J. Smid

  1. Smid J., Volf PetrDynamics retrieval and characterization from nonlinear time series , Neural Network World vol.5, 4 (1995), p. 625-633 [1995]

  1. Smid J., Markham B., Sváček P., Volf PetrCalibration, regression models and the Web , Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing VIII.Proceedings, p. 131-138 , Eds: Serpico S. B., SPIE, (Bellingham 2003) Proceedings of the SPIE. vol.4885 , International Symposium on Remote Sensing /8./, (Crete, GR, 22.09.2002-27.09.2002) [2003]
  2. Smid J., Sváček P., Volf PetrOn evaluation of user adaptive and flexible tutoring model , Applied Informatics - Artificial Intelligence and Applications, p. 1-5 , Eds: Hamza M. H., Acta Press, (Calgary 2002) Series on Applied Informatics. , Workshop on Intelligence and Technology in Educational Applications. ITEA 2002, (Innsbruck, AT, 18.02.2002) [2002]
  3. Smid J., Markham B., Volf Petr, Obitko M.Calibration data models for the Landsat 7 ETM+ internal calibrator , Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites IV . Proceedings, p. 219-226 , Eds: Hiroyuki F., Lurie J. B., Ropertz A., SPIE, (Bellingham 2001) Proceedings SPIE. vol.4169 , Europto Remote Sensing Conference 2000, (Barcelona, ES, 25.09.2000-29.09.2000) [2001]
  4. Smid J., Smid Jr. J., Obitko M., Volf PetrModel parameters and model performance , Proceedings of the UM2001 Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Adaptive Systems, p. 25-32 , Eds: Weibelzahl S., Chin D., Weber G., Pedagogical University, (Freiburg 2001) , UM2001. International Conference on User Modeling /8./, (Sonthofen, DE, 13.07.2001-17.07.2001) [2001]
  5. Markham B., Kurz L., Seiferth J., Smid J., Volf PetrAlgorithms and analysis tools for the Landsat detectors trending , Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing. Proceedings, p. 25-33 , Eds: Serpico S. B., SPIE, (Bellingham 1998) Proceedings of SPIE. vol.3500 , EUROPTO, (Barcelona, ES, 21.09.1998-23.09.1998) [1998]
  6. Levine E., Kurz L., Smid J., Smid M., Volf PetrAlgorithms and analysis tools for carbon content modeling in soil based on satellite data , Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology. Proceedings, p. 315-322 , Eds: Engman E. T., SPIE, (Bellingham 1998) Proceedings of SPIE. vol.3499 , EUROPTO, (Barcelona, ES, 22.09.1998-24.09.1998) [1998]
  7. Smid J., Volf PetrTools for prediction of the system performance and detection of the changes , Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, p. 43-46 , Eds: Rojíček J., Valečková M., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1998) , CMP'98 /3./, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1998-09.09.1998) [1998]
  8. Smid J., Volf Petr, Markham B., Seiferth J.Modeling and change point detection for satellite instrumentation calibration coefficient time series: An example based on Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper data , Earth Observing Systems. The SPIE paper 3117, p. 197-205, S.P.I.E., (San Diego 1997) , Earth Observing Systems, (San Diego, US, 29.07.1997-01.08.1997) [1997]
  9. Smid J., Volf Petr, Rao G.HST battery voltage-current modeling , Proceedings of the 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, p. 201-206, AICE, (New York 1997) , IECEC '97 /32./, (Honolulu, US, 27.07.1997-01.08.1997) [1997]
  10. Smid J., Volf PetrBayesian learning algorithm based on the MCMC method , Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, p. 164-167 , Eds: Hamza M. H., IASTED Acta Press, (Calgary 1997) , Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, (Banff, CA, 27.07.1997-01.08.1997) [1997]
  11. Smid J., Volf PetrAn incremental construction of a nonparametric regression model , International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, p. 466-472, AAAI Press, (Fort Lauderdale 1997) , AISTAT '97 /6./, (Fort Lauderdale, US, 04.01.1997-07.01.1997) [1997]
  12. Smid J., Volf PetrDynamics approximation and change point retrieval from a neural networks model , Mathematics of Neural Networks. Models, Algorithms and Applications, p. 333-338 , Eds: Ellacott S. W., Mason J. C., Anderson I. J., Kluwer, (Boston 1997) , World Conference on Neural Networks, (Washington, US, 12.06.1995-16.06.1995) [1997]
  13. Smid J., Volf Petr, Rao G.Monte Carlo approach to Bayesian regression modeling , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 169-180 , Eds: Warwick K., Kárný M., Birkhäuser, (Boston 1997) , European IEEE Workshop CMP'96 /2./, (Prague, CZ, 28.08.1996-30.08.1996) [1997]
  14. Smid J., Volf Petr, Rao G.Monte Carlo approach to Bayesian regression modeling , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96, p. 205-210 , Eds: Berec L., Rojíček J., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) , European IEEE Workshop CMP'96 /2./, (Prague, CZ, 28.08.1996-30.08.1996) [1996]
  15. Smid J., Volf PetrDynamics Extraction from a Neural Network Time Series Model , Proceedings of the World Conference on Neural Networks, p. 20-24, Lawrence Erlbaum, (Washington 1995) , World Conference on Neural Networks, (Washington, US, 12.06.1995-16.06.1995) [1995]
  16. Smid J., Volf Petr, Sláma Marek, Paluš MilanLinear and nonlinear trending and prediction for AVHRR time series data , 1995 Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Information Technologies, p. 209-220 , Eds: Hostetter C. F., NASA, (Greenbelt 1995) NASA Conference Publication. vol.3296 , Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence, (Greenbelt, US, 09.05.1995-11.05.1995) [1995]