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[1] Csirmaz Laszlo, Gyenis Z.: Mathematical Logic : Exercises and Solutions, Springer, (Cham 2022)
[2] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Logic and Implication: An introduction to the General Algebraic Study of Non-classical Logics, Springer, (Cham 2021)
[3] Valdman Jan, Marcinkowski L.: Modeling and Simulation in Engineering : Selected Problems, IntechOpen, (London 2020)
[4] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: Discrete Compositional Models for Data Mining, MatfyzPress, (Praha 2019)
[5] Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Mathematical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Solids, Springer Nature, (Cham 2019)
[6] Valdman Jan: OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS - EXAMPLES, IntechOpen, (London 2018)
[7] Valdman Jan: Applications from Engineering with MATLAB Concepts, InTech, (Rijeka 2016)
[8] Mielke A., Roubíček Tomáš: Rate-Independent Systems : Theory and Application, Springer, (New York 2015)
[9] Cintula Petr, Fermüller C., Noguera Carles: Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic - Vol. 3, College Publications, (London 2015)
[10] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles, Lávička T.: Slabě implikativní logiky. Úvod do abstraktního studia výrokových logik, Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, (Praha 2015)
[11] Roubíček Tomáš: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Applications, Birkhäuser, (Basel 2005)
[12] Studený Milan: Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures, Springer, (London 2005)
[13] Jiroušek Radim, Scozzafava R.: Basic Probability, VŠE, (Praha 2003)
[14] Outrata Jiří, Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Nonsmooth Approach to Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints, Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1998)
[15] Roubíček Tomáš: Relaxation in Optimization Theory and Variational Calculus, Walter de Gruyter, (Berlin 1997)
[16] Jiroušek Radim: Metody reprezentace a zpracování znalostí v umělé inteligenci, VŠE, (Praha 1995)
[17] Tuzar Antonín: Teorie dopravy. Pracovní materiály pro posluchače Univerzity 3.věku, Dopravní fakulta, (Pardubice 1994)
[18] Mareš Milan: Computation over Fuzzy Quantities, CRC Press, (Boca Raton 1994)
[19] Novák V., Ramík J., Mareš Milan, Černý M., Nekola J.: Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision-Making, AcademiaKluwer, (Prague 1992)
[20] Hájek Petr, Havránek Tomáš, Jiroušek Radim: Zpracování nejisté informace v expertních systémech, MÚ ČSAV-ČSVTS, (Praha 1989)

Monography Chapter

[1] Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin, Zeman Jan, Panagiotopoulos CH. G., Vodička R., Mantič V.: Delamination and Adhesive Contacts, Their Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Treatment , Mathematical Methods and Models in Composites, p. 497-578 , Eds: Mantič V.
[2] Horák M., Kružík Martin, Pelech P., Schlömerkemper A.: Gradient Polyconvexity and Modeling of Shape Memory Alloys , Variational Views in Mechanics, p. 133-156
[3] Studený Milan: Conditional Independence and Basic Markov Properties , Handbook of Graphical Models, p. 3-38 , Eds: Maathuis Marloes, Drton Mathias, Lauritzen Steffen, Wainwright Martin
[4] Kalamajska A., Krömer Stefan, Kružík Martin: Weak Lower Semicontinuity by Means of Anisotropic Parametrized Measures , Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, p. 23-51 , Eds: Rocca E., Stefanelli U., Truskinovsky L., Visintin A., Symposium on Trends on Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, (Řím, IT, 20160905)
[5] Kočvara Michal: Truss topology design by conic linear optimization , Advances and Trends in Optimization with Engineering Applications, p. 135-147 , Eds: Terlaky Tamas, Anjos Miguel, Shabbir Ahmed
[6] Haws D., Cussens J., Studený Milan: Polyhedral approaches to learning Bayesian networks , Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Discrete Mathematics, p. 155-188 , Eds: Harrington H. A., Omar M., Wright M.
[7] Flaminio T., Kroupa Tomáš: States of MV-algebras , Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic, p. 1183-1236 , Eds: Cintula Petr, Fermüller C., Noguera Carles
[8] Kroupa Tomáš, Vlach M.: Basic Solutions of Fuzzy Coalitional Games , Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence, p. 145-156 , Eds: Kacprzyk Janusz, Pedrycz Witold
[9] Cintula Petr, Horčík Rostislav, Noguera Carles: The Quest for the Basic Fuzzy Logic , Petr Hájek on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic, p. 245-290 , Eds: Montagna F.
[10] Outrata Jiří, Beremlijski P., Haslinger J., Pathó R.: Numerical solution of 2D Contact Shape Optimization Problems Involving a Solution-Dependent Coefficient of Friction , Optimization with PDE Constraints, p. 1-24 , Eds: Hoppe R.
[11] Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin, Zeman J.: Delamination and Adhesive Contact Models and their Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Treatment , Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures, p. 349-400 , Eds: Mantič V.
[12] Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin, Zeman J.: Delamination and adhesive contact models and their mathematical analysis and numerical treatment , Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures, p. 349-400 , Eds: Mantič V.
[13] Flaminio T., Godo L., Kroupa Tomáš: Belief functions on MV-algebras of fuzzy sets: an overview , Non-Additive Measures: Theory and Applications, p. 173-200 , Eds: Torra Vicenc, Narukawa Yasuo, Sugeno Michio
[14] Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENNON: Software for Linear and Nonlinear Matrix Inequalities , Handbook on Semidefinite, Conic and Polynomial Optimization, p. 755-791 , Eds: Anjos M., Laserre J.
[15] Kroupa Tomáš: A Generalized Moebius Transform of Games on MV-algebras and Its Application to a Cimmino-type Algorithm for the Core , Optimization Theory and Related Topics, p. 139-158 , Eds: Reich Simeon, Zaslavski Alexander
[16] Kroupa Tomáš: Comments on Reasoning about Uncertainty of Fuzzy Events: An Overview by Tommaso Flaminio, Lluıs Godo, and Enrico Marchioni , Understanding Vagueness. Logical, Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives, p. 401-403 , Eds: Cintula P., Fermüller G., Godo L., Hájek P.
[17] Jiroušek Radim: A note on simple factorization in Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence , Witnessed Years – Essays in Honour of Petr Hájek, p. 151-167 , Eds: Cintula Petr, Haniková Zuzana, Švejdar Vítězslav
[18] Studený Milan: Other approaches to the description of conditional independence structures , Highly Structured Stochastic Systems, p. 106-108 , Eds: Green P. J., Hjort N. L., Richardson S., Oxford University Press, (New York 2003)
[19] Zowe J., Kočvara Michal: Free material optimization , Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future, p. 573-583 , Eds: Jäger W., Krebs H. J., Springer, (Heidelberg 2003)
[20] Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina, Gemela J.: Possibilistic belief network constructed by operators of composition and its application to financial analysis , Belief Functions in Business Decisions, p. 252-280 , Eds: Srivastava R. P., Mock T. J., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2002)
[21] Studený Milan, Vejnarová Jiřina: On multiinformation function as a tool for measuring stochastic dependence , Learning in Graphical Models, p. 261-297 , Eds: Jordan M. I., Kluwer Academic, (Dordrecht 1998)
[22] Roubíček Tomáš: Relaxation of optimal control problems coercive in Lp-spaces , Modelling and Optimization of Distributed Parameter Systems, p. 270-277 , Eds: Malanowski K., Namorski Z., Peszynska M., Chapman & Hall, (London 1996)
[23] Tuzar Antonín: Lokomotivy olomoucko-pražské dráhy , 150 let železnice. Olomouc - Pardubice - Praha, p. 127-142, Východočeské muzeum, (Pardubice 1995)
[24] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On the solution of optimum design problems with variational inequalities , Recent Advances in Nonsmooth Optimization, p. 172-192 , Eds: Du D. Z., Qi L., Womersley R. S., World Scientific, (Singapore 1995)
[25] Schindler Zdeněk: Steady-state modelling of a turbine engine with controllers , Computational Optimal Control, p. 349-355 , Eds: Bulirsch R., Kraft D., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1994)
[26] Roubíček Tomáš: Modern numerical methods and software in optimization , Modern Mathematical Methods of Optimization, p. 361-371 , Eds: Elster K. H., Akademie Verlag, (Berlin 1993)
[27] Roubíček Tomáš: Microstructure evolution models , Metz Days '92, p. 67-73 , Eds: Chipot M., Longmann, (Harlow 1993)
[28] Studený Milan: Description of Conditional Independence Structures by Means of Imsets: A Connection with Product Formula Validity , Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, p. 179-194 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Valverde L., Yager R. R., Elsevier, (Amsterdam 1993)
[29] Roubíček Tomáš: A Note about Optimality Conditions for Variational Problems with Rapidly Oscillating Solutions , Progress in Partial Differential Equations: Calculus of Variations, Applications, p. 312-314 , Eds: Bandle C., John Wiley, (New York 1992)
[30] Kozák Petr: Control of Elementary Discrete Event Systems: Synthesis of Controller with Non-Zero Decision Time , Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems, p. 457-462 , Eds: Franke D., Kraus F., Pergamon Press, (Oxford 1992)

Journal Article

[1] Krömer Stefan, Kružík Martin, Morandotti M., Zappale E.: Measure-Valued Structured Deformations , Journal of Nonlinear Science vol.34,
[2] Šmíd Martin, Barusová T., Jarkovský J., Májek O., Pavlík T., Přibylová L., Weinerová J., Zajíček Milan, Trnka J.: Post-vaccination, post-infection and hybrid immunity against severe cases of COVID-19 and long COVID after infection with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants, Czechia, December 2021 to August 2023 , Eurosurveillance vol.29,
[3] Akramov I., Knuepfer H., Kružík Martin, Rueland A.: Minimal energy for geometrically nonlinear elastic inclusions in two dimensions , Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. A - Mathematics vol.154, 3 (2024), p. 769-792
[4] Šmíd Martin, Tuček V., Maďar R., Tachezy R., Hel Z.: No evidence of a “healthy vaccinee effect” in COVID-19 vaccination data from the Czech Republic , International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol.146,
[5] Henrion D., Korda M., Kružík Martin, Rios-Zertuche R.: Occupation Measure Relaxations in Variational Problems: The Role of Convexity , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.34, 2 (2024), p. 1708-1731
[6] Bevan J., Kružík Martin, Valdman Jan: Hadamard’s inequality in the mean , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.243,
[7] Csirmaz Laszlo, Matúš František, Padró C.: Bipartite secret sharing and staircases , Discrete Mathematics vol.347,
[8] Almi S., Krömer Stefan, Molchanova A.: A new example for the Lavrentiev phenomenon in Nonlinear Elasticity , Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol.75,
[9] Davoli E., Kružík Martin, Pagliari V.: Homogenization of high-contrast composites under differential constraints , Advances in Calculus of Variations vol.17, 2 (2024), p. 277-318
[10] Vomlel Jiří, Kratochvíl Václav, Kratochvíl F.: Structural learning of mixed noisy-OR Bayesian networks , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.161,
[11] Tyburec Marek, Kočvara Michal, Kružík Martin: Global weight optimization of frame structures with polynomial programming , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization vol.66,
[12] Brazda K., Kružík Martin, Rupp F., Stefanelli U.: Curvature-dependent Eulerian interfaces in elastic solids , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences vol.381,
[13] Bresciani M., Kružík Martin: A Reduced Model for Plates Arising as Low-Energy Gamma-Limit in Nonlinear Magnetoelasticity , SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol.55, 4 (2023), p. 3108-3168
[14] Bresciani M., Davoli E., Kružík Martin: Existence results in large-strain magnetoelasticity , Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse non Linéaire vol.40, 3 (2023), p. 557-592
[15] Krömer Stefan, Kružík Martin, Zappale E.: Relaxation of functionals with linear growth: Interactions of emerging measures and free discontinuities , Advances in Calculus of Variations vol.16, 4 (2023), p. 835-865
[16] Csirmaz E. P., Csirmaz Laszlo: Synchronizing many filesystems in near linear time , Future Internet vol.15,
[17] Csirmaz Laszlo: Infinite probabilistic secret sharing , Kybernetika vol.59, 2 (2023), p. 179-197
[18] Krömer Stefan, Valdman Jan: Surface penalization of self-interpenetration in linear and nonlinear elasticity , Applied Mathematical Modelling vol.122, 1 (2023), p. 641-664
[19] Tyburec Marek, Zeman J.: Bounded Wang tilings with integer programming and graph-based heuristics , Scientific Reports vol.13,
[20] Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří: On the Isolated Calmness Property of Implicitly Defined Multifunctions , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.30, 3 (2023), p. 1001-1023
[21] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Shenoy P. P.: Computing the decomposable entropy of belief-function graphical models , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.161, , The 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Kutná Hora, CZ, 20220601)
[22] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Shenoy P. P.: On conditional belief functions in directed graphical models in the Dempster-Shafer theory , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.160,
[23] Badal R., Friedrich M., Kružík Martin: Nonlinear and Linearized Models in Thermoviscoelasticity , Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol.247,
[24] Salman I., Vomlel Jiří: Learning the Structure of Bayesian Networks from Incomplete Data Using a Mixture Model , International Journal of Computing and Informatics vol.47, 1 (2023), p. 83-96
[25] Gfrerer H., Mandlmayr M., Outrata Jiří, Valdman Jan: On the SCD semismooth* Newton method for generalized equations with application to a class of static contact problems with Coulomb friction , Computational Optimization and Applications vol.86, 3 (2023), p. 1159-1191
[26] Horák M., Gil A. J., Ortigosa R., Kružík Martin: A polyconvex transversely-isotropic invariant-based formulation for electro-mechanics: Stability, minimisers and computational implementation , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering vol.403,
[27] Dondl P., Jesenko M., Kružík Martin, Valdman Jan: Linearization and computation for large-strain visco-elasticity , Mathematics in Engineering vol.5, 2 (2023), p. 1-15
[28] Branda Martin, Henrion R., Pištěk Miroslav: Value at risk approach to producer's best response in an electricity market with uncertain demand , Optimization vol.72, 11 (2023), p. 2745-2767
[29] Csirmaz E. P., Csirmaz Laszlo: Data Synchronization: A Complete Theoretical Solution for Filesystems , Future Internet vol.14,
[30] Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří, Valdman Jan: On the Application of the SCD Semismooth* Newton Method to Variational Inequalities of the Second Kind , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.30, 4 (2022), p. 1453-1484
[31] Csirmaz E. P., Csirmaz Laszlo: Algebra of data reconciliation , Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica vol.59, p. 209-231
[32] Frost Miroslav, Valdman Jan: Vectorized MATLAB Implementation of the Incremental Minimization Principle for Rate-Independent Dissipative Solids Using FEM: A Constitutive Model of Shape Memory Alloys , Mathematics vol.10,
[33] Drozdenko D., Knapek M., Kružík Martin, Máthis K., Švadlenka K., Valdman Jan: Elastoplastic Deformations of Layered Structures , Milan Journal of Mathematics vol.90, 2 (2022), p. 691-706
[34] Cintula Petr, Grimau Berta, Noguera C., Smith N.J.J.: These degrees go to eleven: fuzzy logics and gradable predicates , Synthese vol.200,
[35] Moskovka A., Valdman Jan: Fast MATLAB evaluation of nonlinear energies using FEM in 2D and 3D: Nodal elements , Applied Mathematics and Computation vol.424,
[36] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Shennoy P. P.: Entropy for evaluation of Dempster-Shafer belief function models , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.151, 1 (2022), p. 164-181
[37] Carpitella Silvia, Inuiguchi M., Kratochvíl Václav, Pištěk Miroslav: Multi-criteria decision analysis without consistency in pairwise comparisons , Computers & Industrial Engineering vol.168,
[38] Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří: On (local) analysis of multifunctions via subspaces contained in graphs of generalized derivatives , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.508,
[39] Studený Milan, Kratochvíl Václav: Facets of the cone of exact games , Mathematical Methods of Operations Research vol.95, 1 (2022), p. 35-80
[40] Ciambella J., Kružík Martin, Tomassetti G.: A theory of magneto-elastic nanorods obtained through rigorous dimension reduction , Applied Mathematical Modelling vol.106, 1 (2022), p. 426-447
[41] Colombo G., Gidoni Paolo, Vilches E.: Stabilization of periodic sweeping processes and asymptotic average velocity for soft locomotors with dry friction , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems vol.42, 2 (2022), p. 737-757
[42] Kružík Martin, Mariano P. M., Mucci D.: Crack Occurrence in Bodies with Gradient Polyconvex Energies , Journal of Nonlinear Science vol.32,
[43] Badia G., Noguera Carles: A 0-1 Law in Mathematical Fuzzy Logic , IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems vol.30, 9 (2022), p. 3833-3840
[44] Davoli E., Kružík Martin, Pelech P.: Separately global solutions to rate-independent processes in large-strain inelasticity , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.215,
[45] Benko M., Červinka Michal, Hoheisel T.: Sufficient Conditions for Metric Subregularity of Constraint Systems with Applications to Disjunctive and Ortho-Disjunctive Programs , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.30, 1 (2022), p. 143-177
[46] Brentan B., Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J., Luvizotto E., Meirelles G.: District metered area design through multicriteria and multiobjective optimization , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.45, 6 (2022), p. 3254-3271
[47] Badia G., Noguera Carles: Saturated models of first-order many-valued logics , Logic Journal of the IGPL vol.30, 1 (2022), p. 1-20
[48] Ho Ch. P., Kočvara Michal, Parpas P.: Newton-type multilevel optimization method , Optimization Methods & Software vol.37, 1 (2022), p. 45-78
[49] Csirmaz Laszlo: Sticky polymatroids on at most five elements , Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica vol.58, 1 (2021), p. 136-146
[50] Studený Milan: Conditional independence structures over four discrete random variables revisited: conditional Ingleton inequalities , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.67, 11 (2021), p. 7030-7049
[51] Kratochvíl F., Moeljadi D., Delpada B., Kratochvíl Václav, Vomlel Jiří: Aspectual pairing and aspectual classes in Abui , STUF-Language Typology and Universals vol.74, p. 621-657
[52] Ahmed U., Carpitella Silvia, Certa A.: An integrated methodological approach for optimising complex systems subjected to predictive maintenance , Reliability Engineering & System Safety vol.216,
[53] Carpitella Silvia, Certa A., Izquierdo J., La Cascia M.: Multi-criteria decision-making approach for modular enterprise resource planning sorting problems , Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis vol.28, p. 234-247
[54] Aiello G., Benítez J., Carpitella Silvia, Certa A., Enea M., Izquierdo J., La Cascia M.: A decision support system to assure high performance maintenance service , Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering vol.27, 4 (2021), p. 651-670
[55] Friedrich M., Kružík Martin, Stefanelli U.: Equilibrium of immersed hyperelastic solids , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems - Series S vol.14, 11 (2021), p. 4141-4157
[56] Studený Milan, Cussens J., Kratochvíl Václav: The dual polyhedron to the chordal graph polytope and the rebuttal of the chordal graph conjecture , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.138, 1 (2021), p. 188-203
[57] Gidoni Paolo, Riva F.: A vanishing-inertia analysis for finite-dimensional rate-independent systems with nonautonomous dissipation and an application to soft crawlers , Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations vol.60,
[58] Grimau Berta: Structured Plurality Reconsidered , Journal of Semantics vol.38, 1 (2021), p. 145-193
[59] Kružík Martin, Zeman J.: Elastoplasticity of gradient-polyconvex materials , Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol.72,
[60] Brentan B., Carpitella Silvia, Barros D., Meirelles G., Certa A., Izquierdo J.: Water Quality Sensor Placement: A Multi-Objective and Multi-Criteria Approach , Water Resources Management vol.35, 1 (2021), p. 225-241
[61] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Bína Vladislav: Foundations of compositional models: inference , International Journal of General Systems vol.50, 4 (2021), p. 409-433
[62] Davoli E., Kružík Martin, Piovano P., Stefanelli U.: Magnetoelastic thin films at large strains , Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics vol.33, 1 (2021), p. 327-341
[63] Daniel Milan, Kratochvíl Václav: Hidden Conflicts of Belief Functions , International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems vol.14, 1 (2021), p. 438-452
[64] Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří: On a Semismooth* Newton Method for Solving Generalized Equations , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.31, 1 (2021), p. 489-517
[65] Csirmaz Laszlo: An optimization problem for continuous submodular functions , Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica vol.66, 1 (2021), p. 211-222
[66] Frost Miroslav, Benešová Barbora, Seiner Hanuš, Kružík Martin, Sedlák Petr, Šittner Petr: Thermomechanical model for NiTi-based shape memory alloys covering macroscopic localization of martensitic transformation , International Journal of Solids and Structures vol.221, 1 (2021), p. 117-129
[67] Badia G., Noguera Carles: A general omitting types theorem in mathematical fuzzy logic , IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems vol.29, 6 (2021), p. 1386-1394
[68] Badia G., Noguera Carles: Lindström theorems in graded model theory , Annals of Pure and Applied Logic vol.172,
[69] Colombo G., Gidoni Paolo: On the optimal control of rate-independent soft crawlers , Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees vol.146, 1 (2021), p. 127-157
[70] Friedrich M., Kružík Martin, Valdman Jan: Numerical approximation of von Kármán viscoelastic plates , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems - Series S vol.14, 1 (2021), p. 299-319
[71] Carpitella Silvia, Ilyas M., Benítez J., Carpitella F., Certa A., Izquierdo J., La Cascia M.: A risk evaluation framework for the best maintenance strategy: The case of a marine salt manufacture firm , Reliability Engineering & System Safety vol.205,
[72] Kočvara Michal: Decomposition of arrow type positive semidefinite matrices with application to topology optimization , Mathematical Programming vol.190, p. 105-134
[73] Grimau Berta: In defence of Higher-Level Plural Logic: drawing conclusions from natural language , Synthese vol.198, 6 (2021), p. 5253-5280
[74] Grandi D., Kružík Martin, Mainini E., Stefanelli U.: Equilibrium for Multiphase Solids with Eulerian Interfaces , Journal of Elasticity vol.142, 1 (2020), p. 409-431
[75] Kružík Martin, Melching D., Stefanelli U.: Quasistatic evolution for dislocation-free finite plasticity , ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.26,
[76] Krömer Stefan, Roubíček Tomáš: Quasistatic viscoelasticity with self-contact at large strains , Journal of Elasticity vol.142, 2 (2020), p. 433-445
[77] Csirmaz Laszlo: One-adhesive polymatroids , Kybernetika vol.56, 5 (2020), p. 886-902
[78] Studený Milan: Contribution of František Matúš to the research on conditional independence , Kybernetika vol.56, 5 (2020), p. 850-874
[79] Fonda A., Gidoni Paolo: Coupling linearity and twist: an extension of the Poincaré-Birkhoff theorem for Hamiltonian systems , Nodea-Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications vol.27,
[80] Csirmaz Laszlo: Cyclic flats of a polymatroid , Annals of Combinatorics vol.24, 4 (2020), p. 637-648
[81] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: On subjective expected value under ambiguity , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.127, 1 (2020), p. 70-82
[82] Brune A., Kočvara Michal: On Barrier and Modified Barrier Multigrid Methods for Three-Dimensional Topology Optimization , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol.42, 1 (2020)
[83] Krömer Stefan: Global invertibility for orientation-preserving Sobolev maps via invertibility on or near the boundary , Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol.238, 3 (2020), p. 1113-1155
[84] Friedrich M., Kružík Martin: Derivation of von Kármán Plate Theory in the Framework of Three-Dimensional Viscoelasticity , Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol.238, 1 (2020), p. 489-540
[85] Baldi P., Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Classical and Fuzzy Two-Layered Modal Logics for Uncertainty: Translations and Proof-Theory , International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems vol.13, 1 (2020), p. 988-1001
[86] Outrata Jiří, Valdman Jan: On computation of optimal strategies in oligopolistic markets respecting the cost of change , Mathematical Methods of Operations Research vol.92, 3 (2020), p. 489-509
[87] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Rauh J.: A Note on Approximation of Shenoy's Expectation Operator Using Probabilistic Transforms , International Journal of General Systems vol.49, 1 (2020), p. 48-63
[88] Horák M., Kružík Martin: Gradient polyconvex material models and their numerical treatment , International Journal of Solids and Structures vol.195, 1 (2020), p. 57-65
[89] Feltrin G., Gidoni Paolo: Multiplicity of clines for systems of indefinite differential equations arising from a multilocus population genetics model , Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications vol.54,
[90] Pauly D., Valdman Jan: Poincaré-Friedrichs type constants for operators involving grad, curl, and div: Theory and numerical experiments , Computers & Mathematics With Applications vol.79, 11 (2020), p. 3027-3067
[91] Jiroušek Radim, Shenoy P. P.: On properties of a new decomposable entropy of Dempster-Shafer belief functions , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.119, 1 (2020), p. 260-279
[92] Plajner Martin, Vomlel Jiří: Learning bipartite Bayesian networks under monotonicity restrictions , International Journal of General Systems vol.49, 1 (2020), p. 88-111
[93] Kružík Martin, Pelech P., Schloemerkemper A.: Gradient Polyconvexity in Evolutionary Models of Shape-Memory Alloys , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.184, 1 (2020), p. 5-20
[94] Dontchev A. L., Gfrerer H., Kruger A.Y., Outrata Jiří: The Radius of Metric Subregularity , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.28, 3 (2020), p. 451-473
[95] Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří: On the Aubin property of solution maps to parameterized variational systems with implicit constraints , Optimization vol.69, p. 1681-1701
[96] Benko M., Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří: Stability Analysis for Parameterized Variational Systems with Implicit Constraints , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.28, 1 (2020), p. 167-193
[97] Adam Lukáš, Branda Martin, Heitsch H., Henrion R.: Solving joint chance constrained problems using regularization and Benders’ decomposition , Annals of Operations Research vol.292, 2 (2020), p. 683-709
[98] Frost Miroslav, Kružík Martin, Valdman Jan: Interfacial polyconvex energy-enhanced evolutionary model for shape memory alloys , Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids vol.24, 8 (2019), p. 2619-2635
[99] Kroupa Tomáš, Studený Milan: Facets of the cone of totally balanced games , Mathematical Methods of Operations Research vol.90, 2 (2019), p. 271-300
[100] Li J. R., Nguyen V. D., Tran T. N., Valdman Jan, Trang C. B., Nguyen K. V., Vu D. T. S., Tran H. A., Tran H. T. A., Nguyen T. M. P.: SpinDoctor: A MATLAB toolbox for diffusion MRI simulation , Neuroimage vol.202,
[101] Krömer Stefan, Valdman Jan: Global injectivity in second-gradient Nonlinear Elasticity and its approximation with penalty terms , Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids vol.24, 11 (2019), p. 3644-3673
[102] Pištěk Miroslav: SSB representation of preferences: Weakening of convexity assumptions , Journal of Mathematical Economics vol.83, 1 (2019), p. 84-88
[103] Dubois D., Esteva F., Flaminio T., Noguera Carles, Prade H., Rodriguez R. O.: Many-valued Logics for Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Lluis Godo on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday , Soft Computing vol.23, 7 (2019), p. 2125-2127
[104] Badia G., Costa V., Dellunde P., Noguera Carles: Syntactic characterizations of classes of first-order structures in mathematical fuzzy logic , Soft Computing vol.23, 7 (2019), p. 2177-2186
[105] Čermák Martin, Sysala Stanislav, Valdman Jan: Efficient and flexible MATLAB implementation of 2D and 3D elastoplastic problems , Applied Mathematics and Computation vol.355, p. 595-614
[106] Grandi D., Kružík Martin, Mainini E., Stefanelli U.: A Phase-Field Approach to Eulerian Interfacial Energies , Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis vol.234, 1 (2019), p. 351-373
[107] Grabisch M., Kroupa Tomáš: The cone of supermodular games on finite distributive lattices , Discrete Applied Mathematics vol.260, 1 (2019), p. 144-154
[108] Henrion D., Kružík Martin, Weisser T.: Optimal control problems with oscillations, concentrations and discontinuities , Automatica vol.103, 1 (2019), p. 159-165
[109] Adam Lukáš, Hintermüller M., Peschka D., Surowiec T.: Optimization of a multiphysics problem in semiconductor laser design , Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics vol.79, 1 (2019), p. 257-283
[110] Benko M., Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří: Calculus for Directional Limiting Normal Cones and Subdifferentials , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.27, 3 (2019), p. 713-745
[111] Cintula Petr, Menchón P., Noguera Carles: Toward a general frame semantics for modal many-valued logics , Soft Computing vol.23, 7 (2019), p. 2233-2241
[112] Doskar M., Zeman Jan, Jaruskova D., Novák J.: Wang tiling aided statistical determination of the Representative Volume Element size of random heterogeneous materials , European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids vol.70, 1 (2018), p. 280-295
[113] Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin: A Model of Microstructure Evolution in Metals Exposed to Large Strains , Acta Physica Polonica A vol.134, 3 (2018), p. 753-756
[114] Matúš František: Classes of Matroids Closed Under Minors and Principal Extensions , Combinatorica vol.38, 4 (2018), p. 935-954
[115] Švorc Jan: Subjective Well-Being and Individual Material Situation in Four Countries of Central Europe , Sociológia vol.50, 6 (2018), p. 727-759
[116] Kroupa Tomáš: Ordered group-valued probability, positive operators, and integral representations , Algebra Universalis vol.79,
[117] Benešová B., Kružík Martin, Schlömerkemper A.: A note on locking materials and gradient polyconvexity , Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences vol.28, 12 (2018), p. 2367-2401
[118] Jurčák Jan, Rezaei R., Bello González N., Schlichenmaier R., Vomlel Jiří: The magnetic nature of umbra-penumbra boundary in sunspots , Astronomy & Astrophysics vol.611
[119] Kružík Martin, Mora-Corral C., Stefanelli U.: Quasistatic elastoplasticity via Peridynamics: existence and localization , Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics vol.30, 5 (2018), p. 1155-1184
[120] Friedrich M., Kružík Martin: On the passage from nonlinear to linearized viscoelasticity , SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol.50, 4 (2018), p. 4426-4456
[121] Studený Milan, Kratochvíl Václav: Linear criterion for testing the extremity of an exact game based on its finest min-representation , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.101, 1 (2018), p. 49-68, 10th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA'17), (Lugano, CH, 20170710)
[122] Pištěk Miroslav: Continuous SSB representation of preferences , Journal of Mathematical Economics vol.77, 1 (2018), p. 59-65
[123] Badia G., Noguera Carles: Fraisse classes of graded relational structures , Theoretical Computer Science vol.737, 1 (2018), p. 81-90
[124] Branda Martin, Bucher M., Červinka Michal, Schwartz A.: Convergence of a Scholtes-type regularization method for cardinality-constrained optimization problems with an application in sparse robust portfolio optimization , Computational Optimization and Applications vol.70, 2 (2018), p. 503-530
[125] Matúš František: On patterns of conditional independences and covariance signs among binary variables , Acta Mathematica Hungarica vol.154, 2 (2018), p. 511-524
[126] Baia M., Krömer Stefan, Kružík Martin: Generalized W1-1-Young Measures and Relaxation of Problems with Linear Growth , SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol.50, 1 (2018), p. 1076-1119
[127] Dellunde P., García-Cerdaña A., Noguera Carles: Back-and-forth systems for fuzzy first-order models , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.345, 1 (2018), p. 83-98
[128] Lávička Tomáš, Noguera Carles: Extension Properties and Subdirect Representation in Abstract Algebraic Logic , Studia Logica vol.106, 6 (2018), p. 1065-1095
[129] Repin S., Valdman Jan: Error identities for variational problems with obstacles , ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol.98, 4 (2018), p. 635-658
[130] Jiroušek Radim, Shenoy P. P.: A new definition of entropy of belief functions in the Dempster-Shafer theory , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.92, 1 (2018), p. 49-65
[131] Anguige K., Dondl P., Kružík Martin: On the existence of minimisers for strain-gradient single-crystal plasticity , ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol.98, 3 (2018), p. 431-447
[132] Šmídl V., Janouš Š., Adam Lukáš, Peroutka Z.: Direct Speed Control of a PMSM Drive Using SDRE and Convex Constrained Optimization , IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics vol.65, 1 (2018), p. 532-542
[133] Adam Lukáš, Bejda P.: Robust estimators based on generalization of trimmed mean , Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation vol.47, 7 (2018), p. 2139-2151
[134] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Neighborhood semantics for modal many-valued logics , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.345, p. 99-112
[135] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Implicational (semilinear) logics III: completeness properties , Archive for Mathematical Logic vol.57, p. 391-420
[136] Kružík Martin, Valdman Jan: Computational modeling of magnetic hysteresis with thermal effects , Mathematics and Computers in Simulation vol.145, 1 (2018), p. 90-105
[137] Adam Lukáš, Henrion R., Outrata Jiří: On M-stationarity conditions in MPECs and the associated qualification conditions , Mathematical Programming vol.168, p. 229-259
[138] Vejnarová Jiřina: Compositional models for credal sets , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.90, 1 (2017), p. 359-373
[139] Roubíček Tomáš, Valdman Jan: Stress-driven solution to rate-independent elasto-plasticity with damage at small strains and its computer implementation , Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids vol.22, 6 (2017), p. 1267-1287
[140] Adam Lukáš, Outrata Jiří, Roubíček Tomáš: Identification of some nonsmooth evolution systems with illustration on adhesive contacts at small strains , Optimization vol.66, 12 (2017), p. 2025-2049
[141] Opazo F., Outrata Jiří, Ramírez H. C.: ERRATUM: ON THE AUBIN PROPERTY OF CRITICAL POINTS TO PERTURBED SECOND-ORDER CONE PROGRAMS , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.27, 3 (2017), p. 2143-2151
[142] Benešová B., Kružík Martin: Weak Lower Semicontinuity of Integral Functionals and Applications , SIAM Review vol.59, 4 (2017), p. 703-766
[143] Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří: On the Aubin property of a class of parameterized variational systems , Mathematical Methods of Operations Research vol.86, 3 (2017), p. 443-467
[144] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Inverse truss design as a conic mathematical program with equilibrium constraints , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems - Series S vol.10, 6 (2017), p. 1329-1350
[145] Djordjilović V., Chiogna M., Vomlel Jiří: An empirical comparison of popular structure learning algorithms with a view to gene network inference , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.88, 1 (2017), p. 602-613
[146] Kratochvíl Václav, Vomlel Jiří: Influence diagrams for speed profile optimization , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.88, 1 (2017), p. 567-586
[147] Lín Václav: Binary integer programming solution for troubleshooting with dependent actions , Kybernetika vol.53, 3 (2017), p. 493-512
[148] Studený Milan, Cussens J.: Towards using the chordal graph polytope in learning decomposable models , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.88, 1 (2017), p. 259-281, 8th International Conference of Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Lugano, CH, 20160906)
[149] Rokoš O., Peerlings R. H. J., Zeman Jan: eXtended variational quasicontinuum methodology for lattice networks with damage and crack propagation , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering vol.320, 1 (2017), p. 769-792
[150] Cussens J., Haws D., Studený Milan: Polyhedral aspects of score equivalence in Bayesian network structure learning , Mathematical Programming vol.164, p. 285-324
[151] Heinz S., Kružík Martin: Computations of Quasiconvex Hulls of Isotropic Sets , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.24, 2 (2017), p. 477-492
[152] Kroupa Tomáš, Teheux B.: Modal extensions of Lukasiewicz logic for modelling coalitional power , Journal of Logic and Computation vol.27, 1 (2017), p. 129-154
[153] Bozorgnia F., Valdman Jan: A FEM approximation of a two-phase obstacle problem and its a posteriori error estimate , Computers & Mathematics With Applications vol.73, 3 (2017), p. 419-432
[154] Krämer J., Krömer S., Kružík Martin, Pathó G.: A-quasiconvexity at the boundary and weak lower semicontinuity of integral functionals , Advances in Calculus of Variations vol.10, 1 (2017), p. 49-67
[155] Claeys M., Henrion D., Kružík Martin: Semi-definite relaxations for optimal control problems with oscillation and concentration effects , ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.23, 1 (2017), p. 95-117
[156] Lávička Tomáš, Noguera Carles: A new hierarchy of infinitary logics in abstract algebraic logic , Studia Logica vol.105, 3 (2017), p. 521-551
[157] Aussel D., Bendotti P., Pištěk Miroslav: Nash equilibrium in a pay-as-bid electricity market: Part 1- existence and characterization , Optimization vol.66, 6 (2017), p. 1013-1025
[158] Adam Lukáš, Kroupa T.: The Intermediate Set and Limiting Superdi erential for Coalition Games: Between the Core and the Weber Set , International Journal of Game Theory vol.46, 4 (2017), p. 891-918
[159] Roubíček Tomáš, Valdman Jan: Stress-driven solution to rate-independent elasto-plasticity with damage at small strains and its computer implementation , Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids vol.22, 6 (2017), p. 1267-1287
[160] Adam Lukáš, Outrata Jiří, Roubíček Tomáš: Identification of some nonsmooth evolution systems with illustration on adhesive contacts at small strains , Optimization vol.66, 12 (2017), p. 2025-2049
[161] Kočvara Michal, Xia Y., Nesterov Y.: A Subgradient Method for Free Material Design , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.26, 4 (2016), p. 2314-2354
[162] Jiroušek Radim, Shenoy P. P.: Causal compositional models in valuation-based systems with examples in specific theories , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.72, 1 (2016), p. 95-112
[163] Dellunde P., García-Cerdaña A., Noguera Carles: Löwenheim-Skolem theorems for non-classical first-order algebraizable logics , Logic Journal of the IGPL vol.24, 3 (2016), p. 321-345
[164] Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří: On Lipschitzian properties of implicit multifunctions , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.26, 4 (2016), p. 2160-2189
[165] Knüpfer H., Kružík Martin: A sharp interface evolutionary model for shape memory alloys , ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol.96, 11 (2016), p. 1347-1355
[166] Matúš František, Csirmaz L.: Entropy region and convolution , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.62, 11 (2016), p. 6007-6018
[167] Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří: On Computation of Generalized Derivatives of the Normal-Cone Mapping and Their Applications , Mathematics of Operations Research vol.41, 4 (2016), p. 1535-1556
[168] Kočvara Michal, Mohammed S.: Primal-Dual Interior Point Multigrid Method for Topology Optimization , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol.38, 5 (2016)
[169] Červinka Michal, Kanzow Ch., Schwartz A.: Constraint qualifications and optimality conditions for optimization problems with cardinality constraints , Mathematical Programming vol.160, 1 (2016), p. 353-377
[170] Červinka Michal: A note on stability of stationary points in mathematical programs with generalized complementarity constraints , Optimization vol.65, 5 (2016), p. 1049-1060
[171] Adam Lukáš, Branda Martin: Nonlinear Chance Constrained Problems: Optimality Conditions, Regularization and Solvers , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.170, 2 (2016), p. 419-436
[172] Outrata Jiří, Ferris M.C., Červinka Michal, Outrata M.: On Cournot-Nash-Walras Equilibria and Their Computation , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.24, 3 (2016), p. 387-402
[173] Kočvara Michal, Mohammed S.: A first-order multigrid method for bound-constrained convex optimization , Optimization Methods & Software vol.31, 3 (2016), p. 622-644
[174] Kočvara Michal, Loghin D., Turner J.: Constraint interface preconditioning for topology optimization problems , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol.38, 1 (2016)
[175] Studený Milan, Kroupa Tomáš: Core-based criterion for extreme supermodular functions , Discrete Applied Mathematics vol.206, 1 (2016), p. 122-151
[176] Roubíček Tomáš, Valdman Jan: Perfect plasticity with damage and healing at small strains, its modeling, analysis, and computer implementation , Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics vol.76, 1 (2016), p. 314-340
[177] Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin: Statistically motivated model of mechanisms controlling evolution of deformation band substructure , International Journal of Plasticity vol.81, 1 (2016), p. 196-208
[178] Adam Lukáš, Branda Martin: Sparse optimization for inverse problems in atmospheric modelling , Environmental Modelling & Software vol.79, 3 (2016), p. 256-266
[179] Běhounek Libor, Cintula Petr, Fermüller C., Kroupa Tomáš: Representing Strategic Games and Their Equilibria in Many-Valued Logics , Logic Journal of the IGPL vol.24, 3 (2016), p. 238-267
[180] Benešová B., Kružík Martin: Characterization of gradient young measures generated by homeomorphisms in the plane , ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.22, 1 (2016), p. 267-288
[181] Aussel D., Červinka Michal, Marechal M.: Deregulated electricity markets with thermal losses and production bounds: models and optimality conditions , R A I R O - Operations Research vol.50, 1 (2016), p. 19-38
[182] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Implicational (Semilinear) Logics II: Additional Connectives and Characterizations of Semilinearity , Archive for Mathematical Logic vol.55, 3 (2016), p. 353-372
[183] Marcinkowski L., Rahman T., Loneland A., Valdman Jan: Additive Schwarz preconditioner for the finite volume element discretization of symmetric elliptic problems , Bit vol.56, 3 (2016), p. 967-993
[184] Adam Lukáš, Červinka Michal, Pištěk Miroslav: Normally Admissible Stratifications and Calculation of Normal Cones to a Finite Union of Polyhedral Sets , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.24, 2 (2016), p. 207-229
[185] Outrata Jiří, Gfrerer H.: On computation of limiting coderivatives of the normal-cone mapping to inequality systems and their applications , Optimization vol.65, 4 (2016), p. 671-700
[186] Vejnarová Jiřina: On decision-making in possibility theory , Kybernetika vol.51, 3 (2015), p. 457-468
[187] Bína V., Jiroušek Radim: On computations with causal compositional models , Kybernetika vol.51, 3 (2015), p. 525-539
[188] Ertola R., Esteva F., Flaminio T., Godo L., Noguera Carles: Paraconsistency properties in degree-preserving fuzzy logics , Soft Computing vol.19, 3 (2015), p. 531-546
[189] Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin: A crystal plasticity model of a formation of a deformation band structure , Philosophical Magazine vol.95, 32 (2015), p. 3621-3639
[190] Matúš František: On limiting towards the boundaries of exponential families , Kybernetika vol.51, 5 (2015), p. 725-738
[191] Aussel D., Pištěk Miroslav: Limiting Normal Operator in Quasiconvex Analysis , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.23, 4 (2015), p. 669-685
[192] Adam Lukáš: On the Lipschitz behavior of solution maps of a class of differential inclusions , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.23, 3 (2015), p. 559-575
[193] Tanaka K., Studený Milan, Takemura A., Sei T.: A linear-algebraic tool for conditional independence inference , Journal of Algebraic Statistics vol.6, 2 (2015), p. 150-167
[194] Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří, Ramírez H. C.: Graphical Derivatives and Stability Analysis for Parameterized Equilibria with Conic Constraints , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.23, 4 (2015), p. 687-704
[195] Zhao Y.-B., Kočvara Michal: A New Computational Method for the Sparsest Solutions to Systems of Linear Equations , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.25, 2 (2015), p. 1110-1134
[196] Vomlel Jiří: Generalizations of the noisy-or model , Kybernetika vol.51, 3 (2015), p. 508-524
[197] Benešová B., Kroemer S., Kružík Martin: Boundary effects and weak* lower semicontinuity for signed integral functionals on BV , ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.21, 2 (2015), p. 513-534
[198] Kružík Martin, Stefanelli U., Zanini Ch.: Quasistatic evolution of magnetoelastic plates via dimension reduction , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems vol.35, 12 (2015), p. 5999-6013
[199] Repin S., Valdman Jan: A posteriori error estimates for two-phase obstacle problem , Journal of Mathematical Sciences vol.107, 2 (2015), p. 324-335
[200] Anjam I., Valdman Jan: Fast MATLAB assembly of FEM matrices in 2D and 3D: Edge elements , Applied Mathematics and Computation vol.267, 1 (2015), p. 252-263
[201] Kružík Martin, Stefanelli U., Zeman J.: Existence Results for Incompressible Magnetoelasticity , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems vol.35, 6 (2015), p. 2615-2623
[202] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: Foundations of compositional models: structural properties , International Journal of General Systems vol.44, 1 (2015), p. 2-25
[203] Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří, Ramírez H. C.: SECOND-ORDER VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS IN CONIC PROGRAMMING WITH APPLICATIONS TO OPTIMALITY AND STABILITY , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.25, 1 (2015), p. 76-101
[204] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: A Note on Natural Extensions in Abstract Algebraic Logic , Studia Logica vol.103, 4 (2015), p. 815-823
[205] Lín Václav: Scheduling results applicable to decision-theoretic troubleshooting , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.57, 1 (2015), p. 87-107
[206] Kružík Martin, Panagiotopoulos Ch., Roubíček Tomáš: Quasistatic adhesive contact delaminating in mixed mode and its numerical treatment , Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids vol.20, 5 (2015), p. 582-599
[207] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: A Henkin-Style Proof of Completeness for First-Order Algebraizable Logics , Journal of Symbolic Logic vol.80, 1 (2015), p. 341-358
[208] Jiroušek Radim, Shenoy P. P.: Compositional models in valuation-based systems , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.55, 1 (2014), p. 277-293
[209] Harasim P., Valdman Jan: Verification of functional a posteriori error estimates for obstacle problem in 2D , Kybernetika vol.50, 6 (2014), p. 978-1002
[210] Benešová B., Kružík Martin, Pathó G.: A mesoscopic thermomechanically coupled model for thin-film shape-memory alloys by dimension reduction and scale transition , Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics vol.26, 5 (2014), p. 683-713
[211] Vejnarová Jiřina: A Comparison of Evidential Networks and Compositional Models , Kybernetika vol.50, 2 (2014), p. 246-267
[212] Adam Lukáš, Outrata Jiří: On optimal control of a sweeping process coupled with an ordinary differential equation , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B vol.19, 9 (2014), p. 2709-2738
[213] Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří, Sarabi E.: Full Stability of Locally Optimal Solutions in Second-Order Cone Programs , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.24, 4 (2014), p. 1581-1613
[214] Beremlijski P., Outrata Jiří, Haslinger J., Pathó R.: Shape Optimization in Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction and a Solution-Dependent Friction Coefficient , SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol.52, 5 (2014), p. 3371-3400
[215] Červinka Michal, Outrata Jiří, Pištěk Miroslav: On Stability of M-stationary Points in MPCCs , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.22, 3 (2014), p. 575-595
[216] Kroupa Tomáš, Majer Ondrej: Optimal strategic reasoning with McNaughton functions , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.55, 6 (2014), p. 1458-1468
[217] Vomlel Jiří, Tichavský Petr: Probabilistic inference with noisy-threshold models based on a CP tensor decomposition , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.55, 4 (2014), p. 1072-1092
[218] Studený Milan, Haws D.: Learning Bayesian network structure: towards the essential graph by integer linear programming tools , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.55, 4 (2014), p. 1043-1071
[219] Kruger A.Y., Minchenko L., Outrata Jiří: On relaxing the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification , Positivity vol.18, 1 (2014), p. 171-189
[220] Čermák M., Kozubek T., Sysala Stanislav, Valdman Jan: A TFETI domain decomposition solver for elastoplastic problems , Applied Mathematics and Computation vol.231, 1 (2014), p. 634-653
[221] Lín Václav: Decision-theoretic troubleshooting: Hardness of approximation , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.55, 4 (2014), p. 977-988
[222] Kalamajska A., Kraemer S., Kružík Martin: Sequential weak continuity of null Lagrangians at the boundary , Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations vol.49, p. 1263-1278
[223] Benešová Barbora, Kružík Martin, Pathó G.: Young measures supported on invertible matrices , Applicable Analysis vol.93, 1 (2014), p. 105-123
[224] Esteva F., Godo L., Noguera Carles: A logical approach to fuzzy truth hedges , Information Sciences vol.232, 1 (2013), p. 366-385
[225] Bína V., Jiroušek Radim: A short note on multivariate dependence modeling , Kybernetika vol.49, 3 (2013), p. 420-432
[226] Vejnarová Jiřina: On interpretation of T-product extensions of possibility distributions , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.232, 1 (2013), p. 3-17
[227] Harasim P., Valdman Jan: Verification of functional a posteriori error estimates for obstacle problem in 1D , Kybernetika vol.49, 5 (2013), p. 738-754
[228] Pištěk Miroslav: Approximate Dynamic Programming Based on High Dimensional Model Representation , Kybernetika vol.49, 5 (2013), p. 720-737
[229] Kroemer S., Kružík Martin: Oscillations and Concentrations in Sequences of Gradients up to the Boundary , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.20, 3 (2013), p. 723-752
[230] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: The Proof by Cases Property and its Variants in Structural Consequence Relations , Studia Logica vol.101, 4 (2013), p. 713-747
[231] Cintula Petr, Horčík Rostislav, Noguera Carles: Nonassociative Substructural Logics and Their Semilinear Extensions: Axiomatization and Completeness Properties , Review of Symbolic Logic vol.6, 3 (2013), p. 394-423
[232] Kružík Martin: Quasiconvexity at the boundary and concentration effects generated by gradients , ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.19, 3 (2013), p. 679-700
[233] Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří: Tilt stability in nonlinear programming under Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification , Kybernetika vol.49, 3 (2013), p. 446-464
[234] Cintula Petr, Kroupa Tomáš: Simple games in Lukasiewicz calculus and their cores , Kybernetika vol.49, 3 (2013), p. 404-419
[235] Studený Milan, Haws D.C.: On polyhedral approximations of polytopes for learning Bayesian networks , Journal of Algebraic Statistics vol.4, 1 (2013), p. 59-92
[236] Adly S., Outrata Jiří: Qualitative Stability of a Class of Non-Monotone Variational Inclusions. Application in Electronics , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.20, 1 (2013), p. 43-66
[237] Outrata Jiří, Henrion R., Kruger A.Y.: Some Remarks on Stability of Generalized Equations , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.159, 3 (2013), p. 681-697
[238] DeSimone A., Kružík Martin: Domain patterns and hysteresis in phase-transforming solids: analysis and numerical simulations of a sharp interface dissipative model via phase-field approximation , Networks and Heterogeneous Media vol.8, 2 (2013), p. 481-499
[239] Kratochvíl Václav: Probabilistic Compositional Models: solution of an equivalence problem , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.54, 5 (2013), p. 590-601
[240] Anderssen R., Kružík Martin: Modelling of Wheat-Flour Dough Mixing as an Open-Loop Hysteretic Process , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B vol.18, 2 (2013), p. 283-293
[241] Benešová Barbora, Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Thermodynamically consistent mesoscopic model of the ferro/paramagnetic transition , Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol.64, p. 1-28
[242] Bessoud A. L., Kružík Martin, Stefanelli U.: A macroscopic model for magnetic shape-memory single crystals , Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol.64, 2 (2013), p. 343-359
[243] Červinka Michal, Matonoha Ctirad, Outrata Jiří: On the computation of relaxed pessimistic solutions to MPECs , Optimization Methods & Software vol.28, 1 (2013), p. 186-206
[244] Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: Solving stress constrained problems in topology and material optimization , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization vol.46, 1 (2012), p. 1-15
[245] Matúš František: On conditional independence and log-convexity , Annales de L Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilites Et Statistiques vol.48, 4 (2012), p. 1137-1147
[246] Ottosen T. J., Vomlel Jiří: All roads lead to Rome - New search methods for the optimal triangulation problem , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.53, 9 (2012), p. 1350-1366
[247] Henrion R., Outrata Jiří, Surowiec T.: On regular coderivatives in parametric equilibria with non-unique multipliers , Mathematical Programming vol.136, 1 (2012), p. 111-131
[248] Hemmecke R., Lindner S., Studený Milan: Characteristic imsets for learning Bayesian network structure , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.53, 9 (2012), p. 1336-1349
[249] Seidman T., Gobbert M., Trott D., Kružík Martin: Finite element approximation for time-dependent diffusion with measure-valued source , Numerische Mathematik vol.122, 4 (2012), p. 709-723
[250] Jiroušek Radim: Local computations in Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.53, 8 (2012), p. 1155-1167
[251] Kroupa Tomáš: Extension of belief functions to infinite-valued events , Soft Computing vol.16, 11 (2012), p. 1851-1861
[252] Csiszár I., Matúš František: Generalized minimizers of convex integral functionals, Bregman distance, Pythagorean identities , Kybernetika vol.48, 4 (2012), p. 637-689
[253] Henrion R., Outrata Jiří, Surowiec T.: Analysis of M-stationary points to an EPEC modeling oligopolistic competition in an electricity spot market , ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.18, 2 (2012), p. 295-317
[254] Haslinger J., Outrata Jiří, Pathó R.: Shape optimization in 2D contact problems with given friction and a solution-dependent coefficient of friction , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.20, 1 (2012), p. 31-59
[255] Kroupa Tomáš: States in Lukasiewicz logic correspond to probabilities of rational polyhedra , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.53, 4 (2012), p. 435-446
[256] Kružík Martin, Zimmer J.: On an extension of the space of bounded deformations , Zeitschrift für Analysis und Ihre Anwendungen vol.31, 1 (2012), p. 75-91
[257] Kárný Miroslav, Kroupa Tomáš: Axiomatisation of fully probabilistic design , Information Sciences vol.186, 1 (2012), p. 105-113
[258] Kružík Martin, Zimmer J.: Rate-Independent Processes with Linear Growth Energies and Time-Dependent Boundary Conditions , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems - Series S vol.5, 3 (2012), p. 591-604
[259] Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: Compositional models and conditional independence in evidence theory , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.52, 3 (2011), p. 316-334
[260] Bartels S., Kružík Martin: An efficient approach to the numerical solution of rate-independent problems with nonconvex energies , Multiscale Modeling and Simulation vol.9, 3 (2011), p. 1275-1300
[261] Outrata Jiří, Ramírez H. C.: On the Aubin Property of Critical Points to Perturbed Second-Order Cone Programs , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.21, 3 (2011), p. 798-823
[262] Vomlel Jiří: Rank of tensors of l-out-of-k functions: an application in probabilistic inference , Kybernetika vol.47, 3 (2011), p. 317-336
[263] Jiroušek Radim: Foundations of compositional model theory , International Journal of General Systems vol.40, 6 (2011), p. 623-678
[264] Kratochvíl Václav: Characteristic Properties of Equivalent Structures in Compositional Models , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.52, 5 (2011), p. 599-612
[265] Kroupa Tomáš: Core of Coalition Games on MV-algebras , Journal of Logic and Computation vol.21, 3 (2011), p. 479-492
[266] Kružík Martin, Zimmer J.: A model of shape memory alloys taking into account plasticity , IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics vol.76, 1 (2011), p. 193-216
[267] Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří: On open questions in the geometric approach to structural learning Bayesian nets , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.52, 5 (2011), p. 627-640, Workshop on Uncertainty Processing WUPES'09 /8./, (Liblice, CZ, 19.09.2009-23.09.2009)
[268] Outrata Jiří, Jarušek Jiří, Stará J.: On Optimality Conditions in Control of Elliptic Variational Inequalities , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.19, 1 (2011), p. 23-42
[269] Haslinger J., Kočvara Michal, Leugering G., Stingl M.: Multidisciplinary Free Material Optimization , Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics vol.7, 70 (2010), p. 2709-2728
[270] Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Sedláček R.: Instability origin of subgrain formation in plastically deformed materials , International Journal of Engineering Science vol.48, 11 (2010), p. 1401-1412
[271] Bouckaert R., Hemmecke R., Lindner S., Studený Milan: Efficient algorithms for conditional independence inference , Journal of Machine Learning Research vol.11, 1 (2010), p. 3453-3479
[272] Červinka Michal: On computation of C-stationary points for equilibrium problems with linear complementarity constraints via homotopy method , Kybernetika vol.2010, 4 (2010), p. 730-753
[273] Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Sedláček R.: Model of Structural Fragmentation Induced by High Pressure Torsion , Reviews on Advanced Materials Science vol.25, 1 (2010), p. 88-98
[274] Kružík Martin, Pathó G.: Variational model of martensitic thin films and its numerical treatment , Technische Mechanik vol.30, p. 203-210
[275] Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Sedláček R.: Crystal plasticity model of shear and kink bands-energetic approach , Philosophical Magazine vol.90, 27 (2010), p. 3729-3742
[276] Outrata Jiří, Henrion R., Surowiec T.: A note on the relation between strong and M-stationarity for a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints , Kybernetika vol.46, 3 (2010), p. 423-434
[277] Outrata Jiří, Kruger A.Y., Fabian Marián, Henrion R.: Error Bounds: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions , Set-Valued and Variational Analysis vol.18, 2 (2010), p. 121-149
[278] Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří, Hemmecke R.: A geometric view on learning Bayesian network structures , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.51, 5 (2010), p. 578-586, PGM 2008,
[279] Hoheisel T., Kanzow Ch., Outrata Jiří: Exact penalty results for mathematical programs with vanishing constraints , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.72, 5 (2010), p. 2514-2526
[280] Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Sedláček R.: Energetic approach to gradient plasticity , ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol.90, 2 (2010), p. 122-135
[281] Fonseca I., Kružík Martin: Oscillations and concentrations generated by A-free mappings and weak lower semicontinuity of integral functionals , ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2 (2010), p. 472-502
[282] Kružík Martin, Zimmer J.: Evolutionary problems in non-reflexive spaces , ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.16, 1 (2010), p. 1-22
[283] Outrata Jiří, Červinka Michal: On the implicit programming approach in a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints , Control and Cybernetics vol.38, p. 1557-1574
[284] Flegel M. L., Kanzow Ch., Outrata Jiří: Optimality conditions for disjunctive programs with applications to mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints , Set-Valued Analysis vol.15, 2 (2007), p. 139-162
[285] Kroupa Tomáš: Many-dimensional observables on Lukasiewicz tribe: Constructions, conditioning and conditional independence , Kybernetika vol.41, 4 (2005), p. 451-468
[286] Outrata Jiří, Henrion R.: Calmness of constraint systems with applications , Mathematical Programming vol.104, p. 437-464
[287] Roubíček Tomáš: Incompressible ionized fluid mixtures: a non-Newtonian approach , IASME Transactions vol.2, 7 (2005), p. 1190-1197
[288] Outrata Jiří, Römisch W.: On optimality conditions for some nonsmooth optimization problems over Lp spaces , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.126, 2 (2005), p. 411-438
[289] Csiszár I., Matúš František: Closures of exponential families , Annals of Probability vol.33, 2 (2005), p. 582-600
[290] Matúš František: Conditional independences in Gaussian vectors and rings of polynomials , Conditionals, Information, and Inference, International Workshop. WCII 2002 vol.3301, - (2005), p. 152-161, International Workshop WCII 2002, (Hagen, DE, 13.05.2002-15.05.2002)
[291] Roubíček Tomáš: Maximum principle in optimal design of plates with stratified thickness , Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol.51, 99 (2005), p. 183-200
[292] Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin: Mesoscopic model for ferromagnets with isotropic hardening , Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol.56, 1 (2005), p. 107-135
[293] Studený Milan: Characterization of inclusion neighbourhood in terms of the essential graph , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.38, 3 (2005), p. 283-309
[294] Kroupa Tomáš: Conditional probability on MV-algebras , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.149, 2 (2005), p. 369-381
[295] Kružík Martin, Prohl A.: Macroscopic modeling of magnetic hysteresis , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.14, 14 (2004), p. 665-681
[296] Lněnička Radim: On the tightness of the Zhang-Yeung inequality for Gaussian vectors , Communications in Information and Systems vol.3, 1 (2003), p. 41-46
[297] Jiroušek Radim: On experimental system for multidimensional model development MUDIM , Neural Network World vol.13, 5 (2003), p. 513-520
[298] Kružík Martin: Maximum principle based algorithm for hysteresis in micromagnetics , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.13, 2 (2003), p. 461-485
[299] Rajagopal K. R., Roubíček Tomáš: On the effect of dissipation in shape-memory alloys , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.4, 99 (2003), p. 581-597
[300] Kružík Martin, Luskin M.: The computation of martensitic microstructure with piecewise laminates , Journal of Scientific Computing vol.19, p. 293-308
[301] Matache A. M., Roubíček Tomáš, Schwab Ch.: Higher-order convex approximations of Young measures in optimal control , Advances in Computational Mathematics vol.19, 1 (2003), p. 73-97
[302] Kružík Martin: A note on equality of functional envelopes , Mathematica Bohemica vol.128, 2 (2003), p. 169-178
[303] Matúš František: Conditional probabilities and permutahedron , Annales de L Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilites Et Statistiques vol.39, 4 (2003), p. 687-701
[304] Csiszár I., Matúš František: Information Projections Revisited , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.49, 6 (2003), p. 1474-1490
[305] Jiroušek Radim, Kleiter G. D., Vejnarová J.: Editorial note , Soft Computing vol.7, 5 (2003), p. 279
[306] Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová J.: Construction of multidimensional models by operators of composition: current state of art , Soft Computing vol.7, 5 (2003), p. 328-335
[307] Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: General framework for multidimensional models , International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol.18, 1 (2003), p. 107-127
[308] Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENNON: A code for convex nonlinear and semidefinite programming , Optimization Methods & Software vol.18, 3 (2003), p. 317-333
[309] Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Specimen shape influence on hysteretic response of bulk ferromagnets , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials vol.256, 1 (2003), p. 158-167
[310] Kirsch U., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Accurate reanalysis of structures by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering vol.55, 2 (2002), p. 233-251
[311] Studený Milan: Chain graph models and their causal interpretations - discussion on the paper by Lauritzen and Richardson , Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methodology vol.64, 3 (2002), p. 358
[312] Henrion R., Jourani A., Outrata Jiří: On calmness of a class of multifunctions , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.13, 2 (2002), p. 603-618
[313] Beremlijski P., Haslinger J., Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Shape optimization in contact problems with Coulomb friction , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.13, 2 (2002), p. 561-587
[314] Vejnarová Jiřina: Markov properties and factorization of possibility distributions , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, p. 357-377
[315] Plecháč P., Roubíček Tomáš: Visco-elasto-plastic model for martensitic phase transformation in shape-memory alloys , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.25, 99 (2002), p. 1281-1298
[316] Studený Milan: On stochastic conditional independence: the problems of characterization and description , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, p. 323-341
[317] Matúš František: Lenghts of semigraphoid inferences , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, 4 (2002), p. 287-294
[318] Kočvara Michal: A fast iterative algorithm for American option pricing , Solutions vol.6, 1 (2002), p. 57-66
[319] Bouchitee G., Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal design of stratified media , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.12, 1 (2002), p. 135-150
[320] Roubíček Tomáš, Valášek M.: Optimal control of causal differential-algebraic systems , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.269, 2 (2002), p. 616-641
[321] Roubíček Tomáš: Evolution model for martensitic phase transformation in shape-memory alloys , Interfaces and Free Boundaries vol.4, 2 (2002), p. 111-136
[322] Jiroušek Radim: Decomposition of multidimensional distributions represented by perfect sequences , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, p. 215-226
[323] Hörnlein H. R. E. M., Kočvara Michal, Werner R.: Material optimization: bridging the gap between conceptual and preliminary design , Aerospace Science and Technology vol.5, 1 (2001), p. 541-554
[324] Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: Perfect sequences for belief networks representation , Neural Network World vol.11, 6 (2001), p. 611-626
[325] Roubíček Tomáš, Schmidt W. H.: Existence in optimal control problems of certain Fredholm integral equations , Control and Cybernetics vol.30, 3 (2001), p. 303-322
[326] Kružík Martin, Prohl A.: Young measure approximation in micromagnetics , Numerische Mathematik vol.90, 2 (2001), p. 291-307
[327] Nečas J., Roubíček Tomáš: Buoyancy-driven viscous flow with L , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.46, 99 (2001), p. 737-755
[328] Roubíček Tomáš: Steady-state bouyancy-driven viscous flow with measure data , Mathematica Bohemica vol.126, 2 (2001), p. 493-504
[329] Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří: On second-order subdifferentials and their applications , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.12, 1 (2001), p. 139-169
[330] Matúš František: Excluded minors for Boolean polymatroids , Discrete Mathematics vol.235, p. 317-321
[331] Csiszár I., Matúš František: Convex cores of measures on R , Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica vol.38, 2 (2001), p. 177-190
[332] Henrion R., Outrata Jiří: A subdifferential condition for calmness of multifunctions , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.258, 1 (2001), p. 110-130
[333] Ben-Tal A., Jarre F., Kočvara Michal, Nemirovski A., Zowe J.: Optimal design of trusses under a nonconvex global buckling constraint , Optimization and Engineering vol.1, 2 (2000), p. 189-213
[334] Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Nemirovski A., Zowe J.: Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions , SIAM Review vol.42, 4 (2000), p. 695-715
[335] Siddiqi A. H., Manchanda P., Kočvara Michal: An iterative two-step algorithm for American option pricing , IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry vol.11, 2 (2000), p. 71-84
[336] Roubíček Tomáš, Šverák V.: Nonexistence of solutions in nonconvex multidimensional variational problems , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.7, 99 (2000), p. 427-436
[337] Roubíček Tomáš: Direct method for parabolic problems , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.10, 99 (2000), p. 57-65
[338] Haslinger J., Kočvara Michal, Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal control of distributed parameter systems , ERCIM News, p. 24-25
[339] Kružík Martin: Bauer's maximum principle and hulls of sets , Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations vol.11, 3 (2000), p. 321-332
[340] Outrata Jiří: On mathematical programs with complementarity constraints , Optimization Methods & Software vol.14, 1 (2000), p. 117-137
[341] Carstensen C., Roubíček Tomáš: Numerical approximation of Young measures in nonconvex variational problems , Numerische Mathematik vol.84, 99 (2000), p. 395-415
[342] Paz A., Geva R. Y., Studený Milan: Representation of irrelevance relations by annotated graphs , Fundamenta Informaticae vol.42, 1 (2000), p. 149-199
[343] Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Weierstrass-type maximum principle for microstructure in micromagnetics , Zeitschrift für Analysis und Ihre Anwendungen vol.19, 2 (2000), p. 415-428
[344] Outrata Jiří: A generalized mathematical program with equilibrium constraints , SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization vol.38, 5 (2000), p. 1623-1638
[345] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J., Nemirovski A.: Cascading - an approach to robust material optimization , Computers and Structures vol.76, p. 431-442
[346] Málek J., Roubíček Tomáš, Stará J.: K sedmdesátinám profesora Jindřicha Nečase , Bulletin České společnosti pro mechaniku vol.3, 99 (1999), p. 26-29
[347] Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Nemirovski A., Zowe J.: Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.9, 4 (1999), p. 813-832
[348] Pik Jiří: Hierarchy of events in analysis and forecasting of discrete event processes , International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems vol.3, 3 (1999), p. 195-201
[349] Roubíček Tomáš: On noncooperative nonlinear differential games , Kybernetika vol.35, 4 (1999), p. 487-498
[350] Outrata Jiří: Optimality conditions for a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints , Mathematics of Operations Research vol.24, 3 (1999), p. 627-644
[351] Volf M., Studený Milan: A graphical characterization of the largest chain graphs , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.20, 3 (1999), p. 209-236
[352] Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization problems with concentration and oscillation effects: Relaxation theory and numerical approximation , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.20, p. 511-530
[353] Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Some geometric properties of the set of generalized Young functionals , Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. A - Mathematics vol.129, p. 601-616
[354] Kružík Martin: On the composition of quasiconvex functions and the transposition , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.6, 1 (1999), p. 207-213
[355] Outrata Jiří: Optimality conditions for a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints: Strongly regular case , Kybernetika vol.35, 2 (1999), p. 177-193
[356] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Free material optimization , Documenta Mathematica vol.3, p. 707-716
[357] Kočvara Michal, Zibulevsky M., Zowe J.: Mechanical design problems with unilateral contact , E S A I M: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis vol.32, 3 (1998), p. 255-282
[358] Jarre F., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Optimal truss design by interior-point methods , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.8, 4 (1998), p. 1084-1107
[359] Roubíček Tomáš: Nonlinear heat equation with L , Nodea-Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications vol.5, 4 (1998), p. 517-527
[360] Kružík Martin: Numerical approach to double well problems , SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol.35, 5 (1998), p. 1833-1849
[361] Schindler J., Schindler Zdeněk, Schindler Jr. J.: A WWW-based information system on resistance of bacteria to antibiotics , Medical Informatics vol.23, 3 (1998), p. 179-185
[362] Kružík Martin: DiPerna-Majda measures and uniform integrability , Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae vol.39, 3 (1998), p. 511-523
[363] Studený Milan, Bouckaert R. R.: On chain graph models for description of conditional independence structures , Annals of Statistics vol.26, 4 (1998), p. 1434-1495
[364] Roubíček Tomáš: Optimality conditions for nonconvex variational problems relaxed in terms of Young measures , Kybernetika vol.34, 3 (1998), p. 335-347
[365] Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal control of nonlinear Fredholm integral equations , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.97, 3 (1998), p. 707-729
[366] Jiroušek Radim: Bayesovské sítě - moderní technologie umělé inteligence , Lékař a technika. Biomedicinské inženýrství a informatika vol.29, 4 (1998), p. 79-88
[367] Matúš František: Combining m-dependence with Markovness , Annales de L Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilites Et Statistiques vol.34, 4 (1998), p. 407-423
[368] Vejnarová Jiřina: A note on the interval-valued marginal problem and its maximum entropy solution , Kybernetika vol.34, 1 (1998), p. 17-26
[369] Kříž Otakar: Conditional problem for objective probability , Kybernetika vol.34, 1 (1998), p. 27-40
[370] Roubíček Tomáš, Schmidt W. H.: Existence of solutions of certain nonconvex optimal control problems governed by nonlinear integral equations , Optimization vol.42, 1 (1997), p. 91-109
[371] Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: On the measures of DiPerna and Majda , Mathematica Bohemica vol.122, 4 (1997), p. 383-399
[372] Roubíček Tomáš: Nonconcentrating generalized Young functionals , Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae vol.38, 1 (1997), p. 91-99
[373] Jiroušek Radim, Kushmerick Nicholas: Constructing probabilistic models , International Journal of Medical Informatics vol.45, 6 (1997), p. 9-18
[374] Studený Milan: A recovery algorithm for chain graphs , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.17, 213 (1997), p. 265-293
[375] Studený Milan: Semigraphoids and structures of probabilistic conditional independence , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.21, 1 (1997), p. 71-98
[376] Roubíček Tomáš: Numerical approximation of relaxed variational problems , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.3, 2 (1996), p. 1-19
[377] Matúš František: On two-block-factor sequences and one-dependence , Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol.124, 4 (1996), p. 1237-1242
[378] Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.: Design of transaction management protocols , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.41, 9 (1996), p. 1330-1334
[379] Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Explicit characterization of Lp-Young measures , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.198, p. 830-843
[380] Outrata Jiří: Solution behaviour for parameter-dependent quasi-variational inequalities , R A I R O - Operations Research vol.30, 4 (1996), p. 399-415
[381] Jarušek Jiří: Dynamic contact problems with given friction for viscoelastic bodies , Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal vol.46, 3 (1996), p. 475-487
[382] Jarušek Jiří: Regularity and optimal control of quasicoupled and coupled heating processes , Applications of Mathematics vol.41, 2 (1996), p. 81-106
[383] Achtziger W., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Von der Mathematik zum automatisierten Design , FAU UniKurier vol.22, 94 (1996), p. 23-25
[384] Jarušek Jiří, Eck Ch.: Dynamic contact problems with friction in linear viscoelasticity , Comptes Rendus de L Academie Des Sciences Serie I-Mathematique vol.322, p. 497-502
[385] Matúš František: Conditional independences among four random variables II , Combinatorics Probability & Computing vol.4, p. 407-417
[386] Roubíček Tomáš: Relaxation of vectorial variational problems , Mathematica Bohemica vol.120, 4 (1995), p. 411-430
[387] Roubíček Tomáš: Approximation theory for generalized Young measures , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.16, p. 1233-1253
[388] Matúš František, Studený Milan: Conditional independences among four random variables I , Combinatorics, Probability and Computing vol.4, p. 269-278
[389] Matúš František: Extreme convex set functions with many nonnegative differences , Discrete Mathematics vol.135, p. 177-191
[390] Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.: Fully decentralized solutions of supervisory control problems , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.40, 12 (1995), p. 2094-2097
[391] Jarušek Jiří: Dynamical contact problems for bodies with a singular memory , Bollettino della Unione Mathematica Italiana vol.7, p. 581-592
[392] Jiroušek Radim, Přeučil Stanislav: On the effective implementation of the iterative proportional fitting procedure , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis vol.19, p. 177-189
[393] Roubíček Tomáš, Hoffmann K. H.: Theory of convex local compactifications with applications to Lebesgue spaces , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.25, 6 (1995), p. 607-628
[394] Roubíček Tomáš, Hoffmann K. H.: About the concept of measure-valued solutions to distributed parameter systems , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.18, p. 671-685
[395] Roubíček Tomáš: Effective characterization of generalized Young measures generated by gradients , Bollettino della Unione Mathematica Italiana vol.7, 9 (1995), p. 755-779
[396] Studený Milan: Description of structures of stochastic conditional independence by means of faces and imsets. 2nd part: basic theory. , International Journal of General Systems vol.23, 3 (1995), p. 201-219
[397] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On a class of quasi-variational inequalities , Optimization Methods & Software vol.5, p. 275-295
[398] Studený Milan: Description of structures of stochastic conditional independence by means of faces and imsets. 3rd part: examples of use and appendices , International Journal of General Systems vol.23, 4 (1995), p. 323-341
[399] Studený Milan: Conditional independence and natural conditional functions , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.12, 1 (1995), p. 43-68
[400] Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A numerical approach to optimization problems with variational inequality constraints , Mathematical Programming vol.68, 1 (1995), p. 105-130
[401] Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A Newton method for a class of quasi-variational inequalities , Computational Optimization and Applications vol.4, 1 (1995), p. 5-21
[402] Antoch J., Hájek Petr, Jiroušek Radim: Tomáš Havránek , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis vol.19, 2 (1995), p. 111-113
[403] Hoffmann K. H., Roubíček Tomáš: Thermomechanical evolution of a microstructure , Quarterly of Applied Mathematics vol.52, 4 (1994), p. 721-737
[404] Studený Milan: Description of structures of stochastic conditional independence by means of faces and imsets. 1st part: introduction and basic concepts , International Journal of General Systems vol.23, 2 (1994), p. 123-137
[405] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On optimization of systems governed by implicit complementarity problems , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.15, p. 869-887
[406] Matúš František: Stochastic independence, algebraic independence and abstract connectedness , Theoretical Computer Science vol.134, p. 455-471
[407] Matúš František: On nonnegativity of symmetric polynomials , American Mathematical Monthly vol.101, 7 (1994), p. 661-664
[408] Hoffmann K. H., Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal control of a fine structure , Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol.30, p. 113-126
[409] Roubíček Tomáš: Finite element approximation of a microstructure evolution , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.17, p. 377-393
[410] Sladký Karel: On sufficient conditions for the stability of dynamic interval systems , Kybernetika vol.30, 5 (1994), p. 525-536
[411] Mareš Milan: Analysis of data with fuzzy noise , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.64, p. 353-360
[412] Pik Jiří: Natural discrete-event process forecasting: A decision support system , Annals of Operations Research vol.51, 2 (1994), p. 367-374
[413] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: An iterative two-step algorithm for linear complementarity problems , Numerische Mathematik vol.68, 1 (1994), p. 95-106
[414] Outrata Jiří: On optimization problems with variational inequality constraints , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.4, 2 (1994), p. 340-357
[415] Jarušek Jiří: Solvability of the variational inequality for a drum with a memory vibrating in the presence of an obstacle , Bollettino della Unione Mathematica Italiana vol.7, p. 113-122
[416] Kříž Otakar: Supremal inference machine and measures of certainty , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 171-184
[417] Jiroušek Radim: Decision-tree modelling of probability distributions , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 125-137
[418] Vejnarová Jiřina: A few remarks on measures of uncertainty in Dempster-Shafer theory , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 233-244
[419] Studený Milan: Structural semigraphoids , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 207-217
[420] Matúš František: Probabilistic conditional independence structures and matroid theory: background , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 185-196
[421] Vejnarová Jiřina, Klir G. J.: Measure of strife in Dempster-Shafer theory , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 1 (1993), p. 25-42
[422] Jarušek Jiří: Solvability of unilateral hyperbolic problems involving viscoelasticity via penalization , Stability & Applied Analysis of Continuous Media vol.3, 2 (1993), p. 129-140
[423] Roubíček Tomáš: Evolution of a microstructure: a convexified model , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.16, p. 625-642
[424] Mareš Milan: Fuzzification of Multicriteria Decision-Making , Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence vol.1, 2 (1993), p. 15-24
[425] Mareš Milan: Algebraic Purism is Expensive if It Concerns Fuzzy Quantities , Busefal, p. 44-53
[426] Mareš Milan: Koaliční hry v životě praktickém , Vesmír vol.72, 4 (1993), p. 185-188
[427] Mareš Milan: Algebraic Equivalences over Fuzzy Quantities , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 121-132
[428] Mareš Milan: Remarks on Fuzzy Quantities with Finite Support , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 133-143
[429] Kaňková Vlasta: Stability in Stochastic Programming - the Case of Unknown Location Parameter , Kybernetika vol.29, 1 (1993), p. 80-101
[430] Haslinger J., Hoffmann K. H., Kočvara Michal: Control Fictitious Domain Method for Solving Optimal Shape Design Problems , E S A I M: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis vol.27, 2 (1993), p. 157-182
[431] Kočvara Michal: An Adaptive Multigrid Technique for Three-Dimensional Elasticity , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering vol.36, 10 (1993), p. 1703-1716
[432] Outrata Jiří: On Necessary Optimality Conditions for Stackelberg Problems , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.76, 2 (1993), p. 305-320
[433] Studený Milan: Convex Cones in Finite-Dimensional Real Vector Spaces , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 180-200
[434] Tuzar Antonín: Remark to a Problem on 0-1 Matrices , Compositio Mathematica vol.86, 1 (1993), p. 97-100
[435] Mareš Milan: Fuzzy set theoretical grants and research in the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.52, 3 (1992), p. -
[436] Jarušek Jiří, Málek J., Nečas J., Šverák V.: Variational Inequality for a Viscous Drum Vibrating in the Presence of an Obstacle , Rendiconti di Matematica vol.12, p. 943-958
[437] Kočvara Michal: An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering vol.101, p. 433-442
[438] Vejnarová Jiřina: On Various Criteria of Optimality in Probabilistic Decision-Making , Kybernetika vol.28, 5 (1992), p. 392-401
[439] Kramosil Ivan: Comparing Alternative Definitions of Boolean-Valued Fuzzy Sets , Kybernetika vol.28, 6 (1992), p. 425-443
[440] Roubíček Tomáš: Minimization on Convex Compactifications and Relaxation of Nonconvex Variational Problems , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.1, 1 (1992), p. 1-18
[441] Roubíček Tomáš: A General View to Relaxation Methods in Control Theory , Optimization vol.23, 2 (1992), p. 261-268
[442] Roubíček Tomáš, Verdi C.: A Stable Approximation of a Constrained Optimal Control for Continuous Casting , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.13, 3 (1992), p. 487-494
[443] Kozák Petr: Discrete Events and General Systems Theory , International Journal of Systems Science vol.23, 9 (1992), p. 1403-1422
[444] Kozák Petr: On Feedback Controllers , International Journal of Systems Science vol.23, 9 (1992), p. 1423-1431
[445] Mareš Milan: Multiplication of Fuzzy Quantities , Kybernetika vol.28, 5 (1992), p. 337-356
[446] Malvestuto F. M., Studený Milan: Comment on "A Unique Formal System for Binary Decompositions of Database Relations, Probability Distributions, and Graphs" , Information Sciences vol.63, p. 1-2
[447] Matúš František: On Equivalence of Markov Properties over Undirected Graphs , Journal of Applied Probability vol.29, 3 (1992), p. 745-749
[448] Kočvara Michal: An Algebraic Study of a Local Multigrid Method for Variational Problems , Applied Mathematics and Computation vol.51, 1 (1992), p. 17-41
[449] Jarušek Jiří: On the Regularity of Solutions of a Thermoelastic System under Noncontinuous Heating Regimes. Part III , Applications of Mathematics vol.37, 4 (1992), p. 275-288
[450] Mareš Milan: Additive Decomposition of Fuzzy Quantities with Finite Supports , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.47, 3 (1992), p. 341-346
[451] Kepka Jiří: Several Comments on Pattern Recognition System Based on the Use of Attributed Grammars , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 69-76
[452] Kepka Jiří: The Employment of Prolog for a Syntax Analysis in Syntactic Pattern Recognition Applications , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 62-68
[453] Kramosil Ivan: From an Alternative Model of Rough Sets to Fuzzy Sets , Kybernetika vol.28, p. 12-16, International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making, (Bechyně, CS, 25.06.1990-29.06.1990)
[454] Kramosil Ivan: An Alternative Approach to Rough Sets , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 1-25
[455] Matúš František, Tuzar Antonín: Short Proofs of Khintchine-Type Inequalities for Zero-One Matrices , Journal of Combinatorial Theory. A vol.59, 1 (1992), p. 155-159
[456] Mareš Milan: Some Remarks to Fuzzy Critical Path Method , Ekonomicko-matematický obzor vol.27, 4 (1991), p. 367-370
[457] Mareš Milan: Algebra of Fuzzy Quantities , International Journal of General Systems vol.20, 1 (1991), p. 59-65
[458] Roubíček Tomáš: A Convergent Computational Method for Constrained Optimal Relaxed Control Problems , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.69, 3 (1991), p. 589-603
[459] Jarušek Jiří: On the Regularity of Solutions of a Thermoelastic System under Noncontinuous Heating Regimes. Part II , Applications of Mathematics vol.36, 3 (1991), p. 161-180
[460] Jiroušek Radim: Solution of the Marginal Problem and Decomposable Distributions , Kybernetika vol.27, 5 (1991), p. 403-412
[461] Kramosil Ivan: Definition and Recognition of Classical Sets by the Rough Ones , Problems of Control and Information Theory vol.20, 2 (1991), p. 77-95
[462] Matúš František: Abstract Functional Dependency Structures , Theoretical Computer Science vol.81, 1 (1991), p. 117-126
[463] Kramosil Ivan: Expert Systems with Boolean-Valued Uncertainties , Computers and Artificial Intelligence vol.10, 1 (1991), p. 43-55
[464] Nečas J., Roubíček Tomáš: An Approximation of a Nonlinear Thermoelastic Problem with a Moving Boundary Via a Fixed-Domain Method , Aplikace matematiky vol.35, 5 (1990), p. 361-372
[465] Roubíček Tomáš: A Generalization of the Lions-Temam Compact Imbedding Theorem , Časopis pro pěstování matematiky vol.115, 4 (1990), p. 338-342
[466] Roubíček Tomáš: Convex Compactifications and Special Extensions of Optimization Problems , Nonlinear Analysis vol.16, 5 (1990), p. 1117-1126
[467] Roubíček Tomáš: Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Heat Equation in Heterogenous Media , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.11, 6 (1990), p. 793-810
[468] Jarušek Jiří: On the Regularity of Solutions of a Thermoelastic System under Noncontinuous Heating Regimes , Aplikace matematiky vol.35, 6 (1990), p. 426-450
[469] Kaňková Vlasta: On the Convergence Rate of Empirical Estimates in Chance Constrained Stochastic Programming , Kybernetika vol.26, 6 (1990), p. 449-461
[470] Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching and Sorting Algorithms , Kybernetika vol.26, p. 1-93
[471] Outrata Jiří: On Generalized Gradients in Optimization Problems with Set-Valued Constraints , Mathematics of Operations Research vol.15, 4 (1990), p. 626-639
[472] Mareš Milan: A Few Remarks on Dependence , Busefal, p. 6-8
[473] Matúš František: Discrete Marginal Problem for Complex Measures , Kybernetika vol.24, 1 (1988), p. 36-46
[474] Mareš Milan: How to Satisfy Fuzzy Manager , Ekonomicko-matematický obzor vol.24, 4 (1988), p. 396-404

Conference Paper (international conference)

[1] Moskovka A., Valdman Jan, Vohnoutová M.: On Minimization of Nonlinear Energies Using FEM in MATLAB , Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics : 14th International Conference, PPAM 2022, p. 331-342 , Eds: Wyrzykowski R., Dongarra J., Deelman E., Karczewski K., International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2022) /14./, (Gdansk, PL, 20220911)
[2] Moskovka A., Valdman Jan: MATLAB Implementation of Hp Finite Elements on Rectangles Using Hierarchical Basis Functions , Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics : 14th International Conference, PPAM 2022, p. 287-299 , Eds: Wyrzykowski R., Dongarra J., Deelman E., Karczewski K., International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2022) /14./, (Gdansk, PL, 20220911)
[3] Moskovka Alexej, Frost Miroslav, Valdman Jan: Numerical minimization of energy functionals in continuum mechanics using hp-FEM in MATLAB , Computational mechanics 2023. Proceedings of computational mechanics 2023, p. 130-132 , Eds: Adámek V., Jonášová A., Plánička S., Computational mechanics 2023 /38./, (Srní, CZ, 20231023)
[4] Frost Miroslav, Moskovka Alexej, Sedlák Petr, Valdman Jan: Numerical implementation of incremental minimization principle for materials with multiple rate-independent dissipative mechanisms , Computational mechanics 2023. Proceedings of computational mechanics 2023, p. 52-54 , Eds: Adámek V., Jonášová A., Plánička S., Computational mechanics 2023 /38./, (Srní, CZ, 20231023)
[5] Pérez Cabrera Iván, Vomlel Jiří: On Identifiability of BN2A Networks , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. ECSQARU 2023., p. 136-148 , Eds: Bouraoui Zied, Vesic Srdjan, European Conference, ECSQARU 2023 /17./, (Arras, FR, 20230919)
[6] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Shenoy P. P.: On Open Problems Associated with Conditioning in the Dempster-Shafer Belief Function Theory , Proceedings of the 23rd Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 1-10 , Eds: Yoshifumi Kusunoki, Václav Kratochvíl, Masahiro Inuiguchi, Ondřej Čepek, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty 20232 /23./, (Matsuyama, JP, 20230916)
[7] Rod M., Vomlel Jiří: Improving Czech Digital Government Based on Quantified Maturity Model of Enterprise Architecture , Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, p. 600-607 , Eds: Filipe Joaquim, Śmiałek Michał, Brodsky Alexander, Hammoudi Slimane, International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2023 /25./, (Praha, CZ, 20230424)
[8] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Shenoy P. P.: On the relationship between graphical and compositional models for the Dempster-Shafer theory of belief functions , Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 215: International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications,, p. 259-269, International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications 2023 /13./, (Oviedo, ES, 20230711)
[9] Gfrerer H., Outrata Jiří, Valdman Jan: On the Solution of Contact Problems with Tresca Friction by the Semismooth* Newton Method , Large-Scale Scientific Computing, p. 515-523 , Eds: Lirkov I., Margenov S., International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing /13./, (Sozopol, BG, 20210607)
[10] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Shennoy P. P.: On Conditional Belief Functions in the Dempster-Shafer Theory , Belief Functions: Theory and Applications. BELIEF 2022, p. 207-218 , Eds: Le Hégarat-Mascle Sylvie, Bloch Isabelle, Aldea Emanuel, International Conference on Belief Functions 2022 /7./, (Paris, FR, 20221026)
[11] Cinnirella V., Carpitella Silvia, Coco A., Frangiamore D.D.M., Pezzino de Geronimo R.: Sustainable suppliers evaluation in the waste management sector: the case of a leading Sicilian enterprise , IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 55, Issue 11 - IFAC Workshop on Control for Smart Cities CSC 2022, p. 66-71, IFAC Workshop on Control for Smart Cities CSC 2022, (Sozopol, BG, 20220627)
[12] Brentan B., Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J., Montalvo I.: Multi-objective, rule and preference-based placement of quality sensors in water supply networks , IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 55, Issue 6 - 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes SAFEPROCESS 2022, p. 482-489, IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes SAFEPROCESS 2022 /11./, (Pafos, CY, 20220608)
[13] Kratochvíl F., Saad G., Vomlel Jiří, Kratochvíl Václav: Automatic Verb Classifier for Abui (AVC-abz) , Proceedings of the Workshop on Resources and Technologies for Indigenous, Endangered and Lesser-resourced Languages in Eurasia within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, p. 42-50, Workshop on Resources and Technologies for Indigenous, Endangered and Lesser-resourced Languages in Eurasia, (Marseille, FR, 20220620)
[14] Peréz I., Vomlel Jiří: On the rank of 2×2×2 probability tables , Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 186 : Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 361-372 , Eds: Salmerón Antonio, Rumí Rafael, International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Almería, ES, 20221005)
[15] Kratochvíl F., Kratochvíl Václav, Vomlel Jiří: Learning Noisy-Or Networks with an Application in Linguistics , Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 186 : Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 277-288 , Eds: Salmerón Antonio, Rumí Rafael, International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Almería, ES, 20221005)
[16] Anchieta T., Meirelles G., Brentan B.M., Carpitella Silvia: Hydraulic Capacity Recovery after Demand Expansion: Complex Network and Preference-Aided Multicriteria Analysis , World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2022, p. 1015-1028, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress EWRI, (Atlanta, Georgia, US, 20220604)
[17] Ahmed U., Carpitella Silvia, Certa A.: Characterizing Uncertainty In Decision-Making Models For Maintenance In Industry 4.0 , Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 1-12 , Eds: Studený Milan, Ay Nihat, Coletti Giulianella, Kleiter Gernot D., Shenoy Prakash P., WUPES 2022: 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Kutná Hora, CZ, 20220601)
[18] Flores Casamayor H., Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J., Mora-Rodríguez J., Delgado-Galván X.: Hybrid evaluation of the industrial global impact on Mexican aquifers under uncertain criteria evaluations , Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 49-60 , Eds: Studený Milan, Ay Nihat, Coletti Giulianella, Kleiter Gernot D., Shenoy Prakash P., WUPES 2022: 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Kutná Hora, CZ, 20220601)
[19] Matonoha Ctirad, Moskovka A., Valdman Jan: Minimization of p-Laplacian via the Finite Element Method in MATLAB , Large-Scale Scientific Computing, p. 533-540 , Eds: Lirkov I., Margenov S., LSSC 2021: International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations /13./, (Sozopol, BG, 20210607)
[20] Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J.: Preference-Based Assessment of Organisational Risk in Complex Environments , Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, p. 40-52, IUKM: International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making 2022 /9./, (Ishikawa, JP, 20220318)
[21] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: Measuring Quality of Belief Function Approximations , Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, p. 3-15 , Eds: Honda Katsuhiro, Entani Tomoe, Ubukata Seiki, Huynh Van-Nam, Inuiguchi Masahiro, International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making 2022 /9./, (Ishikawa, JP, 20220318)
[22] Anchieta de T.F.F., Santos S.A.R., Brentan B., Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J.: Managing expert knowledge in water network expansion project implementation , IFAC-PapersOnLine.Volume 54, Issue 17 - 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems CHAOS 2021, p. 36-40, IFAC Hybrid Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems Catania September (CHAOS 2021) /6./, (Catania, IT, 20210927)
[23] Mzougui I., Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J.: Contingency plan selection under interdependent risks , Modelling for Engineering & Human Behaviour 2021, p. 111-116, Mathematical Modelling Conference in Engineering & Human Behaviour 2021, (Valencia, ES, 20210714)
[24] Benítez J., Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J.: Improved pairwise comparison transitivity using strategically selected reduced information , Modelling for Engineering & Human Behaviour 2021, p. 106-110, Mathematical Modelling Conference in Engineering & Human Behaviour 2021, (Valencia, ES, 20210714)
[25] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: Ambiguity effect: decision-making influenced by lack of information , 2021 IEEE International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship (ICTE), International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship 2021, (Kaunas, LT, 20210824)
[26] Daniel Milan, Kratochvíl Václav: Comparison of Shades and Hiddenness of Conflict , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. 16th European Conference, ECSQARU 2021 Proceedings, p. 314-327 , Eds: Vejnarová J., Wilson N., ECSQARU 2021: European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches with Uncertainty /16./, (Prague, CZ, 20210921)
[27] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Shenoy P. P.: Entropy-Based Learning of Compositional Models from Data , Belief Functions: Theory and Applications - 6th International Conference, BELIEF 2021 - Proceedings, p. 117-126 , Eds: Denœux T., Lefèvre E., Liu Z., Pichon F., International Conference on Belief Functions 2021 /6./, (Shanghai, CN, 20211015)
[28] Carpitella Silvia, Pištěk Miroslav, Inuiguchi M., Kratochvíl Václav: A novel approach to handle intransitive judgements in industrial control problems , Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2021), p. 162-169 , Eds: Bruzzone A. G., De Felice F., Massei M., Solis A., International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation 2021 /20./, (Janov (on-line), IT, 20210915)
[29] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: Approximations of belief functions using compositional models , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. 16th European Conference, ECSQARU 2021 Proceedings, p. 354-366 , Eds: Vejnarová J., Wilson N., ECSQARU 2021 : Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, (Praha, CZ, 20210921)
[30] Plajner Martin, Vomlel Jiří: Bayesian Networks for the Test Score Prediction: A Case Study on a Math Graduation Exam , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. ECSQARU 2021., p. 255-267 , Eds: Vejnarová Jiřina, Wilson Nic, ECSQARU 2021 : Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, (Praha, CZ, 20210921)
[31] Ahmed U., Carpitella Silvia, Certa A.: Managerial decision making for complex service systems Optimization , Proceedings - 26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2021, p. 6-10 , Eds: Pham H., ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design 2021 /26./, (Edison (on-line), US, 20210805)
[32] Carpitella Silvia, Mzougui I., Izquierdo J.: Fuzzy cognitive maps for knowledge-oriented human risk management in industry , Proceedings - 26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2021, p. 134-138 , Eds: Pham H., ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design 2021 /26./, (Edison (on-line), US, 20210805)
[33] Carpitella Silvia, Certa A., Izquierdo J.: Flexible negotiation process to adhere to human preferences - A case of work equipment risk assessment , Proceedings - 26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2021, p. 261-265 , Eds: Pham H., ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design 2021 /26./, (Edison (on-line), US, 20210805)
[34] Ilyas M., Carpitella Silvia, Zoubir E. F.: Designing supplier selection strategies under COVID-19 constraints for industrial environments , Procedia CIRP, Volume 100 (2021) : 31st CIRP Design Conference 2021 (CIRP Design 2021), p. 589-594, CIRP Design Conference 2021 /31./, (Enschede, NL, 20210519)
[35] Plier J., Savarino F., Kočvara Michal, Petra S.: First-order geometric multilevel optimization for discrete tomography , Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 8th International Conference, SSVM 2021, p. 191-203, International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision : SSVM 2021 /8./, (Virtual Event, CH, 20210516)
[36] Studený Milan, Cussens J., Kratochvíl Václav: Dual formulation of the chordal graph conjecture , Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 138: International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, 23-25 September 2020, Hotel Comwell Rebild Bakker, Skørping, Denmark, p. 449-460 , Eds: Nielsen T. D., Jaeger M., International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models 2021 /10./, (Skørping, DK, 20200923)
[37] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: A General Approach to Probabilistic Data Mining , Sensor Networks and Signal Processing, p. 325-340 , Eds: Peng Sheng-Lung, Favorskaya Margarita N., Chao Han-Chieh, Sensor Networks and Signal Processing (SNSP 2019) /2./, (Hualien, TW, 20191119)
[38] Bína Vladislav, Kratochvíl Václav, Váchová L., Jiroušek Radim, Lee T. R.: Performance of Probabilistic Approach and Artificial Neural Network on Questionnaire Data Concerning Taiwanese Ecotourism , Sensor Networks and Signal Processing, p. 283-295 , Eds: Peng Sheng-Lung, Favorskaya Margarita N., Chao Han-Chieh, Sensor Networks and Signal Processing (SNSP 2019) /2./, (Hualien, TW, 20191119)
[39] Kratochvíl Václav, Bína Vladislav, Jiroušek Radim, Lee T. R.: Compositional Models: Iterative Structure Learning from Data , Sensor Networks and Signal Processing, p. 379-395 , Eds: Peng Sheng-Lung, Favorskaya Margarita N., Chao Han-Chieh, Sensor Networks and Signal Processing (SNSP 2019) /2./, (Hualien, TW, 20191119)
[40] Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J., Plajner Martin, Vomlel Jiří: Integrating the human factor in FMECA-based risk evaluation through Bayesian networks , Modelling for Engineering & Human Behaviour 2020, p. 24-29, Mathematical Modelling Conference in Engineering & Human Behaviour 2020, (Valencia, ES, 20200708)
[41] Valdman Jan: MATLAB Implementation of C1 Finite Elements: Bogner-Fox-Schmit Rectangle , Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics : 13th International Conference, PPAM 2019, p. 256-266 , Eds: Wyrzykowski R., Deelman E., Dongarra J., Karczewski K., International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics 2019 /13./, (Bialystok, PL, 20190908)
[42] Čermák Martin, Sysala Stanislav, Valdman Jan: On vectorized MATLAB implementation of elastoplastic problems , AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2293, Issue 1 : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2019, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2019, (Rhodos, GR, 20190923)
[43] Vejnarová Jiřina: On Solutions of Marginal Problem in Evidence Theory , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems : 18th International Conference, IPMU 2020, p. 382-393, IPMU 2020 /18./, (Lisabon, PT, 20200615)
[44] Marcinkowski L., Valdman Jan: MATLAB Implementation of Element-Based Solvers , Large-Scale Scientific Computing : 12th International Conference, LSSC 2019, p. 601-609 , Eds: Lirkov I., Margenov S., International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing 2019 /12./, (Sozopol, BG, 20190610)
[45] Švorc Jan, Vomlel Jiří: Bayesian Networks for the Analysis of Subjective Well-Being , Proceedings of the 22nd Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making (CJS’19), p. 175-188 , Eds: Inuiguchi Masahiro, Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making 2019 /22./, (Bojkovice, CZ, 20190925)
[46] Baldi Paolo, Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Translating Classical Probability Logics into Modal Fuzzy Logics , Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2019), p. 342-349 , Eds: Štěpnička M., EUSFLAT 2019. Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology /11./, (Praha, CZ, 20190909)
[47] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: On Expected Utility Under Ambiguity , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty : 15th European Conference, ECSQARU 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, September 18-20, 2019, p. 137-147 , Eds: Kern-Isberner G., Ognjanovic Z., European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2019) /15./, (Belgrade, RS, 20190918)
[48] Daniel M., Kratochvíl Václav: Belief Functions and Degrees of Non-conflictness , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty : 15th European Conference, ECSQARU 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, September 18-20, 2019, p. 125-136 , Eds: Kern-Isberner G., Ognjanovic Z., European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2019) /15./, (Belgrade, RS, 20190918)
[49] Studený Milan, Kratochvíl Václav, Vomlel Jiří: On irreducible min-balanced set systems , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty : 15th European Conference, ECSQARU 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, September 18-20, 2019, p. 444-454 , Eds: Kern-Isberner G., Ognjanovic Z., European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2019) /15./, (Belgrade, RS, 20190918)
[50] Aussel D., Branda Martin, Henrion R., Pištěk Miroslav: Producer's Best Response in Pay-as-clear Electricity Market with Uncertain Demand , Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech'19), World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech'19) /5./, (Lisabon, PT, 20190818)
[51] Daniel M., Kratochvíl Václav: Hidden Conflict of Belief Functions , Proceedings of the 21st Czech-Japan Seminar od Data Analysis and Decision Making, p. 31-40 , Eds: Sung Shao-Chin, Vlach Milan, The 21st Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making, (Kamakura, JP, 20181123)
[52] Kratochvíl Václav, Jiroušek Radim, Lee T. R.: Efficient implementation of compositional models for data mining , Proceedings of the 21st Czech-Japan Seminar od Data Analysis and Decision Making, p. 80-87 , Eds: Sung Shao-Chin, Vlach Milan, The 21st Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making, (Kamakura, JP, 20181123)
[53] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Lee T. R.: Compositional Models for Data Mining: an Example , Proceedings of the 21st Czech-Japan Seminar od Data Analysis and Decision Making, p. 90-101 , Eds: Sung Shao-Chin, Vlach Milan, The 21st Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making, (Kamakura, JP, 20181123)
[54] Bílková Marta, Cintula Petr, Lávička Tomáš: Lindenbaum and Pair Extension Lemma in Infinitary Logics , Logic, Language, Information and Computation, p. 130-144 , Eds: Moss L. S., de Queiroz R., Martinez M., WoLLIC 2018. International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation /25./, (Bogotá, CO, 20180724)
[55] Studený Milan, Kroupa Tomáš, Kratochvíl Václav: On attempts to characterize facet-defining inequalities of the cone of exact games , Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), p. 177-187 , Eds: Kratochvíl Václav, Vejnarová Jiřina, Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), (Třeboň, CZ, 20180606)
[56] Plajner Martin, Vomlel Jiří: Gradient Descent Parameter Learning of Bayesian Networks under Monotonicity Restrictions , Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), p. 153-164 , Eds: Kratochvíl Václav, Vejnarová Jiřina, Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), (Třeboň, CZ, 20180606)
[57] Švorc Jan, Vomlel Jiří: Employing Bayesian Networks for Subjective Well-being Prediction , Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), p. 189-204 , Eds: Kratochvíl Václav, Vejnarová Jiřina, Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), (Třeboň, CZ, 20180606)
[58] Vomlel Jiří, Kratochvíl Václav: Dynamic Bayesian Networks for the Classification of Sleep Stages , Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), p. 205-215 , Eds: Kratochvíl Václav, Vejnarová Jiřina, Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), (Třeboň, CZ, 20180606)
[59] Repin S., Valdman Jan: Verifications of Primal Energy Identities for Variational Problems with Obstacles , Large-Scale Scientific Computing : 11th International Conference, LSSC 2017, p. 175-182 , Eds: Lirkov I., Margenov S., International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing - LSSC 2017 /11./, (Sozopol, BG, 20170605)
[60] Vejnarová Jiřina: Composition Operator for Credal Sets Reconsidered , Soft Methods for Data Science, p. 487-494 , Eds: Ferraro M. B., Giordani P., Vantaggi B., Gagolewski M., Gil M. Á., Grzegorzewski P., Hryniewicz Ol., International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics-SMPS 2016 /8./, (Roma, IT, 20160912)
[61] Bína V., Jiroušek Radim: Causality and Intervention in Business Process Management , Proceedings of the 20th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 15-24 , Eds: Novák V., Inuiguchi M., Štěpnička M., Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /20./, (Pardubice, CZ, 20170917)
[62] Doskar M., Novák J., Zeman Jan: SYNTHESIZED ENRICHMENT FUNCTIONS FOR EXTENDED FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSES WITH FULLY RESOLVED MICROSTRUCTURE , NMM 2017 - Nano & Macro Mechanics 2017, p. 29-34, Nano & Macro Mechanics 2017 /8./, (Prague, CZ, 20170917)
[63] Plajner Martin, Magauina A., Vomlel Jiří: Question Selection Methods for Adaptive Testing with Bayesian Networks , Proceedings of the 20th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 164-175 , Eds: Novák V., Inuiguchi M., Štěpnička M., The 20th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, (Pardubice, CZ, 20170917)
[64] Salman I., Vomlel Jiří: A machine learning method for incomplete and imbalanced medical data , Proceedings of the 20th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, CZECH-JAPAN SEMINAR 2017, p. 188-195 , Eds: Novák Vilém, Inuiguchi Masahiro, Štěpnička Martin, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /20./, (Pardubice, CZ, 20170917)
[65] Daniel M., Kratochvíl Václav: Hidden Auto-Conflict in the Theory of Belief Functions , Proceedings of the 20th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 34-45 , Eds: Novák V., Inuiguchi M., Štěpnička M., Czech-Japan Seminar 2017, (Pardubice, CZ, 20170917)
[66] Studený Milan, Kratochvíl Václav: Linear core-based criterion for testing extreme exact games , Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, p. 313-324 , Eds: Antonucci A., Corani G., Couso I., Destercke S., ISISPTA 2017 - International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications /10./, (Lugano, CH, 20170710)
[67] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles, Smith N.J.J.: A Logical Framework for Graded Predicates , Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, p. 3-16 , Eds: Baltag A., Yamada T., Seligman J., LORI 2017. International Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction /6./, (Sapporo, JP, 20170911)
[68] Vomlel Jiří, Kratochvíl Václav: Solving Trajectory Optimization Problems by Influence Diagrams , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. ECSQARU 2017, p. 146-155 , Eds: Antonucci A., Cholvy L., Papini O., ECSQARU: European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, (Lugano, CH, 20170710)
[69] Plajner Martin, Vomlel Jiří: Monotonicity in Bayesian Networks for Computerized Adaptive Testing , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. ECSQARU 2017, p. 125-134 , Eds: Antonucci A., Cholvy L., Papini O., ECSQARU: European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, (Lugano, CH, 20170710)
[70] Matúš František: Urns and entropies revisited , Proceedings of the ISIT 2017 - 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 1451-1454, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2017 (ISIT 2017), (Aachen, DE, 20170625)
[71] Jiroušek Radim, Shenoy P. P.: Entropy of Belief Functions in the Dempster-Shafer Theory: A New Perspective , Belief Functions: Theory and Applications, p. 3-13 , Eds: Vejnarová Jiřina, Kratochvíl Václav, International Conference on Belief Functions 2016 /4./, (Prague, CZ, 21.09.2016-23.09.2016)
[72] Jiroušek Radim, Váchová L.: Sequential Decision Process Supported by a Compositional Model , Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, p. 51-63 , Eds: Huynh Van-Nam, Inuiguchi Masahiro, Le Bac, Le Bao Nguyen, Denoeux Thierry, 5th International Symposium, IUKM 2016, (Da Nang, VN, 20161130)
[73] Plajner Martin, Vomlel Jiří: Student Skill Models in Adaptive Testing , Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 403-414 , Eds: Antonucci A., Corani G., Polpo de Campos C., International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models 2016 /8./, (Lugano, CH, 20160906)
[74] Adam Lukáš, Kroupa T.: Computing Superdifferentials of Lovász Extension with Application to Coalitional Game , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2016), p. 35-45, International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU) 2016 /16./, (Eindhoven, NL, 20160620)
[75] Kratochvíl Václav, Vejnarová Jiřina: IPFP and Further Experiments , Belief Functions: Theory and Applications, p. 164-173 , Eds: Vejnarová Jiřina, Kratochvíl Václav, International Conference on Belief Functions 2016 /4./, (Prague, CZ, 21.09.2016-23.09.2016)
[76] Studený Milan, Cussens J.: The chordal graph polytope for learning decomposable models , Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 499-510 , Eds: Antonucci A., Corani G., Polpo de Campos C., the Eighth International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Lugano, CH, 06.09.2016-09.09.2016)
[77] Matúš František, Csiszár I.: Convergence of generalized entropy minimizers in sequences of convex problems , Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2016), p. 2609-2613, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2016, (Barcelona, ES, 20160710)
[78] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles, Roger J.: From Kripke to Neighborhood Semantics for Modal Fuzzy Logics , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 95-107 , Eds: Carvalho J.P., Lesot M.-J., Kaymak U., Vieira S., Bouchon-Meunier B., Yager R.R., IPMU 2016 /16./, (Eindhoven, NL, 20.06.2016-24.06.2016)
[79] Kratochvíl Václav, Vomlel Jiří: Influence Diagrams for the Optimization of a Vehicle Speed Profile , Proceedings of the Twelfth UAI Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop (BMAW 2015) co-located with the 31st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2015), p. 44-53 , Eds: Agosta J. M., Carvalho R. N., The Twelfth UAI Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop (BMAW 2015), (Amsterdam, NL, 16.07.2015)
[80] Plajner Martin, Vomlel Jiří: Bayesian Network Models for Adaptive Testing , Proceedings of the Twelfth UAI Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop (BMAW 2015) co-located with the 31st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2015), p. 24-33 , Eds: Agosta J. M., Carvalho R. N., The Twelfth UAI Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop (BMAW 2015), (Amsterdam, NL, 16.07.2015)
[81] Jiroušek Radim, Krejčová I.: Minimum Description Length Principle for Compositional Model Learning , Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, p. 254-266 , Eds: Huynh Van-Nam, Inuiguchi Masahiro, Denoeux Thierry, 4th Intemational Symposium, IUKM 2015, (Nha Trang, VN, 20151015)
[82] Djordjilović V., Chiogna M., Vomlel Jiří: An empirical comparison of popular algorithms for learning gene networks , Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing WUPES’15, p. 61-72 , Eds: Kratochvíl V., WUPES 2015. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /10./, (Monínec, CZ, 16.09.2015-19.09.2015)
[83] Studený Milan: How matroids occur in the context of learning Bayesian network structure , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the Thirty-First Conference (2015), p. 832-841, 31st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (Amsterdam, NL, 12.07.2015-16.07.2015)
[84] Lín Václav: Algorithms for single-fault troubleshooting with dependent actions , Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing WUPES’15, p. 119-130 , Eds: Kratochvíl V., WUPES 2015. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /10./, (Monínec, CZ, 16.09.2015-19.09.2015)
[85] Kunovský J., Šátek V., Valdman Jan, Valenta V.: Construction of P-1 Gradient from P-0 Gradient by Averaging , PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2014 (ICNAAM-2014), INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2014 (ICNAAM-2014), (Rhodos, GR, 22.09.2014-28.09.2014)
[86] Vejnarová Jiřina: On Marginal Problem in Evidence Theory , Belief Functions: Theory and Applications, p. 331-338 , Eds: Cuzzolin F., BELIEF 2014. International Conference /3./, (Oxford, GB, 26.09.2014-28.09.2014)
[87] Turner J., Kočvara Michal, Loghin D.: A Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Technique for Scalar Elliptic PDEs , Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI, p. 869-877, Domain Decomposition Methods 2012 /21./, (Le Chesnay Cedex, FR, 25.06.2012-29.06.2012)
[88] Vomlel Jiří, Tichavský Petr: An Approximate Tensor-Based Inference Method Applied to the Game of Minesweeper , Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 535-550 , Eds: van der Gaag Linda C. , Feelders Ad J. , 7th European Workshop, PGM 2014,, (Utrecht, NL, 17.09.2014-19.09.2014)
[89] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Modal Logics of Uncertainty with Two-Layer Syntax: A General Completeness Theorem , Logic, Language, Information, and Computation, p. 124-136 , Eds: Kohlenbach U., Barceló P., de Queiroz R., WoLLIC 2014. International Conference /21./, (Valparaíso, CL, 01.09.2014-04.09.2014)
[90] Kroupa Tomáš, Teheux B.: Reasoning about Coalitional Effectivity in Modal Extension of Lukasiewicz Logic , Proceedings of the eleventh conference on logic and the foundations of games and decision theory (LOFT 2014) , Eds: Agotnes T., Eleventh Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory, (Bergen, NO, 27.07.2014-30.07.2014)
[91] Kroupa Tomáš: MV-Algebraic Moebius Transform on the Vietoris Space , TACL 2013. Sixth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic, p. 129-132 , Eds: Galatos N., Kurz A., Tsinakis C., TACL 2013, (Nashville, US, 28.07.2013-01.08.2013)
[92] Turner James, Kočvara Michal, Loghin Daniel: Parallel Solution of the Linear Elasticity problem with Applications in Topology Optimization , 4th Annual BEAR PGR Conference 2013, p. 66-74, Annual BEAR PGR Conference 2013 /4./, (Birmingham, GB, 16.12.2013-16.12.2013)
[93] Jiroušek Radim: Brief introduction to probabilistic compositional models , Uncertainty Analysis in Economics with Applications, p. 49-60 , Eds: Huynh V.-N., Kreinovich V., Sriboonchitta S., Suriya K., 6th Int. Conf. of the Thailand Econometric Society, (Chiang Mai, TH, 10.01.2013-11.01.2013)
[94] Vejnarová Jiřina: Credal networks and compositional models: preliminary considerations , Proceedings of the 16th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty (CJS-2013), p. 119-128, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty (CJS-2013) /16./, (Mariánské Lázně, CZ, 19.09.2013-22.09.2013)
[95] Linden N., Matúš František, Ruskai M. B., Winter A.: The Quantum Entropy Cone of Stabiliser States , Proceedings of the 8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2013), p. 270-284 , Eds: Severini S., Brandao F., Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography /8./, (Guelph, CA, 2013)
[96] Vomlel Jiří, Tichavský Petr: Probabilistic Inference in BN2T Models by Weighted Model Counting , Proceedings of the Twelfth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, p. 275-284 , Eds: Jaeger Manfred, Nielsen Thomas Dyhre, Viappiani Paolo, The Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2013) /12./, (Aalborg, DK, 20.11.2013-22.11.2013)
[97] Kružík Martin, Zimmer J.: Modelling of Thin Martensitic Films with Nonpolynomial Stored Energies , Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of Jurgen Scheurle - Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 35, p. 587-608 , Eds: Johann Andreas, Kruse Hans-Peter, Rupp Florian, Schmitz Stephan, Conference in Honor of Juergen Scheurle, (Mnichov, DE, 11.01.2011-13.01.2011)
[98] Csiszár I., Matúš František: Generalized minimizers of convex integral functionals and Pythagorean identities , Geometric Science of Information 2013, p. 302-307, Geometric Science of Information 2013, (Paris, FR, 28.08.2013-30.08.2013)
[99] Vomlel Jiří: A generalization of the noisy-or model to multivalued parent variables , Proceedings of the 16th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty (CJS-2013), p. 19-27, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty (CJS-2013) /16./, (Mariánské Lázně, CZ, 19.09.2013-22.09.2013)
[100] Ertola R., Esteva F., Flaminio T., Godo L., Noguera Carles: Exploring paraconsistency in degree-preserving fuzzy logics , Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology EUSFLAT 2013, p. 117-124 , Eds: Pasi G., Montero J., Ciucci D, EUSFLAT 2013, (Milan, IT, 11.09.2013-13.09.2013)
[101] Kratochvíl Václav, Jiroušek Radim: On Open Problems Connected with Application of the Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure to Belief Functions , Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories adn Applications, p. 149-158, Eighth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories adn Applications, (Compiegne, FR, 02.07.2013-05.07.2013)
[102] Vejnarová Jiřina: Operator of composition for credal sets , Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories adn Applications, p. 355-364, Eighth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories adn Applications, (Compiegne, FR, 02.07.2013-05.07.2013)
[103] Vejnarová Jiřina: On Weakness of Evidential Networks , Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 190-203 , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina, WUPES 2012, (Mariánské Lázně, CZ, 12.09.2012-15.09.2012)
[104] Vejnarová Jiřina: Evidential Networks from a Different Perspective , Synergies of Soft Computing and Statistics for Intelligent Data Analysis, p. 429-436, Soft Methods In Probability and Statistics, (Konstanz, DE, 04.10.2012-06.10.2012)
[105] Vejnarová Jiřina: On Random Sets Independence and Strong Independence in Evidence Theory , Belief Functions: Theory and Applications, p. 247-254 , Eds: Denoeux T., Masson M.H., 2nd International Conference on Belief Functions, (Compiegne, FR, 09.05.2012-11.05.2012)
[106] Flaminio T., Godo L., Kroupa Tomáš: Combination and Soft-Normalization of Belief Functions on MV-Algebras , 9th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence MDAI 2012, p. 23-34, The 9th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, (Girona, ES, 21.11.2012-23.11.2012)
[107] Vejnarová Jiřina: Conditioning in evidence theory from the perspective of multidimensional models , Advances in Computational Intelligence, p. 450-459 , Eds: Greco S., 14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2012, (Catania, IT, 09.07.2012-13.07.2012)
[108] Kratochvíl Václav: An attempt to implement Compositional Models in Dempster-Shafer theory of Evidence , Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 102-113 , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina, 9th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Mariánské Lázně, CZ, 12.09.2012-15.09.2012)
[109] Matúš František: Polymatroids and polyquantoids , Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 126-136 , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina, WUPES 2012, (Mariánské Lázně, CZ, 12.09.2012-15.09.2012)
[110] Imre C., Matúš František: Minimization of Entropy Functionals Revisited , Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2012, p. 150-154, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2012, (Cambridge, US, 01.07.2012-06.07.2015)
[111] Lín Václav: Decision-theoretic troubleshooting: hardness of approximation , Proceedings of the Sixth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, PGM'12, p. 195-202, Sixth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Granada, ES, 19.09.2012-21.09.2012)
[112] Studený Milan: Integer linear programming approach to learning Bayesian network structure: towards the essential graph , Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Graphical Models, p. 307-314, 6th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM), (Granada, ES, 19.09.2012-21.09.2012)
[113] Vomlel Jiří, Kružík H., Tůma P., Přeček J., Hutyra M.: Machine Learning Methods for Mortality Prediction in Patients with ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction , Proceedings of The Ninth Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 204-213 , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina, The Ninth Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Mariánské Lázně, CZ, 12.09.2012-15.09.2012)
[114] Vomlel Jiří, Tichavský Petr: Computationally efficient probabilistic inference with noisy threshold models based on a CP tensor decomposition , Proceedings of The Sixth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 355-362, The Sixth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Granada, ES, 19.09.2012-21.09.2012)
[115] Fabian Marián, Henrion R., Kruger A.Y., Outrata Jiří: About error bounds in metric spaces , Operations Research Proceedings 2011, p. 33-38 , Eds: Klatte D., Lüthi H.-J., Schmedders K., International Conference on Operations Research 2011, (Zurich, CH, 30.08.2011-02.09.2011)
[116] Studený Milan, Haws D., Hemmecke R., Lindner S.: Polyhedral approach to statistical learning graphical models , Harmony of Gröbner Bases and the Modern Industrial Society, p. 346-372, The 2nd CREST-SBM International Conference "Harmony of Groebner Bases and the Modern Industrial Society", (Osaka, JP, 28.06.2012-2.07.2012)
[117] Vejnarová Jiřina: On Three Conditioning Rules in Evidence Theory , Proceedings of the 14th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 132-139 , Eds: Barták Roman, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /14./, (Hejnice, CZ, 18.09.2011-21.09.2011)
[118] Vejnarová Jiřina: Conditioning, Conditional Independence and Irrelevance in Evidence Theory , ISIPTA '11. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, p. 381-390 , Eds: Coolen F., de Cooman G., Fetz T., Oberguggenberger M., ISIPTA 2011. International Symposium on Imprecise Probability /7./, (Innsbruck, AT, 25.07.2011-28.07.2011)
[119] Flaminio T., Kroupa Tomáš: Characterization of Generalized Necessity Functions in Lukasiewicz Logic , Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications, p. 619-626 , Eds: Li Shoumei, Wang Xia, Okazaki Yoshiaki, Kawabe Jun, Murofushi Toshiaki, Guann Li, Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications, (Beijing, CN, 07.09.2011-09.09.2011)
[120] Jiroušek Radim: A Note on Local Computations in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence , Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, p. 219-227 , Eds: Coolen Frank, de Cooman Gert, Fetz Thomas, Oberguggenberger Michael, 7th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, (Innsbruck, AT, 25.07.2011-28.07.2011)
[121] Jiroušek Radim, Shenoy P. P.: A Note on Factorization of Belief Functions , Proceedings of 14th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty CJS 2011, p. 43-51 , Eds: Barták Roman, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /14./, (Hejnice, CZ, 18.09.2011-21.09.2011)
[122] Jiroušek Radim: Belief Networks and Local Computations , Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications, p. 179-188 , Eds: Li Shoumei, Wang Xia, Okazaki Yoshiaki, Kawabe Jun, Murofushi Toshiaki, Guann Li, Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications, (Peking, CN, 07.09.2011-09.09.2011)
[123] Kratochvíl Václav: Conditioning and Flexibility in Compositional Models , Proceedings of 14th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty CJS 2011, p. 66-73 , Eds: Barták Roman, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /14./, (Hejnice, CZ, 18.09.2011-21.09.2011)
[124] Matúš František, Rauh J.: Maximization of the information divergence from an exponential family and criticality , Proceedings ISIT 2011, p. 903-907, IEEE Internation Symposioum on Information Theory, (St. Petersburg, RU, 31.07.2011-05.08.2011)
[125] Lín Václav: Extensions of Decision-Theoretic Troubleshooting: Cost Clusters and Precedence Constraints , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, p. 206-216 , Eds: Liu W., Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty 11th European Conference, (Belfast, GB, 29.06.2011-01.07.2011)
[126] Kratochvíl Václav: Relationship between properties characterizing independence equivalence in Bayesian networks and compositional models , Proceedings of the 13th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making in Service Science, p. 49-54 , Eds: Itoh Takeshi , Suzuki Kenichi , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /13./, (Otaru, JP, 03.11.2010-05.11.2010)
[127] Vejnarová Jiřina: An alternative approach to evidential network construction , Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis, p. 619-626 , Eds: Borgelt Ch. , Gonzales-Rodriguez G. , Trutschnig W. , Lubiano M.A. , Gil M.A. , Grzegorzewski P. , Hryniewicz O. , Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics, (Oviedo, ES, 28.09.2010-01.10.2010)
[128] Vejnarová Jiřina: On Two Approaches to Evidential Network Construction , Proceedigs of 13h Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis amd Decision Making in Service Science, p. 37-42, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /13./, (Otaru, JP, 03.11.2010-05.11.2010)
[129] Jiroušek Radim: An Attempt to Define Graphical Models in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence , Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis, p. 361-368 , Eds: Borgelt Ch. , Gonzales-Rodriguez G. , Trutschnig W. , Lubiano M.A. , Gil M.A. , Grzegorzewski P. , Hryniewicz O. , 5th Int. Conf. on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics, (Oviedo and Mieres, ES, 28.09.2010-01.10.2010)
[130] Jiroušek Radim: Approximation of Data by Decomposable Belief Models , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (Part I), p. 40-49 , Eds: Hüllermeier Eyke , Kruse Rudolf , Hoffmann Frank , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, (Dortmund, DE, 28.06.2010-02.07.2010)
[131] Jiroušek Radim: On Graphical (Decomposable) Models and Belief Networks in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence , Proceedings of the 13th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making in Service Science, p. 61-66 , Eds: Itoh Takeshi , Suzuki Kenichi , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /13./, (Otaru, JP, 03.11.2010-05.11.2010)
[132] Jiroušek Radim: Factorization and Decomposable Models in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence , Proceedings of the Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, p. 1-6 , Eds: Appriou Alain , Denœux Thierry , Duflos Emmanuel , Martin Arnaud , Rombaut Michèle , Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, (Brest, FR, 31.03.2010-02.04.2010)
[133] Ottosen T., Vomlel Jiří: All roads lead to Rome — New search methods for optimal triangulations , Proceedings of the Fifth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM-2010), p. 209-216, European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Helsinki, FI, 13.09.2010-15.09.2010)
[134] Ottosen T., Vomlel Jiří: Honour Thy Neighbour — Clique Maintenance in Dynamic Graphs , Proceedings of the Fifth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM-2010), p. 201-208, European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Helsinki, FI, 13.09.2010-15.09.2010)
[135] Kroupa Tomáš: From Probabilities to Belief Functions on MV-Algebras , Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis, p. 387-395 , Eds: Borgelt Ch. , Gonzales-Rodriguez G. , Trutschnig W. , Lubiano M.A. , Gil M.A. , Grzegorzewski P. , Hryniewicz O. , Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics, (Oviedo, ES, 28.09.2010-01.10.2010)
[136] Studený Milan, Hemmecke R., Lindner S.: Characteristic imset: a simple algebraic representative of a Bayesian network structure , Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM 2010), p. 257-264 , Eds: Myllymaki Petri, Roos Teemu, Jaakkola Tommi, 5th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Helsinki, FI, 13.09.2010-15.09.2010)
[137] Vejnarová Jiřina: Possibilistic Graphical Models and Compositional Models , Proceedigs of 13h International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems IPMU'10, p. 21-30 , Eds: Hullermaier Eyke, Kruse Rudolf, Hoffman Frank, 13h International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems IPMU'10, (Dortmund, DE, 28.06.2010-02.07.2010)
[138] Vejnarová Jiřina: A Thorough Comparison of Two Conditional Independence Concepts for Belief Functions , Proceedings of Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, p. 1-6, Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, (Brest, FR, 01.04.2010-02.04.2010)
[139] Matúš František, Kupsa Michal: On colorings of bivariate random sequences , Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2010 IEEE International Symposium, p. 1272-1276, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2010, (Austin, US, 13.06.2010-18.06.2010)
[140] Kroupa Tomáš: Note on Construction of Probabilities on Many-valued Events via Schauder Bases and Inverse Limits , Proceedings of ISMVL 2010, p. 185-188, 40th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, (Barcelona, ES, 26.05.2010-28.05.2010)
[141] Kroupa Tomáš, Hable R.: Structure of the Set of Belief Functions Generated by a Random Closed Interval , Proceedings of Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, p. 1-5, Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, (Brest, FR, 01.04.2010-02.04.2010)
[142] Matúš František: Conditional probability spaces and closures of exponential families , Proceedings of WUPES 2009, p. 1-10 , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina, 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Liblice, CZ, 19.09.2009-23.09.2009)
[143] Csiszár I., Matúš František: On minimization of multivariate entropy functionals , Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Networking and Information, p. 96-100, IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Networking and Information Theory 2009, (Volos, GR, 10.06.2009-12.06.2009)
[144] Vomlel Jiří: Decomposition of probability tables representing Boolean functions , Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 159-166 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 18.09.2005-21.09.2005)
[145] Kleiter G. D., Jiroušek Radim: Perfect sequences: a contribution to structuring conditional independence models , Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 65-75 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 18.09.2005-21.09.2005)
[146] Bína V., Jiroušek Radim: About an effective algorithm for marginalization in multidimensional compositional models , Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 1-13 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 18.09.2005-21.09.2005)
[147] Hamplová H., Ivánek J., Jiroušek Radim, Kroupa Tomáš, Lněnička Radim, Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří: Decision support system for comparison of price lists , Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 32-38 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 18.09.2005-21.09.2005)
[148] Vejnarová Jiřina, Jiroušek Radim, Bína V.: On an interval-valued solution of the marginal problem , Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications, p. 379-387 , Eds: Cozman F. G., Nau R., Seidenfeld T., ISIPTA, (Pittsburg 2005) , International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications /4./, (Pittsburg, US, 20.07.2005-23.07.2005)
[149] Kroupa Tomáš: Towards formal theory of measure on clans of fuzzy sets , Proceedings of the Joint EUSFLAT-LFA 2005 Conference, p. 351-356 , Eds: Montseny E., Sobrevilla P., Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, (Barcelona 2005) , Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic /4./ and Technology and Rencontres Phrancophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications /11./, (Barcelona, ES, 07.09.2005-09.09.2005)
[150] Matúš František: Inequalities for Shannon entropies and adhesivity of polymatroids , Proceedings of the Ninth Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, p. 28-31, McGill University, (Montreal 2005) , Canadian Workshop on Information Theory /9./, (Montreal, CA, 05.06.2005-08.06.2005)
[151] Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: Racing for conditional independence inference , Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty vol.3571, p. 221-232, ECSQARU 2005. European Conference /8./, (Barcelona, ES, 06.07.2005-08.07.2005)
[152] Roubíček Tomáš: Incompressible fluid mixtures of ionized constituents , International Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, p. 429-440 , Eds: Wang Y., Hutter K., Schaker, (Aachen 2005) , STAMM'2004, (Seeheim, DE, 22.08.2004-28.08.2004)
[153] Hassdorf R., Feydt J., Thienhaus S., Conte N., Kružík Martin: Spherical load indentation in submicron NiTiCu shape memory thin films , Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology III, p. 971-976 , Eds: Bahr D. F., Cheng Y. T., Huber N., Material Research Society, (Warrendale 2005) , 2004 MRS FALL MEETING, (Boston, US, 29.11.2004-02.12.2004)
[154] Vejnarová Jiřina: On V-projections of possibility distributions , Methods for Decision Support in Environment with Uncertainty - Applications in Economics, Business and Engineering. Proceedings of the Czech-Japan Seminar, p. 103-108 , Eds: Ramík J., Novák V., University of Ostrava, (Ostrava 2003) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision-Making under Uncertainty /6./, (Valtice, CZ, 20.09.2003-23.09.2003)
[155] Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENNON. A generalized augmented Lagrangian method for semidefinite programming , High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization, p. 297-315 , Eds: di Pillo G., Murli A., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2003) , High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization, (Erice, IT, 30.06.2001-08.07.2001)
[156] Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization of steady-state flow of incompressible fluids , Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, p. 357-368 , Eds: Barbu V., Lasiecka I., Tiba D., Kluwer, (Boston 2003) , IFIP WG7.2 Conference Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, (Constanta, RO, 10.09.2002-14.09.2002)
[157] Jiroušek Radim: MUDIM - a system for MUltiDImensional Model development , Methods for Decision Support in Environment with Uncertainty - Applications in Economics, Business and Engineering. Proceedings of the Czech-Japan Seminar, p. 40-45 , Eds: Ramík J., Novák V., University of Ostrava, (Ostrava 2003) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision-Making under Uncertainty /6./, (Valtice, CZ, 20.09.2003-23.09.2003)
[158] Kroupa Tomáš: Measure of divergence of possibility measures , Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 173-181 , Eds: Vejnarová J., University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003)
[159] Vomlel Jiří: Noisy-or classifier , Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 291-302 , Eds: Vejnarorová J., University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003)
[160] Roubíček Tomáš: Microstructure in ferromagnetics and its steady-state and evolution models , Communications of the Bexbach Colloquium on Science 2000, p. 39-52 , Eds: Robnik M., Ruffing A., Shaker, (Aachen 2003) , Bexbach Colloquium on Science 2000, (Bexbach, DE, 27.10.2000-29.10.2000)
[161] Studený Milan: Characterization of inclusion neighbourhood in terms of the essential graph: Lower neighbours , Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 243-262 , Eds: Vejnarová J., University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003)
[162] Kružík Martin: Variational models for microstructures in shape memory alloys and in micromagnetics and their numerical treatment , Communications of the Bexbach Colloquium on Science 2000, p. 20-38 , Eds: Robnik M., Ruffing A., Shaker, (Aachen 2003) , Bexbach Colloquium on Sciences 2000, (Bexbach, DE, 27.10.2000-29.10.2000)
[163] Matúš František, Ay N.: On maximization of the information divergence from an exponential family , Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 199-204 , Eds: Vejnarová J., University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003)
[164] Kroupa Tomáš: On construction of joint observable on Lukasiewicz tribe , Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, p. 665-668 , Eds: Wagenknecht M., Hampel R., University of Applied Sciences, (Zittau 2003) , EUSFLAT 2003 /3./, (Zittau, DE, 10.09.2003-12.09.2003)
[165] Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal design of laminated composites , Analysis and Simulation of Multifield Problems, p. 129-134 , Eds: Wendland W., Efendiev M., Springer, (Berlin 2003) , International Conference on Multifield Problems, (Stuttgart, DE, 08.04.2002-10.04.2002)
[166] Vejnarová Jiřina: Design of Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure for Possibility Distributions , Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications, p. 575-590 , Eds: Bernard J.-M., Seidenfeld T., Zaffalon M., Carleton Scientific, (Waterloo 2003) , International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications /3./, (Lugano, CH, 14.07.2003-17.07.2003)
[167] Jiroušek Radim: On approximating multidimensional probability distributions by compositional models , Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications, p. 305-320 , Eds: Bernard J.-M., Seidenfeld T., Zaffalon M., Carleton Scientific, (Waterloo 2003) , International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications /3./, (Lugano, CH, 14.07.2003-17.07.2003)
[168] Studený Milan: Characterization of inclusion neighbourhood in terms of the essential graph: upper neighbours , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. European Conference, p. 161-172 , Eds: Nielsen T. D., Zhang N. L., Springer, (Berlin 2003) , ECSQARU 2003. European Conference /7./, (Aalborg, DK, 02.07.2003-05.07.2003)
[169] Vomlel Jiří: Integrating inconsistent data in a probabilistic model , Uncertainty, Incompleteness, Imprecision and Conflict in Multiple Data Sources, p. 1-10 , Eds: Liu W., Cholvy L., Benferhat S., UUJ, (Aalborg 2003) , ECSQARU'03 /7./, (Aalborg, DK, 02.07.2003)
[170] Studený Milan: Characterization of essential graphs by means of an operation of legal component merging , Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 161-168 , Eds: Gamez J. A., Salmeron A., University of Castilla, (Cuenca 2002) , European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models /1./ PGM'02, (Cuenca, ES, 06.11.2002-08.11.2002)
[171] Kroupa Tomáš: Information measures in possibility theory , Proceedings of the 5th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 143-148 , Eds: Watada J., Osaka University, (Osaka 2002) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /5./, (Mt. Koyasan, JP, 14.09.2002-16.09.2002)
[172] Vomlel Jiří: Bayesian networks in educational testing , Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 176-185 , Eds: Gámez J. A., Salmerón A., University of Castilla, (Cuenca 2002) , European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models /1./ PGM'02, (Cuenca, ES, 06.11.2002-08.11.2002)
[173] Berka Petr: Adaptive features of machine learning methods , First International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems. Proceedings, p. 40-43, IEEE, (Varna 2002) , International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems /1./, (Varna, BG, 10.09.2002-12.09.2002)
[174] Kroupa Tomáš, Berka Petr: WISECON: The intelligent support for e-commerce , First International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems. Proceedings, p. 210-214, IEEE, (Varna 2002) , International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems /1./, (Varna, BG, 10.09.2002-12.09.2002)
[175] Vejnarová Jiřina: On interpretation of Lukasziewicz-product possibility distributions , Proceedings of the 5th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 137-142 , Eds: Watada J., Osaka University, (Osaka 2002) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /5./, (Mt. Koyasan, JP, 14.09.2002-16.09.2002)
[176] Jiroušek Radim: On computational procedures for probabilistic compositional models , Proceedings of the 5th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 3-10 , Eds: Watada J., Osaka University, (Osaka 2002) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /5./, (Mt. Koyasan, JP, 14.09.2002-16.09.2002)
[177] Vejnarová Jiřina: On interpretation of T-product possibility distributions , Proceedings of the 9th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, p. 1053-1060, ESIA, (Annecy 2002) , IPMU '2002 /9./, (Annecy, FR, 01.07.2002-05.07.2002)
[178] Kružík Martin: Quasiconvex extreme points of convex sets , European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, p. 145-151 , Eds: Bemelmans J., Brighi B., Brillard A., World Scientific, (Singapore 2002) , European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems /4./, (Rolduc, NL, 18.06.2001-22.06.2001)
[179] Matúš František: Conditional independences in Gaussian vectors and polynomials , Workshop on Conditionals, Information, and Inference, p. 169-176 , Eds: Kern-Isberner G., Roedder W., Fernuniversitaet Hagen, (Hagen 2002) , Workshop on Conditionals, Information, and Inference, (Hagen, DE, 13.05.2002-15.05.2002)
[180] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Free material optimization: an overview , Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, p. 181-215 , Eds: Siddiqi A. H., Kočvara M., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2002) , International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics of the Indian Subcontinent /1./, (Amritsar, IN, 22.01.2001-25.01.2001)
[181] Jiroušek Radim: Detection of independence relations from persegrams , Proceedings of the 9th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, p. 1261-1267, ESIA, (Annecy 2002) , IPMU '2002 /9./, (Annecy, FR, 01.07.2002-05.07.2002)
[182] Jiroušek Radim: Knowledge representation by compositional models , Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, p. 117-123 , Eds: Arabnia H. R., Mun Y., Prasad B., CSREA Press, (Las Vegas 2002) , International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering - IKE'02, (Las Vegas, US, 24.06.2002-27.06.2002)
[183] Jiroušek Radim, Studený Milan, Vejnarová Jiřina: Open problems inspired by Albert Perez , Conditionals, Information, Inference, p. 117-128 , Eds: Kern-Isberner G., Rodder W., Fern Universität, (Hagen 2002) , Workshop on Conditionals, Information, and Inference, (Hagen, DE, 13.05.2002-15.05.2002)
[184] Hörnlein H. R. E. M., Kočvara Michal: Free material optimization: Reading the tea leaves , Proceedings of the 2nd Max Planck Workshop on Engineering Design Optimization, p. 2-5 , Eds: Bendsoe M. P., Olhoff N., Rasmussen J., Technical University, (Lyngby 2001) , Max Planck Workshop on Engineering Design Optimization /2./, (Nyborg, DK, 12.10.2001-14.10.2001)
[185] Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: Perfect sequences for belief networks representation , Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Tools in Artificial Intelligence, p. 87-96, IEEE Computer Society Press, (Los Alamitos 2001) , IEEE International Conference on Tools in Artificial Intelligence /13./, (Dallas, US, 07.11.2001-09.11.2001)
[186] Vejnarová Jiřina: A partial solution of the possibilistic marginal problem , Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications, p. 342-351 , Eds: De Cooman G., Fine T. L., Seidenfeld T., Shaker, (Maastricht 2001) , ISIPTA '01 /2./, (Ithaca, US, 26.06.2001-29.06.2001)
[187] Jiroušek Radim: Detection of independence relations from persegrams , Proceedings of the 4th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 52-62 , Eds: Jiroušek R., Vejnarová J., VŠE, (Praha 2001) , Czec-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /4./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 14.09.2001-17.09.2001)
[188] Kočka T., Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: On characterizing inclusion of Bayesian networks , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceeding of the 17th Conference, p. 261-268 , Eds: Breese J., Koller D., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 2001) , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /17./, (Seattle, US, 02.08.2001-05.08.2001)
[189] Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin: Adaptive approximation algorithm for relaxed optimization problems , Proceedings of the Conference Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization Problems, p. 242-254 , Eds: Hoffmann K. H., Hoppe R. H. W., Schultz V., Birkhäuser, (Basel 2001) , Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization Problems, (Berlin, DE, 12.06.2000-14.06.2000)
[190] Kočvara Michal, Hörnlein H. R. E. M.: MOPED - An integrated designer tool for material optimization , CEAS Conference on Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design and Optimization, p. 87-96 , Eds: Hoenlinger H., DGLR, (Bonn 2001) , CEAS Conference on Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design and Optimization, (Koeln, DE, 25.06.2001-26.06.2001)
[191] Outrata Jiří: On constraint qualifications for mathematical programs with mixed complementarity constraints , Complementarity: Applications, Algorithms and Extensions, p. 253-271 , Eds: Ferris M. C., Mangasarian O. L., Pang J.-S., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2001) , International Conference on Complementarity Problems, (Madison, US, 09.06.1999-12.06.1999)
[192] Jiroušek Radim: Marginalization in composed probabilistic models , Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, p. 36-43 , Eds: Boutilier C., Goldszmidt M., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 2000) , Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /16./, (Stanford, US, 30.06.2000-03.07.2000)
[193] Kříž Otakar: Envelopes of a simplex of discrete probabilities , Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 152-165 , Eds: Vejnarová J., VŠE, (Praha 2000) , WUPES '2000. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /5./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 21.06.2000-24.06.2000)
[194] Matúš František: Semigraphoids: closure, constructions and representations , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference, p. 13-16 , Eds: Scozzafava R., Vantaggi B., Baltzer Science Publ., (Rome 2000) , Workshop on Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference., (Rome, IT, 04.05.2000-06.05.2000)
[195] Jiroušek Radim: Recent results regarding composition of distributions , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference, p. 9-12 , Eds: Scozzafava R., Vantaggi B., Baltzer Science Publ., (Rome 2000) , Workshop on Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference., (Rome, IT, 04.05.2000-06.05.2000)
[196] Studený Milan: On stochastic conditional independence: Problem of characterization and description , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference, p. 5-8 , Eds: Scozzafava R., Vantaggi B., Baltzer Science Publ., (Rome 2000) , Workshop on Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference., (Rome, IT, 04.05.2000-06.05.2000)
[197] Vejnarová Jiřina: On the specific role of Gödel's t-norm in possibility theory , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference, p. 1-4 , Eds: Scozzafava R., Vantaggi B., Baltzer Science Publ., (Rome 2000) , Workshop on Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference., (Rome, IT, 04.05.2000-06.05.2000)
[198] Roubíček Tomáš: Dissipative evolution of microstructure in shape memory alloys , Lectures on Applied Mathematics, p. 45-63 , Eds: Bungartz H., Hoppe R., Zenger C., Springer, (Berlin 2000) , Workshop on Applied Mathematics, (Munich, DE, 09.06.1999)
[199] Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization of fine structure in micromagnetism , Free Boundary Problems. Proceedings, p. 398-408 , Eds: Nobuyuki K., Gakuto, (Chiba 2000) , Free Boundary Problems, (Chiba, JP, 01.11.1999)
[200] Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: Construction of multidimensional models by operators of composition: Curent state of art , Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 113-126 , Eds: Vejnarová J., VŠE, (Praha 2000) , WUPES '2000. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /5./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 21.06.2000-24.06.2000)
[201] Matúš František: On the length of semigraphoid inference , Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 176-180 , Eds: Vejnarová J., VŠE, (Praha 2000) , WUPES '2000. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /5./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 21.06.2000-24.06.2000)
[202] Jiroušek Radim: Graphical Markovm models , Proceedings of the 9th Soft Science Workshop, p. 65-68, Society of Fuzzy Theory and Systems, (Nagaoka 1999) , Soft Science Workshop /9./, (Nagaoka, JP, 15.03.1999-16.03.1999)
[203] Roubíček Tomáš: Noncooperative games with elliptic systems , Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, p. 246-255 , Eds: Hoffmann K.-H., Leugering G., Tröltzsch F., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1999) , Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, (Chemnitz, DE, 20.04.1998-25.04.1998)
[204] Málek J., Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization of steady flows for incompressible viscous fluids , Applied Nonlinear Analysis. Proceedings, p. 355-372 , Eds: Adeila Sequiera, Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1999) , International Workshop on Nonlinear PDE and Applications, (Olomouc, CZ, 13.12.1999-17.12.1999)
[205] Roubíček Tomáš: Convex locally compact extensions of Lebesgue spaces and their applications , Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control, p. 237-250 , Eds: Ioffe A., Reich S., Shafrir I., Chapman & Hall/CRC, (Boca Raton 1999) , Calculus of Variations and Related Topics, (Haifa, IL, 25.03.1998-31.03.1998)
[206] Dawid A. P., Studený Milan: Conditional products: An alternative approach to conditional independence , Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 99. Proceedings, p. 32-40 , Eds: Heckerman D., Whittaker J., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 1999) , International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics /7./, (Fort Lauderdale, US, 03.01.1999-06.01.1999)
[207] Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin: Numerical treatment of microstructure evolution modeling , Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, p. 532-539 , Eds: Bock H. G., World Scientific, (Singapore 1998) , ENUMATH '97 /2./, (Heidelberg, DE, 28.09.1997-03.10.1997)
[208] Vejnarová Jiřina: Composition of possibility measures on finite spaces: Preliminary results , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings, p. 25-30, La Sorbonne, (Paris 1998) , IPMU'98 /7./, (Paris, FR, 06.07.1998-10.07.1998)
[209] Vejnarová Jiřina: Possibilistic independence and operators of composition of possibility measures , Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 575-580 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF, (Praha 1998) , Prague Stochastics '98, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998)
[210] Roubíček Tomáš: Existence results for some nonconvex optimization problems governed by nonlinear processes , Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications, p. 87-96 , Eds: Bulirsch R., Bittner L., Schmidt W., Meier K., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1998) , Conference on Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications, (Trassenheide, DE, 23.09.1996-27.09.1996)
[211] Jiroušek Radim: Graph modelling of probability distributions , Congresso nazionale della Societa Italiana di Matematica applicata e industriale, p. 154-158, SIMAI, (Roma 1998) , SIMAI'98 /4./, (Giardini Naxos, IT, 01.06.1998-05.06.1998)
[212] Jiroušek Radim: Graph modelling without graphs , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings, p. 809-816, La Sorbonne, (Paris 1998) , IPMU'98 /7./, (Paris, FR, 06.07.1998-10.07.1998)
[213] Studený Milan: Complexity of structural models , Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 521-528 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF, (Praha 1998) , Prague Stochastics '98, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998)
[214] Studený Milan: Bayesian networks from the point of view of chain graphs , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference, p. 496-503 , Eds: Cooper G. F., Moral S., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 1998) , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /14./, (Madison, US, 24.07.1998-26.07.1998)
[215] Pik Jiří: Imperfectly specified events in failure diagnosis , International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES'98, p. 340-342, IEEE, (London 1998) , WODES'98, (Cagliari, IT, 26.08.1998-28.08.1998)
[216] Pik Jiří: Hierarchy of events in analysis and forecasting of discrete event processes , International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems, p. 5-6 , Eds: Dubois D. M., University of Liege, (Liege 1998) , CASYS'98 /2./, (Liege, BE, 10.08.1998-14.08.1998)
[217] Matúš František: Block-factor fields of Bernoulli shifts , Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 383-389 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF, (Praha 1998) , Prague Stochastics '98, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998)
[218] Kříž Otakar: Některé aspekty terciálního řízení U a Q v ES ČR , Řízení napětí a jalových výkonů v elektrizační soustavě České republiky. 2. ročník, p. 67-71 , Eds: Beran J., EGÚ, (Praha 1997) , Řízení napětí a jalových výkonů v elektrizační soustavě České republiky. /2./, (Poděbrady, CZ, 04.11.1997-05.11.1997)
[219] Pik Jiří: Event uncertainty in failure diagnosis of discrete event systems , Advances in Intelligent Systems, p. 414-417 , Eds: Morabito F. G., IOS Press, (Amsterdam 1997) , AMSE-ISIS '97, (Reggio di Calabria, IT, 11.09.1997-13.09.1997)
[220] Vejnarová Jiřina: Measures of uncertainty and independence concept in different calculi , Progress in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, p. 155-166 , Eds: Costa E., Cardoso A., Springer, (Berlin 1997) , Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence. EPIA '97 /8./, (Coimbra, PT, 06.10.1997-09.10.1997)
[221] Vejnarová Jiřina: A note on the marginal problem with inequality constrains and its "maximum entropy solution" , Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 173-183, VŠE, (Praha 1997) , WUPES '97 /4./, (Prague, CZ, 22.01.1997-25.01.1997)
[222] Jiroušek Radim: Composition of probability measures on finite spaces , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, p. 274-281 , Eds: Geiger D., Shenoy P. P., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 1997) , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /13./, (Providence, IS, 01.08.1997-03.08.1997)
[223] Kříž Otakar: Inconsistent marginal problem on finite sets , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, p. 235-242 , Eds: Beneš V., Štěpán J., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1997) , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, (Prague, CZ, 02.09.1996-06.09.1996)
[224] Jiroušek Radim: Artificial intelligence, the marginal problem and inconsistency , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, p. 223-234 , Eds: Beneš V., Štěpán J., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1997) , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, (Prague, CZ, 02.09.1996-06.09.1996)
[225] Pik Jiří: A hierarchical event structure: An application of the selectivity principle in discrete event systems , The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy, p. 770-775 , Eds: Weingartner P., Schurz G., Dorn G., The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, (Kirchberg 1997) , International Wittgenstein Symposium /20./, (Kirchberg, AT, 10.08.1997-16.08.1997)
[226] Outrata Jiří: On a special class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints , Recent Advances in Optimization, p. 246-260 , Eds: Gritzmann P., Horst R., Sachs E., Tichatschke R., Springer, (Berlin 1997) , French-German Conference on Optimization /8./, (Trier, DE, 21.07.1996-26.07.1996)
[227] Pik Jiří: Transformation of structural patterns or discrete events? An application of structural methods in discrete event systems , Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, p. 119-124 , Eds: Pudil P., Novovičová J., Grim J., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1997) , Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition /1./, (Prague, CZ, 09.06.1997-11.06.1997)
[228] Pik Jiří: Incorrect observations in failure diagnosis of discrete event systems , Intelligent Manufacturing Systems '97. Preprints, p. 203-206, IFAC, (Seoul 1997) , IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems '97. /4./, (Seoul, KR, 21.07.1997-23.07.1997)
[229] Studený Milan: Comparison of graphical approaches to description of conditional independence structures , Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 156-172, VŠE, (Praha 1997) , WUPES '97 /4./, (Prague, CZ, 22.01.1997-25.01.1997)
[230] Outrata Jiří, Kočvara M.: On exterior penalties in equilibrium problems , Operations Research. Proceedings 1996, p. 37-42 , Eds: Zimmermann U., Derigs U., Gaul W., Möhring R. H., Schuster K.-P., Springer, (Berlin 1997) , Symposium on Operations Research (SOR 96), (Braunschweig, DE, 03.09.1996-06.09.1996)
[231] Kočvara M., Outrata Jiří: A nonsmooth approach to optimization problems with equilibrium constraints , Complementarity and Variational Problems, p. 148-164 , Eds: Ferris M. C., Pang J.-S., SIAM, (Philadelphia 1997) , International Conference on Complementarity Problems, (Baltimore, US, 01.11.1995-04.11.1995)
[232] Studený Milan: On marginalization, collapsibility and precollapsibility , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, p. 191-198 , Eds: Beneš V., Štěpán J., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1997) , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems /3./, (Prague, CZ, 02.09.1996-06.09.1996)
[233] Vomlel Jiří: Statistical methods for probabilistic model parameter estimation from incomplete data and their application to the marginal problem , Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 184-193, VŠE, (Praha 1997) , WUPES '97 /4./, (Prague, CZ, 22.01.1997-25.01.1997)
[234] Roubíček Tomáš: Modelling of microstructure in non-quasiconvex variational problems , Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications, p. 264-270 , Eds: Niezgódka M., Strzelecki P., Longmann, (Harlow 1996) , Free Boundary Problems '95, (Zakopané, PL, 12.06.1995-15.06.1995)
[235] Jiroušek Radim: I-projections in probabilistic network construction , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty in Complex Systems, p. 17-20, Edizioni Kappa, (Roma 1996) , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty in Complex Systems, (Roma, IT, 16.05.1996-18.05.1996)
[236] Kleiter G. D., Jiroušek Radim: Learning Bayesian networks under the control of mutual information , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings, p. 985-990, University of Granada, (Granada 1996) , IPMU'96 /6./, (Granada, ES, 01.07.1996-05.07.1996)
[237] Pik Jiří: Analysis and forecasting of natural discrete event processes based on the rho-bar distance of event sequences , Proceedings in Computational Statistics. COMPSTAT'96, p. 93-94 , Eds: Prat A., Ripoll E., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 1996) , COMPSTAT '96. Symposium on Computational Statistics /12./, (Barcelona, ES, 26.08.1996-30.08.1996)
[238] Studený Milan: On separation criterion and recovery algorithm for chain graphs , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, p. 509-516 , Eds: Horvik E., Jensen F., Morgan Kaufmann Publ., (San Francisco 1996) , Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /12./, (Portland, US, 01.08.1996-04.08.1996)
[239] Pik Jiří: An event deformation model and its application , Discrete Event Systems. WODES'96, p. 352-355 , Eds: Spathopoulos M. P., Smedinga R., Kozák P., IEE, (London 1996) , International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES'96, (Edinburgh, GB, 19.08.1996-21.08.1996)
[240] Studený Milan: On stochastic conditional independence structures , European Conference on Higly Structured Stochastic Systems. Proceedings, p. 165-169, University of Aalborg, (Rebild 1996) , European Conference on Highly Structured Stochastic Systems /1./, (Rebild, DK, 19.05.1996-24.05.1996)
[241] Kříž Otakar: Marginal problem on finite sets , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings, p. 763-768, University of Granada, (Granada 1996) , IPMU'96 /6./, (Granada, ES, 01.07.1996-05.07.1996)
[242] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: How mathematics can help in design of mechanical structures , Numerical Analysis 1995, p. 76-93 , Eds: Griffith D. F., Watson G. A., Longman, (Harlow 1996) , Dundee Biennial Conference on Numerical Mathematics /16./, (Dundee, GB, 27.06.1995-30.06.1995)
[243] Outrata Jiří: Nonsmooth approaches in computing of equilibria , Operations Research Proceedings 1995, p. 36-41 , Eds: Kleinschmidt P., Bachem A., Derigs U., Springer, (Berlin 1996) , Symposium on Operations Research (SOR'95), (Passau, DE, 13.08.1995-15.08.1995)
[244] Outrata Jiří: Semismoothness in parametrized quasi-variational inequalities , System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings, p. 203-210 , Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J., Chapman & Hall, (London 1996) , IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./, (Prague, CZ, 10.07.1995-14.07.1995)
[245] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: How to optimize mechanical structures simultaneously with respect to topology and geometry , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, p. 135-140 , Eds: Olhoff N., Rozvany G. I. N., Elsevier, (Oxford 1995) , World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization /1./, (Goslar, DE, 28.05.1995-02.06.1995)
[246] Kozák Petr: Control of guarded automata counting event occurrences , Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 907-912, IEEE, (Piscataway 1995) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /34./, (New Orleans, US, 13.12.1995-15.12.1995)
[247] Jiroušek Radim, Kleiter G. D.: A note on learning Bayesian networks , Statistics, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, p. 148-153 , Eds: Kodratoff Y., Nakhaeizadeh G., Taylor C., FORTH, (Heraklion 1995) , ECML '95, (Heraklion, GR, 25.04.1995-27.04.1995)
[248] Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal control of a microstructure , Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications, p. 195-202 , Eds: Diaz J. I., Herrero A. M., Linan A., Vazquez J. L., Longman, (Harlow 1995) , Free Boundary Problems, (Toledo, ES, 21.06.1993-26.06.1993)
[249] Roubíček Tomáš: A note about relaxation of vectorial variational problems , Calculus of Variations, Applications and Computations, p. 208-214 , Eds: Bandle C., Bemelmans J., Longman, (Harlow 1995) , European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems /2./, (Pont-a-Mousson, FR, 00.06.1994)
[250] Jiroušek Radim: A sequential probabilistic model with nonmonotonic behaviour , Artificial Intelligence Techniques, p. 39-52 , Eds: Žižka J., Brazdil P., VUT, (Brno 1995) , AIT '95, (Brno, CZ, 18.09.1995-20.09.1995)
[251] Jarušek Jiří: Dynamical contact problems for viscoelastic bodies , Proceedings of the 2nd Contact Mechanics International Symposium, p. 25-32 , Eds: Raous M, Jean M., Moreau J. J., Plenum Press, (New York 1995) , Contact Mechanics International Symposium /2./, (Carry-Le-Rouet, FR, 19.09.1994-23.09.1994)
[252] Studený Milan: Marginal problem in different calculi of AI , Advances in Intelligent Computing - IPMU '94, p. 348-359 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Yager R. R., Zadeh L. A., Springer, (Berlin 1995) , IPMU '94 /5./, (Paris, FR, 04.07.1994-08.07.1994)
[253] Jiroušek Radim, Vomlel Jiří: Inconsistent knowledge integration in a probabilistic model , Mathematical Models for Handling Partial Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, p. 263-270 , Eds: Colleti G., Dubois D., Scozzafava R., Plenum Press, (New York 1995) , Mathematical Models for Handling Partial Knowledge in AI /18./, (Erice, IT, 19.06.1994-25.06.1994)
[254] Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: Chain graphs: semantics and expressiveness , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, p. 67-76 , Eds: Froidevaux Ch., Kohlas J., Springer, (Berlin 1995) , ECSQARU'95 European Conference, (Fribourg, CH, 03.07.1995-05.07.1995)
[255] Tuzar Antonín: Optimální řízení dynamiky dopravních prostředků , 1. vědecká konference o dopravě s mezinárodní účastí, p. 107-118, Dopravní fakulta, (Pardubice 1995) , Vědecká konference o dopravě /1./, (Pardubice, CZ, 19.09.1995-20.09.1995)
[256] Roubíček Tomáš: Various relaxations in optimal control of distributed parameter systems , Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems, p. 327-341, Birkhäuser, (Basel 1994) , International Conference on Control and Estimation of D.P.S, (Vorau, AT, 00.07.1993)
[257] Kočvara Michal, Rozložník Miroslav, Xanthis L. S.: On iterative solvers for the method of arbitrary lines , Proceedings of the Second Hellenic European Conference on Mathematics and Informatics, p. 261-272 , Eds: Lipitakis E. A., Hellenic Mathematical Society, (Athens 1994) , HERMIS '94 /2./, (Athens, GR, 22.09.1994-24.09.1994)
[258] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A numerical approach to the design of masonry structures , System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings of the 16th IFIP-TC7 Conference, p. 195-205 , Eds: Henry J., Yvon J. P., Springer, (London 1994) , IFIP-TC7 /16./, (Compiegne, FR, 05.07.1993-09.07.1993)
[259] Jiroušek Radim: Multimodel approximation of probability distributions: a tool for knowledge derivation , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Proceedings, p. 449-454, Cité Internationale Universitaire, (Paris 1994) , IPMU '94 /5./, (Paris, FR, 04.07.1994-08.07.1994)
[260] Kozák Petr: Supervisory control of parallelly interconnected timed discrete event systems , Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Proceedings, p. 1012-1017, IEEE Press, (San Antonio 1994) , IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (San Antonio, US, 02.10.1994-05.10.1994)
[261] Kozák Petr: Decentralized controller design for a class of hybrid systems , Integrated Systems Engineering. Proceedings, p. 123-128 , Eds: Johannsen G., Pergamon, (Oxford 1994) , IFAC Conference on Integrated Systems Engineering, (Baden-Baden, DE, 27.09.1994-29.09.1994)
[262] Pik Jiří: A computer aided decision support system for the analysis and forecasting of natural discrete event processes , Integrated Systems Engineering. Proceedings, p. 29-34 , Eds: Johannsen G., Pergamon, (Oxford 1994) , IFAC Conference on Integrated Systems Engineering, (Baden-Baden, DE, 27.09.1994-29.09.1994)
[263] Jiroušek Radim: Probabilistic model of nonmonotonic reasoning , Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings, p. 87-97, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , WUPES 1994. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./, (Třešť, CZ, 11.09.1994-15.09.1994)
[264] Matúš František: On the maximum-entropy extensions of probability measures over undirected graphs. , Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings, p. 181-198, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , WUPES 1994. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./, (Třešť, CZ, 11.09.1994-15.09.1994)
[265] Kříž Otakar: Optimizations in finite-dimensional distributions with fixed marginals , Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings, p. 143-156, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , WUPES 1994. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./, (Třešť, CZ, 11.09.1994-15.09.1994)
[266] Kříž Otakar: Invariant moves for constructing extensions of marginals , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Proceedings, p. 984-989, Cité Internationale Universitaire, (Paris 1994) , IPMU '94 /5./, (Paris, FR, 04.07.1994-08.07.1994)
[267] Kozák Petr: Dealing with complexity in the discrete event system control methods , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 229-236 , Eds: Kulhavá L., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , IEEE Workshop CMP '94, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-09.09.1994)
[268] Kaňková Vlasta: Aproximace a stabilita ve stochastickém programování , 12. seminář o Matematických metodách v ekonomice, p. 79-90, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , MME '94. Matematické metody v ekonomice /12./, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-08.09.1994)
[269] Kaňková Vlasta: Poznámka ke stabilitě úloh vícekriteriálního stochastického programování , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. (Viackriteriálna optimalizácia VII), p. 97-103, Ekonomická univerzita, (Bratislava 1994) , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike, (Bratislava, SK, 27.09.1994-28.09.1994)
[270] Matúš František: Combining m-dependence with Markovness , Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 145-149 , Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /12./, (Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994)
[271] Kaňková Vlasta: A note on the relationship between distribution function estimation and estimations in stochastic programming , Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 122-125 , Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /12./, (Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994)
[272] Sladký Karel: Sensitivity analysis in normalized Markov decision chains , Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, p. 224-227 , Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /12./, (Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994)
[273] Mareš Milan: Fuzzy cooperation without side payments , Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, p. 142-144 , Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /12./, (Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994)
[274] Sladký Karel: Nezáporné matice v dynamických modelech ekonomických systémů , 12. seminář o Matematických metodách v ekonomice, p. 175-186, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , MME '94. Matematické metody v ekonomice /12./, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-08.09.1994)
[275] Sladký Karel: Nezáporné matice a Leontjevovské modely , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. (Viackriteriálna optimalizácia VII), p. 157-164, Ekonomická univerzita, (Bratislava 1994) , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike, (Bratislava, SK, 27.09.1994-28.09.1994)
[276] Sladký Karel: Value convergence in generalized Markov decision chains , Operations Research '94, p. 480-482 , Eds: Bachem A., Derigs U., Jünger M., Schrader R., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1994) , Symposium on Operations Research /18./, (Cologne, DE, 01.09.1993-03.09.1993)
[277] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Shape optimization of elasto-plastic bodies governed by variational inequalities , Boundary Control and Boundary Variation, p. 261-271 , Eds: Zolesio J.-P., Dekker, (New York 1994) , IFIP Workshop Boundary Control and Boundary Variation, (Sophia Antipolis, FR, 03.06.1992-05.06.1992)
[278] Pik Jiří: Fault tolerant specification of discrete events , IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes. Preprints, p. 227-230 , Eds: Ruokonen T., University of Technology, (Helsinki 1994) , IFAC Symposium SAFEPROCESS '94, (Espoo, FI, 13.06.1994-16.06.1994)
[279] Studený Milan: Semigraphoids are two-antecedental approximations of stochastic conditional independence models , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, p. 546-552 , Eds: Mantaras R. L., Poole D., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 1994) , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /10./, (Seattle, US, 29.07.1994-31.07.1994)
[280] Studený Milan: Marginal problem in different calculi of AI , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Proceedings, p. 597-604, Cité Internationale Universitaire, (Paris 1994) , IPMU '94 /5./, (Paris, FR, 04.07.1994-08.07.1994)
[281] Sladký Karel: On a multistage stochastic linear program , Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings, p. 435-446 , Eds: Mandl P., Hušková M., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1994) , Asymptotic Statistics /5./, (Prague, CZ, 04.09.1993-09.09.1993)
[282] Kaňková Vlasta: On stability in two-stage stochastic nonlinear programming , Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings, p. 329-340 , Eds: Mandl P., Hušková M., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1994) , Asymptotic Statistics /5./, (Prague, CZ, 04.09.1993-09.09.1993)
[283] Tuzar Antonín: Optimalizace v úlohách vlakové dopravy , Doprava jako věda, p. 79-83, ČVUT, (Praha 1994) , Pracovní seminář Doprava jako věda, (Praha, CZ, 10.05.1994-11.05.1994)
[284] Pik Jiří: An objective formalization of the selectivity principle using the weighted distance of formal symbols , Cybernetics and Systems '94, p. 1611-1618 , Eds: Trappl R., World Scientific, (Singapore 1994) , European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research /12./, (Vienna, AT, 05.04.1994-08.04.1994)
[285] Kozák Petr: Control of real-time discrete event systems with hybrid controllability of events , 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 223-228, IEEE, (New York 1993) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /32./, (San Antonio, US, 15.12.1993-17.12.1993)
[286] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: A Combined SORP-PCG Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problems , Proceedings of the Seminar Numerical Mathematics in Theory and Practice, p. 97-104 , Eds: Křížková J., JČMF, (Praha 1993) , Numerical Mathematics in Theory and Practice, (Plzeň, CZ, 25.01.1993-26.01.1993)
[287] Kříž Otakar: Expert System-Driven Controllers , Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, p. 369-379 , Eds: Kárný M., Warwick K., Plenum Press, (New York 1993) , IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, (Prague, CZ, 01.09.1992-02.09.1992)
[288] Jiroušek Radim: Approximations of Probability Distributions by Three Types of Graph Models , Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, p. 39-48 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Valverde L., Yager R. R., NorthHolland, (Amsterdam 1993) , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, (Mallorca, ES, 11.07.1992-16.07.1992)
[289] Studený Milan: Formal Properties of Conditional Independence in Different Calculi of AI , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, p. 341-348 , Eds: Clarke M., Kruse R., Moral S., Springer, (Berlin 1993) , European Conference ECSQARU '93, (Granada, ES, 08.11.1993-10.11.1993)
[290] Kříž Otakar: The Cat-and-Mouse Problem as a System of Boolean Equations , Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, p. 181-187 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[291] Kříž Otakar: On Extensions of Marginals for Decision-Making , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, p. 205-212 , Eds: Clarke M., Kruse R., Moral S., Springer, (Berlin 1993) , European Conference ECSQARU '93, (Granada, ES, 08.11.1993-10.11.1993)
[292] Kozák Petr: Unifying Framework for Discrete Event System Control Theory , Discrete Event System: Modeling and Control, p. 95-110 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[293] Kozák Petr: The Cat-and-Mouse Problem with Least Delays , Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, p. 199-206 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[294] Pik Jiří: Similarity of Events in Discrete Event Systems , Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, p. 71-78 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[295] Balemi S., Kozák Petr, Smedinga R.: Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[296] Kozák Petr: Improving Characteristics of Discrete Event Controllers with Hybrid Controllability of Events , Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, p. 632-635, IEEE, (Detroit 1993) , Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems /36./, (Detroit, US, 16.08.1993-18.08.1993)
[297] Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: A Nonsmooth Approach to Simultaneous Geometry and Topology Design of Trusses , Topology Design of Structures, p. 31-42 , Eds: Bendsoe M. P., Mota-Soares C. A., Kluwer Academic, (Leuven 1993) , Workshop on Topology Design of Structures, (Sesimbra, PT, 20.06.1992-26.06.1992)
[298] Jiroušek Radim: Graph Modelling in Probability Distribution Processing , Probabilistic Methods in Expert Systems, p. 121-137, Societá Italiana di Statistica, (Roma 1993) , Probabilistic Methods in Expert Systems, (Roma, IT, 14.10.1993-15.10.1993)
[299] Jiroušek Radim, Kříž Otakar, Vejnarová Jiřina: Information in Human and Formalized Knowledge , Second European Congress on Systems Science, p. 899-907, Afcet, (Paris 1993) , European Congress on Systems Science /2./, (Prague, CZ, 05.10.1993-08.10.1993)
[300] Studený Milan, Matúš František, Vejnarová Jiřina: Decomposition of Large Systems and Independence Structures , Second European Congress on Systems Science, p. 891-898, Afcet, (Paris 1993) , European Congress on Systems Science /2./, (Prague, CZ, 05.10.1993-08.10.1993)
[301] Mareš Milan: Computation with Fuzzy Quantities , Second European Congress on Systems Science, p. 1065-1070, Afcet, (Paris 1993) , European Congress on Systems Science /2./, (Prague, CZ, 05.10.1993-08.10.1993)
[302] Pik Jiří: Podobnost mezi událostmi v systémech diskrétních událostí , Zborník prednášok 12. sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '93, p. 193-201, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky EU, (Bratislava 1993) , Algoritmy 93 /12./, (Stará Lesná, SQ, 26.04.1993-29.04.1993)
[303] Kočvara Michal: An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation , Reliability in Computational Mechanics, p. 433-442 , Eds: Demkowicz L., Oden J. T., Babuška I., NorthHolland, (Amsterdam 1993) , Workshop on Reliability in Computational Mechanics /2./, (Krakow, PL, 00.10.1991)
[304] Sladký Karel: Relationships Between Markovian Decision Problems and Products of a Finite Set of Matrices , Conference on Mathematical Programming, p. -, JČMF, (Praha 1992) , Conference on Mathematical Programming /24./, (Loučná, CZ, 20.09.1992-25.09.1992)
[305] Kaňková Vlasta: Stability in Stochastic Programming: Simple Recourse Case , Conference on Mathematical Programming, p. -, JČMF, (Praha 1992) , Conference on Mathematical Programming /24./, (Loučná, CZ, 20.09.1992-..1992)
[306] Roubíček Tomáš: A Stefan Problem in Multi-Component Media Coupled with a Signorini Contact Problem , Free Boundary Problems Involving Solids, p. 57-61 , Eds: Chadam J. M., Rasmussen H., Longmann, (Harlow 1992) , Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Application /5./, (Montreal, CA, 13.06.1990-22.06.1990)
[307] Mareš Milan: Fuzzy-Contaminated Real Data , Fuzzy Sets, Theory and Applications, p. 34, VVŠT, (Liptovský Mikuláš 1992) , FSTA 1992. International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, (Liptovský Mikuláš, CS, 17.02.1992-21.02.1992)
[308] Studený Milan: Popis struktur podmíněné stochastické nezávislosti pomocí formulí součinového typu , Sborník prací letní školy JČMF ROBUST '92, p. 146-155 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF, (Praha 1992) , ROBUST '92, (Herbertov, CS, 14.09.1992-18.09.1992)
[309] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Dva nové přístupy k optimalizaci příhradových konstrukcí , Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 6, p. 52-62 , Eds: Práger M., Přikryl P., Segeth K., MÚ ČSAV, (Praha 1992) , Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky /6./, (Bratříkov, CS, 15.06.1992-19.06.1992)
[310] Mareš Milan: Linear Combination of Fuzzy Criteria , Multicriteria Decision Making, p. 93-97 , Eds: Černý M., Glückaufová D., Loula D., EÚ ČSAV, (Praha 1992) , Multicriteria Decision Making, (Liblice, CS, 18.03.1991-22.03.1991)
[311] Roubíček Tomáš: Convex Compactifications in Optimal Control Theory , System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings of the 15th IFIP Conference, p. 433-439 , Eds: Kall P., Springer, (Berlin 1992) , IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./, (Zurich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991)
[312] Kříž Otakar: Attempts at Comparing Expert Systems with Uncertainty , 11th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research '92, p. 495-502 , Eds: Trappl R., World Scientific, (Singapore 1992) , European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research /11./, (Vienna, AT, 21.04.1992-24.04.1992)
[313] Studený Milan: Description of Conditional Independence Structures by Means of Imsets: A Connection with Product Formula Validity , International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty. IPMU '92, p. 503-506, Universitat des les Illes Balears, (Palma 1992) , IPMU '92, (Mallorca, ES, 06.07.1992-10.07.1992)
[314] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A Nondifferentiable Approach to the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities , 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, p. 364-373 , Eds: Kall P., Springer, (Berlin 1992) , IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./, (Zürich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991)
[315] Kříž Otakar: The Cat-and-Mouse Problem as a System of Boolean Equations , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 137-140, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[316] Sladký Karel: Cat and Mouse in a Maze: Extended Formulations and Their Solutions Using Controlled Markov Chains , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 133-136, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[317] Jiroušek Radim: Simple Approximations of Probability Distributions by Graph Models , International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty. IPMU '92, p. 497-502, Universitat des les Illes Balears, (Palma 1992) , IPMU '92, (Mallorca, ES, 06.07.1992-10.07.1992)
[318] Kozák Petr: Causality and Non-Determinism , 11th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research '92, p. 137-143 , Eds: Trappl R., World Scientific, (Singapore 1992) , European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research /11./, (Vienna, AT, 21.04.1992-24.04.1992)
[319] Jiroušek Radim: Introduction to Probabilistic Methods of Knowledge Representation and Processing , Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, p. 255-285 , Eds: Mařík V., Štěpánková O., Trappl R., Springer, (Berlin 1992) , Summer School on Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, (Praha, CS, 06.07.1992-17.07.1992)
[320] Ben-Tal A., Eiger G., Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A Nondifferentiable Approach to Decomposable Optimization Problems with an Application on the Design of Water Distribution Networks , Proceedings of French-German Conference on Optimization: Advances in Optimization, p. 197-216 , Eds: Pallaschke D., Oettli W., Springer, (Berlin 1992) , French-German Colloquium on Optimization /6./, (Lambrecht, DB, 02.06.1991-08.06.1991)
[321] Schindler Zdeněk: Steady-State Modelling of Turbine Engine with Controller , 9th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization.München, p. -, IFAC, ( 1992) , IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization /9./, (München, DB, 02.09.1992-04.09.1992)
[322] Pik Jiří: Structural Patterns or Discrete Events? A Link Between Pattern Recognition and Discrete-Event Systems , Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 292-293 , Eds: O'Conner L., Werner R., IEEE Computer Society Press, (Los Alamitos 1992) , International Conference on Pattern Recognition /11./, (Hague, NL, 30.08.1992-03.09.1992)
[323] Kozák Petr, Balemi S., Pik Jiří, Smedinga R.Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R.: : Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92 , , ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[324] Pik Jiří: Similarity of Events in Discrete Event Systems , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 87-90 , Eds: Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[325] Kozák Petr: The Cat-and-Mouse Problem with Least Delays , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 129-132 , Eds: Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[326] Kozák Petr: A Unifying Framework for Discrete Event System Control Theory , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 47-50 , Eds: Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992)
[327] Pik Jiří: A Discrete-Event Process Analysis and Modelling , Working Conference IFIP on Optimization - Based Computer - Aided Modelling and Design, p. 185-189 , Eds: Beulens A. J. M., Sebastian H. J., Springer, (Berlin 1992) , Working Conference IFIP on Optimization - Based Computer - Aided Modelling and Design, (Hague, NL, 02.04.1991-04.04.1991)
[328] Kozák Petr: Knowledge of Time-Dependent System Behaviour: Representation and Inference Methods , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, p. 291-296 , Eds: Kulikowski R., Nahorski Z., Owsinski J. W., Straszak A., Polish Academy of Sciences, (Warsaw 1992) , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, (Warsaw, PL, 24.06.1992-26.06.1992)
[329] Pik Jiří: Natural Discrete-Event Process Forecasting: A Decision Support System , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, p. 467-472 , Eds: Kulikowski R., Nahorski Z., Owsinski J. W., Straszak A., Polish Academy of Sciences, (Warsaw 1992) , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, (Warsaw, PL, 24.06.1992-26.06.1992)
[330] Mareš Milan: Mají fuzzy data smůlu ? , SIAP '92 - Aplikace systémového inženýrství, p. 132-139 , Eds: Vítek M., VŠCHT, (Pardubice 1992) , SIAP '92 - Aplikace systémového inženýrství, (Pardubice, CS, 14.04.1992-15.04.1992)
[331] Mareš Milan: Linear Dependence of Fuzzy Vector , Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making, p. 107-114 , Eds: Novák V., Ramík J., Mareš M., Černý M., Nekola J., AcademiaKluwer, (Praha 1992) , International Symposium of Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning andDecision Making, (Bechyně, CS, 25.06.1990-29.06.1990)
[332] Mareš Milan: Values of Cooperative Game: A Few Remarks and Questions , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 181-187 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[333] Kaňková Vlasta: A Note on the Stability in Stochastic Programming Problems , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 51-59 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[334] Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching Algorithms on Systolic Arrays , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 119-134 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[335] Sladký Karel: Constrained Multiplicative Markov Decision Chains , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 361-368 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[336] Matúš František: Ascending and Descending Conditional Independence Relations , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 189-200 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[337] Kříž Otakar: A New Algorithm for Decision Making with Probabilistic Background , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 135-144 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[338] Jiroušek Radim: Reasoning and Derivation of Knowledge in Probabilistic Expert Systems , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 31-40 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[339] Studený Milan: Conditional Independence Relations Have No Finite Complete Characterization , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 377-396 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[340] Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization of a Stefan Problem by Nonsmooth Methods , Proceedings of International Conference on Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems, p. 295-301, Birkhäuser, (Basel 1991) , International Conference on Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems, (Vorau, AT, 08.07.1990-14.07.1990)
[341] Roubíček Tomáš: A Note on an Interaction Between Penalization and Discretization , Modelling and Inverse Problems of Control for Distributed Parameter Systems. Proceedings of IFIP-IIASA Conference, p. 145-150 , Eds: Kurzhanski A., Lasiecka I., Springer, (Berlin 1991) , IFIP-IIASA Conference on Modelling and Inverse Problems of Control for Distributed Parameter Systems, (Laxenburg, AT, 24.07.1989-28.07.1989)
[342] Outrata Jiří: On a Class of Stackelberg Problems , Methods of Operations Research '92, p. 105-113 , Eds: Feichtinger G., A. Hain, (Vienna 1991) , Methods of Operations Research '92, (Vienna, AT, 28.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[343] Kramosil Ivan: Extensionality and Intensionality Principles in Uncertainty Processing , LOGICA '91. Proceedings of the International Symposium, p. 173-187 , Eds: Svoboda V., Zapletal I., LOGICA '91, (Bechyně, CS, 15.04.1991-17.04.1991)
[344] Mareš Milan, Vítek M., Nekola J.: Jedna metoda hledání projektových variant , 25. mezinárodní seminář Projektové řízení měst a obcí, p. 135-143, DT ČSVTS, (Brno 1991) , Mezinárodní seminář Projektové řízení měst a obcí /25./, (Brno, CS, 30.09.1991-02.10.1991)
[345] Kočvara Michal: LAME: lokální adaptivní multigrid pro elasticitu , Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 5, p. 68-75, MÚ ČSAV, (Praha 1991) , Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky /5./, (Alšovice, CS, 18.06.1990-22.06.1990)
[346] Pik Jiří: Hierarchy in Discrete Event Systems , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, p. 26-28, DT ZSVTS, (Bratislava 1991) , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, (Bratislava, CS, 08.10.1991-10.10.1991)
[347] Kozák Petr: Logical Control and Control of Discrete Event Systems , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, p. 28-30, DT ZSVTS, (Bratislava 1991) , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, (Bratislava, CS, 08.10.1991-10.10.1991)
[348] Kozák Petr: Control of Elementary Discrete Event Systems: Synthesis of Controller with Non-Zero Decision Time , Design Methods of Control Systems, p. 708-713 , Eds: Franke D., Kraus F., Pergamon Press, (Oxford 1991) , IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems /1./, (Zurich, CH, 04.09.1991-06.09.1991)
[349] Vejnarová Jiřina: A Few Remarks on Measures of Uncertainty in Dempster-Shafer Theory , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991)
[350] Studený Milan: Convex Semigraphoids , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991)
[351] Kříž Otakar: Combining Inference Machines , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991)
[352] Matúš František: Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures and Matroid Theory: Backgrounds , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991)
[353] Jiroušek Radim: Decision Trees and their Power to Represent Probability Distributions , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991)
[354] Kočvara Michal: Local Multigrid Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computations , Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, p. 41-42, ČVUT, (Praha 1991) , Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, (Praha, CS, 18.09.1991-19.09.1991)
[355] Kramosil Ivan: Extensional Processing of Probability Measures , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991)
[356] Pik Jiří: Analýza experimentální křivky , Knižnica algoritmov. 11.diel zo sympózia Algoritmy '91, p. 115-124, JSMF, (Bratislava 1991) , ALGORITMY '91, (Štrbské Pleso, CS, 15.04.1991-19.04.1991)
[357] Pik Jiří: A Discrete-Event Process Analysis and Modelling , Optimization-Based. Computer-Aided. Modelling and Design, p. -, Haagse Hogeschool, (Haag 1991) , Working Conference IFIP-TC 7.6. /1./, (Haag, NL, 02.04.1991-04.04.1991)
[358] Kozák Petr: Methods of Discrete Event Systems Control in AI Real-Time Skills , Dependability of Artificial Intelligence, p. 271-277 , Eds: Schildt G.H., Retti J., NorthHolland, (Amsterdam 1991) , Dependability of Artificial Intelligence Systems, (Vienna, AT, 27.05.1991-29.05.1991)
[359] Kočvara Michal: LAME - Local Adaptive Multigrid for 3D Elasticity , Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Engineering, p. 231-236, ŠKODA k.p., (Plzeň 1991) , International Conference Mathematical Methods in Engineering /6./, (Plzeň, CS, 27.05.1991-31.05.1991)
[360] Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Algorithms with Co-Operating Processors for Dimension-Separable Searching Problems , Aplikace umělé inteligence AI'91, p. 85-96 , Eds: Mařík V., Aplikace umělé inteligence AI '91, (Praha, CS, 25.06.1991-27.06.1991)
[361] Kramosil Ivan: A Few Remarks and Comments on Extra-Mathematical Assumptions and Consequences of Some Theoretical Models of Uncertainty Quantification and Processing , LOGICA '90, p. 71-91 , Eds: Svoboda V., Zapletal I., LOGICA '90, (Bechyně, CS, 07.05.1990-09.05.1990)
[362] Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching Algorithms and Their Relationship to Neural Networks , Neural Nets for System Applications, Neural Nets for System Applications, (Prague, CS, 20.05.1990-21.05.1990)
[363] Kříž Otakar, Jiroušek Radim: An Expert System as a Controller and its Closed Loop Behaviour , Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, p. 36-42 , Eds: Warwick K., Kárný M., Halousková A., Springer, (Berlin 1991) , Czechoslovak-UK Seminar on Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, (Praha, CS, 14.05.1990-16.05.1990)
[364] Mareš Milan: Linear Combination of Fuzzy Criteria , Multicriteria Decision Making. Methods, Algorithms, Applications, p. -, Ekonomický ústav ČSAV, (Praha 1991) , International Workshop on Multicriteria Decision Making, (Liblice, CS, 18.03.1991-22.03.1991)
[365] Studený Milan: Multiinformace jakožto nástroj pro studium podmíněné stochastické nezávislosti , PROBASTAT '89. Zborník príspevkov, p. 129, VVTŠ, (Liptovský Mikuláš 1989) , PROBASTAT '89, (Liptovský Mikuláš, CS, 03.09.1989-08.09.1989)

Conference Paper (Czech conference)

[1] Kratochvíl F., Kratochvíl Václav, Saad G., Vomlel Jiří: Modeling the spread of loanwords in South-East Asia using sailing navigation software and Bayesian networks , Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 135-146 , Eds: Studený Milan, Ay Nihat, Coletti Giulianella, Kleiter Gernot D., Shenoy Prakash P., WUPES 2022: 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Kutná Hora, CZ, 20220601)
[2] Daniel Milan, Kratochvíl Václav: Classes of Conflictness / Non-Conflictness of Belief Functions , Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 97-110 , Eds: Studený Milan, Ay Nihat, Coletti Giulianella, Kleiter Gernot D., Shenoy Prakash P., WUPES 2022: 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Kutná Hora, CZ, 20220601)
[3] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Shenoy P. P.: Two Composition Operators for Belief Functions Revisited , Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 123-134 , Eds: Studený Milan, Ay Nihat, Coletti Giulianella, Kleiter Gernot D., Shenoy Prakash P., WUPES 2022: 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Kutná Hora, CZ, 20220601)
[4] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Shenoy P. P.: Computing the Decomposable Entropy of Graphical Belief Function Models , Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 111-122 , Eds: Studený Milan, Ay Nihat, Coletti Giulianella, Kleiter Gernot D., Shenoy Prakash P., WUPES 2022: 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Kutná Hora, CZ, 20220601)
[5] Kratochvíl Václav, Jiroušek Radim: On Experimental Part of Behavior under Ambiguity , Proceedings of the 22nd Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making (CJS’19), p. 83-94 , Eds: Inuiguchi Masahiro, Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making 2019 (CJS’19) /22./, (Nový Světlov, CZ, 20190925)
[6] Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: Preliminary Results from Experiments on the Behavior under Ambiguity , Proceedings of the 22nd Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making (CJS’19), p. 53-64 , Eds: Inuiguchi Masahiro, Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making 2019 (CJS’19) /22./, (Nový Světlov, CZ, 20190925)
[7] Daniel M., Kratochvíl Václav: A Step towards Upper-bound of Conflict of Belief Functions based on Non-conflicting Parts , Proceedings of the 22nd Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making (CJS’19), p. 29-40 , Eds: Inuiguchi Masahiro, Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making 2019 (CJS’19) /22./, (Nový Světlov, CZ, 20190925)
[8] Pištěk Miroslav: Theory of SSB Representation of Preferences Revised , Proceedings of the 22nd Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making (CJS’19), p. 145-149 , Eds: Inuiguchi Masahiro, Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making 2019 (CJS’19) /22./, (Nový Světlov, CZ, 20190925)
[9] Daniel M., Kratochvíl Václav: On Hidden Conflicts of Belief Functions , Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2019), p. 504-511 , Eds: Štěpnička Martin, Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology /11./, (Prague, CZ, 20190908)
[10] Tichavský Petr, Vomlel Jiří: Representations of Bayesian Networks by Low-Rank Models , Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, p. 463-472 , Eds: Kratochvíl Václav, Studený Milan, International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, (Praha, CZ, 20180911)
[11] Jiroušek R., Kratochvíl Václav: Comparison of Shenoy’s Expectation Operator with Probabilistic Transforms and Perez’ Barycenter , Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), p. 87-95 , Eds: Kratochvíl Václav, Vejnarová Jiřina, Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), (Třeboň, CZ, 20180606)
[12] Daniel M., Kratochvíl Václav: About Two Consonant Conflicts of Belief Functions , Proceedings of the 11 th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 61-74 , Eds: Kratochvíl Václav, Vejnarová Jiřina, Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), (Třeboň, CZ, 20180606)
[13] Jiroušek Radim, Krejčová I.: Avoiding overfitting of models: an application to research data on the Internet videos , Proceedings of the 35th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics (MME 2017), p. 289-294, MME 2017. International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics /35./, (Hradec Králové, CZ, 20170913)
[14] Vomlel Jiří, Kratochvíl Václav: Influence diagrams for speed profile optimization" computational issues , Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing WUPES’15, p. 203-216 , Eds: Kratochvíl V., WUPES 2015. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /10./, (Monínec, CZ, 16.09.2015-19.09.2015)
[15] Lín Václav: Polynomial-time Algorithm for Basic Troubleshooting with Call-Service , Sborník příspěvků z věděcké konference doktorandů a mladých akademických pracovníků, p. 1-4, Vědecká konference doktorandů a mladých akademických pracovníků, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 30. 11. 2012)
[16] Kratochvíl Václav, Kružík H., Tůma P., Vomlel Jiří, Somol Petr: Predikce hospitalizační mortality u akutního infarktu myokardu , Sborník příspěvků MEDSODFT 2011, p. 128-138, MEDSOFT 2011, (Roztoky u Prahy, CZ, 29.03.2011-30.03.2011)
[17] Šimeček P., Studený Milan: Využití pojmu Hilbertovy báze pro ověřování hypotézy o shodnosti strukturálních a kombinatorických imsetů , Sborník prací 13. letní školy JČMF ROBUST 2004, p. 395-401 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF, (Praha 2004) , ROBUST 2004. Letní škola JČMF /13./, (Třešť, CZ, 07.06.2004-11.06.2004)
[18] Vomlel Jiří: Two applications of Bayesian networks , Znalosti 2003. Sborník příspěvků 2. ročníku konference, p. 73-82 , Eds: Svátek V., VŠB, (Ostrava 2003) , Znalosti 2003 /2./, (Ostrava, CZ, 19.02.2003-21.02.2003)
[19] Studený Milan: O použití řetězcových grafů pro popis struktur podmíněné nezávislosti , ROBUST'2002. Sborník prací dvanácté zimní školy JČMF, p. 292-314 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., Klaschka J., JČMF, (Praha 2002) , ROBUST'2002 /12./, (Hejnice, CZ, 21.01.2002-25.01.2002)
[20] Kříž Otakar: Terciální regulace U a Q , Aktuální problémy elektrizační soustavy a jejich řešení, p. 31-44 , Eds: Beran J., EGÚ, (Praha 1998) , Aktuální problémy elektrizační soustavy a jejich řešení, (Modra, SK, 28.04.1998-29.04.1998)

Proceedings (international conference)

[1] Červinka Michal, Rueckmann J.-J., Stein O.: Optimization, Volume 68, Issue 2-3 (2019) 11th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics (paraoptxi), Taylor & Francis, (London 2019) , 11th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics (paraoptxi), (Praha, CZ, 20170919)
[2] Červinka Michal, Kratochvíl Václav: Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI, MatfyzPress, (Praha 2017) , 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARAMETRIC OPTIMIZATION AND RELATED TOPICS, (Praha, CZ, 20170919)
[3] Vejnarová Jiřina, Kratochvíl Václav: Belief Functions: Theory and Applications /4th International Conference, BELIEF 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, September 21-23, 2016, Proceedings/, Springer International Publishing, (Cham 2016) , International Conference on Belief Functions 2016 /4./, (Prague, CZ, 21.09.2016-23.09.2016)
[4] Kratochvíl Václav: Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, Oeconomica, (Praha 2015) , WUPES 2015. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /10./, (Monínec, CZ, 16.09.2015-19.09.2015)
[5] Červinka Michal: Variational Analysis and Its Applications, MATFYZPRESS, (Praha 2015) , Spring School in Variational Analysis /6./, (Paseky nad Jizerou, CZ, 19.04.2015-25.04.2015)
[6] Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 18.09.2005-21.09.2005)
[7] Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003)
[8] Siddiqi A. H., Kočvara Michal: Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics of the Indian Subcontinent, Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2002) , Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics /1./, (Amritsar, IN, 22.01.2001-25.01.2001)
[9] Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of the 4th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, VŠE, (Praha 2001) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /4./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 14.09.2001-17.09.2001)
[10] Matúš František, Studený Milan: Workshop on Conditional Independence Structures and Graphical Models. Book of Abstracts, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) , Conditional Independence Structures and Graphical Models, (Toronto, CA, 27.09.1999-01.10.1999)

Proceedings (Czech conference)

[1] Červinka Michal: Variational Analysis and Its Applications, MatfyzPress, (Praha 2019) , Spring School in Variational Analysis, (Paseky nad Jizerou, CZ, 20190519)
[2] Inuiguchi M., Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: Proceedings of the 22nd Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making, MatfyzPress, (Praha 2019) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making 2019 (CJS’19) /22./, (Nový Světlov, CZ, 20190925)
[3] Kratochvíl Václav, Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, MatfyzPress, (Praha 2018) , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), (Třeboň, CZ, 20180606)
[4] Kratochvíl Václav: Information Geometry and its Applications IV, MatfyzPress, (Praha 2016) , International Conference on Information Geometry and its Applications IV, (Liblice, CZ, 12.06.2016-17.06.2016)
[5] Červinka Michal: Variational Analysis and its applications, MATFYZPRESS, (Praha 2012) , Jarní škola variační analýzy, Paseky nad Jizerou 2012, (Paseky nad Jizerou, CZ, 22.4.-28.4.2012)
[6] Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, Faculty of Management, Universit of Economics, Prague, (Praha 2012) , WUPES 2012, (Mariánské Lázně, CZ, 12.09.2012-15.09.2012)


[1] Matonoha Ctirad, Moskovka A., Valdman Jan: Minimization of Energy Functionals via the Finite Element Method in MATLAB , Large-Scale Scientific Computations LSSC’21. Scientific Program, Abstracts, List of Participants, p. 61-62, LSSC 2021: International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations /13./, (Sozopol, BG, 20210607)
[2] Mácha Václav, Adam Lukáš, Šmídl Václav: General framework for binary nonlinear classification on top samples , Book of Abstracts of the 3rd International Conference and Summer School, Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, p. 206-206 , Eds: Sergeyev Yaroslav D., Kvasov Dmitri E., Mukhametzhanov Marat S., Nasso Maria Chiara, NUMERICAL COMPUTATIONS: THEORY AND ALGORITHMS (NUMTA–2019), (Le Castella Village, IT, 20190615)
[3] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles, Smith N.: Formalizing The Sorites Paradox In Mathematical Fuzzy Logic , CLMPST 2019. Book of Abstracts, p. 113-113, CLMPST 2019: The International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology /16./, (Prague, CZ, 20191005)
[4] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Completeness properties in abstract algebraic logic , TACL 2019. Abstracts, p. 59-60 , Eds: Ghilardi S., Jansana R., Gehrke M., TACL 2019: Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic /9./, (Nice, FR, 20190617)
[5] Baldi P., Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: On classical and fuzzy two-layered modal logics for uncertainty: translations and proof-theory , Logic Colloquium 2019. Book of abstracts, p. 139-139 , Eds: Chodounský D., Stejskalová J., Verner J., Logic Colloquium 2019, (Praha, CZ, 20190811)
[6] Cintula Petr, Menchón P., Noguera Carles: General Neighborhood and Kripke Semantics for Modal Many-Valued Logics , LATD 2018. Proceedings, p. 31-34, LATD 2018: Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees /6./, (Bern, CH, 20190828)
[7] Baldi Paolo, Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Translating logics of uncertainty into two-layered modal fuzzy logics , AiML 2018: Accepted Short Papers, p. 6-10, AiML 2018: Advances in Modal Logic /12./, (Bern, CH, 20190827)
[8] Bonzio Stefano, Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Hájek's Probabilistic quantifiers revisited , NCMPL 2017 Abstracts, NCMPL 2017. Non-Classical Modal and Predicate Logics /9./, (Guangzhou, CN, 04.12.2017-07.12.2017)
[9] Lávička Tomáš, Přenosil Adam: Protonegationality and inconsistency lemmas: part II , ManyVal 2017. Booklet of Abstracts, p. 58-60, ManyVal 2017, (Toulouse, FR, 15.11.2017-17.11.2017)
[10] Lávička Tomáš, Přenosil Adam: Protonegationality and inconsistency lemmas: part I , ManyVal 2017. Booklet of Abstracts, p. 55-57, ManyVal 2017, (Toulouse, FR, 15.11.2017-17.11.2017)
[11] Bonzio Stefano, Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Fuzzy logics with integral quantifiers: first steps , ManyVal 2017. Booklet of Abstracts, p. 36-38, ManyVal 2017, (Toulouse, FR, 15.11.2017-17.11.2017)
[12] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Combining many-valued logics using two-layer modal syntax , ManyVal 2017. Booklet of Abstracts, p. 13-15, ManyVal 2017, (Toulouse, FR, 15.11.2017-17.11.2017)
[13] Lávička Tomáš, Přenosil Adam: Towards completeness of some lattice-valued modal logics , ISRALOG'17 Abstract Booklet, p. 104-107, ISRALOG 2017. Israeli Workshop on Non-Classical Logics and Their Applications /3./, (Haifa, IL, 15.10.2017-17.10.2017)
[14] Bílková Marta, Cintula Petr, Lávička Tomáš: Lindenbaum-style proof of completeness for infinitary logics , ISRALOG'17 Abstract Booklet, p. 28-31, ISRALOG 2017. Israeli Workshop on Non-Classical Logics and Their Applications /3./, (Haifa, IL, 15.10.2017-17.10.2017)
[15] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Neighborhood Semantics for Non-Classical Logics with Modalities , SYSMICS 2016. Syntax Meets Semantics. Booklet of Abstracts, p. 56-57 , Eds: Spada L., SYSMICS 2016. Syntax Meets Semantics, (Barcelona, ES, 20160905)
[16] Lávička Tomáš, Noguera Carles: A New Hierarchy of Infinitary Propositional Logics , LATD 2016 Book of Abstracts, p. 86-88, LATD 2016. Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees, (Phalaborwa, ZA, 28.06.2016-30.06.2016)
[17] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Completeness Properties in Protoalgebraic Logics , LATD 2016 Book of Abstracts, p. 56-58, LATD 2016. Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees, (Phalaborwa, ZA, 28.06.2016-30.06.2016)
[18] Branda Martin, Adam Lukáš: A Comparison of Traditional and New Inverse Modelling Techniques for Source Term Identification in the Atmosphere , CTBT: Science and Technology 2015, CTBT: Science and Technology 2015, (Vienna, AT, 22.06.2015-26.06.2015)
[19] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Completeness theorem for first-order algebraizable logics , CLMPS 2015 & LC 2015. Book of Abstracts, p. 681-681, LC 2015. Logic Colloquium, (Helsinki, FI, 03.08.2015-08.08.2015)
[20] Noguera Carles, Cintula Petr: Extending the set of variables in propositional logics , CLMPS 2015 & LC 2015. Book of Abstracts, p. 207-207, CLMPS 2015. Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science /15./, (Helsinki, FI, 03.08.2015-08.08.2015)
[21] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Dense completeness theorem for protoalgebraic logics , Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic. Booklet of Abstracts, p. 55-57, TACL 2015. Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic, (Ischia, IT, 21.06.2015-26.06.2015)
[22] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Two-layer Modal Logics: Formalism and Applications , Logica 2015, p. 15-15, Logica 2015, (Hejnice, CZ, 20150615)
[23] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Beyond Finitarity in Abstract Algebraic Logic II. From Theory to Applications , XX Conference Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, p. 11-12 , Eds: Siemienczuk K., Skowron B, Selinger M., Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics /20./, (Szklarska Poreba, PL, 04.05.2015-08.05.2015)
[24] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Beyond Finitarity in Abstract Algebraic Logic I. From Motivation to a Theory , XX Conference Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, p. 9-10 , Eds: Siemienczuk K., Skowron B, Selinger M., Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics /20./, (Szklarska Poreba, PL, 04.05.2015-08.05.2015)
[25] Běhounek Libor, Cintula Petr, Kroupa Tomáš: Nash Equilibria in a Class of Continuous Games over Rational Lukasiewicz Logic , ISRALOG'14 Abstracts, p. 44-47, ISRALOG 2014. Israeli Workshop on Non-Classical Logics and Their Applications /2./, (Haifa, IL, 29.09.2014-01.10.2014)
[26] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: Two-layer modal logics: from fuzzy logics to a general framework , TACL 2013. Sixth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic, p. 43-47 , Eds: Galatos N., Kurz A., Tsinakis C., TACL 2013, (Nashville, US, 28.07.2013-01.08.2013)
[27] Kroupa Tomáš, Valla T.: Constructing many-valued logical functions with small influence of their variables , Abstract Booklet - LATD 2014, p. 202-206 , Eds: Baaz M., Ciabattoni A., Hetzl S., LATD 2014. Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees, (Vienna, AT, 16.07.2014-19.07.2014)
[28] Biraben R. C. E., Noguera Carles: Paraconsistent degree-preserving fuzzy logic , Handbook of the 5th World Congress on Paraconsistency, p. 47-48 , Eds: Beziau J. - Y., Buchsbaum A., Altair A., World Congress on Paraconsistency /5./, (Kolkata, IN, 13.02.2014-17.02.2014)
[29] Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles: A Completeness Theorem for Two-Layer Modal Logics , Proceedings of the International Workshop on Algebraic Logic in Computer Science, p. 1-4, International Workshop on Algebraic Logic in Computer Science, (Stellenbosch, ZA, 14.12.2013)
[30] Cintula Petr, Horčík Rostislav, Noguera Carles: The quest for the basic fuzzy logic , Proceedings of the International Workshop on Algebraic Logic in Computer Science, p. 1-4, International Workshop on Algebraic Logic in Computer Science, (Stellenbosch, ZA, 14.12.2013)
[31] Vejnarová Jiřina: Multidimensional possibilistic models , Eleventh International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory nad Applications, p. 17, Eleventh International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory nad Applications, (Liptovský Ján, SK, 30.01.2012-03.02.2012)
[32] Kroupa Tomáš, Majer Ondrej: Nash Equilibria in a Class of Zero-Sum Games Represented by McNaughton Functions , Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2012. Book of Abstracts, p. 94-97 , Eds: Terui K., Preining N., Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2012, (Kanazawa, JP, 10.09.2012-14.09.2012)
[33] Studený Milan, Hemmecke R., Vomlel Jiří, Lindner S.: Polyhedral approach to statistical learning graphical models , Abstracts of The 2nd CREST-SBM International Conference on Harmony of Groebner Bases and the Moderm Industrial Socienty, p. 1-4, The 2nd CREST-SBM International Conference "Harmony of Groebner Bases and the Moderm Industrial Socienty", (Hotel Hankyu Expo Park, Osaka, JP, 28.06.2010-02.07.2010)
[34] Studený Milan: On methods of description of conditional independence structures. Abstract , Abstracts of the 24th European Meeting of Statisticians & 14th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, p. 333 , Eds: Janžura M., Mikosch T., Institute of Information Theory and Automation, (Prague 2002) , EMS 2002, (Prague, CZ, 19.08.2002-23.08.2002)
[35] Studený Milan: Algebraic approach to learning Bayesian networks. Abstract , BAYESIAN STATISTICS 7 Programme Abstracts Participants, p. 179, Universitat de Valencia, (Valencia 2002) , Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statisitcs /7./, (Playa de las Americas, ES, 01.06.2002-06.06.2002)
[36] Jarušek Jiří, Eck Ch.: Dynamic contact problems with Coulomb friction for viscoelastic bodies. Existence of solutions for a general body , Conference on Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations. Abstracts, p. - , Eds: Wendland W. L., Sändig A. M., Bach M., University of Stuttgart, (Stuttgart 1996) , Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations, (Stuttgart, DE, 09.10.1996-11.10.1996)
[37] Eck Ch., Jarušek Jiří: Existence results for contact problems with Coulomb friction , Conference on Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations. Abstracts, p. - , Eds: Wendland W. L., Sändig A. M., Bach M., University of Stuttgart, (Stuttgart 1996) , Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations, (Stuttgart, DE, 09.10.1996-11.10.1996)
[38] Jarušek Jiří, Eck Ch.: Existence theorem to a dynamic contact problem with friction , Prague Mathematical Conference 1996. Abstracts, p. 56 , Eds: Babuška I., Fiedler M., Kurzweil J., Pták V., ICARIS, (Praha 1996) , PMC '96, (Prague, CZ, 08.07.1996-12.07.1996)
[39] Jarušek Jiří, Eck Ch.: Existence of a solution to a viscoelastic case of dynamic contact problems with Coulomb friction , Systems with Coulomb Friction. Abstracts, p. 40-41 , Eds: Klarbring A., Andersson C. E., University of Linköping, (Vadstena 1996) , Euromech Colloquium /351./, (Vadstena, SE, 05.08.1996-07.08.1996)
[40] Eck Ch., Jarušek Jiří: Existence results for the static contact problem with Coulomb friction , Systems with Coulomb Friction. Abstracts, p. 42-43 , Eds: Klarbring A., Andersson C. E., University of Linköping, (Vadstena 1996) , Euromech Colloquium /351./, (Vadstena, SE, 05.08.1996-07.08.1996)
[41] Zvárová Jana, Studený Milan: Information theoretical approach to constitution and reduction of medical data. Abstract , EuroMISE '95: Information, Health and Education, p. 88 , Eds: Zvárová J., Malá I., EuroMISE Center, (Prague 1995) , TEMPUS International Conference, (Prague, CZ, 20.10.1995-23.10.1995)
[42] Jiroušek Radim: From learning Bayesian networks to a decomposable model construction. Abstract , Workshop on Normative Systems. Abstracts, p. - , Eds: Lehner P. E., George Mason University, (Fairfax 1995) , Workshop on Normative Systems /5./, (Fairfax, US, 19.05.1995-21.05.1995)
[43] Outrata Jiří: Semismoothness in parametrized quasi-variational inequalities , 17th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization. Collection of Abstracts, p. 537-539 , Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) , IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./, (Praha, CZ, 10.07.1995-14.07.1995)
[44] van Dijk N. M., Sladký Karel: Perturbations and error bounds in nonnegative dynamic models , Stochastic Models. Abstracts, p. 21-22 , Eds: Hordijk A., Leiden University, (Leiden 1994) , Workshop on Stochastic Models, (Leiden, NL, 12.12.1994-16.12.1994)
[45] Kaňková Vlasta: Estimates in stochastic programming problems. Abstract , Stochastic Programming: Stability, Numerical Methods and Applications, p. -, HumboldtUniversität, (Berlin 1994) , GAMM/IFIP Workshop, (Gosen, DE, 23.03.1992-27.03.1992)
[46] Kaňková Vlasta: A note sensitivity analysis for stochastic programming problems. Abstract , Minisymposium on Stochastic Programming, p. - , Eds: Römisch W., Schultz R., HumboldtUniversität, (Berlin 1994) , Minisymposium on Stochatic Programming, (Berlin, DE, 22.01.1994-23.01.1994)
[47] Mareš Milan: Equivalentions over fuzzy quantities , Second International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Its Applications. Abstracts, p. 32-33, Technical University, (Liptovský Mikuláš 1994) , FSTA 1994. International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and its Applications /2./, (Liptovský Mikuláš, SK, 31.01.1994-04.02.1994)
[48] Kaňková Vlasta: A note on stability in stochastic programming. Abstract , Stochastic Programming, p. -, CISM, (Udine 1992) , International Conference on Stochastic Programming /6./, (Udine, IT, 14.06.1992-18.06.1992)
[49] Mareš Milan: Fuzzy Contaminated Real Data , Abstracts of International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, p. 34 , Eds: Harman B., VVŠT, (Liptovský Mikuláš 1992) , FSTA 1992. International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, (Liptovský Mikuláš, CS, 17.02.1992-21.02.1992)
[50] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A Nondifferentiable Approach to the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities , System Modelling and Optimization. Abstracts, p. 202-203, IFIP, (Zürich 1991) , IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./, (Zürich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991)
[51] Kramosil Ivan: From an Alternative Model of Rough Sets to Fuzzy Sets , International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making. Abstracts, International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making, (Bechyně, CS, 25.06.1990-29.06.1990)
[52] Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching Algorithms on Systolic Arrays , Prague Conference on Information Theory. Abstracts, p. -, Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)
[53] Jiroušek Radim: Reasoning and Derivation of Knowledge in Probabilistic Expert Systems , Prague Conference on Information Theory. Abstracts, p. -, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990)


[1] Pištěk Miroslav: Variational Analysis of Structured Optimization and Equilibrum Problems with Applications to Electrity Markets, České Vysoké Učení Technické, (Praha 2015)
[2] Kratochvíl Václav: Probabilistc Compositional Models: solution of an equivalence problem, Czech Technical University, (Praha 2012)
[3] Studený Milan: On Mathematical Description of Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures. DrSc. Dissertation, ( 2001)
[4] Vomlel Jiří: Methods of Probabilistic Knowledge Integration. Ph.D. Thesis, ( 1999)
[5] Jarušek Jiří: Kontaktní úlohy v mechanice. Doktorská disertační práce, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995)
[6] Roubíček Tomáš: Konvexní kompaktifikace Lebesgueových prostorů a jejich aplikace. Doktorská disertační práce, MÚ AV ČR, (Praha 1995)
[7] Jiroušek Radim: Graph Modelling in Artificial Intelligence. Habilitation, FIS VŠE, (Praha 1993)
[8] Kočvara Michal: Local Multigrid Methods for Elliptic Problems. CSc.Dissertation, MÚ AV ČR, (Praha 1993)
[9] Jiroušek Radim: Probabilistic Methods in Artificial Intelligence. DrSc.Dissertation, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993)
[10] Kepka Jiří: Hierarchický přístup k analýze experimentálních závislostí. Kandidátská disertační práce, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992)
[11] Outrata Jiří: Nehladká analýza v optimalizaci. Doktorská disertační práce, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991)
[12] Vejnarová Jiřina: Expertní znalosti a pravděpodobnostní rozhodování. Kandidátská disertační práce, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991)
[13] Kozák Petr: Systémy diskrétních událostí, jejich modelování a řízení. Kandidátská disertační práce, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990)
[14] Kroupa Tomáš: States and Conditional Probability on MV-algebras. Ph.D. Thesis

Internal Report

[1] Ivánek Jiří: Combining Implicational Quantifiers for Equivalence Ones by Fuzzy Connectives, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/11
[2] Ivánek Jiří: Strictness of Four-fold Table Generalized Quantifiers in Fuzzy Logic, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/7

Research Report

[1] Švorc Jan, Vomlel Jiří: Subjective well-being and the individual material situation in Central Europe: A Bayesian network approach, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2020) Research Report 2387
[2] Aussel D., Červinka Michal, Henrion R., Pištěk Miroslav: Alternative Formulation of Pay-as-clear Auction in Electricity Markets, ÚTIA AV ČR v.v.i, (Praha 2017) Research Report 2368
[3] Branda Martin, Červinka Michal, Schwartz A.: Sparse robust portfolio optimization via NLP regularizations, ÚTIA AV ČR v. v. i., (Praha 2016) Research Report 2358
[4] Studený Milan: Basic facts concerning extreme supermodular functions, ÚTIA AV ČR v.v.i, (Praha 2016) Research Report 2359
[5] Fiala J., Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENLAB: A MATLAB solver for nonlinear semidefinite optimization, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, (Cambridge 2013) Research Report
[6] Studený Milan: LP relaxations and pruning for characteristic imsets, ÚTIA AVČR, (Praha 2012) Research Report 2323
[7] Studený Milan, Haws D.: On polyhedral approximations of polytopes for learning Bayes nets, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2011) Research Report 2303
[8] Červinka Michal, Matonoha Ctirad, Outrata Jiří: On the computation of relaxed pessimistic solutions to MPECs (revised version), ICS AS CR, (Prague 2010) Research Report V-1088
[9] Mareš Milan, Ivánek Jiří: Výroční zpráva Výzkumného centra Data - Algoritmy - Rozhodování za rok 2009, ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, (Praha 2010) Research Report 2010/1
[10] Červinka Michal, Matonoha Ctirad, Outrata Jiří: On the Computation of Relaxed Pessimistic Solutions to MPECs, ICS AS CR, (Prague 2009) Research Report V-1057
[11] Kočvara Michal, Mielke A., Roubíček Tomáš: A Rate-Independent Approach to the Delamination Problem, Universität Stuttgart, (Stuttgart 2003) Research Report 2003/29
[12] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints and Their Numerical Solution, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 2003) Research Report 298
[13] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Unique Reformulation of Truss Topology Design Problems, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 2002) Research Report 297
[14] Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENNON - A Code for Convex Nonlinear and Semidefinite Programming, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 2002) Research Report 290
[15] Outrata Jiří, Romisch W.: On Optimality Conditions for Some Nonsmooth Optimization Problems over Lp Spaces, HumboldtUniversität, (Berlin 2002) Research Report 2002-4
[16] Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENNON - A Generalized Augmented Lagrangian Method for Semidefinite Programming, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 2001) Research Report 286
[17] Kružík Martin: Maximum Principle Based Algorithm for Hysteresis in Micromagnetics, Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, (Bonn 2001) Research Report 8/2001
[18] Kružík Martin: Quasiconvex Extreme Points of Convex Sets, Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, (Bonn 2001) Research Report 14/2001
[19] Henrion R., Jourani A., Outrata Jiří: On Calmness of a Class of Multifunctions, WIAS, (Berlin 2001) Research Report 685
[20] Beremlijski P., Haslinger J., Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Shape Optimization in Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction, University of Erlangen, (Erlangen 2001) Research Report 282
[21] Kirsch U., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Accurate Reanalysis of Structures by a Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method, University of Erlangen, (Erlangen 2001) Research Report 281
[22] Hoernlein H., Kočvara Michal, Werner R.: MOPED - An Integrated Designer Tool for Material Optimization, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 2001) Research Report 279
[23] Kočka T., Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: On the Inclusion Problem, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2001) Research Report 2010
[24] Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří: On Second-order Subdifferentials and their Applications, Wayne State University, (Detroit 2000) Research Report 7
[25] Kočvara Michal: Modern Optimization Algorithms in Topology Design, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 2000) Research Report 263
[26] Henrion R., Outrata Jiří: A Subdifferential Criterion for Calmness of Multifunctions, WIAS, (Berlin 2000) Research Report 553
[27] Studený Milan, Bouckaert R. R., Kočka T.: Extreme Supermodular Set Functions over Five Variables, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2000) Research Report 1977
[28] Kočvara Michal: On the Modelling and Solving of the Truss Design Problem with Global Stability Constraints, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 1999) Research Report 252
[29] Ben-Tal A., Jarre F., Kočvara Michal, Nemirovski A., Zowe J.: Optimal Design of Trusses under a Nonconvex Global Buckling Constraint, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 1999) Research Report 253
[30] García-Mata Osvaldo: An Algorithm for Finding the Bases of Relational Models: A Graph Expansion Approach, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) Research Report 1960
[31] García-Mata Osvaldo, Studený Milan: About the Closure Operation for Relational Models Induced by Syntactic Inference Rules, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) Research Report 1959
[32] Iglesias P. Z., Matúš František, Pereira C. A. B., Tanaka N. I.: On Finite Sequences Conditionally Uniform Given Minima and Maxima, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) Research Report 1999
[33] Siddiqi A. H., Manchanda P., Kočvara Michal: An Iterative Two-Step Algorithm for American Option Pricing, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 1998) Research Report 241
[34] Kružík Martin: Numerical Approach to Double Well Problems, University of Minnesota, (Minneapolis 1997) Research Report 1485
[35] Kružík Martin: DiPerna-Majda Measures and Uniform Integrability, University of Minnesota, (Minneapolis 1997) Research Report 1494
[36] Outrata Jiří: Optimality Conditions for a Class of Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 1997) Research Report 212
[37] Studený Milan: On Recovery Algorithm for Chain Graphs, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1874
[38] Jarre F., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Interior Point Methods for Mechanical Design Problems, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 1996) Research Report 173
[39] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: How Mathematics Can Help in Design of Mechanical Structures, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 1996) Research Report 171
[40] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A Nonsmooth Approach to Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 1996) Research Report 175
[41] Matúš František: Finite Partially Exchangeable Arrays, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1856
[42] Jarušek Jiří: Kontaktní úlohy v mechanice, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1841
[43] Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: Chain Graphs: Semantics and Expressiveness - Extended Version, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1836
[44] Schindler Zdeněk: Implementace přímé metody automatického derivování. Systém JAD, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1831
[45] van Dijk N. M., Sladký Karel: A Note on Error Bounds for Closed Leontief Input-Output Models, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1823
[46] van Dijk N. M., Sladký Karel: Perturbation Theory for Open Leontief Input-Output Models, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1824
[47] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On Optimization of Systems Governed by Implicit Complementarity Problems, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Jena 1994) Research Report 513
[48] Včelař František: On an Approach to the Fuzzification of Classical Arrow's Aggregation Problem, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1795
[49] Kozák Petr: Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Processes: A Real-Time Extension, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1777
[50] Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.: Fully Decentralized Solutions of Supervisory Control Problems, University of Toronto, (Toronto 1993) Research Report 9310
[51] Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.: Synthesis of Database Management Protocols, University of Toronto, (Toronto 1993) Research Report 9311
[52] Kozák Petr: Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Processes: A Real-Time Extension, University of Toronto, (Toronto 1993) Research Report 9301
[53] Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A Numerical Approach to Optimization Problems with Variational Inequality Constraints, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1993) Research Report 463
[54] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A Numerical Solution of Two Selected Shape Optimization Problems, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1993) Research Report 464
[55] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: An Iterative Two-Step Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problems, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1993) Research Report 446
[56] Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1993) Research Report 434
[57] Tuzar Antonín: Remarque to the Optimality Conditions for One Singular Distributed Parameter System, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1757
[58] Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A Nondifferentiable Approach to the Solution of Control Problems with Variational Inequalities, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1992) Research Report 368
[59] Roubíček Tomáš: Evolution of a Microstructure: A Convexified Model, Technische Universität, (München 1992) Research Report 321
[60] Roubíček Tomáš: Finite Element Approximation of a Microstructure Evolution, Technische Universität, (München 1992) Research Report 376
[61] Roubíček Tomáš: Optimality Conditions for Nonconvex Variational Problems Relaxed in Terms of Young Measures, Technische Universität, (München 1992) Research Report 375
[62] Kozák Petr: The Need for Differential-Like Calculus for the Discrete Event Systems, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1750
[63] Studený Milan: Multiinformation and Conditional Independence II, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1751
[64] Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Two Nonsmooth Approaches to Simultaneous Geometry and Topology Design of Trusses, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1992) Research Report 383
[65] Kozák Petr: On Controllable Behaviours of Time Systems, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1739
[66] Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: QP3 and CGO: Programs for Solving Truss Optimization Problems, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1991) Research Report 343
[67] Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Codes for Truss Topology Design: A Numerical Comparison, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1991) Research Report 344
[68] Studený Milan: Convex set Functions II, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1734
[69] Studený Milan: Convex Set Functions I, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1773
[70] Kočvara Michal: An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1730
[71] Kepka Jiří: Perspektivy automatické analýzy experimentálních závislostí metodami rozpoznávání v kontextu ostatních směrů umělé inteligence, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1728
[72] Mareš Milan, Nekola J.: Vybrané neklasické metody matematické informatiky použitelné v prognostických studiích, Prognostický ústav ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 2
[73] Haslinger J., Hoffmann K. H., Kočvara Michal: Control/Fictitious Domain Method for Solving Optimal Shape Design Problems, Institut für Mathematik, (Augsburg 1991) Research Report 278
[74] Studený Milan: Convex cones in Rn, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1724
[75] Kozák Petr: Discrete Event Systems in Examples, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1711
[76] Outrata Jiří, Schieder Ch., Zowe J.: A Nondifferentiable Approach to Decomposable Optimization Problems with an Applications to the Design of Water Distribution Networks, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1991) Research Report 307
[77] Mareš Milan: Algebra of Fuzzy Quantities, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1719
[78] Mareš Milan: Some Remarks to Fuzzy CPM, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1721
[79] Mareš Milan: Linear Dependence of Fuzzy Vectors, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1720
[80] Kramosil Ivan: Uncertainty Processing under a Nonstandard Interpretation of Probability Values, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1707
[81] Kozák Petr: Discrete Events and General Systems Theory, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) Research Report 1695

Electronic Document

[1] Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J.: Clasificaciones deportivas y búsquedas en internet. Asomándote a las redes complejas, Universitat Politècnica de València, (Valencie 2022)
[2] Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J.: Sistemas dinámicos lineales discretos. Una primera pincelada, Universitat Politècnica de València, (Valencie 2022)
[3] Studený Milan: On non-graphical description of models of conditional independence structure, Katholieke Universiteit, (Leuven 2001)


[1] Benítez J., Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J.: Una clase inicial de motivación para el Álgebra Matricial, ( 2021)
[2] Benítez J., Carpitella Silvia, Izquierdo J.: Ajuste y calibración, con la llegada de nuevos datos, de un modelo epidemiológico simple, ( 2020)

Book Review

[1] Jarušek Jiří: [Recenze] , Mathematica Bohemica vol.119, 4 (1994), p. 447-448
[2] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 5 (1994), p. 576
[3] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 5 (1994), p. 575
[4] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 5 (1994), p. 574
[5] Pik Jiří: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 1 (1994), p. 104
[6] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 1 (1994), p. 101-102
[7] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 1 (1994), p. 102-103
[8] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 1 (1994), p. 103-104
[9] Tuzar Antonín: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.29, 1 (1993), p. 102-103
[10] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.29, 1 (1993), p. 104
[11] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 202
[12] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.29, 1 (1993), p. 103
[13] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 4 (1992), p. 334-335
[14] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 3 (1992), p. 245-246
[15] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 3 (1992), p. 245
[16] Outrata Jiří: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 78
[17] Tuzar Antonín: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 77
[18] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.27, 6 (1991), p. 562-563
[19] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.27, 2 (1991), p. 168
[20] Kramosil Ivan: Recenze , Computers and Artificial Intelligence vol.10, 3 (1991), p. 292-293
[21] Kramosil Ivan: Recenze , Computers and Artificial Intelligence vol.10, 2 (1991), p. 181-182
[22] Jiroušek Radim: [Recenze] , Automatica vol.27, 3 (1991), p. 585-586
[23] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.27, 1 (1991), p. 72-73
[24] Matúš František: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.26, 2 (1990), p. 165
[25] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.26, 3 (1990), p. 270
[26] Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.26, 5 (1990), p. 443


[1] Mareš Milan, Nekola J., Herman Z., Řeřicha R., Spížek J., Drahoš J.: /Překlad/ , , Bradlo, (Bratislava 1991)

Conference, Workshop Arrangement

[1] Cintula Petr, Wannenburg Johann Joubert, Vacková Kateřina, Grimau Berta, Haniková Zuzana: Czech Gathering of Logicians 2022, (Prague, CZ, 20220616)
[2] Bílková Marta, Cintula Petr, Haniková Zuzana, Horčík R., Kroupa T., Lávička Tomáš, Majer Ondrej, Moraschini Tommaso, Noguera Carles, Přenosil Adam, Sedlár Igor, Vidal Amanda: TACL 2017: Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic, (Prague, CZ, 20170626)
[3] Cintula Petr, Majer Ondrej, Kroupa Tomáš: Manyval 2013: Games, decisions and rationality, (Prague, CZ, 04.09.2013-06.09.2013)