Established in 2005 under support of MŠMT ČR (project 1M0572)

Doc. Ing. František Huňka, CSc.


Jornal article Huňka F. : Object Oriented Software for Fuzzy Arithmetic International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems 20, 8 (2008), 20-21-22, pp. 250-261.
Conference paper Huňka F., Pavliska V. : Fuzzy Set Shape Optimization In: MENDEL 2010 Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Enginee, Brno 2010, pp. 166-172.
Huňka F., Pavliska V. : Object Oriented Approach in Optimization of Fuzzy Transform In: New Aspects of Computers Part: III WSEAS Press, Heraklion 2008, pp. 1066-1071.


Huňka F., Pavliska V. (Ostravská univerzita)
Error Optimization of Fuzzy Transform Approximation
Within the event: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Jan. 28 2010, 9:30-10:30 místnost A322 budovy A Ostravské univerzity

František Huňka
Anticipating Systems - Tool for their Modeling
Within the event: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Oct. 20 2005, 10:00-11:00 ÚVAFM

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