C. Softley

  1. Matoušek Rudolf, Líčko Miroslav, Heřmánek Antonín, Softley C.Floating-Point-Like Arithmetic for FPGA , POSTER 2002, p. 2, FEL ČVUT, (Praha 2002) , International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering /6./, (Praha, CZ, 23.05.2002) [2002]
  2. Matoušek Rudolf, Tichý Milan, Pohl Zdeněk, Kadlec Jiří, Softley C.Logarithmic number system and floating-point arithmetics on FPGA , Field-Programmable Logic and Applications: Reconfigurable Computing Is Going Mainstream, p. 627-636 , Eds: Glesner M., Zipf P., Renovell M., Springer, (Berlin 2002) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.2438 , International Conference FPL 2002 /12./, (Montpellier, FR, 02.09.2002-04.09.2002) [2002]