Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)

Ing. Igor Vajda, DrSc.

garant výzkumné oblasti


Část monografie Vajda I., Liese F. : f-divergences: Sufficiency, deficiency and testing of hypotheses In: Advances in Inequalities from Probability Theory and Statist (Barnett N. ,Dragomir S. ,). Nova Publishers, Toronto 2009, pp. .
Zvárová J., Veselý A., Vajda I. : Data, Information and Knowledge. Chapter I In: Data Mining and Medical Knowledge Management: Cases and Appl (Berka P. ,Rauch J. ,Zighed D. ,). Information Science Reference, Hershey 2009, pp. .
Článek v odborném periodiku Berlinet A., Vajda I. : On asymptotic sufficiency and optimality of quantizations. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136 (2006), 12, pp. 4217-4238.
Harremoes P., Vajda I. : On the Bahadur-efficient testing of uniformity by means of entropy IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 54 (2008), 1 (2008), pp. 321-331.
Hobza T., Pardo L., Vajda I. : Robust median estimator in logisitc regression Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, (2008), 12 (2008), pp. 3822-3840.
Liese F., Vajda I. : On Divergences and Informations in Statistics and Information Theory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52 (2006), 10, pp. 4394-4412.
Vajda I. : Asymptotic comparisons of divergence-based goodness-of-fit statistics Publications of the Statistical Institute of the Paris Unive, (2007), pp. 49-66.
Vajda I. : On metric divergences of probability measures Kybernetika vol.45, (2009), 6, pp. p. 885-900.
Vajda I., Morales D., Pardo L. : On Efficient Estimation in Continuous Models Based on Finitely Quantized Observations. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods., 35 (2006), 9, pp. 1629-1653.
Vajda I., van der Meulen E. C. : On Minimum Divergence Adaptation of Discrete Bivariate Distributions to Given Marginals. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51 (2005), 1, pp. 313-320.
Vajda I., Veselý A., Zvárová J. : On the amount of information resulting from empirical and theoretical knowledge. Revista Mathématica Complutense, 18 (2005), 2, pp. 275-283.
Konferenční příspěvek Harremoes P., Vajda I. : Efficiency of entropy testing In: Proceedings ISIT 2008 IEEE, Toronto 2008, pp. 2639-2643.
Stummer W., Vajda I. : Bergman distances in exponential families In: Abstracts of Contributions to 5th International Workshop on Data-Algorthms-Decision Making UTIA, AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009, pp. .
Vajda I. : Divergence-based statistical decisions In: Information and Communication Conference, Abstracts A. Renyi Institute, Hungarian Acaddemy of Sciences, Budapest 2008, pp. .
Vajda I. : Information theory models for clinical decision support In: 30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics Ústav informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009, pp. .
Vajda I., van der Meulen E. C. : On estimation and testing by means of phi-disparities based on m-spacings. In: Proc. of Prague Stochastics 2006, Marie Hušková and Martin Janžura (eds.). Matfzypress, Praha 2006, pp. 701-708.
Vajda I., Zvárová J. : On relations between informations, entropies and Bayesian decisions. In: Proc. of Prague Stochastics 2006, Marie Hušková and Martin Janžura (eds.). Matfzypress, Praha 2006, pp. 709-718.
Interní tisk Berlinet A., Vajda I. : Divergence Criteria for Improved Selection Rules. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2008/5. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, 15 pp.
Berlinet A., Vajda I. : On Asymptotic Sufficiency and Optimality of Quantizations. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/18. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 27 pp.
Boček P., Marek T., Vajda I. : Discrete Efficient Methods 1: Testing Compound Hypotheses. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/15. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 17 pp.
Harremoës P., Vajda I. : Efficiency of Entropy Testing. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2008/2., Praha 2008, 5 pp.
Hobza T., Pardo L., Vajda I. : Robust Median Estimator in Logistic Regression. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/31. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 39 pp.
Hobza T., Pardo L., Vajda I. : Robust Median Estimators in General Logistic Regression. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/40. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 49 pp.
Hobza T., Vajda I., van der Meulen E.C. : Consistent Estimation and Testing by Means of Disparity Statistics Based on m-spacings Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/15. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 12 pp.
Kůs V., Morales D., Vajda I. : Extensions of the Parametric Families of Divergences Used in Statistical Inference. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/2. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 17 pp.
Liese F., Vajda I. : Divergences and their Applications in Sufficiency, Deficiency and Testing of Hypotheses. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/16. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 46 pp.
Liese F., Vajda I. : On Divergences and Informations in Statistics and Information Theory. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/31. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 25 pp.
Liese F., Vajda I. : On Divergences and their new Applications in Statistics and Information Theory. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/12. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 19 pp.
Marek T., Vajda I., Vrbenský K. : Minimum Divergence Adaptation of Bivariate Distributions. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/44. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 35 pp.
Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda I. : On Efficient Estimation in Continuous Models Based on Finitely Quantized Observations. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/27. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 33 pp.
Morales D., Vajda I. : Generalized Informations and Bayesian Errors. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/18. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 7 pp.
Stummer W., Vajda I. : Optimal Statistical Decisions About Some Alternative Financial Models. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/35. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 39 pp.
Vajda I. : Divergence-Based Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Method. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/10. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 11 pp.
Vajda I. : On Two Types of phi-Divergence Goodness-of-fit Statistics. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/13. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 17 pp.
Vajda I., van der Meulen E.C. : Goodness-of-fit Testing Based on Hypothetical and Empirical Quantizations. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/14. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 37 pp.
Vajda I., Zvárová J. : Some Relations between Informations and Entropies with Applications in Bayesian Decisions and Biometry. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/17. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 22 pp.
Vajda I., Zvárová J. : Some Results on Generalized Entropies with Applications in Bayesian Decisions a Biometry. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/29., Praha 2006, 22 pp.
Výzkumná zpráva Boček P., Vajda I., van der Meulen E. : Goodness-of-Fit Disparity Statistics Obtained by Hypothetical and Empirical Quantizations (Research Report 2292), Praha 2010, pp.
Broniatowski M., Vajda I. : Several applications of divergence criteria in continuous families (Research Report 2257) ÚTIA AV ČR v.v.i, Praha 2009, pp.
Harremoës P., Vajda I. : Efficient Testing of Uniformity using Power Divergence Statistics. (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/4) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 19 pp.
Stummer W., Vajda I. : On Divergences of Finite Measures and Their Applications in Censoring (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/7) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 441-471 pp.
Stummer W., Vajda I. : On Divergences of Finite Measures and their Statistical Applicability (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/14) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 24 pp.
Vajda I. : Application of Phi-divergence to Estimation in Continuous Families (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/8) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Vajda I. : Divergence pravděpodobnostních distribucí a statistická informace. (Research report 2168) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 24 pp.
Vajda I. : Limit Laws for f-disparity Statistics under Local Alternatives (Interní publikace DAR – ÚTIA 2007/11) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 7 pp.
Vajda I. : Modifications of divergence criteria in continuous families (Research Report 2230) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, pp.
Vajda I. : O divergenci a fluktuaci proměnných veličin a pravděpodobnostních distribucí (Interní publikace DAR – ÚTIA 2007/10) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 19 pp.
Vajda I., Harremoës P. : Consistency of various divergence statistics (Research Report 2218) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, pp.
Vajda I., Stummer W. : On Bregman distances and divergences of probability measures (Interní publikace DAR-ÚTIA 2009/2) ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009, pp.
Vajda I., van der Meulen E. C. : Goodness-of-fit tests based on observations quantized by hypothetical nad empirical quantiles. (Research report 2160) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 36 pp.
Vajda I., Van der Meulen E.C. : Goodness-of-it statistics based on hypothetical and empirical quantiles. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2009, 37 pp.
Aplikace/Elektronický dokument Loccontingency (Software)


Vajda I.
On Optimal Decisions in Continuous Models Achieved by Discrete Methods.
V rámci akce: 4th International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2008.
Dec. 1 2008, 15:50-16:20 Loučeň

Stummer W., Vajda I.
Bregman Distances, ö-divergences, Finance and Censoring.
V rámci akce: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007.
Dec. 10 2007, 16:30-17:10 Liblice

Vajda I.
O divergenci a fluktuaci signálů a distribucí
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář Rozhodování a řízení za neurčitosti.
Nov. 6 2007, 14:00-15:00 místnost 474, ÚTIA AV ČR

Igor Vajda
Divergence-based Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Method.
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář Rozhodování a řízení za neurčitosti.
Dec. 19 2006, 14:00-15:00 ÚTIA AV ČR, místnost č. 474

Igor Vajda
On Bahadur Efficiency in Testing the Goodness of Fit
V rámci akce: 2nd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2006
Dec. 10 2006, 10:30-10:55 Třešť

Igor Vajda
Divergence, statistická informace a bayesovské riziko.
V rámci akce: Pravidelný seminář Rozhodování a řízení za neurčitosti.
Nov. 8 2005, 14:00-15:30 v mistnosti c. 474, UTIA AV CR

Igor Vajda
Rozhodovací procesy a klasifikace.
V rámci akce: Výzkumné centrum Data – Algoritmy – Rozhodování, 1. společná konference
Apr. 13 2005, 15:10-15:30 Přednáškový sál ÚTIA AV ČR


Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Apr. 21 2010 - May. 2 2010 Erlangen-Norimberk

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Nov. 16 2009 - Nov. 28 2009 Norimberk, Německo

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Apr. 23 2009 - Apr. 28 2009 Norimberk-Erlangen, Německo

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Dec. 14 2008 - Dec. 17 2008 Bratislava, Slovensko

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Dec. 3 2008 - Dec. 13 2008 Norimberk, Německo

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Sep. 7 2008 - Sep. 12 2008 Pribylina, Slovensko

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Aug. 23 2008 - Aug. 30 2008 Budapešť, Maďarsko

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Dec. 12 2007 - Dec. 18 2007 Rostock, Německo

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Nov. 30 2006 - Dec. 6 2006 Rostock, Německo

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Nov. 17 2006 - Nov. 27 2006 Erlangen, Německo

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Apr. 25 2006 - May. 17 2006 Elche, Španělsko

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Apr. 17 2006 - Apr. 24 2006 Montpellier, Francie

Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc. Apr. 11 2006 - Apr. 16 2006 Erlangen, Německo


Prof. W. Stummer Nov. 29 2009 - Dec. 1 2009 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. M.C. Pardo Nov. 1 2009 - Nov. 8 2009 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Michel Broniatowski Oct. 12 2009 - Oct. 25 2009 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. W. Stummer Oct. 7 2009 - Oct. 9 2009 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Domingo Morales Jul. 4 2009 - Jul. 11 2009 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Wolfgang Stummer Nov. 30 2008 - Dec. 2 2008 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Friedrich Liese Nov. 15 2008 - Nov. 20 2008 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Edward C. van der Meulen Sep. 21 2008 - Sep. 27 2008 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Domingo Morales Jun. 24 2008 - Jul. 10 2008 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Isabela Peralta Jun. 24 2008 - Jul. 10 2008 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Wolfgang Stummer Dec. 7 2007 - Dec. 12 2007 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Leandro Pardo, Univerzita Complutense, Madrid Jun. 18 2007 - Jun. 23 2007 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Domingo Morales, Univerzita Miguela Hernandeze, Elche (Alicante) Jun. 18 2007 - Jun. 23 2007 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Wolfgang Stummer Dec. 6 2006 - Dec. 16 2006 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Edward C. van der Meulen Sep. 6 2006 - Sep. 9 2006 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

Prof. Edward C. van der Meulen Aug. 17 2006 - Aug. 27 2006 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

prof. Alain Berlinet Dec. 17 2005 - Dec. 21 2005 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stummer Dec. 16 2005 - Dec. 21 2005 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

prof. T. Kailath Oct. 10 2005 - Oct. 14 2005 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

prof. Domingo Morales Jun. 11 2005 - Jun. 18 2005 (Hostitel: Ing.Igor Vajda, DrSc.)

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