Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)

Prof. Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.

garant výzkumné oblasti


Monografie Jiroušek R., Ivánek J., Máša P., Toušek J., Vaněk N. : Principy digitální komunikace. Leda, 2006, 320 pp.
Část monografie Jiroušek R. : A note on simple factorization in Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence In: Witnessed Years – Essays in Honour of Petr Hájek (Cintula P. ,Haniková Z. ,Švejdar V. ,). College Publications, London 2009, pp. .
Článek v odborném periodiku Bína V., Jiroušek R., : Marginalization in Multidimensional Compositional Models. Kybernetika 42, (2006), 4, pp. 405-422.
Jiroušek R. : Data-Based Construction of Multidimensional Probabilistic Models with MUDIM Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics. Logic Journal, 14 (2006), 3, pp. 501-520.
Jiroušek R. : Foundations of compositional model theory International Journal of General Systems, (2011), 6 (2011), pp. 623-678.
Jiroušek R. : Probabilistic partial knowledge handling International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (2008), 3 (2008), pp. 359-367.
Konferenční příspěvek Bína V., Jiroušek R. : About an Effective Algorithm for Marginalization in Multidimensional Compositional Models. In: Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty. Oeconomica, Praha 2005, pp. 1-13.
Hamplová H., Ivánek J., Jiroušek R., Kroupa T., Vomlel J., : Decision support system for comparison of price lists. In: Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty Oeconomica, Praha 2005, pp. 32-38.
Jiroušek R. : A Note on Local Computations in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications STUDIA Universitatsverlag, Innsbruck 2011, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Almost Bayesian Assignments and Conditional independence: a contribution to Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications SIPTA, Durham 2009, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : An Attempt to Define Graphical Models in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence In: Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 2010, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Approximation of Data by Decomposable Belief Models In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (Part I) I Springer, Heidelberg 2010, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Belief Networks and Local Computations In: Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications Springer, Chennai 2011, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Compositional Belief Function Models In: Joint 4th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent systems and 9th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems Nagoya University, Nagoya 2008, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Conditional Independence and Compositional Models for Belief Functions In: The 11th Czech-Japan Seminář on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty The Kao Foundations for Arts and Sciences, Sendai 2008, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Conditional Independence and Factorization of Multidimensional Models In: WCCI 2008 Proceedings IEEE, Hong Kong 2008, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Conditional Irrelevance Relation for Belief Functions: Examples In: Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./ UTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Factorization and Decomposable Models in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence In: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions ENSIETA, Brest 2010, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : On a Conditional Irrelevance Relation for Belief Functions Based on the Operator of Composition In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief INFORMATIK BERICHTE FernUniversitat in Hagen, Hagen 2007, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : On Graphical (Decomposable) Models and Belief Networks in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence In: Proceedings of the 13th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making in Service Science University Hall, Otaru 2010, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Persegrams of Compositional Models Revisited: conditional independence In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertianlty in Konowledge-based Systems University Malaga, Malaga 2008, pp. .
Jiroušek R., Kratochvíl V., Kroupa T., Studený M., Vomlel J. : An evaluation of string similarity measures on pricelists of computer components In: Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./ UTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp. .
Jiroušek R., Malec M. : Compositional Models and Maximum Entropy Principle In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 2007, pp. .
Jiroušek R., Shenoy P. : A Note on Factorization of Belief Functions In: Proceedings of the 14th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty matfyzpress, Prague 2011, pp. .
Jiroušek R., Vejnarová J., Daniel M. : Compositional models for belief functions. In: Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications ISIPTA'07 Action M Agency, Praha 2007, pp. .
Kleiter G. D., Jiroušek R. : Perfect sequences: a Contribution to Structuring Conditional Independence Models. In: Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty. Oeconomica, Praha 2005, pp. 65-75.
Kratochvíl V., Jiroušek R. : Marginalization Algorithm for Compositional Models. In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems. 3 Éditions EDK, Paris 2006, pp. 2300-2307.
Vejnarová J., Jiroušek R., Bína V. : On an interval-valued solution of the marginal problem. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications. (Cozman F. G., Nau R., Seidenfeld T. eds.). SIPTA, Pittsburg 2005, pp. 379-387.
Interní tisk Jiroušek R. : A Short Note on Perez’ Approximation by Dependence Structure Simplification. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/22. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 9 pp.
Jiroušek R. : Data-Based Construction of Multidimensional Probabilistic Models with MUDIM. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/22. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 19 pp.
Výzkumná zpráva Jiroušek R. : Multidimensional Compositional Models. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/4) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 115 pp.
Aplikace/Elektronický dokument MUDIM (Software)


Jiroušek R.
Factorization in Dempster-Shafer theory: dead end or starting point to real-life applications?
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář Inteligentní systémy
Mar. 8 2010, 14:00-15:30 místnost č.25, ÚTIA AVČR

Jiroušek R.
O "multi"dimensionálních modelech a podmíněné nezávislosti pro domněnkové funkce
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář Inteligentní systémy
Mar. 10 2008, 14:00-15:30 místnost č. 25, ÚTIA, AVČR.

Prof. Radim Jiroušek, DrSc., RNDr. Milan Studený, DrSc.
Three Methods for Approximating Probability Distributions.
V rámci akce: International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making
Dec. 19 2005, 11:40-12:20 ÚTIA AV ČR

Radim Jiroušek a Helena Hamplová
Zpracování znalostí.
V rámci akce: Výzkumné centrum Data – Algoritmy – Rozhodování, 1. společná konference
Apr. 13 2005, 13:30-13:50 Přednáškový sál ÚTIA AV ČR

Organizované konference a pravidelné semináře

14th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty
Sep. 18 2011 - Sep. 21 2011 Hejnice

Sep. 19 2009 - Sep. 23 2009 Zámecký hotel Liblice

7th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing
Sep. 16 2006 - Sep. 20 2006 Mikulov

Velké říjnové soft rokování 2005
Nov. 11 2005 - Nov. 13 2005 Říčky v Orlických horách, hotel Konšel

The Eighth Czech-Japan Seminar 2005 on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty.
Sep. 18 2005 - Sep. 21 2005 Třešť


Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc. Sep. 16 2011 - Sep. 18 2011 Berlin, Germany

Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc. Dec. 4 2010 - Dec. 7 2010 Salzburg, Rakousko

Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc. Oct. 27 2010 - Nov. 10 2010 Otaru, Japan

Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc. Nov. 27 2008 - Dec. 13 2008 Auckalnd, Hamilton, Nový Zéland

Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc. Sep. 10 2008 - Sep. 24 2008 Osaka

Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc. Mar. 12 2008 - Mar. 15 2008 Leipzig, Německo

Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc. Sep. 16 2006 - Sep. 20 2006 Mikulov, Česká republika

Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc. Dec. 15 2005 - Dec. 17 2005 Foligno, Itálie


Prof. Dr. Gernot Kleiter Nov. 27 2011 - Nov. 29 2011 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Masahiro Inuiguchi Sep. 18 2011 - Sep. 20 2011 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Shao Chin Sung Sep. 18 2011 - Sep. 20 2011 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Yuka Kawamata Sep. 18 2011 - Sep. 20 2011 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Yusuke Kase Sep. 18 2011 - Sep. 20 2011 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Tsuneyuki Namekata Sep. 18 2011 - Sep. 20 2011 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Tetsuzo Tanino Sep. 18 2011 - Sep. 20 2011 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Junzo Watada Sep. 18 2011 - Sep. 20 2011 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Hiroaki Ishii Sep. 18 2011 - Sep. 20 2011 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Prof. Dr. Gernot Kleiter Nov. 29 2009 - Dec. 1 2009 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Prof. Arthur P. Dempster Oct. 3 2009 - Oct. 13 2009 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Masahiro Inuiguchi Nov. 1 2008 - Nov. 3 2008 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Timo Koski May. 20 2006 - May. 24 2006 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Giulianella Coletti Sep. 26 2005 - Sep. 30 2005 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

Prof. Masahiro Inuiguchi Sep. 18 2005 - Sep. 24 2005 (Hostitel: Prof.Radim Jiroušek, DrSc.)

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