubková M., Flusser Jan, Doležal O.Effect of old and new rubber liners on teats evaluated by thermographic method , Physiological and Technical Aspects of Machine Milking, p. 213-217 , Eds: Rosati A., Mihina S., Mosconi C., ICAR, (Rome 2001) ICAR Technical Series. vol.7 , Physiological and Technical Aspects of Machine Milking, (Nitra, SK, 26.06.2001-27.06.2001) [2001]
  3. Knížková I., Kunc P., Koubková M., Flusser Jan, Doležal O.Responses of dairy cow body surface temperature in thermoneutral zone , Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Animal Hygiene, p. 951-954, ISAH, (Maastricht 2000) , International Congress on Animal Hygiene /10./, (Maastricht, NL, 02.07.2000-06.07.2000) [2000]
  4. Kunc P., Knížková I., Koubková M., Flusser Jan, Doležal O.Influence of machine milking with different vacuum on teat traumatization , Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Animal Hygiene, p. 680-682, ISAH, (Maastricht 2000) , International Congress on Animal Hygiene /10./, (Maastricht, NL, 02.07.2000-06.07.2000) [2000]
  5. Knížková I., Kunc P., Koubková M., Flusser JanThermal comfort of dairy cows in barn with open-sided construction , International Conference Trends in Agricultural Engineering, p. 394-395, Czech University of Agriculture, (Prague 1999) , TAE '99. Trends in Agricultural Engineering, (Prague, CZ, 10.09.1999-13.09.1999) [1999] Download