prof. Ing. Jan Flusser, DrSc.
Sedlář J., Sedlářová M., Flusser J. : Digital Processing of Light Microscopy Images in Plant Pathogen Diagnostics In: Workshop on Bio-Image Informatics: Biological Imaging, Computer Vision and Data Mining Center for Bio-Image Informatics, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, Center for Bio-Image Informatics, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 2008, pp. .
Flusser J.Implicit Moment Invariants.
Within the event: Pravidelný seminář Rozhodování a řízení za neurčitosti.
Jan. 19 2010, 14:00-16:00 místnost č. 474, ÚTIA AV ČR
Bican J., Flusser J.3D Medical Registration Based on Phase Correlation.
Within the event: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 1 2008, 9:10-9:30 Loučeň
Flusser J.An Overview of Image Processing Activities in the DAR Center in 2008.
Within the event: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 1 2008, 8:30-9:10 Loučeň
orel M., Flusser J.Multichannel Restoration of Images with Space-variant Blur.
Within the event: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 10 2007, 9:40-10:10 Liblice
Flusser J.Image Analysis - Progress in 2007.
Within the event: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 10 2007, 9:10-9:40 Liblice
Jan FlusserA Survey of the Recent Work on Image Analysis in UTIA
Within the event: 2nd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2006
Dec. 11 2006, 16:00-16:25 Tře
Ing. Filip roubek, PhD., prof. Ing. Jan Flusser. DrSc.Super-Resolution Imaging from Degraded Low-Resolution Frames
Within the event: International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making
Dec. 19 2005, 16:20-16:40 ÚTIA AV ČR
Jan Flusser a Jiří JanFůze obrazů.
Within the event: Výzkumné centrum Data Algoritmy Rozhodování, 1. společná konference
Apr. 13 2005, 14:50-15:10 Přednákový sál ÚTIA AV ČR
Organised conferences and seminars
Doktorandský seminář zpracování signálu a obrazu
May. 27 2007 16:00 - Jun. 3 2007 18:00 Mariánská, Kruné hory
Doktorandský seminář zpracování signálu a obrazu
May. 14 2006 16:00 - May. 20 2006 18:00 Mariánská, Kruné hory
Kautsky J. Mar. 12 2009 - Jul. 8 2009 (Host:
prof. Ing.Jan Flusser, DrSc.)
Janis Fehr Nov. 27 2008 - Nov. 30 2008 (Host:
prof. Ing.Jan Flusser, DrSc.)
Kautsky J. Apr. 17 2008 - Jun. 17 2008 (Host:
prof. Ing.Jan Flusser, DrSc.)
Byrnes J. May. 18 2007 - May. 27 2007 (Host:
prof. Ing.Jan Flusser, DrSc.)
Kautský J. May. 2 2007 - May. 27 2007 (Host:
prof. Ing.Jan Flusser, DrSc.)
Esa Rahtu Oct. 16 2006 - Oct. 29 2006 (Host:
prof. Ing.Jan Flusser, DrSc.)
Dr. G. Peters Dec. 17 2005 - Dec. 22 2005 (Host:
prof. Ing.Jan Flusser, DrSc.)
prof. Janne Heikkila Dec. 17 2005 - Dec. 22 2005 (Host:
prof. Ing.Jan Flusser, DrSc.)
Dr. Gobert Lee Jun. 13 2005 - Jun. 13 2005 (Host:
prof. Ing.Jan Flusser, DrSc.)