Established in 2005 under support of MŠMT ČR (project 1M0572)

Ing. Antonín Dvořák, PhD.


Jornal article Dvořák A., Novák V. : Towards Automatic Modeling of Economic Texts Mathware & Soft Computing, (2008), pp. .
Habibala H., Pavliska V., Dvořák A. : Software system for time series prediction based on {F}-transform Aplimat - Journal of applied mathematics, 2009 (2009), pp. 511-518.
Novák V., Perfilieva I., Dvořák A., Chen Q., Wei Q., Yan P. : Mining pure linguistic associations from numerical data International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (2007), pp. .
Perfilieva I., Novák V., Dvořák A. : Fuzzy transform in the analysis of data Intern. Journal of Appr. reasoning, (2007), pp. .
Conference paper Dvořák A.; Štěpnička M.; Vavříčková L. : Redundancies in systems of fuzzy/linguistic IF-THEN rules In: Proc. EUSFLAT-LFA 2011 Atlantis Press, 2011, pp. 1022-1029.
Novák V., Perfilieva I., Dvořák A. : Mining Pure Linguistic Associations on the Basis of Perceptions in Numerical Data. In: NAFIPS'06 . 3.6.2006-6.6.2006 Montreal. IEEE, Montreal 2006, pp. 237-240.
Perfilieva I., Novák V., Pavliska V., Dvořák A. Štěpnička M. : Analysis and Prediction of Time Series Using Fuzzy Transform In: WCCI 2008 Proceedings IEEE COmputational Intelligence Society, Hong kong 2008, pp. 3875-3879.
Perfilieva I., Novák V., Pavliska V., Dvořák A. Štěpnička M. : Prediction of Time Series by Soft Computing Methods In: 10th Czech-Japan Seminář on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, Praha 2007, pp. 119-129.
Research report Dvořák A. : Documentation of the kernel of LFLC2000 (Technical Report DAR-UVAFM 1), Ostrava 2005, 97 pp.
Novák V., Perfilieva I., Dvořák A., : Discovering Linguistic Associations from Numerical Data. ( Research report No 88 -) ÚVAFM OU, Ostrava 2005, 33 pp.
Application/Electronic document LFLC2000 (Software)


Dvořák A. (Ostravská univerzita)
Models of higher-order vagueness in fuzzy type theory
Within the event: Pravidelný seminář ÚVAFM OU
Dec. 3 2009, 9:30-10:30 místnost A322 budovy A Ostravské univerzity

Perfilieva I., Novák V., Pavliska V., Dvořák A., Štěpnička M
Prediction of Time Series by Soft Computing Methods
Sep. 15 2007 8:00 - Sep. 18 2007 23:59 Liblice

Perfilieva I., Novák V., Pavliska V., Dvořák A., Štěpnička M
Forecasting Time Series Using Fuzzy Transform
Aug. 12 2007 8:00 - Aug. 17 2007 23:59 Orlando

Antonín Dvořák
Mining Linguistic Associations from Data Using LFLC
Within the event: 2nd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2006
Dec. 11 2006, 15:15-15:40 Třešť

Dvořák A., Pavliska V.
Software System LFLC2000, its current state and future development
Within the event: The Logic of Soft Computing IV & 4th Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Soft Computing
Oct. 7 2005, 15:55-16:30 Ostrava

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