Michal Bartoš
Shalom E. S., Kim H., van Der Heijden R. A., Ahmed Z., Patel R., Hormuth D. A., DiCarlo J. C., Yankeelov T. E., Sisco N. J., Dortch R. D., Stokes A. M., Inglese M., Grech-Sollars M., Toschi N., Sahoo P., Singh A., Verma S. K., Rathore D. K., Kazerouni A. S., Partridge S. C., LoCastro E., Paudyal R., Wolansky I. A., Shukla-Dave A., Schouten P., Gurney-Champion O. J., Jiřík Radovan, Macíček Ondřej, Bartoš Michal, Vitouš Jiří
The ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI): Results from the OSIPI-Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced challenge
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine vol.91, 5 (2024), p. 1803-1821 [2024]
Jiřík Radovan, Taxt T., Macíček Ondřej, Bartoš Michal, Kratochvíla Jiří, Souček Karel, Dražanová Eva, Krátká Lucie, Hampl A., Starčuk jr. Zenon
Blind deconvolution estimation of an arterial input function for small animal DCE-MRI
Magnetic Resonance Imaging vol.62, p. 46-56 [2019]
Šroubek Filip, Bartoš Michal, Schier Jan, Bílková Zuzana, Zitová Barbara, Vydra J., Macová I., Daneš J., Lambert L.
A computer-assisted system for handheld whole-breast ultrasonography
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery vol.14, 3 (2019), p. 509-516 [2019]
Macíček Ondřej, Jiřík Radovan, Mikulka J., Bartoš Michal, Šprláková A., Keřkovský M., Starčuk jr. Zenon, Bartušek Karel, Taxt T.
Time-Efficient Perfusion Imaging Using DCE- and DSC-MRI
Measurement Science Review vol.18, 6 (2018), p. 262-271 [2018]
Kamenický Jan, Bartoš Michal, Flusser Jan, Mahdian Babak, Kotera Jan, Novozámský Adam, Saic Stanislav, Šroubek Filip, Šorel Michal, Zita Aleš, Zitová Barbara, Šíma Z., Švarc P., Hořínek J.
PIZZARO: Forensic analysis and restoration of image and video data
Forensic Science International vol.264, 1 (2016), p. 153-166 [2016]
Bílková Zuzana, Bartoš Michal, Dominec Adam, Greško Šimon, Novozámský Adam, Zitová Barbara, Paroubková Markéta
ASSISLT: Computer-aided speech therapy tool
Signal Processing : A publication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), p. 598-602,
European Signal Processing Conference,
(Bělehrad, RS, 20220829) [2022]
Bílková Zuzana, Novozámský Adam, Bartoš Michal, Dominec Adam, Greško Šimon, Zitová Barbara, Paroubková Markéta, Flusser Jan
Human Computer Interface Based on Tongue and Lips Movements and its Application for Speech Therapy System
Electronic Imaging, Visualization and Data Analysis 2020, 389 ,
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2020,
(Burlingame, California, US, 20200126) [2020]
Bartoš Michal, Maier O., Stollberger R., Jiřík Radovan
Comparison of fitting approaches in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging : direct estimation from raw k-space signals vs. conventional approach from concentration–time curves
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, p. 348-349,
ESMRMB 2019 /36./,
(Rotterdam, NL, 20191003) [2019]
Walner Hynek, Bartoš Michal, Mangová M., Keunen O., Bjerkvig R., Jiřík Radovan, Šorel Michal
Iterative Methods for Fast Reconstruction of Undersampled Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Data
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018, p. 267-271
, Eds: Lhotská L., Sukupová L., Lacković I., Ibbott G.S.,
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018,
(Praha, CZ, 20180603) [2019]
Bartoš Michal, Šorel Michal, Jiřík Radovan
Time-efficient Fourier domain evaluation of pharmacokinetic model in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 68, Issue 1, p. 777-781,
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,
(Praha, CZ, 20180603) [2019]
Bartoš Michal, Šorel Michal, Mangová M., Rajmic P., Standara M., Jiřík Radovan
DCE-MRI Perfusion Analysis with L1-Norm Spatial Regularization
Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018. Book of Absdtracts.,
Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018,
(Paris, FR, 20180616) [2018]
Šroubek Filip, Bartoš Michal, Zitová Barbara, Daneš J., Lambert L., Vydra J.
Breast ultrasound examination: 3D-enhanced tool for precise analysis
Proceedings of the AIMed 2017,
AIMed - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2017,
(Laguna Niguel, CA, 20171211) [2017]
Bílková Zuzana, Bartoš Michal, Schier Jan, Šroubek Filip, Zitová Barbara, Vydra J., Daneš J.
Evaluating Spatial Coverage of Breast Examination with Free-hand Ultrasound Transducer
BISTEC 2017 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, p. 128-133
, Eds: Silveira Margarida, Fred Ana, Gamboa Hugo, Vaz Mário,
BIOIMAGING 4th International Conference on Bioimaging,
(Porto, PT, 20170221) [2017]
Kratochvíla Jiří, Jiřík Radovan, Starčuk jr. Zenon, Bartoš Michal, Standara M., Taxt T.
Using multichannel blind AIF estimation with the DCATH model to allow increased temporal sampling interval in DCE-MRI
ESMRMB 2016 Congress,
(Vienna, AT, 20160929) [2016]
Zitová Barbara, Šroubek Filip, Kamenický Jan, Kotera Jan, Šorel Michal, Bartoš Michal, Flusser Jan, Šíma Z., Švarc P., Hořínek J.
Forensics image and video restoration
Abstract book of 7th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference,
European Academy of Forensic Science Conference 2015 /7./,
(Praha, CZ, 06.09.2015-11.09.2015) [2015]
Zitová Barbara, Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan, Kamenický Jan, Novozámský Adam, Mahdian Babak, Bartoš Michal, Saic Stanislav, Zita Aleš, Šorel Michal, Kotera Jan
PIZZARO - Prostředky pro identifikaci obrazového záznamového zařízení, autentifikaci a rekonstrukci obrazu,
( 2014)
Jiřík Radovan, Souček Karel, Mézl M., Bartoš Michal, Dražanová Eva, Dráfi F., Krátká Lucie, Kratochvíla J., Macíček O., Nylund K., Hampl A., Gilja O.H., Taxt T., Starčuk jr. Zenon
Blind Deconvolution in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Ultrasound
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Proceedings, p. 4276-4279,
[Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society /36./ (EMBC),
(Chicago, US, 26.08.2014-30.08.2014) [2014]