Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)

Doc. RNDr. Jana Novovičová, CSc.

výzkumný pracovník


Část monografie Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Efficient Feature Subset Selection and Subset Size Optimization In: Pattern Recognition, Recent Advances (Adam Herout . ,). In-Teh, Vukovar, Croatia 2010, pp. .
Článek v odborném periodiku Novovičová J. : Text document classification. ERCIM News, (2005), 62, pp. 53-54.
Novovičová J., Somol P., Pudil P. : Oscillating feature subset search algorithm for text categorization Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2006), 4225, pp. 578-587.
Novovičová J., Somol P., Haindl M., Pudil P. : Conditional Mutual Information Based Feature Selection for Classification Task Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), 4756 (2007), pp. 417-426.
Paclík P., Novovičová J., Duin R.P.W. : Building Road-Sign Classifier using a Trainable Similarity Measure. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 7 (2006), 3, pp. 309-321.
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Flexible-hybrid Sequential Floating Search in Statistical Feature Selection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2006), 4109, pp. 632-639.
Somol P., Novovičová J. : Evaluating Stability and Comparing Output of Feature Selectors that Optimize Feature Subset Cardinality IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligen, (2010), 11 (2010), pp. 1921-1939.
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Notes on the evolution of feature selection methodology Kybernetika, (2007), 5 (2007), pp. 713-730.
Konferenční příspěvek Grim J., Novovičová J., Somol P. : Structural Poisson Mixtures for Classification of Documents In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition IEEE Press, Los Alamitos 2008, pp. .
Novovičová J., Malík A. : Information-Theoretic Feature Selection Algorithms for Text Classification. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IJCNN 2005, Montreal, Canada 2005, pp. 3272-3277.
Novovičová J., Somol P., Pudil P. : A New Measure of Feature Selection Algorithms’ Stability In: ICDMW '09: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops ICDMW '09: International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, (Miami, Florida, US, 06.12.2009-09.12.2009), Miami, Florida 2009, pp. .
Paclík P., Novovičová J., Duin R. P. W. : A trainable similarity measure for image classification In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2006 IEEE Press, 2006, pp. 391-394.
Somol P., Novovičová J., Grim J., Pudil P. : Dynamic Oscillating Search Algorithm for Feature Selection In: ICPR 2008 Proceedings (Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition) IEEE Computer Society, Tampa, Florida 2008, pp. .
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Are Better Feature Selection Methods Actually Better? Discussion, Reasoning and Examples In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC 2008 Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Infor INSTICC Press, Madeira 2008, pp. .
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Improving Sequential Feature Selection Methods Performance by Means of Hybridization In: Proc. 6th IASTED Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering ACTA Press, Calgary 2010, pp. .
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : On the Over-Fitting Problem of Complex Feature Selection Methods. In: Proc. 5th International Computer Engineering Conference - A better Information Society Through the e@, 5th International Computer Engineering Conference - A better Information Society Through the e@, (Káhira, EG, 27.12.2009-28.12.2009), Káhira 2009, pp. .
Interní tisk Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Advances in Feature Selection Methodology: an Overview of Recent ÚTIA Results. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/21. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 18 pp.
Výzkumná zpráva Somol P., Novovičová J. : Does It Make Sense to Develop New Feature Selection Methods? (Research Report 2193) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P., Kittler J. : Feature Selection - A Very Compact Survey Over the Diversity of Existing Approaches (Research Report 2285) ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2010, pp.


Somol P., Novovičová J.
Evaluating the Stability of Feature Selectors that Optimize Feature Subset Cardinality.
V rámci akce: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 1 2008, 14:20-14:40 Loučeň

Grim J., Novovičová J., Somol P.
Structural Poisson Mixtures for Classification of Documents.
V rámci akce: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 1 2008, 14:00-14:20 Llučeň

Somol P., Novovičová J.
Are Better Feature Selection Methods Actually Better ?
Jan. 18 2008, 10:00-11:00 ÚTIA AV ČR, místnost č. 25

Somol P., Novovičová J.
Are Better Feature Selection Methods Actually Better ?
V rámci akce: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 10 2007, 15:10-15:30 Liblice

Novovičová J.
Automated text categorization by machine learning methods
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář Inteligentní systémy
Apr. 24 2007, 14:00-15:30 místnost č.25, ÚTIA AV ČR

Jana Novovičová
Feature Subset Selection for Text Categorization
V rámci akce: 2nd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2006
Dec. 11 2006, 8:55-9:20 Třešť

Jana Novovičová
Automatická klasifikace textových dokumentů.
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář Rozhodování a řízení za neurčitosti.
Mar. 21 2006, 14:00-15:00 místnost 474, ÚTIA AV ČR


Doc. RNDr.Jana Novovičová, CSc. Sep. 28 2005 - Sep. 29 2005 Dublin, Irsko

Doc. RNDr.Jana Novovičová, CSc. Jul. 31 2005 - Aug. 4 2005 Montreal, Canada

Doc. RNDr.Jana Novovičová, CSc. Apr. 1 2005 - Apr. 1 2005 Paris, Francie

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