Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)

Dr. Ing. Pavel Ettler



Konferenční příspěvek Dedecius K., Ettler P. : Adaptive continuous hierarchical model-based decision making In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics SciTePress – Science and Technology Publications, Portugalsko 2011, pp. .
Ettler P. : Simple Improvement of Control of the Electromechanical Screwdown In: Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Industry, 2009, pp. .
Ettler P., Andrýsek J. : Mixing models to improve gauge prediction for cold rolling mills In: Preprints of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing Université Laval, Québec City, Canada, Québec City, Canada 2007, pp. 443-447.
Ettler P., Andrýsek J., Šmídl V., Kárný M. : Merging of advices from multiple advisory systems (with evaluation on rolling mill data) In: Fifth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO 2008 INSTICC, Madeira, Portugal 2008, pp. 66-71.
Ettler P., Kárný M. : Identification and Prediction of Multiple Short Records by Dynamic Bayesian Mixtures. In: ICINCO 2005 - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics INSTICC, Barcelona, Spain 2005, pp. 66-70.
Ettler P., Kárný M. : Parallel Estimation Respecting Constraints of Parametric Models of Cold Rolling In: Preprints of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing (IFAC MMM 2010), 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010, pp. 63-68.
Ettler P., Kárný M., Guy T. : Bayes for rolling mills: From parameter estimation to decision support. In: Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC., Prague 2005, pp. 1-6.
Ettler P., Kárný M., Nedoma Petr. : Model Mixing for Long-Term Extrapolation In: Proceedings of the 6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation ARGESIM-ARGE Simulation News,Vienna University of Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2007, pp. .
Ettler P., Puchr I. : Coping with time delay while controlling annealing furnaces. In: Sixth IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems (Book of Abstracts + CD), L'Aquila 2006., 2006, pp. .
Ettler P., Puchr I., Štika J. : Combined Approach Helping to Reduce Periodic Disturbances in Speed Measuring In: IFAC Workshops ALCOSP 2010, PSYCO 2010 (CD), August 26-28, Antalya, Turkey, 2010, pp. .
Interní tisk Ettler P., Kárný M. : Optimization of Working Shifts by the Bayesian Decision Support Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2007/1. COMPUREG Plzeň, Plzeň / Praha 2007, 9 pp.
Ettler P., Puchr I. : Popis dat pro testování algoritmů Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2010/1., Plzeň 2010, pp.
Ettler P., Puchr I. : Software pro předzpracování dat Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2010/2., Plzeň 2010, pp.
Puchr I., Ettler P. : Struktura dat o produkci Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2010/3., Plzeň 2010, pp.
Výzkumná zpráva Andrýsek J., Ettler P. : Extension of Advisory System using theTheory of Multiple Participant Decision Making (Research report 2204) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Ettler P., Štika J., Kárný M. : Comparison of Settings for Industrial Decision Support ( Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2006/1) COMPUREG Plzeň, Plzeň 2006, 12 pp.
Raftery A., Kárný M., Andrýsek J., Ettler P. : Online Prediction Under Model Uncertainty Via Dynamic Model Averaging: Application to a Cold Rolling Mill (Technical Report of the University of Washington 525) University of Washington, Seattle 2007, pp.


Ettler P.
Towards bounded estimates of model parameters
V rámci akce: Mezinárodní konference Výzkumného centra DAR 2010 pořádaná v Jindřichově Hradci v prostorách Fakulty managementu VŠE
Dec. 3 2010, 14:30-14:40 Jindřichův Hradec

Šmídl V., Ettler P.
Bayesian merging of multiple advices and its application to a cold rolling mill
Jan. 15 2008, 14:00-15:00 místnost č. 474, ÚTIA, AVČR

Ettler P.
Decision Support Principles Applied to Model Mixing.
V rámci akce: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 9 2007, 18:10-18:30 Liblice

Pavel Ettler
Bayesian Decision Support for Industry: Application Themes
V rámci akce: 2nd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2006
Dec. 10 2006, 17:05-17:30 Třešť

Pavel Ettler
Advising based on Bayesian probabilistic mixtures-Practical aspects
Jun. 6 2005, 10:00-11:30 Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana

Miroslav Kárný, Miroslav Šimandl a Pavel Ettler
Více-účastnická rozhodování.
V rámci akce: Výzkumné centrum Data – Algoritmy – Rozhodování, 1. společná konference
Apr. 13 2005, 13:50-14:10 Přednáškový sál ÚTIA AV ČR


Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Jul. 30 2010 - Aug. 8 2010 Cape Town, South Africa

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Oct. 11 2009 - Oct. 22 2009 Vina del Mar, Chile

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Jul. 3 2009 - Jul. 13 2009 St. Malo, Francie

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Jun. 8 2009 - Jun. 12 2009 Štrbské Pleso, SK

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler May. 10 2008 - May. 17 2008 Funchal, Madeira, Portugalsko

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Feb. 28 2008 - Feb. 28 2008 Madrid, Španělsko

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Sep. 10 2007 - Sep. 15 2007 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Aug. 16 2007 - Aug. 26 2007 Québec, Canada

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Jul. 9 2006 - Jul. 15 2006 L'Aquila, Itálie

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Jun. 25 2006 - Jun. 30 2006 Annecy, Francie

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Sep. 13 2005 - Sep. 18 2005 ICINCO 2005, Barcelona, Španělsko

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler Aug. 4 2005 - Aug. 8 2005 Praha

Dr. Ing.Pavel Ettler May. 30 2005 - Jun. 7 2005 Lublaň, Slovinsko

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