Established in 2005 under support of MŠMT ČR (project 1M0572)

prof. Ing. Jan Flusser, DrSc.


Monograph Flusser J., Suk T., Zitová B. : Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition Wiley & sons, Chichester 2009, pp.
Part of monograph Šorel M., Šroubek F., Flusser J. : Recent Advances in Space-Variant Deblurring and Image Stabilization In: Unexploded ordnance detection and mitigation Recent Advances in Space-Variant Deblurring (Byrnes J. ,). Springer Science + Business Media B.V, Dordrecht, The Netherlands 2009, pp. .
Šorel M., Šroubek F., Flusser J. : Towards super-resolution in the presence of spatially varying blur In: Super-resolution imaging (Milanfar P. ,). CRC Press, Milanfar 2010, pp. .
Šroubek F., Flusser J., Cristóbal G. : Multiframe blind deconvolution coupled with frame registration and resolution enhancement In: Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Application (Campisi P. ,Egiazarian K. ,). CRC Press, Boca Raton 2007, pp. 317-348.
Jornal article Bican J., Flusser J. : 3D Digit Registration by Cylindrical Phase Correlation Method Pattern Recognition Letters, (2009), 10 (2009), pp. 914-921.
Bican J., Flusser J. : Cylindrical Phase Correlation Method Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), 4673 (2007), pp. 751-758.
Boldyš J., Flusser J. : Extension of Moment Features’ Invariance to Blur Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, (2008), 1 (2008), pp. 1-12.
Flusser J. : Moment Invariants in Image Analysis. Trans. on Engineering, Computing and Technology, 11 (2006), 2, pp. 196-201.
Flusser J., Kautsky J., Šroubek F. : Object recognition by implicit invariants Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), 4673 (2007), pp. 856-863.
Flusser J., Kautský J., Šroubek F. : Implicit Moment Invariants International Journal of Computer Vision, (2009), 1 (2010), pp. 72-86.
Flusser J., Suk T. : Rotation Moment Invariants for Recognition of Symmetric Objects IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15 (2006), 12, pp. 3784-3790.
Krolupper F., Flusser J. : Polygonal shape description for recognition of partially occluded objects Pattern Recognition Letters, (2007), 9 (2007), pp. 1002-1011.
Sedlář J., Flusser J., Sedlářová M. : Photorealistic Modeling of the Growth of Filamentous Specimens EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, (2008), 520972 (2008), pp. 1-9.
Šorel M., Flusser J. : Restoration of color images degraded by space-variant motion blur Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), 4673 (2007), pp. 450-457.
Šorel M., Flusser J. : Space-Variant Restoration of Images Degraded by Camera Motion Blur IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (2008), 2 (2008), pp. 105-116.
Šorel M., Šroubek F., Flusser J. : Multichannel deblurring of digital images Kybernetika, 47 (2011), 3 (2011), pp. 439-454.
Šroubek F., Cristobal G., Flusser J. : Simultaneous super-resolution and blind deconvolution Journal of Physics: Conference Series, (2008), pp. 1-8.
Šroubek F., Cristóbal G., Flusser J. : A Unified Approach to Superresolution and Multichannel Blind Deconvolution IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (2007), 9 (2007), pp. 2322-2332.
Conference paper Beneš M., Zitová B., Flusser J., Hradilová J., Hradil D. : The Image Processing System for Art Specimens: Nephele. In: Proceedings of 14th European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO 2006., 2006, pp. 1-5.
Cristobal G., Gil E., Šroubek F., Flusser J., Miravet C., Ro : Superresolution imaging: a survey of current techniques. In: Proceedings of the Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XVIII 7074 SPIE, San Diego 2008, pp. .
Flusser J. : Moment Invariants in Image Analysis. In: Proc. Int'l. Conf. Computer Science ICCS'06. vol. 11, Prague 2006, pp. 196-201.
Flusser J., Šroubek F., Zitová B. : Fusion in Image Processing (Tutorial) In: Proc. 11th Int'l. Conf. on Information Fusion IEEE, Cologne 2008, pp. .
Flusser J., Šroubek F., Zitová B. : Tutorial: Image Fusion - Principles, Methods, and Applications In: Proceedings of the 15th European Signal Processing Conference Tutorials EURASIP, Poznan 2007, pp. .
Goshtasby A., Flusser J., Šroubek F., Zitová B. : Tutorial: Survey and Recent Advances in Image Registration and Fusion In: Abstracts Book of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition IEEE, Anchorage 2008, pp. .
Horáček O., Bican J., Kamenický J., Flusser J. : Image Retrieval for Image Theft Detection In: Computer Recognition Systems 2 Springer, Berlin 2007, pp. .
Horáček O., Flusser J. : Image database designed for fast and robust image search In: Doktorandské dny 2007 Česká technika ČVUT, Praha 2007, pp. .
Horáček O., Kamenický J., Flusser J. : Recognition of Partially Occluded and Deformed Binary Objects. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. CAIP 2005 Springer, Berlin 2005, pp. 415-422.
Kamenický J., Horáček O., Flusser J. : Polygonal Approach to Recognition of Partially Occluded Binary Objects In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Optics, 2006, pp. 346-353.
Kautsky J., Flusser J., Šroubek F. : Implicit Invariants and Object Recognition In: Proc. of Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications DICTA 2007 IEEE Computer Society, Glenelg 2008, pp. .
Sedlář J., Flusser J., Sedlářová M. : Tracking the Growth of Filamentous Fungi by Means of the Morphological Skeleton In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. BIOSIGNAL 2006. University of Technology, Brno 2006, pp. 308-311.
Sedlář J., Sedlářová M., Flusser J. : Digital Processing of Light Microscopy Images in Plant Pathogen Diagnostics In: Workshop on Bio-Image Informatics: Biological Imaging, Computer Vision and Data Mining Center for Bio-Image Informatics, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, Center for Bio-Image Informatics, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 2008, pp. .
Sedlář J., Sedlářová M., Flusser J. : Image processing methods for determination of downy mildews from light microscopy images In: Signal Processing Symposium Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 2009, pp. .
Sedlář J., Sedlářová M., Flusser J. : Tracking the growth of phytopathogenic fungi and use of digital image processing in diagnostics In: Journal of Plant Pathology 2, Supplement90 EDIZIONI ETS, Pisa, Italy 2008, pp. .
Šimberová S., Haindl M., Flusser J. : Mathematics improves astronomical image understanding In: Mathematics and Astronomy: A joint Long Journey American Institute of Physics, Melville 2010, pp. .
Šorel M., Flusser J. : Blind Restoration of Images Blurred by Complex Camera Motion and Simultaneous Recovery of 3D Scene Structure In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2005., 2005, pp. 737-742.
Šorel M., Flusser J. : Simultaneous Recovery of Scene Structure and Blind Restoration of Defocused Images. In: Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2006. CVWW'06. (Chum O., Franc V. eds.). Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, Prague 2006, pp. 40-45.
Šroubek F., Cristóbal G., Flusser J. : Blind Superresolution. In: Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2006. Springer, Rome 2006, pp. 294-294.
Šroubek F., Cristóbal G., Flusser J. : Blind Superresolution. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Optics. Springer, New York 2006, pp. 1-2.
Šroubek F., Cristóbal G., Flusser J. : Combined Superresolution and Blind Deconvolution. In: International Workshop on Information Optics. WIO'06 /5./. Toledo(ES), 05.06.2006-07.06.2006. American Institute of Physics, USA 2006, pp. 15-26.
Šroubek F., Flusser J. : Superresolution and blind deconvolution of video In: SIAM Conferece on Imaging Science (Abstracts) SIAM, Philadelphia 2010, pp. .
Šroubek F., Flusser J., Šorel M. : Superresolution and blind deconvolution of video In: Proceedings on the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition IEEE, Tampa 2008, pp. .
Šroubek F., Flusser J., Zitová B. : Image fusion: a powerful tool for object identification In: Imaging for Detection and Identification. NATO Advance Study Institute., 2006, pp. 1-20.
Šroubek F., Kamenický J., Flusser J. : Denoising, deblurring, and superresoluton in mobile phones In: Computational Imaging IX - Proceedings of the SPIE 2011 SPIE, Bellingham 2011, pp. .
Váňová I., Flusser J. : Modelling of Perception of Non-planar Scene in a Defect Vision. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Optics.WIO'06 /5./. Toledo(ES), 05.06.2006-07.06.2006. American Institute of Physics, 2006, pp. 354-359.
Zitová B., Flusser J., Šroubek F. : Image Registration: A Survey and Recent Advances. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP 2005., Los Alamitos 2005, pp. 1-2.
Research report Benda J., Flusser J. : Navigation System for a Mobile Robot Based on Omni-directional Vision. (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/3) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 79 pp.
Breznický M., Flusser J. : Moment Invariants in Discrete Domain. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/30) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 97 pp.
Šroubek F., Cristóbal G., Flusser J. : A Unified Approach to Superresolution and Multichannel Blind Deconvolution. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/26) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 35 pp.
Šroubek F., Flusser J., Cristóbal G. : Multiframe Blind Deconvolution Coupled with Frame Registration and Resolution Enhancement. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/25) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 39 pp.
Šroubek F., Flusser J., Zitová B. : Image Fusion: A Powerful Tool for Object Identification. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/27) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 20 pp.
Zitová B., Flusser J., Šroubek F. : Image Registration: A Survey and Recent Advances. (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/13) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 55 pp.
Application/Electronic document Matlab Tool for Blind Superresolution version 1.0 (Software)


Flusser J.
Implicit Moment Invariants.
Within the event: Pravidelný seminář Rozhodování a řízení za neurčitosti.
Jan. 19 2010, 14:00-16:00 místnost č. 474, ÚTIA AV ČR

Bican J., Flusser J.
3D Medical Registration Based on Phase Correlation.
Within the event: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 1 2008, 9:10-9:30 Loučeň

Flusser J.
An Overview of Image Processing Activities in the DAR Center in 2008.
Within the event: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 1 2008, 8:30-9:10 Loučeň

Šorel M., Flusser J.
Multichannel Restoration of Images with Space-variant Blur.
Within the event: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 10 2007, 9:40-10:10 Liblice

Flusser J.
Image Analysis - Progress in 2007.
Within the event: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 10 2007, 9:10-9:40 Liblice

Jan Flusser
A Survey of the Recent Work on Image Analysis in UTIA
Within the event: 2nd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2006
Dec. 11 2006, 16:00-16:25 Třeš

Ing. Filip Šroubek, PhD., prof. Ing. Jan Flusser. DrSc.
Super-Resolution Imaging from Degraded Low-Resolution Frames
Within the event: International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making
Dec. 19 2005, 16:20-16:40 ÚTIA AV ČR

Jan Flusser a Jiří Jan
Fůze obrazů.
Within the event: Výzkumné centrum Data – Algoritmy – Rozhodování, 1. společná konference
Apr. 13 2005, 14:50-15:10 Přednáškový sál ÚTIA AV ČR

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