Založeno v roce 2005 s podporou MŠMT ČR (projekt 1M0572)


Monografie Flusser J., Suk T., Zitová B. : Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition Wiley & sons, Chichester 2009, pp.
Jiroušek R., Ivánek J., Máša P., Toušek J., Vaněk N. : Principy digitální komunikace. Leda, 2006, 320 pp.
Část monografie Drozd P., Štěpnička M., Dolný A., Völkl P. : Fuzzy modeling - a prospective tool for conservation biology. In: Environmental changes and biological assessment III. Scripta (Kočárek, P.; Plášek, V.; Malachová, K.). Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Ostrava 2006, pp. 7-14.
Haindl M., Mikeš S. : Unsupervised Texture Segmentation In: Pattern Recognition Unsupervised Texture Segmentation, chapter 9 (Yin P. ,). I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna 2008, pp. .
Haindl M., Žid P. : Multimodal Range Image Segmentation In: Vision Systems, Segmentation & Pattern Recognition (Obinata G. ,Dutta A. ,). I-Tech Education and Publishing,, Vienna 2007, pp. 25-46.
Jiroušek R. : A note on simple factorization in Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence In: Witnessed Years – Essays in Honour of Petr Hájek (Cintula P. ,Haniková Z. ,Švejdar V. ,). College Publications, London 2009, pp. .
Kárný M., Guy T. : On Support of Imperfect Bayesian Participants In: Decision Making with Imperfect Decision Makers On Support of Imperfect Bayesian Participants chapter 2 (). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2012, pp. .
Kroupa T. : Geometry of Cores of Submodular Coherent Upper Probabilities and Possibility Measures In: Soft Methods for Handling Variability and Imprecision 48 (Dubois D. ,Lubiano M. ,Prade H. ,Gil M. ,Grzegorzewski P. ,H). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, pp. .
Mareš M. : Fuzzy components of cooperative market In: Perception-Bsed Data Mining and Decision Making in Economics Studies in Computational Intelligence (Batyrshin I. ,Kacprzyk J. ,). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 2007, pp. .
Mareš M. : Limits of certainty in the assessment of research In: Věda, Filosofie, Metodoleogie (Filáček A. ,). Filosofia, Praha 2009, pp. .
Mareš M. : Vaguely motivated cooperation In: Fuzzy Optimization (Lodwick W. ,Kacprzyk J. ,). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 2010, pp. .
Močkoř J. : Fuzzy sets in categories of sets with similarity relations In: Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications (Reusch, B.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg 2006, pp. 677-682.
Močkoř J. : Characteristic morphisms and models of fuzzy logic in a category of sets with similarities In: Theoretical Advances and Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Sof (Castillo, O.). Springer, Berlin 2007, pp. 832-840.
Novák V. : Fuzzy Sets as a Special Mathematical Model of Vagueness Phenomenon In: Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications (Reusch, B.). Springer, Heidelberg 2006, pp. 683-690.
Novák V. : Mathematical fuzzy logic in modeling of natural language semantics In: Fuzzy Logic -- A Spectrum of Theoretical & Practical Issues (Wang, Paul; Ruan, Da; Kerre, Etienne). Springer, Berlin 2007, pp. 145-182.
Novák V. : Mathematical fuzzy logic: from vagueness to commonsense reasoning In: Rehtorische Wissenschaft: Rede und Argumantation in Theorie (Kreuzbauer, G.; Gratzl, N.; Hiebl, E.). Lit Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Wien, Wien 2008, pp. 191-223.
Pecherková P., Duník J., Flídr M. : Modelling and Simultaneous Estimation of State and Parameters of Traffic System In: Robotics, Automation and Control (Pecherková P. ,Flídr M. ,Duník J. ,). In-Tech, Vienna 2008, pp. .
Perfilieva I. : Fixed points and Solvability of Systems of Fuzzy Relations In: Advances in Soft Computing (Castillo, O.; Melin, P.). Springer, Berlin 2007, pp. 841-849.
Perfilieva I. : Fuzzy Transforms and Their Applications to Image Compression In: Fuzzy Logic and Applications. LNAI (Petrosino, A.; Tettamanzi, A.; Bloch, I.). Springer, Heidelberg 2006, pp. 19-31.
Perfilieva I. : Fuzzy Transforms: A Challenge to Conventional Transforms In: Advances in Images and Electron Physics (Perfilieva, Irina; Hawkes, Peter). Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam 2007, pp. 137-196.
Perfilieva I.; Daňková M.; Hoďáková P.; Vajgl M. : F-Transform Based Image Fusion In: (). InTech, Rijeka, Croatia 2011, pp. 3-22.
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Efficient Feature Subset Selection and Subset Size Optimization In: Pattern Recognition, Recent Advances (Adam Herout . ,). In-Teh, Vukovar, Croatia 2010, pp. .
Šmídl V., Přikryl J. : From Bayesian Decision-Makers to Bayesian Agents. In: Self-Organization and Autonomic Informatics (I) (Czap H., Unland R., Branki Ch., Tianfield H.). IOS Press, Amsterdam Netherlands 2005, pp. 62 - 76.
Šorel M., Šroubek F., Flusser J. : Recent Advances in Space-Variant Deblurring and Image Stabilization In: Unexploded ordnance detection and mitigation Recent Advances in Space-Variant Deblurring (Byrnes J. ,). Springer Science + Business Media B.V, Dordrecht, The Netherlands 2009, pp. .
Šorel M., Šroubek F., Flusser J. : Towards super-resolution in the presence of spatially varying blur In: Super-resolution imaging (Milanfar P. ,). CRC Press, Milanfar 2010, pp. .
Šroubek F., Flusser J., Cristóbal G. : Multiframe blind deconvolution coupled with frame registration and resolution enhancement In: Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Application (Campisi P. ,Egiazarian K. ,). CRC Press, Boca Raton 2007, pp. 317-348.
Šroubek F., Šorel M. : Blind Deconvolution Imaging In: Optical and Digital Image Processing : Fundamentals and Appl (Cristobal G. ,Schelkens P. ,Thienpont H. ,). Wiley, Berlin 2011, pp. .
Vácha P., Haindl M. : Illumination Invariants Based on Markov Random Fields In: Pattern Recognition, Recent Advances (Adam Herout . ,). In-Teh, Vukovar, Croatia 2010, pp. .
Vajda I., Liese F. : f-divergences: Sufficiency, deficiency and testing of hypotheses In: Advances in Inequalities from Probability Theory and Statist (Barnett N. ,Dragomir S. ,). Nova Publishers, Toronto 2009, pp. .
Zvárová J., Veselý A., Vajda I. : Data, Information and Knowledge. Chapter I In: Data Mining and Medical Knowledge Management: Cases and Appl (Berka P. ,Rauch J. ,Zighed D. ,). Information Science Reference, Hershey 2009, pp. .
Článek v odborném periodiku Běhounek L., Kroupa T. : Topology in Fuzzy Class Theory: Basic Notions Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, (2007), pp. 513-522.
Berlinet A., Vajda I. : On asymptotic sufficiency and optimality of quantizations. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136 (2006), 12, pp. 4217-4238.
Bican J., Flusser J. : 3D Digit Registration by Cylindrical Phase Correlation Method Pattern Recognition Letters, (2009), 10 (2009), pp. 914-921.
Bican J., Flusser J. : Cylindrical Phase Correlation Method Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), 4673 (2007), pp. 751-758.
Bína V., Jiroušek R., : Marginalization in Multidimensional Compositional Models. Kybernetika 42, (2006), 4, pp. 405-422.
Boldyš J., Flusser J. : Extension of Moment Features’ Invariance to Blur Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, (2008), 1 (2008), pp. 1-12.
Bouckaert R., Hemmecke R., Lindner S., Studený M. : Efficient algorithms for conditional independence inference Journal of Machine Learning Research, (2010), 1 (2010), pp. 3453-3479.
Butnariu D., Kroupa T. : Shapley mappings and the cumulative value for n-person games with fuzzy coalitions European Journal of Operational Research, (2008), 1 (2008), pp. 288-299.
Červinka M., Matonoha C., Outrata J. : On the computation of relaxed pessimistic solutions to MPECs Optimization Methods & Software, (2011), pp. .
Daňková M. : Approximation of extensional fuzzy relations over a residuated lattice Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161, (2010), 14, pp. 1973-1991.
Daňková M.; Valášek R. : Full Fuzzy Transform and the Problem of Image Fusion Journal of electrical engineering 7, (2006), 12, pp. 82-84.
Di Martino F., Loia V., Perfilieva I., Sessa S. : An image coding/decoding method based on direct and inverse fuzzy transforms International Journal of Appr. reasoning 1, (2008), 48, pp. 110-131.
Doron E., Yeredor A., Tichavský P. : Cramer-Rao-Induced Bound for Blind Separation of Stationary Parametric Gaussian Sources IEEE Signal Processing Letters, (2007), 6, pp. 417-420.
Dvořák A., Novák V. : Towards Automatic Modeling of Economic Texts Mathware & Soft Computing, (2008), pp. .
Filip J., Haindl M., Chetverikov D. : Fast Synthesis of Dynamic Colour Textures ERCIM News, (2006), 66, pp. 53-54.
Filip J., Haindl M. : Bidirectional Texture Function Modeling: State of the Art Survey IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligen, (2009), 11 (2009), pp. 1921-1940.
Filip J., Haindl M. : BTF Modelling using BRDF Texels International Journal of Computer Mathematics, (2007), 9 (2007), pp. 1267-1283.
Filip J., Haindl M. : BTF Modelling Using BRDF Texels Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2006), 4153, pp. 475-484.
Filip J., Chantler M., Haindl M. : On uniform resampling and gaze analysis of bidirectional texture functions ACM Transaction on Applied Perception, (2009), 3 (2009), pp. 1-15.
Flusser J. : Moment Invariants in Image Analysis. Trans. on Engineering, Computing and Technology, 11 (2006), 2, pp. 196-201.
Flusser J., Kautsky J., Šroubek F. : Object recognition by implicit invariants Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), 4673 (2007), pp. 856-863.
Flusser J., Kautský J., Šroubek F. : Implicit Moment Invariants International Journal of Computer Vision, (2009), 1 (2010), pp. 72-86.
Flusser J., Suk T. : Rotation Moment Invariants for Recognition of Symmetric Objects IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15 (2006), 12, pp. 3784-3790.
Gebouský P., Kárný M., Křížová H., Wald M. : Staging of upper limb lymphedema from routine lymphoscintigraphic examinations Computers in Biology Medicine, (2009), 1 (2009), pp. 1-7.
Grim J. : EM cluster analysis for categorical data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2006), pp. 640-648.
Grim J. : Neuromorphic features of probabilistic neural networks Kybernetika, (2007), 5 (2007), pp. 697-712.
Grim J., Hora J. : Iterative principles of recognition in probabilistic neural networks Neural Networks, (2008), 6 (2008), pp. 838-846.
Grim J., Hora J. : Minimum Information Loss Cluster Analysis for Cathegorical Data Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), pp. 233-247.
Grim J., Hora J., Boček P., Somol P., Pudil P. : Statistical Model of the 2001 Czech Census for Interactive Presentation Journal of Official Statistics, (2010), 4 (2010), pp. 1-23.
Grim J., Hora J., Somol P., Boček P., Pudil P. : Statistical Model of the 2001 Czech Census for Interactive Presentation Statistika, (2009), 4 (2009), pp. 285-299.
Grim J., Somol P., Haindl M., Daneš J. : Computer-Aided Evaluation of Screening Mammograms Based on Local Texture Models IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (2009), 4 (2009), pp. 765-773.
Grim J., Somol P., Haindl M., Pudil P. : Color Texture Segmentation by Decomposition of Gaussian Mixture Model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science., 19 (2006), 4225, pp. 287-296.
Grim J., Somol P., Pudil P. : Probabilistic neural network playing and learning Tic-Tac-Toe. Pattern Recognition Letters. Special Issue, 26 (2005), 12, pp. 1866-1873.
Habibala H., Pavliska V., Dvořák A. : Software system for time series prediction based on {F}-transform Aplimat - Journal of applied mathematics, 2009 (2009), pp. 511-518.
Habiball, H.; Pavliska V. : System for time series prediction Aplimat - Journal of applied mathematics 1, 2009 (2009), 1, pp. 511-518.
Haindl M., Filip J. : Extreme Compression and Modeling of Bidirectional Texture Function IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligen, (2007), 10 (2007), pp. 1859-1865.
Haindl M., Grim J., Mikeš S. : Texture Defect Detection Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), pp. 987-994.
Haindl M., Havlíček V., Grim J. : Probabilistic Discrete Mixtures Colour Texture Models Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2008), 5197 (2008), pp. 675-682.
Haindl M., Havlíček V., Grim J. : Probabilistic mixture-based image modelling Kybernetika, 47 (2011), 3 (2011), pp. 482-500.
Haindl M., Mikeš S. : Colour texture segmentation using modelling approach. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis., 3687 (2005), pp. 484-491.
Haindl M., Mikeš S. : Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multiple Segmenters Strategy Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), 4472, pp. 210-219.
Haindl M., Mikeš S., Scarpa G. : Unsupervised Detection of Mammogram Regions of Interest Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), pp. 33-40.
Haindl M., Somol P., Ververidis D., Kotropoulos C. : Feature Selection Based on Mutual Correlation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science., 19 (2006), 4225, pp. 569-577.
Harremoes P., Vajda I. : On the Bahadur-efficient testing of uniformity by means of entropy IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 54 (2008), 1 (2008), pp. 321-331.
Havran V., Filip J., Myszkowski K. : Bidirectional Texture Function Compression Based on Multi-Level Vector Quantization Computer Graphics Forum, (2010), 1 (2010), pp. 175-190.
Hobza T., Esteban M., Morales D., Marhuenda Y. : Divergence-based tests for model diagnostic Statistics & Probability Letters, (2008), 13 (2008), pp. 1702-1710.
Hobza T., Molina I., Morales D. : Multi-sample Rényi test statistics Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, (2009), 2 (2009), pp. 196-215.
Hobza T., Morales D., Herrador M., Esteban M. : A Fay-Herriot Model with Different Random Effect Variances Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 40 (2011), 5 (2011), pp. 785-797.
Hobza T., Pardo L., Vajda I. : Robust median estimator in logisitc regression Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, (2008), 12 (2008), pp. 3822-3840.
Huňka F. : Object Oriented Software for Fuzzy Arithmetic International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems 20, 8 (2008), 20-21-22, pp. 250-261.
Chrastek R., Kubečka L., Jan J. : Towards automated diagnostic evaluation of retina images. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 15 (2005), 2, pp. 273-276.
Ivánek J. : Combining Implicational Quantifiers for Equivalence Ones by Fuzzy Connectives. Int. J. of Intelligent Systems, 21 (2006), 3, pp. 326-334.
JAN, J.; KOLÁŘ, R.; KUBEČKA, L.; ODSTRČILÍK, J.; GAZÁREK, J. : Fusion based Analysis of Ophthalmologic Image Data. Kybernetika, (2011), 3, pp. 455-481.
Jiroušek R. : Data-Based Construction of Multidimensional Probabilistic Models with MUDIM Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics. Logic Journal, 14 (2006), 3, pp. 501-520.
Jiroušek R. : Foundations of compositional model theory International Journal of General Systems, (2011), 6 (2011), pp. 623-678.
Jiroušek R. : Probabilistic partial knowledge handling International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (2008), 3 (2008), pp. 359-367.
JIŘÍK; PETERLÍK; RUITER; FOUSEK; DAPP; ZAPF; JAN : Sound-Speed Image Reconstruction in Sparse-Aperture 3D Ultrasound Transmission Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonocs, Ferroelectrics, and Freque, (2011), pp. .
Kárný M., Andrýsek J. : Use of Kullback–Leibler divergence for forgetting International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Proces vo. 23, (2009), 1, pp. p. 1-15.
Kárný M., Andrýsek J. : Use of Kullback–Leibler divergence for forgetting International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Proces, (2008), 1 (2009), pp. 1-15.
Kárný M., Andrýsek J., Bodini A., Guy T., Kracík J., Ruggeri : How to exploit external model of data for parameter estimation? International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Process 20, (2006), 1, pp. 41-50.
Kárný M., Kracík J., Nagy I., Nedoma Petr. : When has estimation reached a steady state? The Bayesian sequential test. Intern. Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 19 (2005), 1, pp. 41-57.
Kindler, E.; Křivý, I.; Klimeš, C. : Simulation Aided Anticipation of Intelligent Systems Behavior International Journal of Information Technologies and System, (2011), pp. .
Klimeš C. : Expert system utilization for modeling the decision making processes upon indetermination Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica 7, 7 (2007), 12, pp. 28-37.
Klimeš C. : Model of the decision support system under condition of non determination Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica 6, 6 (2006), 12, pp. 28-37.
Klimeš C., Procházka J. : New approaches in software development Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica 2, (2006), 2, pp. 21-26.
Kolář R., Kubečka L., Jan J. : Registration and fusion of the autofluorescent and infrared retina images. on Applied Signal Processing (Hindawi), (2007), submitted, pp. .
Kolář R., Kuběna T., Černošek P., Jan J. : Statistická analýza vrstvy nervových vláken v barevných digitálních snímcích sítnice. Ceska a slovenska oftalmologie, (2009), 65(2), pp. 53-58.
Kolář R., Laemmer R., Jan J., Mardin Ch. : Segmentation of zones with increased autofluorescent properties in the junctional zone of parapapillary atrophy Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging, (2007), submitted, pp. .
KOLÁŘ, R.; TAŠEVSKÝ, P. : Registration of 3D Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Data and 2D Fundus Images. Biomedical Image registration. LNCS, (2010), pp. 72-82.
Koldovský Z., Málek J., Tichavský P., Deville Y., Hosseini S : Blind Separation of Piecewise Stationary NonGaussian Sources Signal Processing, (2009), 12 (2009), pp. 2570-2584.
Koldovský Z., Tichavský P., Oja E. : Efficient Variant of Algorithm FastICA for Independent Component IEEE Tr. Neural Networks, 17 (2006), 5, pp. 1265- 1277.
Král L., Šimandl M. : Functional adaptive controller for multivariable stochastic systems with dynamic structure of neural network International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Process, 25 (2011), 11, pp. 949–964.
Kratochvíl V. : Characteristic Properties of Equivalent Structures in Compositional Models International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (2011), 5 (2011), pp. 599-612.
Krolupper F., Flusser J. : Polygonal shape description for recognition of partially occluded objects Pattern Recognition Letters, (2007), 9 (2007), pp. 1002-1011.
Kroupa T. : Core of Coalition Games on MV-algebras Journal of Logic and Computation, (2011), 3 (2011), pp. 479-492.
Kroupa T. : Every state on semisimple MV-algebra is integral Fuzzy Sets and Systems 20, (2006), 157, pp. 2771-2782.
Kroupa T. : Filters in Fuzzy Class Theory Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (2008), 14 (2008), pp. 1773-1787.
Kroupa T. : Geometry of possibility measures on finite sets International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (2008), 1 (2008), pp. 237-245.
Kroupa T. : Representation and extension of states on MV-algebras Archive for Mathematical Logic, 45 (2006), 4, pp. 381-392.
Kroupa T., Butnariu D. : Enlarged cores and bargaining schemes in games with fuzzy coalitions Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (2009), 5 (2009), pp. 635-643.
Kubečka L., Jan J., Kolář R. : Retrospective Illumination Correction of Retinal Images Manuscript ID: TMI-2007-0725, (2007), submitted, pp. .
Kubečka L., Jan J., Kolář R. : Retrospective Illumination Correction of Retinal Images. J. Biomedical Imaging (Hindawi) vol. 2010, (2010), article ID 780262, pp. .
KUBEČKA, L.; JAN, J.; KOLÁŘ, R. : Retrospective Illumination Correction of Retinal Images. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2010 (2010), 5, pp. 201-223.
Kupka J., Jiménez López V., Linero A. : On the $\omega$-limit sets of product maps Dynamic Systems and Applications, (2010), pp. .
Kupka J., Tomanová I. : Some Extensions of Mining of Linguistic Associations NEURAL NETW WORLD 20, 2010 (2010), 1, pp. 27-44.
Liese F., Vajda I. : On Divergences and Informations in Statistics and Information Theory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52 (2006), 10, pp. 4394-4412.
Lněnička R., Matúš F. : On Gaussian Conditional Independence Structures. Kybernetika, 43 (2007), 3, pp. 3 2 7 – 3 4 2.
Mareš M. : Fuzzy data in statistics. Kybernetika, (2007), 4 (2007), pp. 491-502.
Mareš M. : Open Topics in Fuzzy Coalitional Games with Transferable Utility. Banach Center Publication. Game Theory and Mathematical Economics, 71 (2006), pp. 213-225.
Mareš M., Vlach M. : Alternative representation of fuzzy coalitions Int. J. of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol.17, (2009), 3, pp. 345-364.
Mareš M., Vlach M. : Disjointness of Fuzzy Coalitions Kybernetika, (2008), 3 (2008), pp. 416-429.
Mareš M., Vlach M. : Fuzzy Coalitional Structures (Alternatives). Mathware and Soft Computing, 8 (2006), 1, pp. 59-70.
Marrugo A., Šorel M., Šroubek F., Millan M. : Retinal image restoration by means of blind deconvolution Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16 (2011), 11 (2011), pp. .
Močkoř J. : alpha-Cuts and models of fuzzy logic INT J GEN SYST, (2011), pp. .
Močkoř J. : Covariant functors in categories of fuzzy sets over MV-algebras Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1 (2006), 1, pp. 83-109.
Močkoř J. : Covariant Functors in Categories of Fuzzy Sets over MV-algebras. Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (2006), 2, pp. 83-109.
Močkoř J. : Extensional subobjects in categories of Omega-fuzzy sets Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, (2007), 57, pp. 631-645.
Močkoř J. : Extensional Subobjects in Categories of Omega-fuzzy Sets. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, (2006), pp. .
Močkoř J. : Models of fuzzy logic in a category of sets with similarity relations International journal of innovative computing, information, (2008), pp. 1063-1068.
Nagy I., Suzdaleva E., Kárný M., Mlynářová T. : Bayesian estimation of dynamic finite mixtures International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Proces, 25 (2011), 9 (2011), pp. 765-787.
Niemann H., Chrástek R., Jan J., Kubečka L. et al.: : Towards automated diagnostic evaluation of retina images J. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 16, (2006), 4, pp. 671-676.
Nosková L. : System of fuzzy relation equations with infimum - composition:solvability and solutions Journal of Electrical Engineering, (2005), No. 12/s, pp. 69-72.
Novák V., Perfilieva I., Dvořák A., Chen Q., Wei Q., Yan P. : Mining pure linguistic associations from numerical data International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (2007), pp. .
Novovičová J. : Text document classification. ERCIM News, (2005), 62, pp. 53-54.
Novovičová J., Somol P., Pudil P. : Oscillating feature subset search algorithm for text categorization Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2006), 4225, pp. 578-587.
Novovičová J., Somol P., Haindl M., Pudil P. : Conditional Mutual Information Based Feature Selection for Classification Task Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2007), 4756 (2007), pp. 417-426.
Paclík P., Novovičová J., Duin R.P.W. : Building Road-Sign Classifier using a Trainable Similarity Measure. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 7 (2006), 3, pp. 309-321.
Pecherková P., Nagy I.: : Mixture Based Outlier Filtration Acta Polytechnica 46, (2006), pp. 30-35.
Perfilieva I. : F-TRANSFORMS --- WHERE FUZZY AND CLASSICAL MATHEMATICS MEET Applied and Computational Mathematics 10, 2011 (2011), 1, pp. 122-132.
Perfilieva I. : Fuzzy Transforms in Image Compression and Fusion Acta Matematica Universitatis Ostraviensis, (2007), 15, pp. 27-37.
Perfilieva I., De Baets B. : Fuzzy Transform of Monotonous Functions with Applications to Image Processing Information Sciences 180, (2010), 17, pp. 3304-3315.
Perfilieva I., Novák V., Dvořák A. : Fuzzy transform in the analysis of data Intern. Journal of Appr. reasoning, (2007), pp. .
Perfilieva I., Prade H., Dubois D., et al. : Interpolation of Fuzzy Data. Analytical Approach and Overview Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (2010), pp. .
Peterlík I., Jiřík R., Ruiter N., Jan J¨. : Regularized Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Ultrasound Attenuation Tomography. Radioengineering (Proceedings of Czech and Slovak Technical, (2007), submitted, pp. .
Plšková D. : Application of Fuzzy Control for Reservoir during Flood Passage Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, 58 (2007), pp. .
Plšková D. : Fuzzy Transform in Geological Applications. Journal of Electrical Engineering. 57, 57 (2006), 7, pp. 43-46.
Plšková D. : Fuzzy Transform of a Function on the Basis of Triangulation Journal of Electrical Engineering, 56 (2005), 12/s, pp. .
Polakovič O. : Neural networks and their application in ECG Journal of Electrical Engineering, 56 (2005), pp. 62-64.
Polakovič O., Valášek R. : Some Methods of Robot Movement and their Comparison. Journal of Electrical Ingeneering. 57, 57 (2006), 12, pp. 1-1.
Procházka J. : Riziky řízený vývoj software Systémová integrace, 16 (2009), pp. 57-65.
Redondo R., Šroubek F., Fischer S., Cristobal G. : Multifocus image fusion using the log-Gabor transform and a Multisize Windows technique Information Fusion, (2008), 1 (2008), pp. 1-9.
Redondo R., Šroubek Filip, Fischer S., Cristobal G. : Multifocus image fusion using the log-Gabor transform and a Multisize Windows technique Information Fusion Vol. 3, (2009), 2, pp. p. 163-171.
Rijmen F., Vomlel J. : Assessing the performance of variational methods for mixed logistic regression models Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, (2008), 8 (2008), pp. 765-779.
Savický P., Vomlel J. : Exploiting Tensor Rank-One Decomposition of Probabilistic Inference Kybernetika, (2007), 5 (2007), pp. 747-764.
Sedlář J., Flusser J., Sedlářová M. : Photorealistic Modeling of the Growth of Filamentous Specimens EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, (2008), 520972 (2008), pp. 1-9.
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Flexible-hybrid Sequential Floating Search in Statistical Feature Selection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2006), 4109, pp. 632-639.
Somol P., Baesens B., Pudil P., Vanthienen J. : Filter- versus wrapper-based feature selection for credit scoring. International Journal of Intelligent Systems., 20 (2005), 10, pp. 985-999.
Somol P., Novovičová J. : Evaluating Stability and Comparing Output of Feature Selectors that Optimize Feature Subset Cardinality IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligen, (2010), 11 (2010), pp. 1921-1939.
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Notes on the evolution of feature selection methodology Kybernetika, (2007), 5 (2007), pp. 713-730.
Straka O.,Šimandl M. : Particle Filter with Adaptive Sample Size Kybernetika, 47 (2011), 3, pp. 385-400.
Studený M., Vomlel J. : A reconstruction algorithm for the essential graph International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (2009), 2 (2009), pp. 385-413.
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Jiroušek R. : A Note on Local Computations in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications STUDIA Universitatsverlag, Innsbruck 2011, pp. .
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Jiroušek R. : Approximation of Data by Decomposable Belief Models In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (Part I) I Springer, Heidelberg 2010, pp. .
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Jiroušek R. : On Graphical (Decomposable) Models and Belief Networks in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence In: Proceedings of the 13th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making in Service Science University Hall, Otaru 2010, pp. .
Jiroušek R. : Persegrams of Compositional Models Revisited: conditional independence In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertianlty in Konowledge-based Systems University Malaga, Malaga 2008, pp. .
Jiroušek R., Kratochvíl V., Kroupa T., Studený M., Vomlel J. : An evaluation of string similarity measures on pricelists of computer components In: Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./ UTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp. .
Jiroušek R., Malec M. : Compositional Models and Maximum Entropy Principle In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 2007, pp. .
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Jiroušek R., Vejnarová J., Daniel M. : Compositional models for belief functions. In: Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications ISIPTA'07 Action M Agency, Praha 2007, pp. .
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Jirsa L., Quinn A., Varga F. : Identification of Thyroid Gland Activity in Radiotherapy In: Bayesian Statistics 8 Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007, pp. .
Jirsa L., Quinn A., Varga F. : Identification of Thyroid Gland Activity in Radiotherapy. In: Valencia 8 ISBA 2006 World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics , Eds: Bernardo J.-M., Valencia 8 ISBA 2006 World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, (Benidorm, ES, 01.06.2006-06.06.2006), Benidom, ES 2006, pp. 140-140.
Jirsa L., Tesař L. : Windsurfer, Fully Probabilistic Control Design and the Jobcontrol Package In: Abstracts of Contributions to 4th International Workshop on Data-Algorithms-Decision Making ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2008, pp. .
Jirsa L., Varga F. : Nuclear Medicine, Treatment of Thyroid Cancer and Mathematical Modelling In: 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp. .
Jirsa L., Varga F., Kárný M., Heřmanská J. : Model of 131I Biokinetics in Thyroid Gland and its Implementation for Estimation of Absorbed Doses. In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, EMBEC 05., Praha 2005, pp. 5.
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Jiřík R., Peterlík I., Fousek J., Jan J., Zapf M., Ruiter N. : Regularization of Sound-Speed Image Reconstruction in Ultrasound Transission Tomography. In: Konference Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2009, Nov. 29 – Dec.1, Pilsen 2009, 2009, pp. .
Jiřík R., Peterlík I., Fousek J., Kratochvíla J., Jan J : Synthetic Aperture Focusing in 3D Ultrasound Transmission Tomography. In: In Proc. of Biosignal 2010: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Brno University of Technology, Brno 2010, pp. 373.
Jiřík R., Peterlík I., Jan J., Ruiter N., Zapf M. : 3D Regularized Speed-Map Reconstruction in Ultrasound Transmission Tomography. In: 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, 2009, pp. .
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Klimeš C. : Mathematical - Logical Fuzzy Modeling of Decision Making Processes In: Mathematical - Logical Fuzzy Modeling of Decision Making Processes UKF Nitra, Nitra 2008, pp. 47-49.
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Kolář R., Jan J., Kubečka L., Jiřík R. : Image Improvement in Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy In: J.Jan, J.Kozumplík, I.Provazník (Eds.): Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images - Proc. of 18th Int. EURASIP Conf. BIOSIGNAL 2006, Brno (Cz.Rep.) 2006, pp. 239-241.
Kolář R., Jiřík R., Kubečka L., Jan J. : Noise Suppression In Retina Autofluorescence Images In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images - Proc. of 18th Int. EURASIP Conf. BIOSIGNAL 2006, Brno (Cz.Rep.) 2006, pp. 302-304.
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Janžura M., Ivánek J. (Eds.): Abstracts of Contributions to International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/41. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 7 pp.
Kroupa T., Vejnarová J. (Eds.): 10th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty Proceedings of 10th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty., Praha 2007, 211 pp.
Kroupa T., Vejnarová J. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing University of Economics, Praha 2009, pp.
Studený Milan, Jiří Vomlel (Eds.): Proceedings of the 3th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models. Proceedings of the 3th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models.. Agentura Action M, Praha 2006, 344 pp.
Štěpnička M., Novák V., Bodenhofer U. (Eds.): New Dimensions in Fuzzy Logic and Related Technologies Proc . of the 5th EUSFLAT Conference, Vol. 2 2. University of Ostrava, Ostrava 2007, 488 pp.
Štěpnička M., Novák V., Bodenhofer U. (Eds.): New Dimensions in Fuzzy Logic and Related Technologies Proc . of the 5th EUSFLAT Conference, Vol. 1 1. University of Ostrava, Ostrava 2007, 480 pp.
Vejnarová Jiřina, Kroupa Tomáš (Eds.): Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing 7. University of Economics, Prague 2006, 197 pp.
Interní tisk Berlinet A., Vajda I. : Divergence Criteria for Improved Selection Rules. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2008/5. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, 15 pp.
Berlinet A., Vajda I. : On Asymptotic Sufficiency and Optimality of Quantizations. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/18. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 27 pp.
Boček P., Marek T., Vajda I. : Discrete Efficient Methods 1: Testing Compound Hypotheses. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/15. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 17 pp.
Butnariu D., Kroupa T. : Shapley Mappings and the Cumulative Value for n-Person Games with Fuzzy Coalitions. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/35. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 20 pp.
Doron E., Yeredor A., Tichavský P. : Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for Blind Separation of Stationary Parametric Gaussian Sources. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/11. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 10 pp.
Esteban M. D., Hobza T., Morales D., Marhuenda Y. : Divergence-Based Tests for Model Diagnostic. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/ 32. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 12 pp.
Ettler P., Kárný M. : Optimization of Working Shifts by the Bayesian Decision Support Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2007/1. COMPUREG Plzeň, Plzeň / Praha 2007, 9 pp.
Ettler P., Puchr I. : Popis dat pro testování algoritmů Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2010/1., Plzeň 2010, pp.
Ettler P., Puchr I. : Software pro předzpracování dat Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2010/2., Plzeň 2010, pp.
Fajfrová L. : Equilibrium Behaviour of Zero Range Processes on Binary Tree. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/42. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 1 pp.
Grim J. : Neuromorphic Features of Probabilistic Neural Networks. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/20. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 16 pp.
Haindl M., Hatka M. : A Roller-Fast Sampling-Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/4. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 4 pp.
Haindl M., Šimberová S. : Restoration of Multitemporal Short-Exposure Astronomical Images. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/8. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 10 pp.
Harremoës P., Vajda I. : Efficiency of Entropy Testing. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2008/2., Praha 2008, 5 pp.
Hobza T. : On the Consistency in Divergence for a Class of Nonparametric Distribution Estimates. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/23. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 24 pp.
Hobza T., Pardo L., Vajda I. : Robust Median Estimator in Logistic Regression. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/31. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 39 pp.
Hobza T., Pardo L., Vajda I. : Robust Median Estimators in General Logistic Regression. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/40. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 49 pp.
Hobza T., Vajda I., van der Meulen E.C. : Consistent Estimation and Testing by Means of Disparity Statistics Based on m-spacings Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/15. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 12 pp.
Ivánek J. : Combining Implicational Quantifiers for Equivalence Ones by Fuzzy Connectives. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/11. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 8 pp.
Ivánek J. : Strictness of Four-fold Table Generalized Quantifiers in Fuzzy Logic. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/7. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 5 pp.
Janžura M. : On the Connection between Marginal Problem, Statistical Estimation, and Möbius Formula. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/18. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 13 pp.
Jiroušek R. : A Short Note on Perez’ Approximation by Dependence Structure Simplification. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/22. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 9 pp.
Jiroušek R. : Data-Based Construction of Multidimensional Probabilistic Models with MUDIM. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/22. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 19 pp.
Jirsa L., Varga F., Kárný M., Heřmanská J. : Model of 131I Biokinetics in ThyroidGland and its Implementation for Estimation of Absorbed Doses. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/36. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 5 pp.
Kárný M., Andrýsek J., Bodini A., Guy T., Kracík J., Ruggeri : How to Exploit External Model of Data for Parameter Estimation. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/19. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 11 pp.
Kárný M., Guy T. : Fully Probabilistic Decision Making. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/33. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 14 pp.
Kárný M., Nedoma Petr, Šmídl V. : On Cross-validation of controlled dynamic models: Bayesian approach. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/17. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 6 pp.
Kárný M., Pavelková L. : Projection-Based Bayesian Recursive Estimation of ARX Model with Uniform Innovations. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/21. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 24 pp.
Klimeš C., Kindler E., Procházka J. : Interní zpráva ze semináře s DCC 2/2008 Interní publikace DAR -., 2008, pp.
Klimeš C., Melzer J., Procházka J., Vaněk V. : Interní zpráva ze semináře s DCC 1/2008 Interní publikace DAR -., 2008, pp.
Klimeš C., Procházka J., Melzer J., Vanek V. : Interní zpráva ze semináře s DCC 1/2007 Interní publikace DAR -., Ostrava 2008, 5 pp.
Klimeš, C., Procházka, J., Melzer, J., Melzer, J. : Interní zpráva ze semináře s DCC 1/2007 Interní publikace DAR -., 2007, pp.
Koldovský Z., Tichavský P. : Asymtotic Analysis of Bias of FastICA-based Algorithms in Presence of Additive Noise. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/24. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 4 pp.
Kupča O., Gabaš I. : Metodika tvorby syntaktických struktur. Interní publikace DAR - Deltax 2008/1. Deltax, Praha 2008, 40 pp.
Kůs V., Morales D., Vajda I. : Extensions of the Parametric Families of Divergences Used in Statistical Inference. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/2. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 17 pp.
Liese F., Vajda I. : Divergences and their Applications in Sufficiency, Deficiency and Testing of Hypotheses. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/16. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 46 pp.
Liese F., Vajda I. : On Divergences and Informations in Statistics and Information Theory. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/31. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 25 pp.
Liese F., Vajda I. : On Divergences and their new Applications in Statistics and Information Theory. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/12. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 19 pp.
Lněnička R. : On Gaussian Conditional Independence Structures. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/14. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 13 pp.
Marek T., Vajda I., Vrbenský K. : Minimum Divergence Adaptation of Bivariate Distributions. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/44. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 35 pp.
Mareš M. : Compenzational Vagueness. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/5. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 6 pp.
Mareš M. : Fuuzy Components of Cooperative Market. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/33. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 29 pp.
Mareš M. : Fuzzy Data in Statistics. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/5. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 11 pp.
Mareš M., Mesiar R. : Aggregation of Complex Quantities. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/12. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 4 pp.
Mareš M., Vlach M. : Alternative Representation of Fuzzy Coalitions. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/2. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 19 pp.
Mareš M., Vlach M. : Disjointness of Fuzzy Coalitions (Discussion) Interní publikace DAR-ÚTIA 2008/9. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, pp.
Mareš M., Vlach M. : Fuzzy Coalitional Structures. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/24. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 11 pp.
Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda I. : On Efficient Estimation in Continuous Models Based on Finitely Quantized Observations. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/27. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 33 pp.
Morales D., Vajda I. : Generalized Informations and Bayesian Errors. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/18. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 7 pp.
Němcová P. : Application of the Kalman Filter in Traffic. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/25. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 5 pp.
Pavelková L. : Approximate On-line Estimation of Uniform State Model with Application on Traffic Data. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2008/7. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, 8 pp.
Pavelková L., Kárný M. : Recursive Bayesian Estimation of Models with Uniform Innovations. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/34. ÚTIA AVČR, Praha 2006, 4 pp.
Pavelková L., Kárný M., Šmídl V. : Towards Bayesian Filtering on Restricted Support. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/6. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 2 pp.
Pecherková P., Nagy I. : Mixture Based Outlier Filtration. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/20. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 11 pp.
Perez A., Studený M. : Comparison of Two Methods for Approximation of Probability Distributions with Prescribed Marginals. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/39. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 23 pp.
Polakovič O. : Some Methods for Robot Movement Control and Their Comparison Interní publikace DAR - Research report DAR - ÚVAFM., 2006, 10 pp.
Procházka J., Knybel J., Klimeš C. : Interní zpráva 3/2005 Interní publikace DAR - OASA 3/2005. OASA COMPUTERS, Ostrava 2005, 6 pp.
Procházka J., Cyril Klimeš : Interní zpráva 2/2006 Interní publikace DAR - 2/2006. OASA COMPUTERS, Ostrava 2006, pp.
Procházka J., Cyril Klimeš : Process Wizard for Information Systems Interní publikace DAR - OASA 1/2005. OASA COMPUTERS, Ostrava 2005, 20 pp.
Procházka J., Knybel J., Klimeš C. : Interní zpráva 1/2006 Interní publikace DAR - 1/2006. OASA COMPUTERS, Ostrava 2006, pp.
Procházka J., Knybel J., Klimeš C. : Interní zpráva 2/2005 Interní publikace DAR - OASA 2/2005. OASA COMPUTERS, Ostrava 2005, pp.
Procházka J., Knybel J., Klimeš C. : Interní zpráva 4/2005 Interní publikace DAR - OASA 4/2005. OASA COMPUTERS, Ostrava 2005, 5 pp.
Přikryl J. : Software Model of Hierarchical Urban Transport Control. Interní publikace DAR -. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, pp.
Puchr I., Ettler P. : Struktura dat o produkci Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2010/3., Plzeň 2010, pp.
Roverato A., Studený M. : A Graphical Representation of Equivalence Classes of AMP Chain Graphs. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/37. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 45 pp.
Savický P., Vomlel J. : Exploiting Tensor Rank-One Decomposition of Probabilistic Inference. Interní publikace DAR -., 2006, 18 pp.
Savický P., Vomlel J. : Tensor Rank-One Decomposition of Probability Tables. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/26. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 8 pp.
Somol P., Haindl M. : Novel Path Search Algorithm for Image Stitching and Advanced Texture Tiling. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/5. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 8 pp.
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P. : Advances in Feature Selection Methodology: an Overview of Recent ÚTIA Results. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/21. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 18 pp.
Studený M. : Two Operations of Merging Components in a Chain Graph. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/38. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 41 pp.
Stummer W., Vajda I. : Optimal Statistical Decisions About Some Alternative Financial Models. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/35. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 39 pp.
Šeps L., Vaněk D. : Implementace řadiče ELS3 do simulačního prostředí AIMSUN. Interní publikace DAR - ELTODO 2006/1. ELTODO, Praha 2006, 13 pp.
Šeps L., Vaněk D. : Využití ADSL komunikace pro přenos dat mezi dopravní ústŕednou a řadičem. Interní publikace DAR - ELTODO 2005/2. ELTODO, Praha 2005, 15 pp.
Šíma J., Lněnička R. : Sequential Triangle Strip Generator Based on Hopfield Networks. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/9. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 29 pp.
Šmídl V., Přikryl J. : Distributed Bayesian Decision-Making for Urban Traffic Control. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/7. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 6 pp.
Šmídl V., Přikryl J. : From Bayesian Decision Makers to Bayesian Agents. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/16. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 14 pp.
Šmídl V., Quinn A. : The Variational Bayes Approximation in Bayesian Filtering. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA AV ČR 2005/34. ÚTIA AV ĆR, Praha 2005, 4 pp.
Štěpnička M., Lughofer E., Pavliska V. : Comparison of Data-Driven (Fuzzy) Modelling Methods Tested on NOx Data Interní publikace DAR - Research Report ÚVAFM., 2006, 9 pp.
Štěpnička M., Valášek R. : Approximation Based Fuzzy Control Research report DAR - ÚVAFM., 2005, 8 pp.
Tesař L., Smutek D. : Ultrasonography Diagnostics Based on Gaussian Mixture Model. Interní publikace DAR -. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, pp.
Tichavský P., Doron E., Yeredor A., Nielsen J. : Computationally Feasible Implementation of Asymptotically Optimal Blind Separation Algorithm SOBI (WASOBI) for AR Sources. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/29. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 4 pp.
Tichavský P., Koldovský Z., Doron E., Yeredor A.,Herrero G.G : Blind Signal Separation by Combining two ICA Algorithms: HOS_Based EFICA and Time Structure-Based WASOBI. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/2. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 5 pp.
Tichavský P., Nielsen J., Yeredor A., Doron E. : Fast Implementation of Asymtotically Optimized SOBI (WASOBI) Algorithm for Blind Separation of 100 AR Sources. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/23. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 4 pp.
Tichý T., Zobaník P., Šeps L., Vaněk D., Přikryl J. : Řízení skupiny křížovatek v oblasti Praha-Zličín - studie. Interní publikace DAR - ELTODO., 2008, 68 pp.
Vajda I. : Divergence-Based Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Method. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/10. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 11 pp.
Vajda I. : On Two Types of phi-Divergence Goodness-of-fit Statistics. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/13. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 17 pp.
Vajda I., van der Meulen E.C. : Goodness-of-fit Testing Based on Hypothetical and Empirical Quantizations. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/14. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 37 pp.
Vajda I., Zvárová J. : Some Relations between Informations and Entropies with Applications in Bayesian Decisions and Biometry. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/17. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 22 pp.
Vajda I., Zvárová J. : Some Results on Generalized Entropies with Applications in Bayesian Decisions a Biometry. Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/29., Praha 2006, 22 pp.
Vaněk D. : Návrh struktury řídicí aplikace dopravní ústŕedny. Interní publikace DAR - ELTODO 2/2005. ELTODO, Praha 2005, 20 pp.
Výzkumná zpráva Andrýsek J., Ettler P. : Extension of Advisory System using theTheory of Multiple Participant Decision Making (Research report 2204) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Antoňová D., Gabaš I., Kotyza P., Peroutka J. : Linguistic database - SDK description. (Interní publikace DAR - DELTAX 2005/3) Deltax Systems a.s., Prague 2005, pp.
Bělohlávek O., Skopalová M., Boldyš J., Dvořák J. : Weight correction of applied 18F-FDG activity for PET examination PET centrum Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha 2011, pp.
Benda J., Flusser J. : Navigation System for a Mobile Robot Based on Omni-directional Vision. (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/3) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 79 pp.
Brantál F., Šroubek F. : Víıcekanálová slepá dokonvoluce vektorových obrazů. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/3) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 95 pp.
Breznický M., Flusser J. : Moment Invariants in Discrete Domain. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/30) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 97 pp.
Broniatowski M., Vajda I. : Several applications of divergence criteria in continuous families (Research Report 2257) ÚTIA AV ČR v.v.i, Praha 2009, pp.
Daňková M. : Data driven learning algorithm for normal form based fuzzy rules (Technical Report DAR-UVAFM 5) ÚVAFM OU, Ostrava 2005, pp.
Daňková M., : Image processing 1.0 - Matlab package (Technical Report DAR-UVAFM 14), Ostrava 2007, pp.
Dedecius K. : Implementation of partial forgetting in Mixtools (Research report 2284) ÚTIA, Praha 2010, pp.
Dohnal P., Dibelka L., Elbl M. : Matlab-Aimsun Toolbox 2.1 (Research report 2189) ÚTIA, AV ČR, Praha, ČR 2007, pp.
Dvořák A. : Documentation of the kernel of LFLC2000 (Technical Report DAR-UVAFM 1), Ostrava 2005, 97 pp.
Esteban M., Hobza T., Marhuenda Y., Morales D. : Divergence based statistics for model diagnostics (Trabajos I+D I-2007-22) Centro de Investigación Operativa, Elche 2007, pp.
Ettler P., Štika J., Kárný M. : Comparison of Settings for Industrial Decision Support ( Interní publikace DAR - COMPUREG 2006/1) COMPUREG Plzeň, Plzeň 2006, 12 pp.
Fajfrova L. : Spectral gap for zero processes on graphs (Research Report 2215) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Fajfrová L. : Applications of the Generalised Renyi Divergences in Testing Hypotheses about Exponential Models I. (Interní publikace DAR-ÚTIA 30/2006) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 30 pp.
Gebouský P., Pecherková P. : Verification of Traffic State-Space Model in the AIMSUN Simulator. (Research Report No. 2148) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 13 pp.
Haindl M., Filip J., Somol P. : Texturing Library - Reference Manual. ( Research Report No. 2142) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 209 pp.
Haindl M., Pudil P., Somol P. : Model-Based Visual Inspection (MATEO - The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Ind) UWB, Plzeň 2007, pp.
Harremoës P., Vajda I. : Efficient Testing of Uniformity using Power Divergence Statistics. (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/4) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 19 pp.
Havran V., Filip J., Myszkowski K. : Bidirectional Texture Function Compression Based on Multi-Level Vector Quantization - Supplemental Material (Research Report 2265) ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009, pp.
Hobza T., Morales D., Pardo L. : Testing equality of autocorrelation coefficients in multivariate normal models (Trabajos I+D 15) Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Elche 2007, pp.
Chudoba M., Jirsa L. : Transformation of data in the framework of dynamic decision making (Research Report 2226) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, pp.
Jiroušek R. : Multidimensional Compositional Models. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/4) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 115 pp.
Kárný M. : Financial control of a research group (Research Report 2219) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, pp.
Kárný M., Andrýsek J., Bodini A., Guy T., Kracík J., Nedoma : Fully probabilistic knowledge expression and incorporation (Research Report-Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologi 8-10MI) Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, Milano 2008, pp.
Kárný M., Guy T., Bodini A., Ruggeri F. : Cooperation via sharing of probabilistic elements (Research report - Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnolo) Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, Milano 2008, pp.
Koldovský Z., Málek J., Tichavský P., Yannick D., Shahram H. : Performance Analysis of Extended EFICA Algorithm (Research report 2199) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Kroupa T. : Geometrical and Topological Properties of Credal Set Operator (Research Report 2264) ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009, pp.
Marek T., Vrbenský K. : Algoritmy adaptace dvojrozměrných rozdělení metodou minimalizace divergencí (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/12) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Mareš M., Ivánek J. a kol. : Výroční zpráva Výzkumného centra Data - Algoritmy - Rozhodování za rok 2007. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2008/1) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, 74 pp.
Mareš M., Ivánek J. a kol. : Výroční zpráva Výzkumného centra Data - Algoritmy - Rozhodování za rok 2005. (Interní publikace DAR ÚTIA - 2006/1) ÚTIA AV ČR, praha 2006, 47 pp.
Mareš M., Ivánek J. a kol. : Výroční zpráva Výzkumného centra Data - Algoritmy - Rozhodování za rok 2006. (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/1) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 89 pp.
Mareš M., Ivánek J. a kol. : Výroční zpráva Výzkumného centra Data - Algoritmy - Rozhodování za rok 2008. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2009/1) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2009, 74 pp.
Mareš M., Ivánek J. a kol. : Výroční zpráva Výzkumného centra Data - Algoritmy - Rozhodování za rok 2009. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2010/1), Praha 2010, 80 pp.
Matkovská D.,Gabaš I., Kotyza P., Peroutka J. : Linguistic database - SDK description (2006). ( Interní publikace DAR - DELTAX 2006/1) Deltax Systems a.s., Praha 2006, 7 pp.
Meseth J., Degener P., Klein, Haindl M., Filip J., Somol P. : Texture Synthesis on Surfaces. ( Research report n. 2141) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 30 pp.
Nedoma Petr, Kárný M., Kytka R. : Analysis of Financial Market Data. ( Research Report No. 2135) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 17 pp.
Nevařil L. : Pravděpodobnostní převzorkování signálů. ( Interní tpublikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/17) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 51 pp.
Novák M., Tesař L. : Toolbox Jobcontrol with GUI. Program. ( Research Report 2180) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Novák V., Perfilieva I., Dvořák A., : Discovering Linguistic Associations from Numerical Data. ( Research report No 88 -) ÚVAFM OU, Ostrava 2005, 33 pp.
Pavelková L. : State estimation with missing data and bounded uncertainty (Research Report 2296) ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2011, pp.
Pecherková P., Nagy I., Duník J. : Odhad Délky Kolon. ( Research Report No.2149) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 37 pp.
Pudil P., Somol P., Haindl M. : Selection of Most Informative Variables in Statistical Pattern Recognition (MATEO -The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Indu) UWB, Plzeň 2007, pp.
Raftery A., Kárný M., Andrýsek J., Ettler P. : Online Prediction Under Model Uncertainty Via Dynamic Model Averaging: Application to a Cold Rolling Mill (Technical Report of the University of Washington 525) University of Washington, Seattle 2007, pp.
Slimáček V., Zeman J., Kárný M. : Dynamic decision making via approximate dynamic programming (Research Report 2227) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, pp.
Somol P., Novovičová J. : Does It Make Sense to Develop New Feature Selection Methods? (Research Report 2193) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Somol P., Novovičová J., Pudil P., Kittler J. : Feature Selection - A Very Compact Survey Over the Diversity of Existing Approaches (Research Report 2285) ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2010, pp.
Stummer W., Vajda I. : On Divergences of Finite Measures and Their Applications in Censoring (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/7) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 441-471 pp.
Stummer W., Vajda I. : On Divergences of Finite Measures and their Statistical Applicability (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/14) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 24 pp.
Suzdaleva E. : Filtering with mixed continuous and discrete states: special case ( Research Report 2246) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2009, pp.
Suzdaleva E., Nagy I., Dungl M. : Example creation system (Research Report 2293) UTIA AV CR, Praha 2010, pp.
Sýkora J., Zitová B. : Methods of Digital Image Processing in Non-photo-realistic Imaging (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/6) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Šindelář J., Křivánek O. : Dynamic decision making based on iterations-spread-in-time strategy (Research Report 2228) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, pp.
Šmídl V. : On Structure of Predictors Allowing Distributed Dynamic Bayesian Decision-Making (Research Report 2211) ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2008, pp.
Šmídl V. : Robust Detection of Linear Part of Patlak-Rutland Plots (Research Report 2243) ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2008, pp.
Šmídl V., Andrýsek J. : Distributed Bayesian Decision-Making: Further Experiments (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/16) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 18 pp.
Šorel M. : Multichannel Blind Restoration of Images with Space-Variant Degradations. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/28) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 126 pp.
Šroubek F., Cristóbal G., Flusser J. : A Unified Approach to Superresolution and Multichannel Blind Deconvolution. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/26) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 35 pp.
Šroubek F., Flusser J., Cristóbal G. : Multiframe Blind Deconvolution Coupled with Frame Registration and Resolution Enhancement. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/25) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 39 pp.
Šroubek F., Flusser J., Zitová B. : Image Fusion: A Powerful Tool for Object Identification. ( Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2006/27) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 20 pp.
Štěpnička M. : Fuzzy Transform for Practical Problems. (Interní publikace DAR - Research Report ÚVAFM/1) ÚVAFM OU, Ostrava 2007, 12 pp.
Tichavský P., Nielsen J., Koldovský Z. : Odstraňování Artefaktů v EEG Datech. ( Research Report No. 2140) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 24 pp.
Vajda I. : Application of Phi-divergence to Estimation in Continuous Families (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2007/8) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Vajda I. : Divergence pravděpodobnostních distribucí a statistická informace. (Research report 2168) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 24 pp.
Vajda I. : Limit Laws for f-disparity Statistics under Local Alternatives (Interní publikace DAR – ÚTIA 2007/11) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 7 pp.
Vajda I. : Modifications of divergence criteria in continuous families (Research Report 2230) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, pp.
Vajda I. : O divergenci a fluktuaci proměnných veličin a pravděpodobnostních distribucí (Interní publikace DAR – ÚTIA 2007/10) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, 19 pp.
Vajda I., Harremoës P. : Consistency of various divergence statistics (Research Report 2218) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008, pp.
Vajda I., Stummer W. : On Bregman distances and divergences of probability measures (Interní publikace DAR-ÚTIA 2009/2) ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009, pp.
Vajda I., van der Meulen E. C. : Goodness-of-fit tests based on observations quantized by hypothetical nad empirical quantiles. (Research report 2160) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006, 36 pp.
Vajda I., Van der Meulen E.C. : Goodness-of-it statistics based on hypothetical and empirical quantiles. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2009, 37 pp.
Vaníčková P., Šroubek F. : Analysis of Meteorological Images for Storm Detection in Short-term Weather Forecast (Interní publikace DAR – ÚTIA 2007/9) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007, pp.
Zima M., Tichavský P., Krajča V. : Artifact removal from EEG recordings III (Research Report 2259) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2009, pp.
Zima M., Tichavský P., Krajča V. : Automatic Removal of Sparse Artifacts in Electroencephalogram (Research Report 2289) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2010, pp.
Zitová B., Flusser J., Šroubek F. : Image Registration: A Survey and Recent Advances. (Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA 2005/13) ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005, 55 pp.
Disertace Daňková M. : Approximating formulas in the frame of basic logic Ph.D. Thesis. IRAFM, University of Ostrava, Ostrava 2005, 159 pp.
Dedecius K. : Partial Forgetting in Bayesian Estimation Ph.D. Thesis. Ústav aplikované matematiky, Fakulta dopravní ČVUT v Praze, Na Florenci 25, 110 00 Praha 1 2010, pp.
Filip J. : Colour Rough Textures Modelling Ph.D. Thesis. ÚTIA AV ČR, ČVUT Praha 2006, 1-133 pp.
Král L., (školitel Šimandl M.) : Funkcionální adaptivní řízení Thesis. Katedra kybernetiky, FAV ZČU v Plzni, Plzeň 2007, 124 pp.
Mikeš S. : Image Segmentation Ph.D. Thesis. UTIA AV CR, Pod Vodarenskou vezi 4, 182 08 Praha 8 2010, pp.
Pavelková L. : Estimation of Models with Uniform Innovations and its Application on Traffic Data Ph.D. Thesis. Ústav aplikované matematiky, Fakulta dopravní, ČVUT, Na Florenci 25, Praha 1 2008, pp.
Pavliska V. : Technika fuzzy modelování v algoritmickém a programovém zpracování PhD Thesis. IRAFM, University of Ostrava, Ostrava 2009, pp.
Procházka, J. : Návrh nástroje pro modelování a automatizaci podnikových procesů Ph.D. Thesis. Katedra informatiky a počítačů, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě 2007, 184 pp.
Štěpnička M. : Fuzzy Transform and Its Applications to Problems in Engineering Practice PhD Thesis. IRAFM, University of Ostrava, Ostrava 2008, 188 pp.
Vácha P. : Query by Pictorial Example Ph.D. Thesis. UTIA AV CR, Pod Vodarenskou vezi 4, 182 08 Praha 8 2010, pp.
Aplikace/Elektronický dokument

Soft computing

Program fuzzy modelování a analýzy fuzzy tendencí - Fuzzy Tend (Software)

Zpracování lingvistických dat

Zpracování lingvistických dat (Prezentace)

Dopravní úlohy

Rozhraní AIMSUN - MATLAB (Software)

Rozpoznávání a modelování vícerozměrných dat

Fast Synthesis of Dynamic Colour Textures (Prezentace)

Soft computing

MUDIM (Software)

Rozpoznávání a modelování vícerozměrných dat

Java-based module for interactive presentation of census results. (Software)
Knihovna myhull (Software)
Module omat (Software)
Loccontingency (Software)

Zpracování lingvistických dat

Morfologický základ jazyků (Software)

Rozpoznávání a modelování vícerozměrných dat

Segmentation benchmark (Software)

Soft computing

LFLC2000 (Software)

Více-účastnické rozhodování

Programový systém HARP (Hazardous Radioactivity Propagation) (Software)

Rozpoznávání a modelování vícerozměrných dat

Demonstration of Image Retrieval Based on Illumination Invariant Textural MRF Features (Software)

Soft computing

FED - Fuzzy edge detector (Software)
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